The Last Nail in Coffin

Arthur Leywin POV

It was a moment of pure bliss. After parting our lips for a brief moment I looked at her, despite her returning my affection she looked at me in disbelief. Her eyes showing a torrent of happiness and confusion. But there was an another emotion I saw in those mesmerising ruby eyes the one I was too familiar with; a longing, a burning desire for more.

I stood there my eyes locking with her's. "What? Don't tell me you never realised it" I said In a teasing voice.

"I-i-i never knew you..... Wait! Really? Hey Arthur don't tell me you're joking... I won't be able to take it" she managed to say stuttering while her face turning beat red.

(A/n Oh I'm sure dear caera , you would be able to)

I didn't replied as I just picked her up like a sack of rice, to which she yelped. I took her to my room and sat her down on the bed. "You could've asked me to come. I have functional feet you know" she said her eyes downcast, hair covering her face like a curtain hiding her embarrassment.

I bowed lower so that my face was at the same level as her's "I know but I think you enjoyed it yourself" I said with a sly smile.

The blush on her face increased as even her ears were showing it. I stood there with an amused smile close to her waiting for her to recover. Once she did she looked upto me, her face despite being innocent, her eyes told a different story. A burning desire for more.

I leaned closer to her once again interlocking her lips with mine as she lied on her back with me upon her. All of my five senses have never been this active. What was the thing about her that made me want to loose myself? The answer was as simple as day; EVERYTHING.

Her intoxicating smell, the sweet flavour of her lips, her smooth skin, her soft gaze. Everything about her was enough to drive me into a pit of craziness. I could feel myself and my conciousness fade away. The world being blurred as nothing was ever there. The only thing I could see was this girl Infront of me. So I held on to her like no tomorrow. I hold onto her like the only solid thing in a dizzy swaying world.

My insistent mouth was parting her shaking lips, sending wild tremors along her's and my own nerves, evoking from my sensations, I had never known I was capable of feeling.

She hugged me back. I could feel myself melt away. I didn't dared, no it's better to say that I COULDN'T dare, let myself to let go of this warm embrace, not even daring let myself not realise this sweet wetness and trembling yet fierce fire burning in us.

I touched her hot, opening lips with the utmost piety, tiny sips, nothing salacious. However she pressed her lips against mine with an even greater force contrast with my soft approach, sharing the peppermint taste of her saliva.

We parted after a long time, her breathing ragged evident from the fact she was pushing her limit because of me. Everything she does makes me fall even more for her.

I could feel her warm ragged breath against my face, her chest going up and down. Her heart beating like a tuning fork struck upon a star. It was the same for me, once she felt it she let out an inaudible whisper but I heard it "Yes, and thank you for making me capable to feel this feeling." I replied with a warm smile.

I could feel her blossom everytime we parted, her icy cold yet warm and soft embrace wanting me to never leave this moment. It wasn't just any kiss; it was a cure, a remedy, an epiphany, a transformation. The start of a new beginning.

She came closer this time, I could smell and taste the sweet drink she had been drinking. And then her tongue was inside my mouth. Honestly I hadn't invited this one heck of a prodigal tongue but I didn't..... ... No I couldn't reject it.I had merely wished to look at her face, expecting only that the expression of aesthetic delight I might find there would correspond to what I knew was my own. But I did not even catch a glimpse of her face, so instantaneous and urgent was that tongue.

I was in my euphoria when a sudden buzz caught us both off guard. It was a mana infused letter. Burning whoever sent this with soul fire by heightening his perception of the world was the first thing that came To my mind.

I saw below me to see the magnificent sight. Despite her hair being disheveled, and her clothes being all creased up she looked like a goddess. She looked at me with a flustered face and left a slight giggle "As much as I'd like to continue we all have duties. Now don't go on thinking about killing that person. You have responsibilities to attend to, Arthur" she said while buttoning the few buttons that I opened slightly revealing her bosoms.

I gave her a peck and went towards the source of buzz. I opened the letter which said "We need to talk; Tessia"

(A/n curse tessia not me for not writing a smut. I'm not the one to blame )

"Who is it Arthur?" She came from behind, hugging me and peaking from my left shoulder. I handed here the letter. "Hmm. Well it isn't necessarily a bad thing. You can clear things were her once and for all. Better than you avoiding her and she taking some wrong steps" caera said her face showing a smile, but her eyes betraying her that we got disturbed.

I faced her and gave her a hug after which I took a bath. Caera went in after me. After her, taking a bath I sat with her talking about euphotus and eating some snacks I had. After an hour I left our home. Just calling the home 'ours" made my heart flutter.

I arrived at the meeting place. I looked around for a while until I spotted her. I had a slight idea what this was since she called me into an isolated area.

