The Wedding

Arthur Leywin POV

Once I was in my room, I walked towards my wardrobe cupboard. I took my wedding suit out, which was still wrapped in a transparent thin plastic cover. Ripping the wrapper I took a quick look on the tux.

It was the most formal model of dinner jackets in my previous world. A Single Breasted Model. Unlike regular suits, it has only one button which allows the front to be cut in a deep "V" shape that mimics an ideal male torso.

Because the single-breasted model was often worn unbuttoned, it required that the trousers' exposed waistband be covered by a cummerbund or waistcoat.

I slipped my feet in the fine black trousers, and tousled my white shirt inside. The coat was made of excellent quality. A soft yet sturdy material, which exuded a sense of royalty. I buttoned a single button on my coat. I then moved on to the item I was most excited for. While it wasn't a significant thing in my old world it was still something I was seeing after so many years . A bow tie.

Remembering the classes from my old world, I quickly and efficiently tied it.

I stood in the mirror. Usually I let my hair fall on my face and had no intention of changing how it looked. But today was the most special day of my life. I took my brush, as I started combing my hair. I tried multiple styles from my old world but nothing seemed to satisfy me. In the end I just sprinkled some water, and combed my hair completely backwards.

Due to being annoyingly silky they didn't sat completely. Some of them moved on the right side and some on the left. Not knowing where to take this matter from here I forfeited my feeble attempts. Just as I was about to give up I heard a knock.

"Come in"

Regis walked in, wearing a suit similar to me but instead of bow it was a tie.

"Where'd you get that?" I asked as I originally wanted a tie.

"I had Glassed demon design it for me. Gotta look the best wingman." He said looking proud. "But why your face looks like you just lost a battle?"

"I'm stuck at which style to do my hair."

"For a homicidal god killer you're really picky."

"Shut up. Now help me out or else get lost."

"Fine fine" Regis snorted as he took the brush from my hand and started to comb in a nonchalant manner.

"There, done" he said while throwing the brush away and turned my chair towards the mirror "Víola" he exclaimed.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. The hair style was simple yet elegant, which was impossible for someone like Regis to think of.

"Where'd you learn that?"

"I saw someone"

I narrowed my eyes "Who?"

"Errr. A movie ending with "Sell me this pen""


"Scratch that, get your ass up princess. It's time." He said as I stopped thinking over whatever fuckity fuck kind fuckery he had just said.

(A/n He looks like this. His hairstyle I mean, like Leonardo D'Caprio)

I heard some Slight and nimble steps approaching. It was a maid. She peaked her head inside and soon came inside "Mr Arthur. Please come to the lawn. Everyone is waiting."

"Alright you go first. I'll follow behind."

She took his leave as I also started to move towards the venue with a whistling Regis humming an annoying wedding song from my old world.

As I was walking towards the hall, azreal's words echoed in my head. "If you manage to come back"

I was brought out of my thoughts by a man continuously repeating my name.



Dad moved towards me and hugged me. After a brief hug he separated and placed his hands on my shoulders and looked at me from up to down.

"Look at you, so big and handsome. Just like me. Haha. Are you ready?"

I let out a small chuckle "Of course dad, I'm ready."

"All right, congrats son, I'll be waiting for you outside" he said giving me a warm smile

"Sure....thanks dad!" I replied

Dad quicky left. I stood there for a while and then I took a deep breath, to calm down my nerves and pounding heart. I opened the double door which led towards the lawn.

"Magnificent" I exclaimed.

Lamps of sorts hung from every branch of every tree, small round candles lit on the pavement, where people walked but still there was not a single flicker to the candles. The grass shined due to the dew on them reflecting the beautiful golden and orange lights of the setting sun.

I looked around to see the huge amount people pouring in. A maid stood there handing something to only girls and women. That's when I noticed. Every girl that I came across with, even the maids were wearing them.

Floral crowns made of roses and daisies. Their aroma spread around the whole lawn, coupled with the small candles that littered the whole place made the scene even more nostalgic.

I spotted Ellie as she jumped towards me. She was wearing a white coloured frock with frills. She gave a twirl and them brought her head extremely close to my eyes, showing of her flower crown. Her crown was a bit bigger as it had a few more flower petals.

"You look great Ellie" I said with a warm smile.

"You don't look bad either. This much should be expected from my brother" she said while huffing. I just smiled at her as she dragged me towards her friends to introduce me to them.

As she started introducing them to a name struck in my ear like a bolt of lightning "and this is my good friend, Rick" she said holding his hand.

I glared at the audacious bastard who held her hand too. Anger flared into me and it was taking every last piece self control to not rip the snotty brat go pieces for touching my sister.

