May This Moment Last Forever

Alice Leywin POV

I sat in the living room after watching Reynolds and Ellie train for a long time. For some reason Regis and Sylvie weren't here today. As if that wasn't suspicious there were massive mana fluctuations around Xyrus Academy.

I wanted to go there right now. Arthur's image kept playing in my mind again and again. Ever since we did that horrible thing to him I only got to see him twice. My little boy, how is he? Is he okay? No, he should be okay. After all there were so many things i had to apologise him for.

I saw Reynolds coming towards me, towel wrapped around his neck, water still dripping from his damp hair. As he was about to reach me the front door burst open. I saw a sight I thought that I'll never see again.

"A-Arthur?" I stammered not knowing if it was real or just an illusion in front of me. "Y-yeah Alic-" he stopped as he was calling me by my name "Mom, Dad I want to talk about something" he said with a sad look on his face.

Nothing else mattered in that moment. My boy, he just called me his mom after so long. I mustered all the strength I had in me and dashed towards him. I gripped him tightly, not wanting to ever let him go again.

His hands wrapped around me, hugging me back. I could easily say that I was the happiest woman right now.

Reynolds came closer and did that same. He had grown so much. His hair had gone past his shoulders, his eyes still carrying that piercing gaze but I could feel them softening after our approach.

He took a step back "Sorry, I got ahe-" as he was about to excuse himself for his action even while we were the one who initiated it, Reynolds smacked his head, and looked at him with a pained expression. "Arthur, we are sorry. I know I'm a horrible mother but I know now. No matter who you were. It doesn't matter anymore. You are our flesh and blood"

(A/n not anymore 😑)

"No matter how many times you're reborn, no matter who or what you were in the past, you'll find us standing by your side" I said holding back the tears I had. Arthur stammered towards me and wiped the single tear that managed to escape my eyes.

"I understand mom, dad. And I can't ask for more than your acceptance. However I have to go now. I don't know how long it will be before I return. A war is coming. You all have to prepare for it. I'll leave Regis with you" he said with a monotone voice.

This relevation was a series of Bomb shell dropped on us one after another. A war coming? Arthur going away and no idea of when will he be coming back. This was too unsettling for me. "No Arthur. My baby, you just came back. I won't let you go again" I argued.

Arthur then explained all of the situation with deities or asuras as they prefer to call themselves, and them training Arthur and his friends.

"And mom" he said "y-yeah what happened?" I asked, still not believing my boy In front of me and calling me mom. He gestured towards a girl looked almost the same age Arthur. Though Arthur's appearance and his age didn't add up. He said "Mom, can you take her in while I'm gone. She's a close friend of me who was always with me when....." he paused, seemingly pushing the sour memories to the back of his head.

Even in this serious situation I could see Reynolds giving him a secret thumbs up and had a coy smile on his face making the girl blush hard. It's going to a good time, I thought thinking about tease the girl and also knowing more about Arthur who seemingly spent more time with her than with us.

"Sure. Make sure you come back in one piece. Your mom is going to die fast if you continue to give me the same mental strain at the same pace" I said in a musing tone. He looked at me with a sad smile "I'll never let that happen" he said followed by AGAIN under his breath. I wanted to ask the meaning but left it out.

After bidding out goodbyes and a warm embrace he left with his friends leaving only Regis behind. "Don't you dare do something stupid Princess". Princess? I guess I have to ask Regis myself.

Arthur Leywin POV

I was happy and sad at the same time. Happy at the fact that my parents finally accepted me. Sad, I had to leave caera behind for who knows how many years. Since we were going to euphotus a year before the original timeline. I had no idea how long we will be there.

Me, Sylvie , Nico and Cecelia reached the designated place for our departure. Windsom took one look at us and teleported us to an all to familiar Euphotus, home of these self centred demi-humans ignorant enough to think they've transcended to Godhood.

After a debrief given on customs there windsom brought us to Kezzes's throne room, where he sat, his head leaning on his fist. The memory of me decapitating him and placing his severed head over the throne flashed in my mind. I looked around to see many familiar faces. The very people I tortured, killed, mutilated with my own hands.

Everyone took a knee as they knelt. I kept standing. I could feel everyone staring daggers at me, along with releasing their pressures. I released some of my own pressure and levelled the suffocation that was forming in the room. Everyone's eyes widened.

I saw aether fluctuate as Kezzes activated static void. It was a powerful aether art but it was not omni potent. I glanced At him getting his ass off this throne as he suddenly stiffened at me making my way through to him.

He quickly composed himself "To think a mere lesser would be able to over ride my aether art"

I looked at him innocently as I activated realmheart "I have no idea what this aether thing is but grandma sylvia's will allow me to do the same thing" I shrugged not wanting to explain how I was not affected by his aether arts .

