Fay has gone to fetch Gwen. But I still don't understand why Gwen would get in a fight with Samantha. It seemed like the previous harbinger of life was helping Gwen. I don't get it. I'll have to wait for Fay to come back. But I am free now? What should I do?
"General, do you have some time?"
I ask general Louis. I think I should discuss a few developments with him.
"Yes. I am not needed anywhere currently so I am free." (Louis)
"Then I have a few things to discuss with you."
"Oh..then let's use the reception room. Is it a private discussion?" (Louis)
"No. A few things happened in these few days so I thought of discussing them with you. It might cause trouble if you don't know."
General Louis leads me to the reception room. And Trevor joins me. I don't mind because it's nothing important.
But a few gaudily dressed people entered the room. They all have arrogance all over their faces.
"Mr. Belmont, they will be joining us as well. You don't mind, do you?" (Louis)
"No. It's not like I am going to say anything that's a big secret. They can join us. So, let's begin."
Where should I start from? Maybe my meeting with Delphine and Dahlia would be a good start.
"General Louis, you must know the current demon king Delphine McNair and her mother, Dahlia McNair, no?"
He looks at me a little surprised.
"I didn't think you even knew their names." (Louis)
"They came to greet me a few days ago in the evening."
General Louis froze. The arrogant and gaudy bunch froze. They were sipping tea but their teacups stopped. One even almost dropped his teacup.
"They came to greet you?" (Louis)
"Yes. Dahlia in particular. She was especially angry with me because I kinda summoned her daughter while she was asleep, introduced her to the hero and sent her back."
I try to summarize the events of that night. But one of the arrogant ones jumped up and pointed his finger at me.
"You liar, how dare you utter such blatant lies?"
I don't know who he is but even I will be ticked off if someone accuses me of something I am not.
"Count Hardy, please take your seat. Do not provoke anyone without evidence." (Louis)
General Louis is trying to mediate the situation but this Count Hardy keeps getting more annoying. They are 5 in total and 2 of them joined Count Hardy. The remaining two are just watching it unfold.
A debate has started on whether I am lying or not. I look at Trevor and he looks lost. Well, I am not joining their debate.
"So, the demon king's mother visited you after that." (Trevor)
"Yeah. She was pretty angry."
"I think anyone would be. You kidnapped her daughter in her sleep and brought her into enemy territory. Who would not be mad?" (Trevor)
Trevor is lecturing me. But the background noise is not pleasing.
I use mute to shut them up. The 3 arguing nobles try to speak but can not and are panicking.
I think all of them are nobles of this kingdom. Hence their arrogance.
"Thank you, Mr. Belmont." (Louis)
"No need. Let's continue. I had a good talk with Dahlia and Delphine. I have told them to stop the war. It won't benefit no one but the gods. Especially Jupiter. They agreed to my proposal. You should pull back your troops as well. Tell them to return to the barracks."
"I have discussed these matters with his majesty and the leading nobles. These five here have vehemently opposed to this proposal." (Louis)
So they don't want peace. Well, peace us boring and unprofitable. I should ask them for their view on this matter.
I undo the mute and they can speak again.
"What did you do to us?" (Hardy)
Count Hardy shouted.
"Nothing. You were being noisy so I stopped your voice for a bit. Now, you five are opposing to the truce. Can I ask for your reason?"
"Why do I have to answer to you? Who are you?" (Hardy)
"Ah.. I am Clive Belmont. I don't have any position in this kingdom but I am the harbinger of death, darkness and chaos."
That's my title, right? But even I don't know about a harbinger's position.
"Clive Belmont? Never heard of you. A no name commoner like you is in the presence of 5 great nobles. You should be on all fours bowing down before us and beg for mercy. We might let you off with 500 floggings." (Hardy)
This guy is getting on my nerves.
"General Louis, I will be doing something that is not very civil. Do forgive me."
He didn't say anything.
I put a barrier around this Count Hardy and start raising the temperature. He starts sweating profusely. The barrier is completely soundproof. So his voice isn't coming out.
The temperature is about 50 degrees Celsius. He isn't looking good. I think he is dehydrated. I heal him a bit. And for the next 10 minutes, I heal him little by little as I keep raising the temperature.
I stop at 70 degrees Celsius. I cancel the barrier and let him out. He is shriveled up and is almost dead. I throw some water on him. The other nobles are very confused. Everything happened so quickly that they couldn't figure anything out.
"Just know that I am someone who can destroy this entire world if I feel like it. And pull back your troops from the frontline."
Count Hardy was taken away for further treatment but the other four stayed.
"And the next thing is a bit old but I should clear it up. Can I meet with Duke Martin's family?"
"Duke Martin Aves?" (Louis)
"Yes. He is missing, isn't he?"
"Yes. We lost contact with him a few months ago or so." (Louis)
"Well, I wiped out his entire fleet. I totally destroyed his spaceship and everyone on it. That includes Martin and the god of intoxication."
2 of the nobles fainted after hearing this. General Louis is visibly shaken.
To think they would be this shocked? It took a while for them to return to their senses. And the meeting had to be stopped right there. I couldn't even tell him about The Black Scorpions incident.
"I think you all are a little too exhausted. I suggest we should stop here for today. General Louis, we will have another meeting next time. And be prepared as the demon king will come as well."
I throw in a bluff as well. Might as well exaggerate it a bit. Now, let's check on Fay and talk to Gwen. But that Hardy dude sure was an idiot. What was he thinking?