The Battle At The Wall

Reynolds Leywin POV

I slammed my blue fire clad fist into yet another mana beast, piercing it's exoskeleton and burning it from the inside out. It's been an hour since the battle at the wall started. Being a white core did helped since I wasn't feeling any fatigue but the same can't be said for others. The corrupted mana beasts not only were stronger than their usual rank but were present in sheer numbers.

And to add cherry on top of all our troubles the alacryan mages which seemed to be all emblem holders were adding more trouble to the current predicament. An alacryan with a strong mana signature bolted in my direction. After years of practice with Regis and getting my ass handed everytime to me I managed to unlock the upper form of fire, Lightning.

Using the skill that Regis taught me, which was originally used by my son, I hightned my reflexes as lightning flowed across my body and nerves, slowing the world down. The man was using fire type spells too. Lacing my hand with lightning I threw a punch at his chin. The man having a wide grin was about to block it thinking of it as a naive or amateurish attack, which left his lower abdomen wide open.

That split second was all I needed. Changing my fist's direction in a millisecond, I punched his abdomen with such force that my hand went through its solar plexus, as he leaned on me. "Y-you barbaric bastards. You all will soon fall. The holy vritra-"

I cut him off by grabbing his balls and started to slowly burn them, "That bastard Agrona will soon have his head lying in his own feet" saying that I totally crushed it, with him dying instantly. Admiring how cool I looked while saying that to the one who they worshipped like their GOD I was surrounded by multiple SS class beasts.

"Come on can't this poor old man have his moment?" I groaned and was about to attack when a familiar red bird flooded 3 of the SS mana beasts with flames, and instantly torched them. It looked at me with intelligent eyes, it's size almost doubled, with a hint of pride in its eyes .

"Good to have you back. Now,Let's kick some ass Bruno!" I exclaimed slamming my fists together creating sparks of lightning. Suddenly a vine hit my cheek and grazed it. I was about to see where the attack Came from but another presence made me feel falling down on my knees. I was currently a white core, but who could have such pressure as to make me buckle down?

I was brought out of my stuppor by a loud cry as I saw a very familiar young man. Jet black hair and gleaming red eyes. Nico, my son's brother like figure. He held a woman by her throat, his hand clad in a greyish flame, making the woman scream in agony.

"Shouldn't have touched him" was the only thing I heard before every inch of woman's body was brutally mutilated by metal harpoons which manifested out of no where.

He dropped the woman and walked towards me, muttering the same thing under his breath which I heard "He's scrapped, damn it. Arthur's going to kill me" with a bit of fear in his eyes. He got close to me and touched the grazed part of my cheek with the same fire. The flame danced and did no damage, instead healed the wound.

"Uncle Rey get back with the others, however I'll need Bruno to gather all enemies together"

I didn't want to leave him alone but he was the second strongest lance in dicathen after his fiancé. But despite being so strong he was like a son to me. I didn't wanted anything to happen to him, but he had his duties to fulfil, and a duty to protect his homeland

"Come back alive Nico. You get me?" I said while hugging him.

He scoffed and looked at me "Don't worry uncle. That cockroach taught me a trick or two. I won't die" and flew towards the battlefield taking my bond with him, while I started to take everyone as far away from him as possible. If Arthur was the one teaching him it's going to get really nasty.

Once we all were some visible miles away from him, I spotted Bruno not killing but pushing the enemies in the designated place. The previously cheerful face of Nico contorted into a scowl, as he looked at beasts and alacryans alike, filled with contempt and rage.

Once everyone was in place Nico took out a purple orb crushing it, which created a huge amethyst orb, trapping everyone inside. Before the dome fully manifested I heard him say,

"Really tragic for you to be trapped inside with someone like me" which sent wild shivers throughout my whole body. His voice his personality everything was taking a turn for the worst.

As he pointed his hand towards the legions of corrupted beasts and alacryans, the ground in the dome started to shake violently, even making tremors where we stood which was miles away. With a single flick of his hand the ground started to crack as greyish light started to leap out.

After a few seconds of light creeping out from the multiple crevices in the ground, all hell broke loose. Grey flames that ascended to the top of dome erupted from underneath the ground, burning everything.

Cries of men and wailing enshrouded the whole place. It was like a literal hell in the dome. Huge explosions, people crying like the demons themselves were torturing their very souls made beads of sweat roll down our faces.

After a few minutes of continued shouts and cries the voices died down, as the dome started to disintegrate. Nico flew from among the flames, while walking in our direction. Then suddenly he snapped his fingers.

Huge spikes that seemed to reach the heavens erupted from the ground impaling beasts and humans alike. Their bodies hung, impaled on spikes high above in the sky for everyone to see. Everyone including me looked at the horrendous sight in front of us.

A boy the age of my son did something like this without even looking tired. As he reached my side he looked behind with a speed that would snap a normal person's neck. He had an amused smile on his face.

"Finally here to grace us with your benevolent presence? Scythe Seris?"

A woman emerged from the shadows. Pearl coloured hair with obsidian eyes and horns. Unlike other vritra her horns exuded royalty. Her hands were tucked behind her back as she slowly walked towards us. Behind her was another figure with little horns and red eyes, clad in black armour.

"I presume you already know what I'm here for" she said facing Nico ignoring everyone's existence.

"He'll be waiting for you once he deals with his side of..... distractions" he paused "And also your disciple is with him. Tho I must warn she's his fiancé now so no funny businesses".

Her face turned into something between surprise, relief , sadness and anger. You can say she showed a million emotions in a split second and then composed herself even faster than she lost control of her emotions.

What? Is caera the scythe's disciple? I never knew about it, and decided not to know much. Everything Arthur did was for our own good. Never did he do something as to put us in harm's way. So if he hid it, it must have some solid reason.

Suddenly a pressure came from the scythe as all of  us had trouble breathing, a moment later another pressure boomed suppressing the previous one as I saw the black armour guy under Nico's feet while the scythe's feet above the ground as he held her by the neck firmly.

"Do that again and you'll suffer endless agony" he spat at her. After calming down he left us as he practically dragged the scythe and her lackey to god knows where.

I hope Arthur doesn't make a big mess, I thought sighing inwardly feeling bad for the one who's heading towards the place where Arthur is.


(A/n I know it's a short chapter, almost 1/3 of what I usually upload. But I wanted to write some good fighting scenes with as much detail as possible. For that I'll need sometime. Sure I can arrange chapters like this one but it makes me feel like betraying the ones who're reading it. So I'll take sometime before uploading the next one.

Also I've started another fic with the name

"That time I got reincarnated as an asura"

Do give it a read, and until the next chapter stay blessed and I'm out