The Announcement

Arthur Leywin POV

I woke up to the sounds of two birds, happily chirping while sitting in our room's window, the bright sunlight that felt soft at this time of the morning, and fresh brisk air that felt extremely revitalising.

I tried to move but for some reason I could feel myself pinned down. No matter how much I tried I couldn't get up.

Just as I looked down, I saw Caera there, hugging my waist like a koala, her eyes like a glimmering gemstone. It wasn't just her weight that pinned me down, her intoxicating smell and the heat radiating from her bare body was what rendered me totally immobile.

"Good morning," I said, kissing her on the forehead.

"Good morning," she said lazily.

"Not enough sleep?" I asked, noticing her yawn and her turning and twisting body due to fatigue.

"Unlike someone else, I actually need a good long sleep. Double the time, after everything you've been doing."

She said with a slight blush on her face making me stifle a laugh. I got up as I left her lying there and walked towards the cupboard, got myself a pair of comfortable clothes and a towel. I saw her sneaking a peak at me.

'`Didn't have enough?' I said laughing, making her face turn into a shade of crimson. I was greeted by a pillow to my face, which I took happily knowing I deserved it. Leaving a still red Caera I went to take a shower.

The bath was soothing to say the least. The warm salty bath, which I absolutely adored in my previous world, really helped to get rid of all the cramps I had. After gaining my draconic physique, this was the first time I actually felt fatigue. Thinking about why I got the cramps, I could feel my face heat up. Getting rid of my flustered self I got up from the bath, water still dripping from my fingertips, toes, lashes and hair ends. I stared at myself in the mirror. My hair was well past my shoulders.

"Maybe I should tidy up" I thought out loud as I cut my hair, long enough to just reach just below my nape. I let the bangs remain as they were as I brushed my hair in the same style Regis did for me. I wore a black collared shirt, and black trousers. Getting out I saw Caera with a towel around her neck, as she was next to take a bath.

"I can help you if you want it" I whispered slightly while walking past her, stopping for a brief moment, while her whole body tensed up as her ears reddened.

"No freakin 'way," she yelled at me, but I had already left the room while, dampening her voice using sound magic, leaving a scared Caera behind.

I arrived at the table as I saw my family, Seris included on the table for breakfast. Mom had prepared our favourite beef stew. The atmosphere however was tense, as I could see dad and mom uneasy, while Seris looked somewhat composed, but she couldn't mask her concern as well.

"Don't worry Mom, Dad, Seris. I know things will work out well. Believe in me." I assured them with a smile

Ellie quickly finished her portion as she started to leave.

"Hey El. Where are you going?"

"Bout to meet a friend," she replied casually.

"Huuuh?" I exclaimed out loud, striking the knife on the table making mom glare at me viciously.

"Sorry mom..... anyways , ELEANOR, what do you mean by friend?"

"Why are you being so noisy? The ones I introduced to you at the wedding."

"Does that include that Dic…. I mean Rick guy?" I asked mentally cursing Regis for the weird name bend.

Ellie narrowed her eyes "I suppose he was there, so yes."

I added humbling the boy to my mental to-do list. After some more bickering we all finished our breakfast as we started to prepare to move out to the floating castle. Dad dressed up in a uniform, while I just waited Infront of the door in my casual clothes.

Soon Regis, Sylvie and Bruno arrived. I flew with Regis while Sylvie stayed behind with Caera who will arrive later. Our journey to the castle was refreshing. Although I could've godstepped there, flying there and feeling the cool and fresh air against my face felt very refreshing.

After a long but refreshing flight, we arrived at the floating castle. Tens of officials, as well as region representatives were present there to greet us. I descended along with Regis and started to greet the officials, who had curiosity filled faces.

Among them grampa Virion pushed everyone aside, as he brought me In a bear hug,

"Hey brat, how are you doing? Your hair already looks different. Wife taking control already? Buahahahaha" he laughed hysterically, as Regis stiffened a laugh too.

"You old coot. First you don't attend the ceremony and now you're making fun of me? I honestly don't want to talk to you."

"Baaah. Apologies, apologies. I was just busy with the little one. She was having spasms and convulsions, but she has fully recovered now."

"That's good to hear. Now shall we go inside?" I gestured for gramps to move first, as I followed him. After all, on the surface he was the one running everything. Aside from the few that were present, no one knew that I was recumbent in shadows, operating everything, and pulling the strings.

We moved to the council's meeting room, which was filled with leather chairs, all facing a podium.

