The stay at Elenoir


I was finally relieved to see my granddaughter back in one piece. I was devastated when I heard of her disappearance but thank the deities she's back. A human boy had escorted her back. Who was this boy? Despite having a rather childish face he emitted such dread that the first impression of him made me want to run away as far away from him as possible. Me? The one who led the war with humans and turned it in our favour. One of the greatest commanders, but yet here I was cowering Infront of a boy who seemed younger than my granddaughter. The dread wasn't normal. It was like death and destruction had physically manifested.

After meeting the boy we brought him to our office in the castle. He looked composed, way too much for his age. Fuck age not even adults are this composed In the presence of 2 kings and a queen. Despite this, he looked at me with such affection like we had been tea-buddies for years. This boy! He just keeps on getting more and more interesting. I focused on him to find a … solid orange core?? How is it possible that he looks my granddaughter's age but not only has he awakened but is also a solid orange core? Is that even possible? On top of that he has a beast will too. Just who is he?

He started introducing himself. His name was Arthur Leywin from Ashber and he's 4 years old.? This boy has already started giving me seizures. His every moment, every word uttered exuded such confidence and elegance that it might put those even royalty to shame. He started explaining how Tessia was captured and how he killed 4 grown adults? Suddenly one of the guards lunged forward to attack the boy for lying to the royal family. These fools I thought. Well, it could be a blessing in disguise and I might be able to see the boy's prowess. He sat there composed with a nonchalant look on his face almost as if he was…. bored?? Just as he was about to swing his sword a heavy intent filled the room crashing the guard to the ground. It was obvious the intent was directly aimed at the guard but to affect the surroundings this much!

I looked around to find the source of the pressure. Surely it wasn't Arthur but he was sitting there like nothing was happening with an expression of confusion . I spotted another boy hovering over Arthur. His eyes were gleaming in amethyst colour. I tried activating my integrate phase of beast will but a single look was enough to paralyse me. I had killed battalions but I didn't have an intent this heavy let alone a glance. A childish yet an authoritative voice boomed " I'll suggest you keep your filthy hands off of my master. You can try if you want but the results will be something you haven't even imagined in your worst nightmares".

A sudden realisation hit Arthur as he said "Tone it down Regis" and just like that the pressure dissipated in the flicker of a second like it was never there. None of us was able to speak as the boy entity moved to a corner and sat like a kid who is punished for a mischief. It was horrifying to say the least. If such boy or thing given the horns at his head to which everyone seemed less surprised had recognised the boy as his master one can only think how is strong is the boy?

The room was filled with creepy silence when Arthur decided to break the ice. After telling us the details of his journey he said he wanted only 1 thing as a reward. access to a teleportation gate to Spain which I assumed was to get back to his family. Does he know about his will??

If he doesn't know maybe I can get him to become desciple and given the affection my granddaughter has been so generously showering over him maybe I'll have a potential grandson in law. I smirked, But first I'll have to test him.


As I was guided to my room I let the bed embrace me. Due my asuran physique being infantile I needed more sleep than normal. "Well that was mentally exhausting not gonna lie" Regis said trying to look tired. "When did you grew a brain to be mentally exhausted?" I quipped only to earn an eye roll from him. Was he copying me ? "So what now bacon boy? You know your head makes me feel like eating a beef jerky" he said drooling. "This sorry ass has lost the last fragment of that pitiful excuse of a brain" . "Well I still need virion for assimilation. Since it'll be over quickly this time I'm thinking of going into beast glades and set up some camps before the alacryans and ambushing them"

A knock on the door got my attention . Ughh not her again. I opened it to find a gunmetal coloured human bullet coming towards me at abnormal speed so I did what was appropriate . I side stepped and let her kiss the floor in all her glory . Pfft Regis stiffened a laugh. Then she started bickering. "You massive dummy first you talk so coldly to my parents and then you even scared them. And why do you always avoid me?" She said and started sobbing. Ah… how could I forget. She cries at everything. Such a pain.

"That is because you're the princess of elven kingdom. Wondering around with a commoner like me will only tarnish your image". I said in a soft sound. Imagine a literal GOD calling himself a commoner. What does that makes other? Peeled potatoes? Hahahaha Regis laughed at his extremely unfunny joke while acting to be asleep. After that I went with her to the garden to be tested by virion. Regis was awake and was walking a few steps behind.

