A night to remember

(You're very own legal hacker-san here. Before we start the chapter ahead is a smut, mostly. But not a full fledged Smut. More of like foreplay and some indications. However I thought I'll just warn. But I do know you'll still read it even if you're a minor. I just know, don't ask me how.)


As Arthur arrived in his room with caera in his embrace, she jumped back, as she took in her new surroundings. A look of relief washed over her. She looked at her ring and then at Arthur who had the same longing in his eyes, as she had for him. A desire of being one with her, and only her. His eyes which saw nothing but her.

A tremendous flash of pride and desire went through her body. Not being  able to hold himself any longer Arthur grabbed her hand and pulled her towards himself as he pushed his lips against her, again.

Caera's legs went weak as the door closed behind them with a gust of wind. She felt Arthur's mouth on hers, his lips tasting of mixed fruits, sweet and bitter.

She opened her mouth. At that moment she felt his hand come up beneath her cape, heard the rustle of material giving way, felt his large warm hand between her legs, ripping aside the satin *ahmmm* to caress her vulva. She put her arms around his neck and hung there as he opened her trousers. Then he placed both hands beneath her bare buttocks and lift her.

He threw her on the bed as she kept her attention on Arthur. Not wanting to waste a single second of imprinting his image in her mind. Arthur got rid of his shirt as he made his way to her. He stooped down as he plucked the artifact from her neck. Her horns became visible again.

"Huuuuuuh?" She almost screamed but Arthur placed a finger on her soft and tender lips "I love you, the way you are. No need to conceal this Infront of me. In fact you seem even beautiful now" Arthur said making her blush.

He planted both of her hands on the either side of her head as he leaned closer and softly kissed her lips. He did the same thing for second time, slightly and softly touching her lips. As he did it for the third time, Caera held his head and drew him in for a deep kiss. She didn't let go as she gripped him firmly by his hair. After a minute she let him go but this time Arthur gripped her not allowing her to let go. Soft moans escaped her mouth as she begged for air,

"Stop *pant* teasing me Arthur *pant pant*"

"So smooth she was, So warm" Arthur thought

It was like he was calling the heat and shape of her out of the darkness, as if the darkness was turning solid and growing quick, under his hand.

She was so hot that Arthur was melting. Her cheeks burned and the soles of her feet tingled from sustained arousal from Arthur's constant touch. Perspiration beaded between her breasts making Arthur almost loose himself .He'd gathered her wrists in one hand and held them above her head preventing her from doing anything but stare blindly as Arthur ravaged her.

With his hands and his mouth, he caressed her, his fingers moving down her body, pausing for a moment at her navel, then sliding even lower.


A moan escaped her mouth, due to Arthur's sudden action. Caera couldn't do anything as all strength left her body..... Or she didn't wanted to. Her initial surprise changed into that of pleasure as her moans changed and grew 

"Mmmmh~~ ahhh~~~"

(Note :: Fuck you whooper.)

Arthur planted his lips on her again albeit this time more violently. She felt short of breath as he lowered his head and kissed between her breasts and slowly ran his tongue up her neck. His hands gently caressed her back, her arms, her shoulders, and she felt their heated bodies press together, skin to skin.(a/n or meat,?)

(A/n i wanna die)

Arthur stopped pushing as a realisation hit him

"There would be plenty of time to exert my dominance", he thought. To have her submit in all manner of ways.

However Today was about their first time together and establishing trust. It was about him taking care of her needs. Pleasuring her. He leaned down, pressing his mouth between her breasts. She arched into him, seeing more of his mouth. So he gave her more, kissing a line down to her belly. A soft moan escaped and her stomach clenched and quivered beneath his mouth.

Caera looked at him, her eyes devoid of any reasoning. She  wanted him, all right; her breasts ached and her belly was tight with it, the unaccustomed rush of arousal slippery between the legs, opening it for him. lust, was the desire to simply be taken, to have him master her, quell her doubts in a moment of rough usage,take her hard and swiftly enough to make her forget herself.

And it was exactly what happened that night. A night full of pants and moans, kisses and thrusts. A night when a lot of blood and sweat was shed. a wet night indeed. A night they'll remember despite the all other nights they'll have together.

