The council


"Well sorry to disappoint we aren't going further into the beast glades" both looked at me with confusion "We're going to pay director goodsky a visit"

Chapter 4 start:


We waited until evening. Once it started to get dark I got out of the cave which I had massacred a few months back, leaving Bruno and Sylvie behind. I made a portal near Xyrus Academy. Me and Regis strolled through the streets buying a few sweets for Sylvie and Regis got himself some new outfits which were totally unnecessary.

After a good 5 minutes walk we arrived at the academy gate. Not wanting to make a commotion Regis went into my core, and I simply god stepped inside the director's office. It was empty. As I looked around I admired the furnishings which I never paid attention to in the previous timeline. Elegant portraits on the walls, comfortable furniture, awe-inspiring canvas, all of them were up to my tastes. It looked more like my type of perfect home than the director's office. 

I activated mirage walk to hide my mana signature while Regis being a literal embodiment of aether didn't need it. We sat there for a while on 2 chairs In Front of the director's. Moments later footsteps reverberated in the empty corridors. As she came inside and observed us she let out a gasp, but suddenly recomposed herself. Before she could draw her wand that was adorned on the left side I was upon her as i placed my hand which had grasped the wand and said "I mean no harm director. I'm here regarding alacrya and your curse". Hearing those words her eyes practically bulged out. 

She said nothing. Must be because of the curse. "No need to wary of me. I can help you remove the curse. All I want is you to help the council prepare for war. Of course I'll be responsible for your safety in case they try to imprison you, for I know your loyalty sides with dicathen". Just as I finished talking and moved away she conjured a cyclone .NAIVE  I thought. I activated, SOVEREIGN's DOMAIN and then we were in a room made of aether. It was a spell I designed to deal with multiple battalions of Asuras. The more people I put inside the more stress my aether core takes. However one person was no problem. I had absolute authority in this space. I could decide the amount of mana and aether to enter and leave the space. Only people with higher power than Me could survive here.

I created the room such that it had 0 mana. Feeling helpless and powerless she stuttered and asked, her face plastered with horror  "W-w-what are you? Are you an a-asura?".  I deactivated the space and said "I'm just a rogue and runaway kid, who wants to protect Dicathen at all costs. As for your question about what I am"…. I paused, "Do you believe in Gods?"

After some good few hours Cynthia was relieved of her curse. She thanked me. After that I told her to tell the council about alacrya with the condition of me going with her. "Oh by the way, Director I hope you have a spare room. You see, I'm homeless for the time being. Also can you let me attend your academy 3 years from now?" I asked with a pleading tone. Well sleeping in the cave wasn't that comforting and Sylvie would often complain too. "Of course dear, and you can join whenever you feel like it. I'll announce you as my disciple so no one will dare question you" She said with a grin on her face.''by the way I never got your name" "Thank you director, as for my name… I go by Grey" My heart ached at this, but I needed to keep my distance from them. Yeah it's for their own safety.

"Also I was wondering, will that boy beside you also attend the academy?" Cynthia asked as I was about to leave 



Silence….. complete silence. "Why would I not attend?" Regis said, his eyes teary from the heart breaking revelation. "I pity the girls that will be in your presence. And I have another task for you." I said while he threw every vulgar profanity at me for being a cruel master. 



I was training my granddaughter when I received a call from Cynthia demanding an emergency meeting along with kings and queens of all kingdoms regarding the future of this continent. She didn't tell the specifics but said it was an emergency. Within a few hours we were ready to depart. After a few hours of travel and passing through dimensional gates we arrived at the floating castle. It was decided to be a meeting place for the Council. 

All of the kings and queens were present, worry and anticipation plastered over their faces. The dwarf royalty seemed to be grumbling about why they were Summoned on such a quick notice while the human royalty just sat there while listening to their bickering. 

Suddenly there was a change in atmosphere. With a whirl of wind Cynthia appeared, watching as she gave a curt bow and apologised for being late, after which, she said "It's your cue Grey". Purple lightning manifested suddenly out of nowhere and the source appeared in another split second. A boy around 8 years of age, wheat coloured hair with slight Auburn mixed in them, his golden eyes with blue flecks carried a soul piercing gaze and an other worldly intelligence. His presence alone made me feel like an ant.