"Hey princess stop obsessing over your sister. She has her life to live, and her own decision to make. Just give that DICK boy a chance. You have the whole night to observe him"

I chuckled lightly at the name bend but kept my face straight. I extended my hand towards Rick as he took and shook it. His hold was firm and strong. I applied a little force as his facial expressions changed a bit but the smile on his stupid face never faltered.

"I'll like to talk and spend some time with you a later date, seeing you're quite close to MY sister." I said as I glared at their interlinked arms. Ellie got rid of it and blushed a little. A pain pierced my heart, seeing my little sister grow up so fast. Will she leave me after she finds her partner.? No, absolutely not. I have to make sure to test the boy who tries to get close to my sister to his limits.

"Well I have a few ideas" Regis mentally sent to me as devious grins formed on our face. While i was still immersed in thoughts of what kind of torture and agony I'll put the boy through, the doors that led to the lawn from the other side, opened wide.

As the door opened, my eyes were blessed by a magnificent sight. One that would make anyone envious of me. Caera was standing there, clad in a white dress, the dress was sleeveless-showing her slender and beautiful arms. They were covered by gloves made of embroidered net that reached her elbows.

Beautiful silver coloured lace, frills and pearls were scattered on the dress, making her look even more elegant and luxurious like a priceless jewel she was.

Her navy blue hair was rolled up in a very intricate roll, and there was a diamond jewel adorning her head, and her ruby ​​eyes were currently shining brightly, no less shining than the jewels on her head. Even the beauty of fading son, that shone behind her didn't help me wake up from my trance.

Mom walked behind her holding the back of her dress that was touching the ground. I felt a tug in my sleeve. I saw Ellie with a coy smile on her face as she started to push me,

"Go and get her, brother" she said with genuine joy.

I walked towards her, my steps getting slower and slower as I approached them. My heart beating violently, threatening to break my ribs and come out anytime now. Mom gave me a warm smile as she got ahead of caera and gave me a deep hug. She touched my face like I wasn't real, as tears started to form on her face,

"I'm so happy for you art. Look at my baby, you've grown so much" she said wiping the tears that formed in her eyes.

She took her leave as she moved to where dad, Ellie and Seris were. Seris was hiding her horns with the artifact I had made for her. I extended my hand towards caera who had a veil over her face,extending from her head and moving down her face, which was made of a fine net. She slipped her hand gracefully into mine as we made our way to aisle.

The way to aisle was littered with lanterns, candles and little saplings flanked both sides. A white cloth stretched 1 metre from the aisle in our direction. The aisle itself was adorned with clusters of eucalyptus, pampas grass, and cacti fringe giving it a desertic vibe, contrast to the green and lush enviornment.

We made our way to the centre where a man, in white robes stood.

(A/n bruh, I don't even know what I'm doing. The marriage culture In my country is totally different from what I'm writing. I don't know what kind of pledges they take and what they do, so i won't be writing this one in detail. Yes, curse me.)

"Arthur Leywin, son of Reynolds and Alice Leywin, do you accept Caera Denoir, daughter of Corbett and Leonara Denoir as your life long partner and wife?" The man said

"I do" I said calmly enjoying what I just said. I never knew that such simple words could bring me so much happiness.

"Caera Denoir, daughter of Corbett and Leonara Denoir, do you accept Arthur Leywin , son of Reynolds and Alice Leywin as your husband.?"

"I do" she said confidently, but I noticed the slight tremble in her breath.

"I hereby declare you both husband and wife"

(A/n Yayyyyy, so that's it, prodigal son returns has ended. Thank you very much)

"You may now kiss the bride" the robbed man said

My heart fluttered as I moved towards her. I lifted the veil off her face so see a huge blush on her face. A smile formed on my face. I wrapped on my hand around her waist and placed the other on her shoulders as I pulled her close. She responded by wrapping her arms around my neck, as our lips met for a few seconds, and then parted.

It was the smallest kiss I shared with her, but yet it felt the most intimate. The crowd went into a frenzy as they started to shower flowers on both of us.

The sky shook by huge explosion due to a certain dragon and phoenix wyrm trying to mimick fireworks from my old world. Regis looked at me and threw a wink. 'So it was his idea' I thought.

I looked at caera who, just like everyone was watching the fireworks in awe. I wrapped my hand around her and brought her closer in a side hug enjoying the fireworks.

"Life has never been so peaceful and enjoyable before today" I muttered under my breath.


(A/n. Had to rewrite the whole chap, due to the prev one being, kind of unsatisfactory. Tell me what you think of this one. Hope you like it . Once again a big thanks to AlannaXYZ for helping me out rewrite this and organise the events. Wouldn't have done it without her help.

Hope you enjoy the chapter. Also another small announcement, I GOT MY ACCOUNT BAAAACK. Now no un-scheduled uploads fufufufu.

Whooper Signing Out