(A/n  I legit wanna die)

(Note;;  God I wish whooper  yeets himself off the roof. God, please)


The next morning

Arthur Leywin POV::

I woke up in the morning. It was still pretty early for me, after all the adventure I had last night. I looked over to caera, her hair ruffled as they spread all over her pillow and her chest beating rhythmically. The sheets were a mess, and so was the room. Clothes lying everywhere, some garments hanging from the chandelier, that I made just for our house.

I face-palmed myself, for loosing myself so much. But when looked at it from a positive view-point, it was a good thing. I was enjoying the little time I had left. After all my judgement will soon come across me. I sighed as I pushed the future events to the back of my head.

I conjured wind mana as I started to sort everything. I gently removed still wet sheets from caera and replaced them with clean ones and while storing the other ones in my spare ring.

I conjured a wind barrier over caera as she was still asleep. After I cleaned up a bit, and carefully got rid of all the nasty evidence, I made my way outside. As I got out I saw dad standing there with a huge grin over his face.

"Looks like someone had a pretty eventful night, yesterday"

"W-w-what are you talking about dad? I was just checking on caera. She wasn't feeling very well" I said loosing all composure

'he won't know, yes he won't. I even got rid of every evidence'

"Really? Hahahahaha. Son you aren't old enough to trick your dad....... Well maybe you are , but still you're my son. How would you explain her sleeping like a log in your room? Hahaha"



Regis and Sylvie stiffened their laughs from the far corner of the hall. I looked at dad horrified thinking what mom will do once she learns about it.

"Let this be our first father-son secret. Okay?" Dad said throwing a wink, as he left me petrified there while laughing like a maniac.

I walked and sat on the dining table, ready for breakfast. Mom came a while later "Where is caera? And.... ARTHUR LEYWIN" she screamed my name, slamming the dining table.

"Oh boy" was all I thought but she hugged me firmly "Congratulations my baby, on your engagement. But you know you should inform your parents first." She said while pulling my ear softly.

"Ow, ow sorry mom. I just wanted to confirm. Who knows maybe she would've rejected me." I said acting hurt

"You're my son, alright. How can a girl ever reject you.? HAHAHA"




"I swear honey, you're getting more and more goof and stupid everytime you achieve a new core." Mother said holding her head.

"I wonder how you'll turn out when you reach integrate stage"

"I agree with grandma too"

Regis and Sylvie added soft insults making dad's shoulder droop.

"Don't worry dad. I won't judge you."

His face brightened up but went to the same gloomy one as I said "However I suppose the 'growing stupid with growing core' disease isn't contagious" making everyone laugh.

"Ah, I'm sorry Im late. Couldn't sleep last night after a certain someone conjured a weak sound barrier." Seris chimed in as she suddenly appeared.



accidently spit my food at her words. 'Damn it, i was careless'

"ARTHUR! what are you doing? Also Seris what did you just said?" Mother asked

"Nothing! I just have a habit of grumbling non-sense in the morning" she said innocently. After that mom and Seris started talking. I was quite surprised to see how well they got along. Suddenly I heard a squeal. It was a maid's.

My mom and Seris dashed towards the room, in particular my room. We reached there to notice caera sitting on the floor with a flushed face.

"M-ma'am caera just fell. Every time she stands up she falls back. This time she hit her head" the maid said panicking.

'i am so done for' I thought

'had fun breaking someone?'

'papa's a pervert'

Two voices ringed in my head. As soon as I glared over in there direction they vanished into a portal leaving the poor me at the mercy of mom and Seris.

The two of them looked around and realised she was in my room. Seris had a coy smile on her face while mom wore a looks of pure anger and annoyance. She put her hand on Caera's forehead as she started to heal her. I stood there like a criminal, while caera kept looking at me and then at mother.

After healing her mother hugged her and moved in my direction. Grabbing me by my wrist she started to pull me. I looked over in Seris's direction, pleading her to help me but she shrugged as she sat along with caera.

'Im In for one hell of a moral lecture' I thought as my mom started her moral lecture'.


(A/n whoo, that's it for today. Honestly it was the most difficult chapter up till now. Ima go, hide in a corner and start my self-loathing session)

Until then stay blessed , and I'm out