Little Agrona

Caera Denoir POV

I came into Arthur's room after he left, saying he had some business to attend to. These… memories he showed me, it took sometime to understand that these aren't just visions and hallucinations. They were my own memories. The memories of myself in a different timeline. I was confused, afraid. Part of me wanted to refute all of this but all of my instincts, every fiber of my very being continued to yell at me to accept whatever he says. I've seen him before. Now and in the so called previous timeline. His emotionless face and a scowl almost everytime at his face. But today seeing him smile and show affection filled my heart with such warmth that I never experienced before. Maybe this is the feeling scythe seris told me to find and experience.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I saw two figures already sitting in Arthur's room. I quickly got into stance, but I knew deep inside me I'd die the moment I try to move. The purple haired one stood, his amethyst eyes radiating excitement and happiness? Why? I saw the girl sitting on the bed with the same features as Arthur except she had horns like a vritra, staring at me with curiousity and a smirk on her face. "Ah, so we finally have the third member here. Now we just have to wait for him to come and officially inaugurate the quadra-horny group" the purple haired one said laughing his ass off, while the girl's expression changed into a scowl like Arthur "you mutt, I told you we are not calling ourselves that" she said in an irritated tone and turned towards me, her mood talking a 180° turn and said "Nice to finally meet you caera, I wasn't there the last time but I hope we'll get along"

I stood there baffled at the situation. "Hey you surely remember me? Right, horned goddess?" He said with his eyes fixed on me. "Horn- wait. You're Regis? How ? Wait, the how doesn't matter if it's you guys" I said sheepishly "good to see you again old friend, and I didn't had the honours of meeting you." I said wanting to know more about her and her connection to Arthur.

"I'm called Sylvie. I'm Arthur's daughter" she said with an innocent smile.

(A/n evacuate. I repeat critical damage done. Evacuate immediately)

"Err Sylvie I think telling her just that would create misunderstandings" Regis quipped and started to tell me their relationship, to which I just sighed in relief. Why was I feeling relieved? Was it because she wasn't his biological daughter, and I'd rather….. no no i shouldn't think like that.

After a while of talking both to Regis and Sylvie Arthur arrived with a bit of blood all over him. I attempted to bolt up from my seat but he motioned for me keep sitting. He went inside to take a shower while Regis and Sylvie quietly left the room. I used a pillow to support my back and hugged my knees thinking of what to do now that I know everything. Honestly I won't think for another second if Arthur tells me betray alacrya. All they ever did was use us as lab rats. No it wasn't alacrya at fault. It was the vritra, the ones who revered themselves as gods.

I saw Arthur comeout of the bath, dressed in trousers and a buttoned shirt. His hair was still damp, and let loose which covered his eyes. His eyes glower underneath his hair like it was some sort of lamp. He looked at me with an amused smile and said "I'm not going anywhere. You'll have more moments to ingrain myself onto your brain" he said while laughing. My face began to burn up as I threw a pillow at him which to my surprise he didn't dodged.

A question popped in my mind "Arthur?" I said my voice low not wanting someone to know I was here. "Hmm?" he hummed. "You should keep that mask off of your face. It feels much refreshing seeing you show so much emotions" I said, since the time he showed me all of what happened. His face showing a storm of emotions. Changing from angry to regret then to longing , sadness , a loved expression , a guilty face. So much that a moment now felt like more emotional than my all time with him "Well, if you want I can make an exception for you. But don't expect me to do the same to others" I decided to tease him "why me?"

"That's because I L– ,you're doing it on purpose right?" He said with a raised brow and tackled me, holding my hands on the foam. I looked at him, his eyes covered by his hair but I could feel his burning gaze locked on me. I blushed at the state we're in while he just rolled on the side laying down on the bed, his gaze locked on the ceiling. I did the same and stayed like this for some time. "Say Arthur, do you mind if I stay over" I said while hiding my embarrassment. He looked at me for a while and then gave me an affectionate smile "Yes, you surely can"

The rest of the night went by Arthur telling me stories of his conquest filled with rage and despair, his reversal of time and other stuff and after a while a drifted to sleep unbeknownst as where did I slept.