Also the hard wok I did to hide my aether core seems to have paid off. However he must have noticed my draconian physique.

He looked at me suspiciously. After that we all were told to go and practice with our respective mentors. Sylvie stayed with Kezzes even though she knows all indrath arts, she still put up a good act. I wasn't able to defeat him in this state. I needed to go into relictombs. So I arranged a schedule.

I'll be training with asuras or more likely be embarrassing them and when I'm off their RADAR I'll sneak into relictombs. And just like that 4 years passed.

Tessia Eralith POV;

I was currently on a mission to eradicate two mutated S class beasts. It's been 4 years since Arthur left without any warning. My relation with Caera was at a stalemate of asking each other of how our missions went.

I was captain of a group. Among them I made friends with 3 namely caria, darvus and stannard. They all were extremely warm and good people. I could feel stannard had a crush on me. Should I move on? Or should I wait?

Why am I even considering moving on... I'll figure it out with art somehow. I hope..

(A/n lookie lookie , someone's optimistic)

We all entered the dungeon. As we entered the dungeon, a horrendous scene came into view. I could see all of the beasts dead. Mutilated beyond recognition. Spears of ice and wind still blowing, tendril of black lightning littered the whole place, big black co— ahm spikes.

I stared into a corner and I saw two silhouettes. They were embracing each other. One closer look and I knew they were Nico and Cecelia, Arthur's friends. Does that mean..? He's here too..? My heart throbbed at abnormal speeds thinking of finally seeing him. Just as Nico and Cecelia were approaching us I sensed mana fluctuations as I saw hundreds of alacryans. They were concealing themselves with some sort of spell.

Noticing everyone's reactions it seemed like only Nico and Cecelia knew they were here.

A fierce battle was about to break free As an all too familiar pressure weighted down on us. As The man stepped through it, the pressure kept on increasing to the point the cave began to shook and slight cracks started to appear.

He looked at all of us, his eyes locked on me for a second. He gave me an approving node and sheathed his translucent teal swords. "All that brainy work made me quite a mess. About time I put these old bones to some work"

As he said that he lunged towards the beast in a single instant. The ground where he once stood now dwelled a massive crater. Everyone couldn't help but look at him. His every fluid movement, every strike, every slash carried such elegance that you couldn't help but be mesmerised at him.

We looked at him as he cleaved the alacryans one after another taking no more than a single strike. The numbers started to skim and soon as much as the room was filled with awe, it dwelled yet another feeling; Pure Dread.

He once again glanced at us, this time his gaze fixed on me. His expressionless mask broke down for a moment, as his shimmering golden eyes softened. He walked towards me, a smile graced upon his lips. A smile only reserved for his little sister.

I was ecstatic, my heart was beating at unimaginable speeds. Has he finally realised my love for him? Has he realised that only I am the one who will always love him, truly love him? His pace fastened, the only sound in the dungeon was his steps which surprisingly created next to no sounds. Eerie silence~

As he came close to me I parted my lips to say something, but my delusion of him understanding or possibly loving me crumbled. As I saw him pass from my side. It was at this moment I realised he never looked at me; but rather someone right behind me.

My heart ached at him not even acknowledging my existence. A slight whimper brought me out of my stupor as I saw Caera hugging Arthur, and crying. While he just stood there one hand on her waist and the other on her head slightly patting her.

A searing pain went right through my heart. It hurts so much. Why? Why is he like that? Where did I lost? I looked at them even though my eyes begged me not to, a single look was all it took for me to realise. The look on Arthur's face gave it all. Perhaps I don't lack anything compared to caera, and maybe superior to her in every aspect. But she had one thing that I didn't.

The only thing that ever mattered to me. And, that was Arthur's affection. I looked at them with a heavy heart and looked away not wanting them to realise the tears rolling down my cheeks. I wiped them In one swift motion and recomposed my self. Get your shit together Tessia! I scolded myself mentally.

He then walked up to me and the facade I was building slowly started to crumble down. He looked at me with the same piercing gaze as he always did. But there was a little change in it. "White core at only 17. That's quite an achievement. Here, take this core, it has an elder-wood guardian beast will. Take some time off and assimilate with it" he said in a breath and gave a small smile and walked away.

I wanted fo speak but I couldn't. His smile imprinted on my mind and made me speechless. I never felt such despair. The despair of not getting what you desired the most in the world. I was born a princess, with every resource readied for me at moment's notice. It was this treatment that I never realised what it means to not get something or someone who's right in front of you but yet so far.

Arthur then introduced himself to everyone. Helen from The twin horns came forward and stuttered "A-arthur? Arthur Leywin? Reynolds's son?" Arthur looked at her with a small smile "Yes, in the flesh" he replied.

