I located my mother and teleported directly to her. I have no idea where I am. But it looks like a house. Maybe this is the house they are using now. I look around. It's similar to our house back on Earth.
There is a sofa set. So this probably is the lounge. I call for mom.
I can hear footsteps coming down. So she was upstairs. I can see my mom at the entrance. She is prepared to leave. But her appearance made me realize something.
Why do I keep forgetting that my mom is pregnant? Her stomach has a noticeable bulge.
"You directly came inside!" (Mom)
"Well, I just teleported to where you were. The coordinates shifted a bit but that's okay. So, how about we leave now?"
"Wait a minute. Your dad will arrive soon. He went fishing this morning." (Mom)
"What is he doing? Leaving you alone like this."
I mean, pregnancy and stuff is still beyond me. Isn't it dangerous for her to be alone?
"Don't be so worried. You are acting like your dad when I was pregnant with you. I have already given birth to you. So I know what to do and what not to do." (Mom)
That's true also. She did give birth to me. So she has already experienced the process once.
"Then I will go and check out this place. I have been curios about this place for some time."
"Then I will show you around. Besides I haven't been getting much exercise lately. So a walk would do just fine." (Mom)
I follow her to the main door. The entrance has a stone pavement, a shoe rack and an umbrella stand. She takes out an umbrella and puts on her shoes. Wait, I was wearing shoes!
I go and open the door. But I cleaned the mess my shoes made in the lounge using
It's sunny outside. It's not hot but an umbrella would be nice.
"What would dad think when he comes back?"
"Hmm…maybe we should leave a note." (Mom)
I left a note on the shoe rack. Then I take the umbrella from her.
"I'll hold it."
I open the umbrella and hold out my arm. She stares at me for a moment and takes my arm. You know, the usual arm in arm pose.
"I didn't think you would do this." (Mom)
"I mean, I should be a little more considerate of others. I am trying to change myself a bit. Besides, this is easier for you as well, isn't it?"
"That it is." (Mom)
We walk down the road. The area around us is like any other residential area. A road and houses on each side. Every house has different designs but they are all the same size.
The plot is the same. I see some people walking around. I have to say, the variety is plenty. I have seen elves, fairies, spirits, even some demons. Humans aren't the only one here.
"Oh my, Ms. Belmont, who is the dreamy young man?"
A woman suddenly asks my mother. She seems to be a human but she feels different. For now, she is humanoid.
"Ahh…hello, Ms. Athro. This here is my son, Clive." (Mom)
Mom introduces me to Ms. Athro. She is a woman probably older than my mother.
"You did say that you have a son. But he is a fine young man, isn't he?" (Athro)
"He is. He is becoming even more of a gentleman. He offered me his arm and held the umbrella. He came here to pick me up. And he is more worried about me than his dad." (Mom)
Mom, you don't have to say all of that. It's kinda embarrassing. And I am no gentleman. I don't consider myself to be one.
"Isn't that fine? He will surely become a good husband." (Athro)
"Well, he is. His daughter is almost 7 years old now. His wife is a good person as well." (Mom)
Mom, why are you saying everything to her?
"I didn't think he was already married. And here I was hoping to get him for my granddaughter." (Athro)
Both of them laugh. But I can't say anything. I just awkwardly stand there, with my mom's arm in my arm.
But someone tugged at my pants. I look down a bit and find a girl. About the same age as Eden and Alyssa. She has brown hair and blue eyes. Her face is kinda similar to Ms. Athro. Wait, is she the granddaughter?
I crouch down to approach her. She isn't scared of me. That's a new one.
"What is your name? My name is Clive."
I try to be as gentle as I can. I give her my name and ask her name.
"I am Donna. Who are you, mister?" (Donna)
"I am this lady's son."
Donna makes a surprised face.
"I didn't know auntie Claire had a son." (Donna)
"This is my first time here since they moved here. So I am fairly new to the area."
She runs behind her grandma.
"Oh my, it seems that Donna has already introduced herself to your son." (Athro)
"So it seems. Donna, this is my son, Clive. He has a daughter the same age as you. Clive, you should bring them here sometime." (Mom)
"I will, mom. Then, why not we depart? We did promise to eat breakfast there."
"Oh…I almost forgot about that. Then, Ms. Athro, see you later. I promised them that I would have breakfast with them." (Mom)
"No problem, Ms. Belmont. But where does your son live?" (Athro)
"He is currently living in Jupiter. Didn't I tell you that he is a harbinger?" (Mom)
Ms. Athro froze for a moment. What? Does she know what an harbinger is?
"I didn't know that your son is a harbinger. Forgive me for my insolence." (Athro)
She bowed her head down. But why?
"No need for an apology. I am fairly new to this job. So I have no idea what my duty is. Besides, I hope you would treat my parents well."
I try to be as humble as I can. Because my parents are going to live here with them. So I would want them to help my parents. For that, as their son, I have to have a good image.
"You wouldn't mind me asking but what are you the harbinger of?" (Athro)
"I am the harbinger of death, chaos and destruction. But for now, I am focusing on death."
"I see. Even among harbingers, you are an elite. I hope you wouldn't mind my behavior from earlier." (Athro)
She said and turned on her heel. Donna was almost dragged away by her. She was waving at us as she was being dragged. I waved back at her.
"She must have become very scared of me."
"I think so. Being a harbinger is like being a very scary government officer. They know that you exist but want to look the other way for their mental comfort." (Mom)
Mom has gotten pretty used to me being a social outcast. So I just opened a portal and departed for Jupiter. I did send dad a message so that fine too.
After this is done, I will head to the Aves house. I hope I can do it today.