His appearance had changed but I could never forget his features. Also the other boy who followed him, tho weaker presence but still enough to rival the strongest lance. "You look like shit, brat" I said to which he scoffed and said "And you look like you've aged a 100 more years old man. A few more years and I can see you bidding goodbye to this world" sarcasm oozing out of his voice.

"Insolent peasant, do you realise you're in the presence of royalty?" Dawsid said while slamming his hands on the table. I calmed him down telling him he's my one and only disciple not for Arthur but for dawsid. God knows what would've Arthur done if he had snapped. You owe me one now greedy ass. Dodged a bullet there. I sighed mentally.

After all had taken their seats and calmed down a bit, Cynthia began revealing the other continent, and much to our fear it was hostile. She also revealed that she was a spy turned traitor. Every news was leaving us with baffled expressions and numb minds. Suddenly Arthur stood up, to whom Cynthia referred as grey now. I don't know the reason but but he might have a reason. As he was about to speak Dawsid interrupted again "Listen you twerp I don't care who's desciple you are but I will not hear a word from an 8 years old commoner , who can't wipe his ass off properly". Well I tried to save you but you dug your own grave. Good luck in the afterlife I said mentally preparing myself for what was about to come. 

Arthur or grey stood there with the same aloof expression, strolling his way to dawsid and said "Now you listen you infertile mule, my patience runs thin when traitors like you start ranting about their continent when they are the ones who have been betraying it all this time. You think I won't notice? The stench of viritra is all over you. You've been planning with them all this time haven't you?"

Everyone gasped as Dawsid started fuming and ordered his Lances to attack both boys. No matter how strong they are, 2 Lances are too much for them. Shall I call Aya and Alea? Panic overtook me as the boys just stood there, while the purple haired one said "I'll take on zapdos and articuno while you take the short booty and shit face" with a maniacal grin I never witnessed. Arthur just shrugged him off and walked towards Mica and olfred while Regis dashed towards Varay and Bairon. 

"My,my, now this is getting interesting" I turned to see an 8 year old girl on a lavish throne of pure mana while chewing on some pop-corn and a board that said "Fight Papa fight uncle Regis". No fucking way that brat has a daughter already, I thought forgetting about the fight around us.à

(A/n: let's suppose pop corn exists in tbate verse)


I mentally sighed. Well better deal with them now as we had planned to do it later anyways. Regis shot towards Varay and Bairon after referring to them as Pokémon for god knows what reason but Bairon certainly looks like a zapdos right now. Stiffelling my laughter I switched my attention to the two dwarven lances who were ready to tear me up while the decoy elven Lances Licht and Nero just stood there along with Merial and Aludin. 

I dashed towards the two Lances despit mica's gravity which had already started to put strain on the castle walls. Not wanting to damage the castle I conjured a blade of pure mana while tens of other weapons made of pure mana also manifested around me. Awakening my draconic blood had granted me an abnormal amount of control over pure mana. I sent a few golems each of which could toy with an AA rank adventurer towards olfred while I leapt towards Mica. She increased the gravity which unfortunately had no effect on me. 

"HOW CAN YOU EVEN MOVE?" I just shrugged her off and arrived Infront of her face landing a punch right in her abdomen and then landing a jab at her neck, which left her unconscious while foam coming out of her mouth. Maybe I should've controlled myself. Ehem anyways. I looked back to see Sylvie jumping on her pure mana throne and cheering for me. When did she got here? I saw an injured and unconscious olfred by her throne while all of my golems were destroyed. Well at least she helped I sighed.

I looked at back to see how Regis was doing. He was doing what he was best at. His fighting style when observed closely had the movements of a drunk man walking in an alley. Every move in his style was made to embarrass his opponents more and more. As he kicked Varay in the gut sending her tossing away and crashing in a wall, which resulted in her fainting Regis dodged bairon's spear by bending at his back to an impossible degree, he straightened his back like a demon possessed person and crashed his head into bairon's face, and god I swear I heard something crack, barely standing Regis raised his hand and much to my own surprise, he slapped. He kept slapping Bairon with zero  aether and his brute strength as to further humiliate him. Finally after 2 whole minutes of non stop slapping he stopped and let Bairon fall on the ground with one side of his face barely recognisable due to the swelling. 