Suddenly I felt blood lust as a …punch came my way? As I was expecting a rubber knife I acted as such only to find myself grabbing at virion's fist. What changed it tho? Lost in my thoughts I saw virion with an amused smirk on his face. "Are even human little monster guy?" I suddenly noticed that I was holding his fist so much force that he wasn't able to withdraw it. I released it as it might raise suspicion. Well it actually must've raised some.

"Well… you can say that" I said removing the smirk on his face into an expression that I couldn't make of but he seemed.. excited. What's so good in fighting a 4 year old?

"Let's spar brat." Oh how much have I waited for you to say that again you old bat I mentally said. I conjured a blade of pure mana while two more swords emerged on my both sides. Virion raised a brow and I simply shrugged. Then we simply leapt forward and started our attacks. While I was holding back to a large degree he still amazed me. The only problem was my short height. I decided to end it quickly. As he was about to deliver a jab I created some distance between us and in that split second I used burst step to change my direction and lung forward. As he was coming dashing towards me the sudden acceleration and my shift in direction threw him off guard. Composing himself he tried his best but I manipulated my floating sword to attack him. While he was busy I activated the burst step again and used the feint step. Swords pointing at his neck, core and spinal cord. The match had ended. I deserve that for being cocky but brat what the hell are you.? What kind of hell were you put through to have such swordsmanship and killing intent.

After the pass the naive brat started pulling the poor man's beard for bullying me even after she saw me best him. I wonder how has his heard not fallen off. His beard must've been be blessed by the true gods Regis said mentally while eating popcorn.

"You horned brat come down here let me see what are you made off" Virion said with new found enthusiasm in his voice. "I'll pass old man. You still have a life ahead of you. Why do you wish to die so early" Regis said and disappeaared from there. He has become quite arrogant lately. Maybe I'll just cut of his supplies so he'll go back to his puppy form I thought with a devilish grin on my face.

After that virion just explained why I should become his student just as in the original timeline. The next day we went to elder rinia's abode. In the last timeline she was using her life force to see the best possible outcome and finally died at the hands of a young asura. I smiled at her and said "Good to see you in good health elder. '' The last part was a whisper while I was close to her. It sure has been Arthur Leywin. It must've been so hard for you. She said with genuine concern.

After telling my parents about my survival and then crying the literal hell out of myself after seeing and hearing them for god knows after how long I sent virion and tessia outside. So elder rinia? I have a single question for you. I hope you can answer them . Just a yes or no

She kept staring at me. "Will I succeed this time?" I asked

"Yes. but" she continued, "your past methods will just bring you more harm. You'll save everyone but in the end you'll be the one to suffer the consequences. You'll be alone .. again .." I glanced back at her. I . Don't . Care . As long as everyone is safe. You know I have outlived you by now. A suggestion for you RINIA. Stop doing that art and live your life peacefully. I came here to take things in my hands so no one would suffer. I owe you my family's life. Take care and don't die. That'll be a massive help"

She said that for your own good you know. Regis transmitted mentally. I don't need her to. I said

Ughh you and your tsundere tendencies really keep me on edge. I'm going out on my booty hunt. He said and flipped the connection switch off. I just stood there with the clichè wind carrying a single leef leaving me to stare at nothing in particular. Sigh this damned horny human shaped doggy. Im really considering turning his back to his puppy form more and more.


While I never saw an elf village I had memories of grey showing elves as blondes and having outrageous bosoms. And god were those descriptions accurate. Every passerby elf can be declared a beauty in her own self. I sensed some disturbance so I flew towards it. I saw two women practicing magic but the one using mist made my heart flutter. Do I even have one? Regardless I saw her with my eyes widening to the point I thought they'd fall. There she was my night goddess. The one I couldn't protect back then. Tho there were many women who wanted the

Majestic me ( A/n: obvious lie) she was the only one to actually mesmerise me.(another A/n .another lie he's horny for every girl) Should I approach her? With this infantile body?

In the end I decided to change my appearance though it will take a massive toll on me and my aether but if it's Aya I'll do it. Using my utmost concentration I started my work this time trying to hide my horns too. I changed myself into an 11 year old kid. While she was around 16 at this time the age difference isn't that awkward. Here I come.

I saw Aya and Alea were both practicing swords. I made my way near them who were to immersed in their battle too notice me. I released a bit of pressure enough for them to be aware of presence and said "You need to relax your arms Aya they are too stiff and Alea your footwork's a mess" I said as a matter of factly.

