A busy morning

I wake up. Last night was peaceful and I came back to my home after dinner. Because I had to forage for ingredients for Fiona. So I came back to earth, went to the capital last night and gathered all the missing ingredients.

I won't bother with the ingredients. I just stored them and went to sleep. Now then, I get up and take a shower. This day is gonna be a long day.

After getting ready, I go to Jupiter. But I didn't go to Fiona's home first. I am at the guild. It's only 6 in the morning. It's still a bit dark outside. However the guild is open. I can see that the lights are on.

I push the door and enter. There are some adventurers in the hall and I see Ms. Maria at her booth.

I go to her. She looks tired. She must have been working the entire night.

"Ms. Maria, I am here for the summons."

"Ahh…Mr. Belmont. Yes, the guild master is waiting. Follow me." (Maria)

She takes me to the guild master's office upstairs. After knocking on the door and announcing that I have arrived, a familiar voice told us to enter.

"Good morning, guild master. You look like you have been through a rough night."

"Clive, I was waiting for you. When you said that you were going to come here in the morning, I thought it would be later in the day. You sure came early." (Christopher)

"Well, I am busy today so I wanted to take care of the miscellaneous stuff first. So, what's the situation?"

He looks at me with his tired eyes. But his eyes have surprise all over.

"Ahh…a flock of drakes have appeared near Yves lake. They are using the lake water which is polluting the lake. And they are aggressive towards humans so it has blocked off the trade route." (Christopher)

So the trade route has become difficult. That's not good for a town.

"So, how many are there?"

"Our scouts have confirmed 12 drakes. But there could be more. It is their mating season. So they are on edge as well. One of our scouts have been injured by them." (Christopher)

Mating season, huh! That makes things a bit awkward. I'll ask him.

"So, do I kill all of them or just drive them away?"

"Drakes normally aren't a big deal. Only during their mating season, they become aggressive. If you can, try to drive them away. But if not, you can do what you see fit." (Christopher)

So I have the option. I can choose. Well, I will see what I can do.

"Then I will leave now. I'll be back before an hour."

He looks at me like I told him a good joke. Even Ms. Maria is looking at me like I am insane.

"I am in a hurry today. I have to go and pick up my mother before breakfast so I will finish it as quickly as possible."

I was about to leave but I remembered something. I should give them a heads up.

"I'll teleport directly to your office once I am done. So don't freak out."

I teleport directly to Yves lake. I look at the surroundings. A big lake. And a forest next to it. Or more like, a lake in the middle of a forest.

But where am I? The scenery is a bit different from last time. Maybe I can check it for myself. I make a barrier at my feet and start ascending.

The higher I go, the more I can see. And I stop at the thousand meter mark. Because I have found my answer. I am currently at the other end of the lake.

Last time, I was at the south end of the lake. The capital is south of here. Hmm…I should search for the drakes as well. I focus a bit send my mana throughout the area. I get quite a few hits.

There are 20 drakes. All of them are gathered at one spot. How should I approach them? First, I go down. They are living beings as well. I should totally overwhelm them.

Yeah..being passive in this situation would be unwise. I descend directly to their location. I am exuding a bit of my mana. It's not affecting the environment but my surrounding air is acting weird.

When they felt me, they all froze. I took a good look at them.

Reptiles that walk on two feet and are moderately tall. They remind of Deinonychus. They are tall. More than 3 meters probably. I can sense mana from them. Well, they are probably related to dragons.

Would they understand speech?

"I have no intention of killing you. Just leave this area."

They just nod and turn back. Wait, seriously? They are leaving the area. After a few minutes, they disappeared completely. I can still sense them but they are moving towards the uninhabited area. So I won't have fo worry about them attacking other humans.

That's a job well done. I can leave now. Would they accept it though? Oh…I almost forgot.

I go to the lake. They said that the lake was polluted by them. I try to locate a few water spirits. Those are tiny and weak so they run away from rather easily.

I managed to find one that didn't run away.

"Can you purify this lake?"

It blinked. I don't know if it can understand me but I give her some mana and leave. I am just doing this on my own. And the lake would be purified on its own anyway. So I teleport to guild master's office.

"That was quick." (Christopher)

"I said that I would be quick. I have driven them away and they are headed towards the heart of the forest. So you won't have to worry about other human settlements."

"That's a job well done. You completed an S rank job in just a few moments. A flock of drakes alone make them an S rank hazard. Even most S rank adventurers deal with them as a group." (Christopher)

"There were 20 of them. I just intimidated them a bit. So is the job over?"

"Yes. This was an emergency so your reward is still undecided. We will send the reward to your home later today." (Christopher)

"That's fine. Then, I am off."

I leave the guild and head for Primis Societas. That place is still a mystery to me. Let's unveil the mystery.

After Clive left, Christopher slumped back on his chair. Maria entered the room.

"Master, has he left?" (Maria)

"Yes. He finished an S rank job. Not to mention, he drove away 20 aggressive drakes like he was driving away puppies and came back in a hurry." (Christopher)

"Mr. Belmont really is out of the ordinary. But did you check the situation there?" (Maria)

"Let me see." (Christopher)

He brings out a tool. It's a magic transponder. It's a cutting edge tool that's used for long distance communication.

"What is the situation over there?" (Christopher)

But no answer. The other side isn't responding.

"Nolan, are you there? Answer me." (Christopher)

A short delay. But a voice came from the device.

"Sorry master. There was a huge mana surge. It disrupted our lines." (Nolan)

"I see. So what is the situation over there?" (Christopher)

"The drakes have left. That adventurer just came down from the sky and told them to leave. He was emanating so much mana that our lines got disrupted. The drakes left like obedient dogs. However, he didn't notice me." (Nolan)

"I see. Good work. You can come back." (Christopher)

He puts down the transponder.

"We better not mess with Mr. Belmont." (Christopher)

"That would be wiser." (Maria)

They are always wary of Clive. That's why they behave carefully in front of him. Being strong has its own situations. But Clive never gives these situations much though. That way, he can be as carefree as possible.