"Never felt so good since THAT time" Regis said while laughing while Sylvie rushed into my arms and saying "That was so cool". I turned my attention towards the dwarven royalty. "Hand over the artifacts that bind the lances" I said to the dwarf king who had soiled his pants already. After gaining control of both dwarven lances, I turned to the glayders transferring control of lances from Blaine to Priscilla. Blaine was fuming, but who cares. Not like he can do anything to me. After dealing with some more negotiations I decided to end things here.

"Regis, dispose of the trash"  I said with a cold voice while I god stepped out of there to Xyrus Academy ignoring the profanities the greysunders threw at me, while Regis started ripping them apart alive. I arrived back with director goodsky arriving an hour later. She had a grim and wary expression on her face. Well naturally she would have. "Don't worry. Nothing of that sort will happen to you. You have my word..... actually I'm going to disappear for a year or 2 at maximum. I need you to help the council and tighten the training regimen of students. We are going to need every last man in the war" She simply nodded, not asking where I was going. "My  bond and my cousin will stay here with you helping with corrupted beasts in beast glades and eliminating alacryan camps and spies. Once I'm done I'll be back and join your academy." 

Once again she nodded in agreement, not uttering a single word. I could see the expression on her face. The expression I received so much in my past life. Pure dread and fear. I sighed again. After explaining everything to Regis and Sylvie and handing them their tasks, I was about to go when Sylvie chimed "Where are you going Papa? Are you going to leave me?" 

I smiled gently at her "No, I'll never leave you. It's just that I have to bring back a person who shouldn't have died in the first place. I'm the cause of it so I'll be the one to deal with it. It's about time I bring her back" I said my voice tinged with sadness remembering  her death. "Oi princess don't tell me it's who I think it is! Are you crazy? Well I know you are but isn't that a bit risky. We could be exposed" he said, baffled at the realisation. "Don't worry I'll separate the cave with spatium. I won't be able to contact you all for 2 years. Take care of my family and help them train every weekend. I'm going to suck all the aether out of you if I find a single scratch on them" Regis gulped and readied himself for his duty. I hugged them both and went to the cave.

"Bruno, it's time for you to bond with my father. Regis will take you there. I'll meet you after 2 years" to which he simply bowed with a ting of disappointment that we won't be able to see each other for two years since we had become pretty close, but he complied and left with Regis and Sylvie. "Well then let's start shall we. I'll see you soon enough and reunite you. I promise."


I went into my study after a tiring day. Sitting Infront of the flickering flames I drew the table, which had wine atop of it closer. I poured myself a drink, thinking back at what happened today. Another continent, imminent war, a boy no older than my daughter man-handling two dwarven lances like they were some rag dolls and another one which referred to himself as his guard not only beated Rank 1 and Rank 3 lance but utterly humiliated them. The boy named Grey held himself like a true king, no the word  king would be an insult to him. His presence made me feel like I'm in the presence of a God.

This was the power I've always wanted. A power that belonged to only me. Sigh. Who was that boy. I'll never forget the humiliation he caused me, by stripping me of of my lances. I'll make sure to hunt him down and destroy him and his all fami—. A smirk formed on my face . Maybe I can't touch him, but surely I can dispose of his family. Yes, I will do that, for the humiliation he caused me I'll serve him his parent's heads.


A week has passed by when I sent my men to research about the boy's parents. Since virion called him Arthur once it was easy enough to locate them. The boy's real name was Arthur Leywin. Through the reports I learned he's never home, seemingly some tension between them. Well, who cares I'll still make them pay for giving birth to a child who dared humiliate me. A guard came inside and reported "My king! The Templar knights and mages that you requested are here and are ready to dispose of the traitors" he said in monotone voice. "Good I replied let's go now" My wife was in the dark about all of this.

I made my way to the helstea manor to see my knights had already pinned down the Leywin family and a batallion of mages who were putting mana suppression cuffs on the beast that according to reports was an SS class. Good thing I gathered 10 silver cores. "Your majesty we have done nothing wrong,I don't know what enraged your majesty, you can have me but please spare my wife and daughter. She's only 5" the boy's father said while pleading.

"You all will perish here for giving birth to that demon. The one who dare humiliate the royalty of Sapin. Did you really think hiding your boy will be enough to protect him. If he's so strong why don't you call for him, where is he now? What use his power when I'm about to skewer his family" I said with maniacal grin on my face like some mad demon has possessed me, suddenly I felt the sky crack followed by a soul piercing roar.