"Who are you? How dare you intrude on our kingdom?" They hissed. Well there goes my first impressions. Now they think I'm am intruder. I saw as Aya lunged towards me but as she touched me the image blurred and faded as I predicted. I spin on my heel to hold her arm when she got behind me. Clitchè. Why does everyone thinks sneaking behind someone will give them leverage?. I drew her closer to me as she came face to face with me while I held her elegantly and whispered "While i'd love to play some more with you pretty lady, don't you ,treating your only guests in years like this will set a bad example?" She looked at me with a questioning look on her face and slight blush due to the closeness of our faces.

A vine came at me at blinding speeds.. well blinding for amateurs not for me. I grabbed the vine with an iron grip and ignited it with a bit of destruction flames. The flame hungrily destroyed the main and subsidiary vines and before it could reach the source I dissipated it. "Enough. They're elenoir's first ever human guest in years." The old bat said with Arthur following him an amused grin on his face.

Both of the future Lances looked at me and then bowed at full 90° to apologise. "In the end no harm was done so no biggy". Arthur looked at me like I can't say stuff like that. Well fuck him I won't soil my mood over something like that. I glanced back and closed the distance between me and Aya "Until next time" I whispered and then walked away while leaving the girls in total confusion while virion was baffled more at the fact that I changed appearances while Arthur had a somewhat mixture of a smirk and grin which I couldn't explain. Nailed it, I thought ignoring their existence. Then Arthur went with virion to continue his assimilation and to hangout with that elf girlf– *cough cough* I mean friend of his while I went back to my room thinking of what the future has in store for us.

Arthur Leywin POV:

That damned mutt surely is something. Should I tell him about his lack of genitals? Well I guess I have to do something about that once I get my creation rune back.. again. He deeply cared for Aya. In the previous timeline she was the only one aside from me whom he cared about. As Having emotions of a human and body of a beast was not enough torment for him she died when the sanctuary was attacked by a young Asura. This made Regis mad as destruction totally overtook him.

Not wanting to remember those times I focused on my assimilation.

1.5 year timeskip

Arthur Leywin POV

A year and a half has passed and I am now completely assimilated with my best will. While there were still 2.5 years left I decided to cultivate my core and try to unlock 3rd phase while sparring with virion and hunting in beast glades.

As Regis was an embodiment of aether his closeness to elven lance Aya made her powerful by Leaps and bounds. She became a white core without an artifact a few days back and I suggested virion to keep her existence a secret. Since she's close to Regis I don't want her to be taken advantage of. Yeah? Have I not mentioned? Regis and aya are now officially a thing. That damned mutt did it.

Anyways This was game changing for Elenoir. They'd now have 3 white cores for now. Alea also seems to be affected by my presence and she's at the bottleneck of high silver. If she pulls it through we can use the other 2 to artificially create decoy Lances while the main powerhouse will continue to strengthen themselves. I intend to make both of them reach integrate phase so they could rival scythes for now.

I still used to push Tess away but still decided to be a good friend of hers . After all she was a lonely girl who wanted someone to lean on. I made sure to wave off any romantic advancements but I still hung out with her.

Coming back from the usual routine I sat down looking at my bed, to see my surrogate daughter lying there still unconscious and in a coma while the egg I got in this timeline was still unhatched. I sat there for sometime only looking at Sylvie . She came out of her stone after I achieved realmheart but due to her vivum art she gave me half of her draconic physique. She's incomplete due to which she's in a coma.

I have been searching for a cure for quite some time now. The only solution to this was that we had to sacrifice the other egg by performing the same vivum art sylvie used to rescue me. Performing the specific aether art was not a problem. The problem was that we were going to sacrifice an unborn child.

After much discussion with Regis which included him trying to tell me that two sylvies in one timeline are not required by beating some sense into me which resulted in me handing his literal ass over to him. Another problem which Regis identified was that I had to absorb the viritra part of the current timeline sylvie. Otherwise she'd be in the similar state as the previous Sylvie, which I certainly don't want to see. So I decided I'd use the aether art.

Activating the vivum godrune technique I started. As the golden light engulfed all three of us, the stone started to turn incorporeal. The time when sylvie sacrificed herself came to my mind, sending a searing pain in my heart. The dominant dragon part was transferred over to Sylv while I absorbed the viritra counterpart of her. Sudden changes started to happen to my body as my head bursted into an unimaginable pain, and then I fainted.

(A/n : I'll be writing mental thoughts and conversations with italics and underline while dialogues with just italics. Hope you enjoy this chapter)