Shortly after I spotted her. She was wearing a textured jumpsuit with a V neckline and a self tie closure. She looked a bit taller than the last timeline. She smiled as she came close to me, her face etched with a big smile. "Hey art. It's been a while" she said

"Yeah it has been Tess. I see you've grown" I replied my voice carrying only the slightest emotion, so she won't get any wrong ideas. "So, why did you call me here"

"Why are you in such a rush. Come, have a walk with me. I often take a walk here. I've become quite attached to this place" she said ignoring me who was clearly ignoring the fact that I was uneasy with this place. After all this was the same place I confessed to her.

Nonetheless, I followed her with silence. We walked for a bit. Them she stopped and looked at me her turquoise eyes glimmering in the setting sun, while her gunmetal hair fluttered like waves in an ocean.

"Art, I've been meaning to tell you this for years now. Since you never realised it I'll tell you myself" she said while I looked at her steeling her resolve. "Art, I've thought a lot about it. At first I thought it was just me looking after a friend. I tried to deny it seeing how you always pushed me away..... However, I know now.

Art, I love you. I've always loved you. More than anyone can"

"Bullllll-ssshhhhhiiiiiiitttttttt" I yelled mentally. I scoffed out loud, her gaze fixed on me at what I did. "I knew how you felt Tess. But I don't think I can reciprocate your feelings" I rejected her simply.

"Is- is it because of the war? I can wait, but you don't have to say you can't reciprocate" she said.

"Looks like I didn't made myself clear Tess. What I seemingly failed to explain is that I can't reciprocate your feelings......EVER...." I paused "Unless you're last person left in this world." I said out of pure humour, hitting the final nail in the coffin. She looked at me with a baffled explanation, tears welling up in her eyes. After a while she said "I see, so it's like that. I still have a chance".

Has she finally home crazy?, I thought but didn't pry any further as I turned made my way back home.


I was practicing my long range spells with Nico. I was close to unlocking the metal deviant, and with Nico giving me insight into it I was now close than ever. A sudden realisation hit me as I decided to mix science into magic. Arthur told me I had the highest control over mana even surpassing that of Asuras by influencing the very matter of mana.

My training with Gryffins who were adept in wind and earth mana arts as they put it kicked in. As I started to influence the very elements that made the earthen spikes, I was finally able to transform the earth into metal. A huge earthen spike shot towards Nico and changed into a metal spike albeit not the sickly black colour.

Nico eyes shot wide open as he summoned soul fire and disintegrated it. "Woah Cecil chill, you could've killed me there. But what was that. Metal conjuring is one thing but changing it mid air?" He yelled with a face beaming like a curious scientist.

"I don't understand it quite yet but I think I succeeded in transmutation, basically it's like ...."

I was interrupted by a sudden spike in mana. It wasn't anywhere near me. After reaching the integrate stage I could practically cover an area as wide as Spain to detect any anomaly in mana. I widened my detection using my utmost focus, i could feel my heart beat like crazy.

The beats felt like resounding in my ears. Anger and fear started to consume me. The familiar mana signatures. The Leywins. My surrogate parents. They were under attack. I couldn't sense Reynolds...maybe he was on a mission, however I sensed Ellie and Alice .

I initiated my flight at full throttle with Nico behind me. I didn't explained him but he knew it was serious.

Please, please let me make it in time.....!

Arthur Leywin POV

I was back home with caera in our room. We sat there for a long time talking about various things, ranging from favourite foods, hobbies , likes , dislikes , ideal partner with caera just describing me.

She leaned in closer, "Arthur, so does this makes us a couple?" She asked shyly.

I placed my right hand over her left cheek, feeling her smooth and well proportioned skin. "Of course it D..." I was interrupted by Sylvie trying to intrude my mind. I opened the connection to hear her voice tinged with fear due "Papa, grandma and Ellie..." Before she could finish I felt the colour drain from my face. My whole body trembling with pure anger. My already pale skin turned even paler, blood dripping from my clenched fists.

Caera didn't uttered a word as she took out her sword. Leaving her by herself I God stepped to where my parents where. The sight Infront of me made my blood boil.

The guards stationed at the my parent's manor were all dead, their bodies mutilated, limbs scattered here and there. I detected virion's mana signature inside "what is he doing here?" I thought out loud

I went by his side, he was coughing blood as he had crashed into the wall creating a small crater. Slight cuts all over his body but he was fine. By the looks of it someone overpowered him but didn't want to hurt him.  He looked at me with bloodshot eyes "What have you done? This is all your fault!......"  he paused "Do what you deem necessary brat, but don't kill her" muttered not having the strength to say out loud before fainting.

I sensed corrupt mana building up as I heard my mom scream. I burst stepped inside to see vines everywhere. They wrapped around Ellie like an anaconda squeezing the life out of her, while mom stood there with her abductor.

