Miscellaneous stuff

After closing the door, I go back.

"What was that, master?" (Hazel)

"Well, the guild sent me a notification. I have been summoned for an S rank job. I told the messenger that I would report to the guild in the morning."

"S rank job? I didn't sense anything like that." (Fay)

"I did see a crowd in front of the guild this evening so I think it's about that."

There was a crowd in front of the guild. I ignored it but it came back to me.

I have the notification with me. I take a look at it again.

It says that a brood of drakes has been spotted near the Yves lake. It has hindered the operations at the lake. And the water is being contaminated by the drakes. They are several in number but the exact number is unknown.

I wonder, what exactly is a drake? Drake means a male duck. But I think it's not that.

"Fay, what is a drake?"

"A drake is a lesser dragon. They are flightless and they have many varieties. Is this job about drakes?" (Fay)

"Yeah. It says that a brood has appeared near Yves lake. I'll have to get more information from guild master tomorrow."

I put the notification in my storage. I almost forgot. I need to talk to them about that.

"I invited Ms. Pablo for tea. Is that okay?"

"I don't think mom would mind." (Fay)

"I don't mind. I have been meaning to invite her myself for a long time." (Fiona)

Fiona comes out of the kitchen and says.

"You sure?"

"I mean she is my childhood friend. We have known each other for that long so I won't mind her in my home. And we need to catch up as well." (Fiona)

I don't think too much of it. Then I bring out that amulet. I never used it again after getting my . Let's try it.

"Aldo, put it on."

He takes the amulet and puts it around his neck. Then I take a book from my storage. Let's try to give him an easy one.

A children's story book. I got it from dad when I was 8. Let's give this one a try.

"Now try reading this book."

He takes the book and opens it. Soon he started laughing quietly. I think he understands what the story says.

"Can you read it?"

"Yes master. It's a funny story." (Aldo)

So that amulet does work. It would help me a lot. That's another problem down.

Now then, I bring out the shield I created for Aldo. I am going to have Aera appraise it.

(Aera, can you come to me for a moment?)

She appears almost instantly. I give her the shield.

"I created it this morning. It was a rather hasty decision so the end product might be a bit haphazard. Run a few tests and modify it to be suitable for Aldo."

Aera closes her eyes and opens them.

"Master, the alloy used to make this is durable but it's not the best there is. And this won't channel mana through it. Earth alloys lack that feature. How about I change it's structure slightly?" (Aera)

"You can do whatever you deem necessary."

The shield glowed for a brief moment. But it didn't change visibly.

"I have added some adamantite to this to make this a conductor of mana. Other than that, it doesn't need any changes." (Aera)

"I see. Let's check it."

I take the shield and channel mana through it. The mana coated the entire shield. It is conductive. At least, mana conductive.

"But master, you should be a bit careful. A weapon created by a harbinger is bound to gain consciousness. Be sure to check on that shield regularly." (Aera)

Another news that is kinda expected. I was expecting that. Let's just wait and see. And now I look at Fiona.

"Fiona, I have a selfish request. Will you listen to me?"

"Let's hear your request first. Then I will decide if it's selfish or not." (Fiona)

I have not asked for anyone's help in a while. I can't even remember if I ever did. It's a bit awkward for me to ask for help from others.

I take out a meal plan I customized for Aldo. I thought this would be good enough for now. I am no pediatrician nor am I a nutritionist. Don't judge me.

"Can you make these meals for Aldo from now?"

She takes the plan from me and looks over them quickly.

"I am not sure. I think I haven't heard of some of the dishes listed here. And some ingredients are totally foreign to me. Is this from your world?" (Fiona)

"Yes. As Aldo is my disciple, it is my duty to prepare him. So I have make him healthy first. Then I will begin his training in earnest. That meal plan is for his health.

I can ask mom to help you with the dishes first. Or I can just give you the detailed recipe."

She thinks for a moment.

"I'll ask your mom. Having recipes won't be any good if I haven't gotten used to the actual thing." (Fiona)

I see. But what will mom say to this? Let's ask her.

(Mom, are you there?)

(Hmm..Clive, do you need something? It has been a while since you last contacted us.) (Mom)

(Well, I customized a meal plan for Aldo. I have asked Fiona to prepare it for Aldo but she doesn't know many of the dishes and the ingredients. Can you help her?)

(I can. But what about the ingredients?) (Mom)

(I'll cover those. Are you free tomorrow?)

(Yeah. I am just bored. Your dad won't let me do anything so I am just sitting on the sofa and watching period drama.) (Mom)

Eh..period drama? Does that Primus whatever place have television or something similar?

(Then I will come and get you before breakfast. Just stay there.)

(Okay. Say hi to everyone for me.) (Mom)

(I will. But what about dad?)

(I'll handle him. Don't worry about him.) (Mom)

So mom gave me the green signal. I'll take that.

"She said that she'll be here. So I'll go and bring her in the morning before breakfast."

"That's good then. But the ingredients?" (Fiona)

"Well, I will do something about those as well. I think I can find the majority here. The special ones, I will bring them from Earth."

I have increased my workload. But it's not like I had that much to do before anyway.

So I have to go and bring mom. Make a trip to Earth to forage for the ingredients and then report to the guild. For now, these take priority. After these are done, I will go and visit the Aves house. I want get this over with before going to Galdur.

For now, I will just sit back and relax.