Everyone got to their respective seats as I stood, a good distance away at the podium. I augment my voice with sound magic as I spoke up,

"My fellow Dicathians, first of all my humble greetings to all of you who are present here. As you know we have won the battle against Vritra. I congratulate you all for your efforts. As well as the soldiers who fought the battle, without regard for their lives. The deceased families will be compensated properly, without a doubt. For our overwhelming victory, I'd like to thank the lances, who helped win this war without much casualties"

As if on cue all eight lances made their way inside, wearing a more comfortable uniform this time. Nico walked with his chest puffed out while Cecil had a nonchalant look on her face.

"Now, as for why I have summoned you all here, and why I used the word 'battle' before. Just like many of us there are many in Alacrya who didn't want this war. They were just being used and manipulated by Agrona and the Vritra, as he continued his experiments on them. Although they might be more developed than us, their condition is not exactly what you'll call "Living a good life". Humans constantly being experimented on, being forced to worship them as gods, constantly fed lies, used as fodder to collect relics for themselves.

As fellow humans, I think they have the right to live their lives for themselves. Not some bastard Asuras who interbreed just to get a powerful army"

Just as I said that the crowd's faces contorted into a flurry of emotions, as the whole council room bursted into a sea of arguments. Anger and disgust was the most common emotion on the faces of people present. I held the area between my eyes, as I stared at them bickering like children.


A silent click of fingers resounded, as I saw everyone had a shocked face. They were speaking but even they themselves couldn't hear their own voices. I looked in the corner as a figure appeared just for a split second, nodded in my direction and disappeared as soon as it appeared. 'Aya' I thought.

Once everyone was silent, I started speaking again, my voice the only thing audible. Even my breath seemed to be amplified under Aya's spell. She really was the best sound mage I had ever encountered.

"Ehmmm, so as I was saying before getting so rudely interrupted" I started again this time with enough authority to make everyone except Regis and Cecil flinch. "The war isn't over. Given enough time Agrona can make an army of people as strong as scythes. There are also people like ascenders, who didn't participate in war but most of them are low to mid retainer rank."

Once again they started murmuring, but this time with minimal voice.

"Forgive me for such a question, but how do you know that? And how are you certain about those things?"

"I was about to move to just that." I took in a deep breath "One of the scythes, specifically speaking the scythe of domain Sehz-clar had already declared her animosity against Agrona. She has helped us various times in providing insider information and Agrona's secret plots. And that is the main purpose of today's meeting. I'd like you all to meet Scythe Seris of Alacrya."

Just as I said that I waved my hand as Sylvia's third phase kicked in, giving birth to a shimmering amethyst portal. From inside it, stepped Seris, her Pearl coloured hair were let loose as two obsidian horns protruded from her forehead. She wore a loose black dress and a beautiful robe, emanating an otherworldly royalty.

People inside the room gasped as lances except Cecil and Nico kept sitting there. After her, another woman stepped inside, wearing a navy blue suit, the sleeves which reached to her elbow and then a cut afterwards, revealing her pristine skin. It was Caera, without her concealment artifact, her horns protruding from her temples and travelled upwards instead of coming down unlike most of the vritra.

Once again murmurs resounded in the room.

"What is the meaning of this?"

"Isn't that his wife? Why does she have those horns?"

"Is he siding with Alacrya too?"

"He might be supporting them because of his wife"

Multiple kind of murmurs continued which slowly changed into accusations. One of the man stepped forward as he opened his mouth and said in a pseudo authoritative voice,

"I need you to step down from there. I'll take things from here, while you, Marshal, will be imprisoned until further notice"

I raised a brow "what did you just say?"

He was about to talk, but I let my aetheric intent out as he bucked to the ground. I let the aether flow, as it flowed from pours, and formed a pure amethyst dome, and inside the dome came a pressure so heavy that even I started to feel it.

"Let me revise something for you baldy. Because it looks like you don't know what position you are in. You think you can do as you please just because your ancestors gathered war merits? You think your voice matters just by placing that wrinkled ass over a soft sofa and letting soldiers die for you?"

He remained silent as I peered down at people, who were now silent.

"I won't be forcing my orders on you. But know this, if we didn't cooperate with Seris we would've been as good as dead."...…"now raise your hands if you disagree with me about forming an alliance with them"

Hands were raised. A gust of wind passed through them as Aya's voice resounded from everywhere

"10 disagree"

"Now, those who agree raise their hands"

Another pulse of wind passed through them as Aya spoked without appearing

"16 agree"

I sneered at the fat bald man "It's decided. Get ready everyone. It's time for retaliation."


(A/n welp that's all for today. Hope you enjoy it. PSR is nearing the endgame now.

Hope you enjoy the chap, happy reading and stay blessed.

Whooper signing out, @Rusinen for the carry (that's right bite me)