I looked towards the sky to see a dragon, a literal dragon with scales so black that it might disappear if it was night time. It slowly descended. This is a good omen. "Respected diety I was just about to dispose of these demons that infested our lands".

A light enveloped the dragon and the feelings of awe suddenly converted to that of pure dread that I felt like I could die just because of how fast my heart was beating. The dragon transformed into the same girl who was at the floating castle. What's the meaning of this? She's the boy's daughter. Does that mean he's a diety too? Bullshit. His biological parents were filthy commoners. 

Turning into a blur she instantly killed the knights surrounding the Leywin family totally ignoring my existence and started healing them. She was right Infront of me, I could kill her right now but a feeling won't let me! What is it? I thought desperately when I saw the very familiar boy who slapped my lance to almost near death, a deep scowl etched on his face, as his fury was darkening the whole atmosphere even it was noon.

He landed softly, hand tucked behind his back and walked over to me. I fell on my ass denying that I was scared my a mere 11 year old. "Blaine, I guess you did this all knowing of the consequences that will come with it, didn't you?" He said sending shivers through my whole body. "I am the king of Sapin, a mere commoner dare to-" he cut me saying "You WERE the king of sapin. You're son will replace you tomorrow as the new king of sapin" Before I could process what he said he was upon me, I could see the guards rushing towards me, I suddenly felt warm contrast with the cold air outside, as I looked down to see a big hole in my chest with the boy's hand still through it. He took it out and the last thing I saw was him crushing my heart with an obvious disgust on his face, as he walked away. I let the cold ground embrace me and with that I started to slowly loose my vision. It really was a mistake to go after that boy. Maybe it's the retribution for what I did to my dad for the throne.


It was an absolute massacre. After I saw Regis, the boy who would convey Arthur's messages and gifts from time to time and help us train, kill the king without any second thoughts.  The world seemed to turn purple as Regis crushed an orb. "Thank Grey he gave us a one time spell. It really was gonna be a drag clearing up the mess." I saw around to see that my wife and daughter were somehow asleep. Regis quickly killed all of the knights around us before dispelling the spell which I sensed no mana from. Suddenly every corpse that littered the lawn disappeared, except for the king.

Sylvie stood up from our side and angril took out an artifact. "Priscilla GLAYDER," she spat a name we were to well aware of with a venom laced voice, "Ah, lady Sylvie to what do I owe the pleasu-" she was cut as Sylvie roared "what is the meaning of this? I'll wipe the glayders of the face of this continent!" Sylvie hissed as the queen quivered in fear. After the queen was informed of the events she mourned for a little while and then said "Can we atleast get the body back?" She asked

"He deserves no funeral,prepare for the coronation ceremony tomorrow. The king died in beast glades while hunting" Regis said his voice getting heavier. "As you say, we'll prepare for it. I apologise once again for the trouble we caused to Grey's family" she said her voice full of fear due to 2 kids who weren't even teenagers.

Sylvie came back to my now awakened daughter and wife and enveloped them in a blanket after hugging them, they looked okay evident that Sylvie had knocked them out before they could see any of the gore.  "Phew dodged a bullet there. I hope you guys are okay. I swear of there's a single scratch on you he's gonna kill me." Regis said while shivering. What had Arthur became after we pushed him away to make someone like Regis shiver.

I looked at them with confusion, when Sylvie chimed "No need to worry. Arthur is always watching over you. He wants all of you to live a normal and happy life which isn't possible with him around due to his ability to attract trouble. That is why he's away. But he loves you 3 more than anything, in both his lives. No one will bother you from the royal family after today" and then turned over to Regis who was lecturing Bruno, my faithful bond.

Alice started sobbing as I also bursted into tears. "I hope we meet you  soon again, Son and I hope you'll forgive us"


(A/n: Well that's a wrap for today. I know my writing is a bit too fast paced for some and it creates a bit of confusion. I'm working on it, and will try to write more detailed chapters. This one is almost 4000 words. I'll make sure to improve the quality but instead of daily upload the story will be updated every 2 or 3 days which seems quite fair to me. With that I'm off

Allah Hafiz , sayonara