I looked at the one who had the audacity to do it, only for my eyes to shot wide. I couldn't believe it. The familiar gunmetal hair with ash-grey visibly mixed in them. Her eyes a mix of turquoise and red flecks. Little numbs on her temples.

"Tess?" I asked not wanting it to be true. I didn't cared about her but I also didn't wanted to be put in a situation like this with her.

She looked at me, her eyes turning soft "Oh art! Look I'm solving your problems. Once I'm done with them I'll send that Slut with them too. You said you'll love me if I'm the last person right? Right? So it means I just have to kill everyone you love! Then we can live our everyday lives filled with love and start a family. You'll do it right? You said that yourself damn it"

She had a crazed look on her face, more crazed than lucas. With a flick of my wrist countless black spikes emerged clad in soul fire as they ripped the vines strangling Ellie. I burst stepped towards her and caught her.

"Enough of your folly tess.. I'll say it one time, un-hand my mother" I said in a low growl, letting my artheric intent loose but soon withdrew it since there was mom too.

"I knew they are the reason, I'll just be quick with it" she said as she tried to plunge the sword like staff into my mom's abdomen while I just stood there. A white light enveloped mom and the next moment she was beside me.

Good to know the Phoenix wyrm pendents work, I thought mentally.

I walked towards Trashsia activating my 3rd phase of beast will. Pointing my hand towards her in a claw shape, I initiated a spell


The next moment her neck was in my claw. Her face contorted into that of a fear and hatred, as she desperately tried to attack me with vines but all of them disintegrated by my destruction flames. I had enough control not to devour this .... Whatever she was.

"You dug your own grave, and this act was the final nail in your coffin" I said as I summoned a thin but long artheric needle on my middle finger plunging it straight into her sternum where her mana core was, and instantly shattered it.

She withered in pain but I ignored it. Disgust would be an understatement for what I was feeling right now. Mana leaked out of her along with the decay mana that I had no idea how she got it. Apparently she sided with Alacryans.

After strangling her for enough time, her legs finally gave in and whole body went limp. I threw her on the ground, and much to my own displeasure healed her bleeding wound.

I went straight afterwards to my mom and Ellie. She was healing Ellie along with sobs. I relaxed her leg soul fire heal Ellie. Once she was awake she saw me and hugged me. "Brother!!!! I was *hic hic* so scared. She just came inside and started killing everyone. She even hurt elder virion" she spoked without any signs of stopping.

"If you can talk that much I presume you're okay" I teased her as she blasted me away with a pure mana blast. Hmph she exclaimed.

"Where has my cute my little sister gone?" I cried internally as I saw my mom smile. Seeing them like this made my heart flutter.

Cecelia and Nico arrived after a few seconds, with cecelia emitting such heavy bloodlust that made everyone except me kneel. "Tone it down cecil.. it's all right now" She looked at us as she broke down in tears as she embraced my mother and sister in a bear hug.

Nico was watching from a distance as he glanced over at virion sitting where Tessia laid. I could see mana fluctuate, he was going to skewer both virion and Tessia. Black spike emerged as virion just managed to dodge still leaving a gash on his shoulder.

"How dare you do it bastard!! I'll wipe you and that sorry excuse of trash from this world." Seeing he won't stop Virion activated his Integrate phase, his eyes turning menacing yellow while his body engulfed by black aura.

He sneaked behind Nico as he lunged his hand towards him, but before he could do it a spike skewered his calf, making him stumble. Nico's eyes spitting pure rage turned red "You really think those petty tricks would work on me?" Virion leapt back and familiar wind spell in his fist which allowed him to even demolish whole buildings, while Nico clad himself in soul fire.

As their punches were about to meet each other Cecelia teleported between them stopping both of their attacks with her bare palms. Using gravity to pin Nico down while she conjured metal restraints placing them on Virion, which seemingly drained all of his mana.

"Relax Nico they will receive twice what they did to our family. But Virion isn't the one who did it nor he has any part in it. He's injured himself. Physically and emotionally too. Also we're not the ones to pass judgements" Cecelia said calming both of them. She did the right thing, a few more seconds and nothing would've left of Virion.

She looked at me to decide what to do. Not wanting to see them anymore I replied "Just lock her up and stop asking me for making decisions for you. You both are the strongest lances now, learn to do some homework yourself lazy bums. Especially you Cecelia you're work's been constantly piling up. Go and do that first" I scolded both of them.

When they all left ,with Virion still the commander I brought Ellie and mom with me to my other home while sending Dad a letter about today's events. Then I remembered I left caera here in my room. Guess I'll have a lot of explaining to do.


(A/n I know I'm a scum for writing that scene in such detail.  Couldn't help it (sigh)  btw if you're wondering just in case "No way in hell I'll ever write a smut"

That's it for today .. see you next time when I'm done cursing myself for writing something like this . Until then
