Feels good to be back!

After having dinner, I went to sleep in my room. It has been a while since I was here. The same one room apartment that I rented. It's cheap. However I paid for it. Meaning I was living here with my own money.

That gave me a different sense of accomplishment. I was independent. I paid for myself. I had a job and I was doing great. If you overlook my social life, I was pretty much living the dream.

I turn on the lights. It's a bit dusty. I take out the broom and mop and start cleaning. It's night so I should go to sleep soon. But coming here has made me nostalgic. I look at the clock.

It's 10 at night. When I lived alone, I was usually asleep by this time. I had to wake up early sometimes. So I used to sleep pretty early.

"Feels like I am back to those days."

I stare into the distance and reminisce. But I stop my daydreaming. Wait, it's probably night dreaming because it's night. Anyway, I clean my room and am set to sleep.

"Why don't I take a walk?"

It has been a while since I was on Earth. I can take a look around. Humans are gone. The animals should be thriving.

I open the door and step out for the time. Wind hit my face. It's lukewarm. What season is this? Wait, we didn't have any seasons. But lukewarm wind? That's rare.

I go downstairs and open the garage. My motorbike should be there. I told Hazel that I would take the bike to Jupiter.

It's still functioning. But I won't take it for a ride right now.

I start walking. The same familiar town. Everything is as I had left. Well, the vegetation has taken over. Vines are wrapped around the buildings. Moss is growing. The road is covered in animal trails.

But where are the animals? I haven't seen any since I started walking. Ahh…my is with me. I haven't returned my to them.

I probably frightened them. But it's a good time. I have an idea. It's really stupid. But I will do it.

I turn off my limiters and reinforce my body. I then start running and pick up the pace. I haven't run like this in a while. Last time I checked, I could run at 80 km/h for 3 minutes only.

But that was a long time ago. I have become even stronger. Automatically, of course. I keep running. I don't know how fast I am going.

"Your current speed is about 500 km/h."

Someone told me that. It wasn't a telepathic message. Someone spoke to me. I look to my right and find Samantha.

"I was thinking where you were. So, why are you here?"

She hadn't shown herself for a while. I was wondering what she was doing.

"I was kinda busy handling a few problems. I have a few problems too." (Samantha)

"I see. But 500 km/h is still too slow. I should run even faster."

"You can go faster and you know it. Why are you running so slow? You can easily run upto mach 7." (Samantha)

I was still running while having a conversation with Samantha. She was floating beside me at the same speed. But I stop. She stops as well.

"What are you going to do?" (Samantha)

"I am familiarizing myself with my own powers."

I say and start gathering on my right hand. Samantha is startled.

"Why are you charging ?" (Samantha)

"I want to see my instantaneous output."

I keep gathering . My hand is trembling. I put my left arm over it contain the . My surroundings are becoming weird. Wind is howling. The ground is shaking.

"Clive, release it." (Samantha)

But I keep charging until the very last moment. My hands feel numb. It's heavy. And I am struggling. Looks like this is it for now.

I point the charged upwards to the sky and release. A torrent of energy tears through the atmosphere. I am being thrust back. The ground under my feet has cracked. It didn't take too long for the to disappear. But it created a low pressure area.

Clouds formed and a thunderstorm began. I am tired.

"Phew..that was good."

But I am satisfied. That amount of energy could have wiped out the entire Sun. Or maybe even more.

"Clive, don't look refreshed. Look closer." (Samantha)

Samantha is looking at the sky. I take a look again. It seems normal at first but I can see cracks.

"What happened? The sky is cracked at places."

"You idiot. That concentrated ripped apart the dimensions. Some parts of the barrier has been destroyed by that torrent. That torrent of energy is traveling at the speed of light.

Fortunately, no habitable planet is in its line of fire. But it has already destroyed 5 planets." (Samantha)

Hmm…5 planets? I thought speed of light isn't that fast.

"And a small portion of that torrent has traveled to another dimension. You really like to mess with people, don't you?" (Samantha)

I just thought it would be a good idea to test my limits. But I can still shoot another one.

"By the way, how much did I use in that?"

I can't feel any depletion.

"That would be 20 percent of your total capacity." (Samantha)

"Only 20 percent. I was struggling so much with just 20 percent!"

I am shocked. I can't even harness 20 percent of my own strength.

"You normally can't. After all, manipulation isn't your strong suit. You need to be an expert of manipulation. You are wasting too much . Your efficiency is 45 percent at best." (Samantha)

She makes me look like an inefficient engine. But I have used more than 50 percent of my at once.

"That was because Aera was handling your energy output. She optimized your extremely messy output." (Samantha)

So, I need more training. But I don't think I will this much at once any time soon.

I teleport back to my room. Samantha comes with me.

"Go to sleep. I will go home." (Samantha)

"Okay. See ya."

She leaves. But she was kinda sulking. Maybe I should talk with her later. I turn off the lights, pull the curtain and lie down on my bed. It has been a really long time since I slept on the bed.

Ever since Eden and Fay joined, I always slept on the floor or my couch. I plan on getting plenty of sleep tonight.

But I am at a dark place. It's pitch black. Like the first time I met Samantha. Why did she call me here after I fell asleep?

Someone appeared behind me. I was about to complain to Samantha but when I turned around, I found a man. His hair color is the same as Samantha. He is about my height and he is handsome.

I have to say that he looks handsome.

"Who are you?"

I ask that simple question. But he is staring a hole through me. He is somewhat underwhelmed.

"I was always thinking where that girl ran off to. She is meeting a human as dull as this."

Who is he again? I have a vague idea.

"Are you someone related to Samantha?"

I asked that but then I thought, I gave her that name. Will he understand who I am talking about?

"Yes. You can say that she is a relative. But still, you are one interesting human. You can talk to me normally. I can understand her fascination with you."

"I see. Can I have your name? I am Clive Belmont."

"Ahh…I am ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼."

And I didn't catch his name.

"It seems this System won't let me introduce myself. Give me a name as well. It should be easier for you if you give me a name yourself."

"Then I name you Strauss."

"Strauss. Okay. Clive Belmont, you should exercise caution. You are being targeted by some bad people." (Strauss)

"Is it soon or in the future?"

"It'll take some time for them to find your exact location." (Strauss)

"Then it's fine. I hope we won't meet in the foreseeable future."

I cut off the dream. I learnt how to do that a while ago. I cut off my subconscious mind from my unconscious mind. That's it.

I wanted to take it easy. But it seems it won't be that simple. I'll sleep in.