A cat fight

After a lot of explaining, I left the guild. I think I said some weird things but I don't think too much of it. Because, they will forget it anyway.

"Master, how did you become so strong?" (Aldo)

"That's a little hard to explain. First, I will tell you where I come from. I am from another world. My home planet is Earth or known as Gaia in this world."

"You come from another world?" (Aldo)

He looks at me with glittering eyes. I didn't think he would be so excited about it.

"Yes. In my home planet, I had a bad reputation since childhood."

"You had a bad reputation? I find it hard to believe. You are so strong. How can you have a bad reputation?" (Aldo)

"Aldo, sometimes strength is a burden. And I wasn't even that strong compared to a human. You said you were 9 years old. I had already killed a person at that age."

It's not something I'm proud of. Because, killing is an act that taints your soul. You will never be the same again.

"You killed someone?" (Aldo)

"Yes. I had to. But that's not normal. A 9 year old boy should not be able to kill a fully grown man. But I killed him in a few seconds. And that was a painful death. That gave me a bad reputation."

He doesn't say anything. I think he is trying to figure it out.

"Don't put too much effort into becoming stronger. You can work daily. And that will lead to a consistent result. My strength is somewhat different."

He nods. But his enthusiasm is gone. Rather he is being reserved now. He understands that I am not a good person. It will be better for him and his sister. Vigilance and reservation will be a great ally when you are in danger.

After arriving at home, I introduced Aldo to everyone. Aura had already explained everything to them. Fiona seems rather happy.

Why is it that whenever I bring more people, she is happy rather than annoyed? I will ask her. She is in the kitchen.

I go and stand by the kitchen door.

"Oh..Clive, do you need anything?" (Fiona)

"Are you sure about this?"

"Sure about what? Is it about Aldo and Alyssa? If it's about them then I have no problems in taking them in." (Fiona)

"But adding two more people. Are you not bothered by it? And even I am just freeloading at your house. I am someone who is just staying at your house and you are feeding me and my family.

Then I keep bringing in more and more people. Should you not be bothered by it?"

She stops chopping her chives and looks at me. Why am I getting the chills? She points her knife at me.

"How many times do I have to tell you that it's alright? Besides, my daughter is a part of your family. So you are also my family. What's wrong with having more family members? Your disciple is basically your younger brother or son. You have to understand that as well." (Fiona)

"Okay. I get it. So stop pointing that knife at me."

It feels rather threatening when she does that. I know that she won't be able to harm me in any way but this is frightening.

I lost once again. Will I be able to ever win against her in a debate?

I leave the kitchen, defeated.

"You try too much. Mom won't mind even if you bring more people." (Fay)

"But isn't that bad?"

"I told you before that mom loves it when it's lively. She is totally having too much fun. And it's even better for her as she can cook a lot of food." (Fay)

I give up once again. I think I have been utterly defeated by this mother daughter duo. I go and sit at the dining table. It's lunchtime after all. I haven't seen Alyssa yet.

"Hazel, where is Alyssa?"

"She should be with Eden. Aura took her to introduce her to Eden and the others." (Hazel)

I am starting to lose sight of many things. I think I need a break for now. But how will everyone fit into this house?

"Fiona, can I modify this house a bit?"

I raise my voice so she can hear me from the kitchen.

"Go ahead. You did say that you will modify this house a bit." (Fiona)

She replied. I had totally forgotten about that. I will just manipulate the space inside of this house for now. I will stretch the space a bit so it feels a little bigger. Of course, the outside won't change.

After that, I create a bigger dining table. How many chairs do I need?

Let's do a headcount. Me, Hazel, Eden, Aura, Fay, Fiona, Aera, Aegis, Doris, Amaryllis, Tiana, Aldo, Alyssa. I think I have everyone covered. I ask if the singularity party needs lunch. They won't join this time. That leaves us with 8 people.

So 10 chairs will do for now. But 10 chairs at a normal dining table. That's troubling. Anyway, the lunch is delicious as well.

Now, I should go and check on Gwen.

"Clive, I will go with you." (Fay)

"I didn't even say anything."

"I know that you are going to the castle to visit Gwen." (Fay)

I didn't say anything again. Fay just joined me. Aldo was feeling sleepy so I told him to get some sleep. For now, he is sleeping on my couch.

I teleport directly to the castle gate with Fay. The guards greet us and open the gate.

"They have gotten used to seeing me."

"I think they have. And I was with you so they weren't too wary of you." (Fay)

Fay leads me through the maze like corridor and we arrive at a door which is crowded. I see a lot familiar faces. The first one I saw was Trevor.

He is pulling the door knob. It's gonna break is what I would say but the door isn't moving. Like it's totally stationary.

"Trevor, what are you doing?"

I ask him and the others look at me. Their faces turn sour and some of them even leave. It's just Trevor and general Louis left.

"Clive, my sister won't open the door." (Trevor)

Gwen won't open the door?

"What happened?"

"After she left with you, she came back saying she needed to take her stuff. But ever since then, she won't come out of her room. I kept knocking for hours but she won't answer or open the door. And I can't open the door.

We have tried all methods but the door won't open." (Trevor)

General Louis also said the same thing and everyone is perplexed. Fay goes ahead and tries to open the door. Surprisingly, it opened.

Trevor and general Louis are looking at Fay in disbelief. But she didn't even try to open it. It opened on its own.

"How did you open it?"

"I felt like my was used. I think this door was locked using and only can open it." (Fay)

"Then only we could open the door. Anyway, let's check on Gwen. What happened to her?"

We all go inside. I see Gwen lying on her bed. She is still but her body is breathing. She isn't dead. However, I feel like her soul is missing.

I go ahead and touch her forehead. It's a bit colder than my hand. Her body temperature is lower than mine but that doesn't mean anything. I try to locate her soul and I found her.

"Fay, I think you already know, don't you?"

"Yes. Gwen is currently in a different plane with someone else." (Fay)

"Why are Samantha and Gwen arguing? It looks like Gwen is not alone. I think that's her predecessor, the previous harbinger of life. She is helping Gwen against Samantha."

I just got a little peek into that plane but it seemed like a fight between 3 women. I sigh and Fay lies down next to Gwen.

"I'll go and bring her back. Cover us with a barrier. Things might get messy." (Fay)

I put a barrier around the bed and enclose them. Trevor asks me what's happening? I give them a general explanation and wait for Fay to solve the problem.

Is this a cat fight? What are they fighting about now? And why is Samantha arguing with Gwen and the previous harbinger of life? I'll have to wait for Fay to bring Gwen back.