Arthur Leywin's POV

I woke up from my sleep, and looked at the clock. Luckily I wasn't late. Caera was still by my side her head layed on my shoulder wrapping her hands around me, while trails beneath her eyes were visible evident she cried herself to sleep. I felt guilty for making her cry so much. I tried to wake her up and surprisingly she woke pretty quickly and went straight into the bath. I guess I'm the only lazy bum around here.

After taking baths and me making a portal back to her room we both went to our classes together. I was escorting her to the student council room, and guess what happened...…

The person who I wanted to see the least appeared like Hard campers in a shooting battle royale. "Hey art–" her voice trailer off as she saw me holding caera's hand. I wasn't bothered much by it but she immediately withdrew her hand and went inside the council room.

Tess walked awfully closer and said "Explain Arthur Leywin." I scoffed mentally at this thinking how she lost that right years ago. "I'm not obligated to inform you of my relationships and how I choose to spend time and with whom. Of course if it's related to school I'm more than willing to comply, but I'd suggest you keep your personal curiosities to yourself while you're on duty. PRINCESS TESSIA" I said with a monotone voice.

I started to walk away when she grabbed me by my arm. I looked at her and saw her eyes getting visibly moist. Ughh, not the "throwing tantrum" tactic again. "Wh-why *sniff* I think I told you not to go after other human girls. Are you that dense not to understand what I meant?" She said stuttering. Surprisingly I felt nothing. Not sadness not happiness. "As I said, whatever you say, has no obligation on me to follow. I just think of you as a child who I rescued and made friends with, NOTHING MORE" I said emphasizing the last part.

"It's her isn't she. She's the reason you're like this? She's trapping you Arthur. Everyone knows how capable you are. She's just trying to get close to you just because of that" .

I looked at her in disgust, didn't knew she was like this too. Well one more reason to keep my distance "For the first part yes, as for the second part I knew you were a 4 year old in a grown up body but I never knew that thing you call brain has turned into a trash can. Don't you hear yourself. I'm honestly disappointed tessia." She attempted to speak while crying but I just god stepped the hell out of there not wanting to hear her rant.

(A/n I guess that's enough slander for today)


I excused myself for the day and went straight into my room. I buried my face into the pillow. Why has he changed so much.? Where did it went wrong? Caera always maintained her distance. Was this because of him. I couldn't even spy on him for some reason. I won't give up. I'll definitely make him mine. What does she know about him. I was his childhood friend.

(A/n: did this pov indicate that you'll get more mild slanders hehe)

Arthur Leywin's POV

I attended my remaining classes with Elijah and Cecelia. We were informed about our trip to beast glades. It was around the time Alea died. Uto can't kill her but the problem is she isn't a lance. So definitely a lance will be sent who are not ready. Only the elven lance Licht is capable of holding on his own against uto since i was the one who trained him and removed his growth inhibitor. Removing all inhibitors will alert kezzes and I'm not powerful enough to face him. I still had 5 layers which were enough to hold of against someone like Kordri.

I contacted the council and told them to let Alea accompany Licht for the mission. I was met with some resistance due to Curtis trying to act more kingly and not letting a mysterious person decide what to do and he was not wrong. Becoming a king at such a young age must've put him under a lot of pressure. However he was convinced by Priscilla

Now all we have to do is wait for 4 days. Let the prelims of war begin.


4 days later

Everything went by as in original timeline, except the fact that this time I Jumped deliberately. As I arrived there I saw the cave littered by spikes and blood. I saw Licht having a few scratches and a big gash on his chest, but nothing sort of life threatning. I glanced at Alea who was casually holding Uto alive by her vines slowly squeezing the life out of him. (Like an anaconda but she was swallowing him). She finally avenged herself. I looked at uto who still had a grim plastered over his smug face. "Come Regis say hi to one of your daddies" I joked mentally only earning a mental eye roll.

I walked upto Uto "Don't worry mutt you'll get to keep your petty life, but I must say I'll have to mess you up a bit" I said sliding my finger from his chin upwards finally stopping at his horns. He realised what I was about to do. He started cursing but soon was interrupted by Alea covering his mouth. I plucked both of his horns while he despaired with pain and shame. I plunged my hand into his abdomen and took out his core, and healed him.

