The confrontation

Italics and underline for mental thoughts and conversations.


I woke up after god knows how long. It was getting dark outside so my guess was a few hours. I saw Regis leaning against the wall arms crossed and smirking at me. "Welcome back Bacon Princess". He said with an amused tone out loud. "Princess?" I was dumbfounded at what he said but soon realised.

Summoning a slab of ice I saw my reflection. The features were the same but there were multiple wheat coloured strands mixed with Auburn. Golden flecks in my eyes were also visible. How? "Looks like you're draconic blood finally manifested Princess" Regis said calmly.

"Huh? What do you mean manifested? Like how the lessurans in alacrya used to manifest their's?" I asked with a bit of confusion. "Exactly you had draconic physique but your draconic blood hasn't manifested. Since you're ready now it manifested. I'd say right now you're 70 draconic while 30% human. Might change since you fused sylv viritra counter part so the ratio may change. Speaking of which look to your left"

As he said that I looked to my left at such a speed that it might have snapped if it wasn't for the asuran physique. A sudden warmth enveloped my heart at the sight Infront of me. She looks the same, around 8 years wheat coloured hair. She woke up after a few seconds rubbing her golden eyes like a child. She looked at me stupefied before jumping into my arms and started crying.

I hugged her as firmly as I could. I was scared, scared that she'll go again from me, scared she might die, scared that I might not see her again, scared that all of this was a dream, so I embraced her like my life depended on it. After I let her go and she calmed she said "It's been a while PAPA hasn't it. And we look a lot alike" Sobering up I said "It certainly has sylv. And yeah it's all thanks to you that I've made it this far. You really look like my daughter right now" I could easily declare myself the happiest man in this world right now.

Sylvie suddenly froze as she pointed to where Regis was sword of pure mana already in her hand and said "Who are you and what do you want from us?" She exclaimed, well after all she didn't knew what happened after she sacrificed herself. "I must say I'm pretty hurt knowing you didn't told my niece about her uncle" Regis said in a hurt voice, hands in the air.

"Uncle? Papa what is he talking about?" She asked somewhat annoyed that Regis was lying. Well In her point view he was definitely lying. "First things first sylv. After you sacrificed yourself our bond disappeared. We should bond first and I'll tell you everything afterward" That said we bonded once more and I let her read all of my memories. She was sad for the most part given what her own grandfather did, what the girl she considered her mama did abandoning me at my lowest. "So, this really makes you my uncle! Well, thank you for all you did for Arthur. "I'm really glad you were there when I wasn't" she said with genuine gratitude

"No biggy. It was what I was made for. Now let's head back we have a lot of explaining to do to all once we go back" Regis said. "Yeah let's go back"

After returning we explained everything to gramps, well not the exact truth. But we did told him about Sylvie being a dragon giving him a heart attack. He and Tess had another heart attack when Sylvie called me Papa and after much explaining they all sobered up.


(Arthur is 7.5 years at this point)

I bid my goodbyes to everyone as I prepared to leave. These last years were certainly fruitful. I unlocked 3rd phase of my dragon will and am able to maintain it for 30 minutes straight without any backlash. I also managed to reach initial silver which was slow as per my expectations but I was able to rival a lance (artifact one) without any aether.

As for facing natural white cores like Aya and Alea who were at mid and initial phases of white core I'd need aether. All in all after my training I gave cores with beast will to Alea while Regis gave one to Aya. The existence of these two was unknown as they just started adventuring on my suggestion to locate mutated beasts and kill them. Sylvie became a lot stronger as she was personally mentored by me and Regis. Regis method of fighting was more focused on humiliation of enemy so I didn't let her train with her much.

It was finally my day of departure but for some reason I didn't wanted to return for I had decided to take a big step. I'll reveal my past life to my parents. It's better than telling them late. I walked to the front of castle to see the royal family waiting. I greeted and hugged all of them. I gave tessia a slight pat and gave her a pendent which had an aether orb. Since the presence of aether influences one's growth it was perfect for her so she won't have to always depend on someone to rescue her every time.

I bid my goodbyes as I pulled a wailing Regis away from Aya and knocking him out. Everyone giggled at his antics. Sigh. This guy is such a pain in the ass. With that I activated my 3rd phase and made a portal to an alley near the helstea's mansion.

I made my way to the mansion. There were 3 stairs before the door that leads to the house. Climbing each step made my heart beat with such pressure that I practically grabbed the left side of my chest. "Don't worry Papa. No matter what happens we will always be by your side." Sylvie said "My lizard princess niece is right. We will always be there for you. Now man up and go there"

I went inside to be met with mom and dad. She was helping him with his uniform. As they saw me they dashed towards me and if I didn't knew any better I would've thought they used burst step. After the heartfelt reunion I asked them to have a chat in private.