All of the twin horns literally pounced on him hugging, kissing and suffocating him. "We th-thought you di—-".

"I'm alive and well guys. Sorry for I made you believe but there were complications. You must've heard of the name grey. That was me. Due to some circumstances and issues with mom and dad I had to stay away but it's all sorted now. So please relax" he explained finally calming everyone.

The rest of the journey was awkward. People were too afraid to get near to Arthur while the twin horns just treated him like a baby.

He suddenly started to look around as excused himself that he'll take a bath first, and then he just simply disappeared.

Location: Unknown

3rd person POV

Somewhere among the wilderness of ocean lies an island. A person was going towards the island. He reached there, and activated an emblem which teleported him to Unknown.

The scenery shifted as the once jungle was replaced with sky scrapers and people flying here and there minding their own tasks.

The white haired man, despite having a hunched back walked with confidence. Upon reaching a massive castle he handed over the identification papers and went inside.

As the doors to a certain room opened a room that was much bigger than it looked came into view. It was obvious that spatium had been used here. "Greetings my Lord. As you've requested I've been putting tabs on the chosen one. The knowledge imparted by us is being put to good use" he reported to the man sitting on throne hearing what the man had to say. The king has red beard and hair that reaches to his waist. His golden eyes shimmered in the almost dark room which was illuminated  by anything. "However my king I'll suggest we stop him and take the matters in our hands . The things he's doing goes against the natural order. It is ripping apart the very thing we've been safeguarding for eons" the white haired man said

"You know that laws  Michael. No matter what apocalypse the world faces it was a sworn thing that we'll never interfere with either upper or lower echelons. The most we could do was impart our knowledge, which I've done. That kid is doing everything knowing of the repercussions" the king said in nonchalant  way.

"AZREAL!" The white haired man shouted and then calmed down "Brother you know he's doesn't deserve this. Life has always been unfair to him. Can't we give him a chance so he finally have some peace. Please not as a king but listen to me as my younger brother. He doesn't deserve this" the white haired man said with a sad expression. "Yet, that is his fate. You already know we have been sticking to our rules for eons, I'm not going to be so bold as to break the very laws our father made. Fate is to take its natural course. Interference shall not be tolerated. You're excused" AZREAL said as he dismissed his older brother. He looked towards the sky, littered with multiple galaxies "I hope you find peace, child" he said sighing.

Arthur Leywin POV:

After settling and explaining everything to twin horns i excused myself to take a bath. While I was bathing in the small beautiful lake, I Leaned my head against a rock. As I felt my consciousness drift away I saw that I was dying  and then the next moment I was in some throne room. "What would you give to protect your loved ones?" The man sitting on the throne said. "I don't have a loved one left" the boy spat not caring who he talking to. "Then what would you give or endure to avenge them?" the man asked.

"Nothing less than everything" I replied. A smile crept up his face, "Well then without further ado let's start" the man said as my body and brain started to feel like exploding. Every fiber in my body, every muscle, every bone, every tendon felt like destroying itself and patching it up again and again.

My mind was an even bigger mess. It felt like a deranged mana beast biting and chomping your body while you're still conscious. I puked, I threw up blood. In the end I pleaded, wanting for it to stop. Days trickled as every day passed the same. Finally one day a man with white hair came up A very gentle and warm smile on his face "it's time child. You're going back" with those words a white light enveloped me and I was back in the lake.

What was that? I don't recall anything like that happening. Who was that man and why did that stream of knowledge felt so similar,

Not wanting to expend any more efforts on this matter I dried myself and walked towards where everyone was. I saw caera standing in the corner, helping some of her teammates.

As I saw her teammate turning away from her, I godstepped behind her, and grabbed her firmly from behind, my fingers pushing against her abdomen softly. Before she could squeal I godstepped again. Teleporting through the already pre-determined aetheric passageways I brought her to the house me, cecelia and Nico lived in.

She turned back to see the face of her abductor hand clad in soul fire . Once she came face to face with me her gaze faltered. The eyes once emitting fury and pure bloodlust turned softer. Her ruby eyes seemed even more shiny now that they were moist. "Arthur I—-" before she could speak I drew her in by her waist, interlocking my lips with her. Without any sort of hesitation she did the same, her hands wrapped around my neck and one of them on my head, her fingers travelling through my hair ruffling them.

I tilted to a side, my hand on the back of her head, deepening it. It was a moment of pure respite for me. I don't know what the future has in store for me. What the cruel fate is planning this time. But if there was one wish I could ask for, it would be this

      "May this moment last forever"



(A:n that's it for today. Sorry for yesterday since it was eid and I've been busy with guests I didn't got time to write. Hope you enjoy and SAYONARA