"Now for the message. You'll go through the portal back to alacrya, head straight to Taegrin Caelum and tell that lesser Demi human; Stop while you still have time, or you'll face the direct brunt of my wrath" I told him, and started dragging him by his hair and finally threw him inside the alacrya and destroying the gate.

Everything afterwards remained the same with the exception of me going to elenoir. I met gramps who was concerned about tessia which was a result of my behaviour towards her. "Gramps while I do respect you with all my heart but you must know you can pressure me into any of this stuff. I get to live my life as I desire" I said which made gramps a bit sad "It's fine brat. Just break the news slowly to her so she can bear it" he said, his voice tinged with sadness. "I'll try" I shrugged and disappeared from there.

After a week of meeting secretly and going together to beast glades to hunt some beasts like we used to do in relictombs I asked caera if she'd like to visit Etistin, to which she gladly agreed. I asked the director for permission which we got and went towards Etistin with Sylvie as our ride. The day out was quite fun. We tried all kinds of sweets and on my insistence a dish from me which was flaming hot. I'd say I savoured every moment of her trying to cool herself down. Sylvie and Regis played at the far part of the shore.

It was evening time, I lied with my back to a boulder, my knees up,and looked at the beautiful sight Infront of me. A bright orange sun dipping itself in the ocean. Caera came after a short while. She sat Infront of me, just a little ahead. Her fluttering hairs in the breeze mesmerized me. I went forward and embraced her like, using a bit of aether to warm her up against the cool breeze. She cozied up and slid a little down such that her head was down on my lap, her head still tilted towards the drowning son. 'EVERY RISE SHALL HAVE A FALL' resounded in my ears. 'i know' I relied mentally.

All of a sudden a rapid fluctuation in mana was felt. Sylvie bolted up came to me. We both knew what was happening. "It's too early. Looks like little agrona took my threat to heart.

Claire Bladeheart POV

I just finished my DC paperwork and submitted the reports over to director's office. She wasn't there for the time being so I just placed them over the table. Nico and Ceclia were already gone on a date while the rest of us decided to practice with no mana. Kai was erecting an anti mana barrier. All of a sudden the school alarm struck and countless people with grey hoods intruded. Without mana there wasn't much we could do. Kai was no where to be seen. As expected we were captured rather easily.

An orange haired man with an ugly mask and another woman who didn't seemed human entered. She had two horns and a sickly grey complexion. The orange haired man bowed and said "Scythe Viesse these are the so called strongest among the young generation" he said. She looked at us with disgust and motioned to the men to carry us. We were brought over to the assembly area where multiple mutated mana beasts and the radical group was. The students were held captive, a few of them laid motionless. I saw, a bloodies mess but still alive person. No way, what happened to him.

I was brought out of my thoughts by a high frequency voice "The heretic that dared defile the name of our High SOVEREIGN, turn yourself in or well will kill everyone hear. No EXCEPTIONS."

I felt 2 mana fluctuations raduating immense pressure from the air. The two people were hovering above all, a sign they were white cores. What left me stupefied were their identity. They were our colleagues, the humble and always nice sometimes goofy Nico and Cecelia. They hovered there hand in hand and landed softly. "I presume you're a scythe from alacrya, and you? Well never mind your presence is so weak I don't even want to bother myself with you" Ceclia mocked the orange haired boy. "YOU FILTHY BARBARIAN. YOU DARE BELITTLE ME" he roared in anger and motioned for one of the mages to execute us. Just as he was about to approach us huge black metal appeared out of nowhere and killed all ofnthe guards surrounding us.

The Scythe and the masked man looked at Nico in disbelief. "Why? So you're the one. How dare you not only turn traitor but also insult your soverign." The Scythe said as she lunged forward towards Nico while he summoned a sword made of black fire. Cecelia conjured multiple orbs of lightning, swords of ice and blades of wind. The mere sight of those spells made us shiver. She was definitely getting pushed back. Cecelia and Nico were by no means weak but just as they thought they were winning her pressure increased as she started to push them back, with the help of the orange mask and a man she called Retainer. Nico was covered in bruises, while Cecelia had a few scratches but she was visibly exhausted.