Both of them complied and now we were in my parent's room.

"What's the matter honey?" My mom asked concern plastered over her face. I took a deep breath and started explaining my past life. My parents were confused or angry would've been an understatement. While dad was much composed mom looked like all hell had broke loose on her. She saw me with disgust and anger, which made heart to wither away like a dying plant. Still I couldn't blame them.

I stood up and started to walk away. I looked back to have one last good look at them. Mom looked away while dad showed an understanding look. I strolled downstairs and godstepped out of there once no one was around. I left Regis and Sylvie behind.

As I arrived in beast glades I widened my senses searching for the dungeon with the highest ranking beasts. I needed to vent. My parents in two life times had just dis-owned me. Anger, guilt, sorrow and every bad emotion started a turmoil inside me. I soon reached the dungeon with strongest mana signatures, and then I went inside.

I didn't see which beasts were these. I just needed to vent all of my emotions. I let my intent run loose. Like a mad demon it spread throughout the cave. The roof started to shake abnormally and crevices appeared in the walls, the floor began to shatter due to my aetheric intent. I saw the horrified faces of the beasts young and old and for the first time It felt good. I felt like grey. Trampling my enemies with my power. It was naive of me to think of a happy life as a possibility.

I made my way to the beasts. They weren't even making a sound. Like they've accepted their deaths. Pathetic. Being Powerless really is pathetic. I said mentally as I started a spell I was working on. Gathering control of all the water mana and turning it into ice I added massive amounts of aether into it. The beasts trembled and cried like pleading for their life. I ignored all of it in my emotional frenzy as I released my spell after chanting


The once fiery environment's temperature dropped in a split second, a mist arose from me, moving forward and freezing everything in its wake with ice spikes emerging from them. Those which didn't froze, died by mutilation.

There were still some left so I summoned my most powerful weapon. It was incomplete but it was still the strongest one in my arsenal. MANIFEST; SYMPHONY OF DEATH

A pitch black sword oozing jet-black and purplish aura manifested in my hands with a complex rune on it. It was the rune of death.

I let my body fall into the searing cold embrace of death rune as I had done during the war against Asuras. Then I stepped forward crushing the entire place where I once stood. I lost my reasoning. Every step I took created booms and explosions. I killed and killed regardless of young and old. I reaped souls one after another until not a single soul was left. Deactivating the rune I let a heart piercing roar, like a wild animal that I was.

I cried, and cried. Don't know for how long but I cried. Long enough to knock me unconscious. I woke up in the same cave. As I stood up guilt started to build inside me. I looked at what I had done. The frozen state of the dungeon which was once a dwelling of the fiercest fire mana beast. I touched the ice which was still cold and dry. Even after so much time the ice wasn't moist let alone melt.

I felt a mana signature. It was a beast. As it saw me it spread it's feathers on the ground suggesting a surrender. I looked at. It's face was visible now. It was a phoenix wyrm. Direct descendants of true phoenixes. I looked at it who had a sad expression on his face. I sat down and took its beak and rest my head over it. I started sobbing. "I-I-I'm so s-sorry. I didn't meant any of it. I was so wrong. I killed your family. I'm so sorry" I continued crying, when I felt a warm blanket over me. It was the phoenix, comforting me with its warm feather, the same phoenix who witnessed me murdering it's brethren without a second thought. It looked sadly at me as if knowing what I had went through.

The mana in his body started to drop as it started to die. No, at least him. I have to atleast save him. I stood up I started an advanced vivum art. After a while the the phoenix Rose up and bowed slightly to me. I didn't understood the gesture but then sylvie walked in with Regis following suit. Concern plaster over Their faces. "He wants to serve you papa" Sylvie said with a straight face. Why? After all I did to its brethren. Why would it serve me? Why, just why? After talking with sylvie, she told me that their race have been dormant for so much Time and do not take interest in combat. It was the reason why they were eliminated without any resistance. Another reason why they live so deep inside and in such secrecy.

After a while I made up my mind. "I'll take you in. I can do at least that to redeem myself. Once again sorry." I said genuinely apologetic.

TIME SKIP (4 months later)

(A/n: let's say it's Eleanor's birthday)


After my rampage on the Phoenix wyrm I took in the survivor. I also got a core which had a beast will. Maybe I'll send it for Reynolds, remembering him by his name and not dad made a searing pain in my heart but I've decided, for their safety and happiness I'll stay away from them, and look over them from far away. As long as they are alive and live a happy life.

