I am too weak

When I woke up, I found myself in a mysterious place. Where am I? I was on earth so when did I come here? It's a place that is indescribable by words. I am seeing a lot of things. Is that the cosmos? Wait, I am seeing an entire universe. But then there's a dark swirl around the corner.

It's swallowing everything. I thought that I would be sucked in it as well. But it passed through me. Am I even here or am I imaginary?

I look around. This entire space is a mess. No, it's Chaotic. Wait, chaos? Where exactly am I?

I try to walk but I am stuck. I am standing on my two feet but my feet won't move. Like my legs are unresponsive. I can't move anything except my head. I don't know if I can feel them or not. I can see them but can't feel them.

What's happening? My thoughts are getting erratic. It's hard to focus.

It's like someone is whispering to me. Destroy everything. Destroy everything. Bring chaos into the world.

Shut upp!!! But it doesn't stop. It gets stronger and stronger. I see that the black swirl has almost swallowed the universe. Am I dead? Or am I dying?

But then someone appeared before me. It's a familiar face and a person I am most relieved to see. Samantha is before me.

She says something to me but I can't hear her. Then she kisses my forehead and I black out.

I can't remember anything after that.

I wake up again. Wait, was I asleep before? I open my eyes and I see a ceiling. Judging from the ceiling, I am in Fiona's bedroom, I think. But why am I here?

I try to move but something is blocking me. I turn to my right and find Samantha. What is she doing here? And she isn't alone. Hazel, Fay, Aura, Aera, Aegis, Doris and Amaryllis are all here.

On the bed, there are 9 people. Is the bed okay? But that isn't important. What's important is why is everyone here? Sleeping on the same bed with me. Did something happen?

I try my hardest to remember. But it feels like I have forgotten something. Did I forget about what happened? I was fighting with Apollo and his army. I decimated it and decided to head back.

Then I got an idea and after that is a complete blank. But I am here. Meaning I must have come back here somehow.

It's normally Samantha who answers my questions but she is sleeping beside me. And she looks absolutely exhausted. They all do in fact.

Did they fight a war or something? I was thinking about all the possibilities when I felt a familiar presence. This is familiar.

(Gwen, are you here?)

I ask in my mind. Telepathy would be better than speaking out loud.

(Yes, I felt a change in you so I am here to check on you. Judging from the scene, something pretty big must have happened. Your priestesses and weapons and spirits are all exhausted.) (Gwen)

She felt a change in me. Did I change? What could change in me?

(Clive, you should stop using altogether.) (Gwen)

She asked as if she is requesting me.


(Because unlike me or other harbingers, you have multiple authorities. Meaning, you are bound to go out of control. Like this time.) (Gwen)

(Like this time?)

Have I already gone out of control once?

(Yes. Your took over your body and you brought chaos into this world. The mortal plane has been stabilized but the divine realm hasn't. So they are still in chaos.) (Gwen)

I used another authority and went out of control. How did it happen though? I make sure that I am in control.

(It was a rare sight indeed. I talked with my predecessor about the harbinger of chaos. She said that the previous harbinger of chaos was a chaotic person. A match made in heaven. Because no one was more qualified than them for that post.) (Gwen)

(A match made in heaven? This person in question, how did they meet their end? I have their authority currently. Were they killed by my predecessor?)

(Yes. The previous harbinger of death stopped her rampage when she was destroying everything. And yes, she was a female. That's why my predecessor disliked her.) (Gwen)

So the previous harbinger of chaos was a female and was killed by my predecessor. It was that kind of connection.

Gwen is standing by the bed. I can't even tell her to take a seat. Because the bed is crowded. I already have three people sleeping on me.

Gwen said that she'll come back later. I didn't object to it. Because I can't exactly tell her to stay when I am in this situation.

After she left, I started thinking once again. The harbinger of chaos, why did my predecessor kill her? And why did inherit that authority?

I guess I owe Samantha another one. Because she saved me from being swallowed by chaos. If I wasn't stopped, who knows what could have happened?

I have to wait for everyone to wake up. In the meantime, I will get some shut eye myself. Maybe I can find the answers in my sleep. If that is possible. But this proves one thing.

I may be stronger than most humans and gods. But that doesn't mean I am the strongest. Even a dead harbinger is stronger than me. Meaning, I have to continue amassing more strength. Or else, I myself will jeopardize my loved ones.