Suddenly a massive pressure engulfed all of us as the sky looked like it had broken, with a huge crack running all over it. Nico stumbled and muttered "about time" as he fainted. I saw the beings that were descending. They were the S ranks my uncle kept talking about but told me not to tell anyone. The purple haired boy was the first to comeout, followed by a wheat colour haired girl. The mere sight of them makes one fall to their knees but what followed afterwards felt purely like a calamity from hell. The pressure so potent it crushed most of students and robbed magicians to the ground. A purple dome covered the students seemingly protecting them from the pressure. The mysterious boy of Xyrus who was rarely seen outside his classes and then one Nico and Cecelia won't stop talking about.

He descended and looked around. Then he looked at the scythe with a bored expression and said "I was expecting dragoth or Cadell, didn't expected the damned snake to send.... You!" He looked at her with disgust. "Well, about time I stretched a bit, Sylvie take the beasts, Regis take on anyone you like except the scythe" he said "Man, I thought I'd get to play with the horned mil–" he was cut off by the orange haired boy "How dare y– urghhh" he was interrupted by a black spike the size of a building impaling him leaving a huge hole in his chest, he left the man impaled on the spike. I looked to see Arthur with a finger that was in his direction and said "You don't get to speak out of turn"

Arthur Leywin's POV

The knowledge of future I had was gone now. It was time for me to boost up my training. But let's focus at the task at hand. Nico was in a bad shape while Cecelia could still fight without holding me back but I told her to stay put. I saw Sylvie cleaving the mages and mutated beasts and was done in an instant.

I looked over to where the DC was . There lied a bloodied mess, I focused on him to see that it was Lucas. I god stepped to him and healed him, the scythe not daring to move after seeing me practically teleport. "What happened?" I asked Lucas "they told me to join them and when I told them to go fuck theirselves they did this. But don't you dare pity me commoner. I'm still leagues above you" he said with a grin. To say I was baffled at this development would be an understatement. Never did I imagined this Lord Of Scums would turn out like this. Maybe my talks with Bairon and Regis humbling him again and again worked. I patted him and turned towards the scythe.

Regis was already toying with the retainer. I summoned a sword of fire, imbuing it with the decay type mana turning it into soul fire. Viesse eyes bulged out seeing this but recomposed herself. She dashed towards me while I burst stepped towards her. Seeing me suddenly Infront of her face she lost her composure I lunged to the side and stabbed my sword into her open side withdrawing the decay mana. She looked at me understanding what I had done.

"Now now, you come here to commit genocide on young generation, atkeast you must have an idea what I'm about to do right." The next few minutes went by, by me mutilating and crushing every possible bone in her body probing information from her. She finally gave In, but the information was not useful and I already predicted what was about to happen, so I plucked her horns out and tossed them to Nico, finally killing her.

The lances finally arrived while two hooded figures also came in our direction. "Identify yourselves" Varay demanded while the figures ignored her. As she summoned ice spears and Bairon an ice lance vines erupted from the ground holding Bairon Varay and olfred in place. Alea appeared and greeted me.

They looked at me with surprised faces. "Cough. As I was about to say, they are with me so please don't act violently….. ah and also YOU" I said looking in the corner of eyes "Stalking really is a creepy habit. You should get rid of it". The very familiar sight of windsom and Aldir appeared with amused expressions. "To think a less-, well never mind. On behalf of our lord indrath of the Indrath Clan from great 8 I'm here to take you and lady Sylvie to the land of dieties so you can stand a chance against vritra." Windsom said with a monotone voice and tried putting a little pressure on me, which much to his shock didn't affected me.

"So" I pointed at Nico and Cecelia "they're coming too?" I asked. "Of course, that is what our lord ordered" he simply said. "That damned old lizard dare order me around" I mused mentally "Well then" I declared, we'll go but I want to meet my parents first" I said not knowing what might happen once we reach there. Being ambushed was also a possibility since I used higher edicts of aether, due to my emotional instability. I don't think if they'll care but it's still my duty not disappear without telling them and caera.

I sighed, thinking about the amount of explanation I have to do now.