Today's Eleanor's birthday. I made 2 jewels filled with compressed aether, and fixed them on a ring. I made two aether rings like that and a necklace of sorts for Reynolds. This will constantly help them to grow and make breakthroughs. As Lilia is close to Eleanor she'll awaken too.

If the aether gets depleted I can always refuel them since the jewels are connected to me via spatium. This should be enough for them for now. Regis and sylvie are training with the Phoenix which I named BRUNO. All three would train together with mostly Regis torturing them to his liking with his training and me beating the shit out of him.

I god stepped to helstea manor. Memories of original timeline and this timeline rushed my mind. Pushing away my sour memories I activated mirage walk and went inside. My hair were almost completely wheat coloured and my eyes were golden with only flecks of their former self. I was trying to sit in a place where I won't get any attention.

Suddenly a hand grabbed me, I looked back. It was Reynolds. He looked at me with a sad look and said "Son?" . Damn it, it hurts so much. I can't take it, my heart feels like a cracked jar ready to be broken at the slightest of moment.

I continued my stoic facade and said "Good evening Mr Leywin. Let me congratulate you on your daughter's birthday. Umm, I'm sorry but you've got the wrong person" once again my entirety felt like fading away. I want to disregard the fact that they disowned and just be here with them. My kind mother , my goofy father , my only sister. "I-I see." He looked down with a heart broken expression and was soon dragged away by his friends.

I watched the whole party. They're doing quite okay without me. Me being a part of them will only bring them pain and suffering. I sighed. Following the end of party I quietly left my presents. As I was about to leave Reynolds dashed towards me. "Arthur wait" grabbing everyone's attention but I simply god stepped away from there.


He really was Arthur. My boy. Ill be lying if I was saddened that he was some crazy king from another world who reincarnated into our boy's body. But, he was so alone. He had spent his life taking revenge for his adoptive mother. He never had the love of a family.

I tried persuading my wife back when he told us our secret but she was mentally disturbed. And today I saw him again. After 4 months I saw my only son. I wanted to grab him and hold him tight, never to let him go again. To tell him that he will always be my son no matter how many times he reincarnated.

I dashed towards him, I want to tell him all that, but then he was gone, after lightning enveloped him he disappeared without a trace like he was never there. Alice who saw this broke down in tears. While the others were confused we just decided to keep all of this a secret. And we went back to the room to see Ellie's gifts, the events how he regarded me as MR Leywin and how he disappeared still haunting me.

Ellie was seeing the last of her gifts when she revealed beautiful amethyst jewelled rings and another one with the same jewel but a pendent. There were 3 Phoenix wyrm feathers too. We looked at the box which had a side note attached to it.

"I hope this gift will find you in the best of your healths. Congratulations el on your 4th birthday. I hope you'll become a wonderful mage just like your parents. The amethyst stoned rings and pendents will help you with your progress in forming mana core and making breakthroughs. While the Phoenix wyrm pendents will help you teleport to a safe place when you're in danger. Keep these things always on you. I've got a pair for your parents too. With Love~ GREY" after hearing the note Alice started to sob, I took her into my arms and excused ourselves for the night. "I'm a horrible mother, I disowned him while he was just a lonely person who felt love and warmth of a family for the first time and I pushed him away." Uttering those words she fainted In my hands, while I couldn't refute the fact that we were horrible parents.


Papa are you all right? Sylvie chimed as she saw me. I had turned our connection off so I re-established them once again and let her see part of it. "Both of you have to go to helstea's manor a week from now. While the aether orbs are more than enough for them I still need them to be strong enough to protect themselves. Regis will train my dad and help him with his assimilation. Sylvie, you help Ellie with her pure mana manipulation, and lastly Bruno you have trained enough to be classed as an SS class mana beast. I want you to protect my dad and become his bond. I hope you'll accept." To which it gladly accepted by nodding.

"Well then let's go. It's time to meet her and make some arrangements. We can't live like this for ever right?" I said enthusiasm radiating from me. "Where are we going papa?" Sylvie asker stretching herself "To meet an alacryan" . "Finally, some kick ass action" Regis said stretching his neck "Well sorry to disappoint we aren't going further into beast glades" both looked at me with confusion "We're going to pay director goodsky a visit"

———————————————————————————. AND CUT

(A/n) THATS IT FOR TODAY hope you enjoyed it. Was first time writing this type of thing, hell it's my first time writing anything. Suggestions and constructive criticisms are highly welcomed and appreciated