The Seal

It has been 4 days since the day when the four asuras attacked Arthur. The backup they had stationed a few miles away from the main battle was withdrawn immediately as a scroll appeared in-front of them.


Random Asura POV:

We waited for the elders to arrive after squashing the bug called Arthur Leywin. Murmurs of disinterest and discontent sounded around us as everyone complained about why so many asuras had gathered to deal with a single lesser.

This was just utterly outrageous…..!

The vice-captain Taci made a smug face as he flared some of his mana to suppress the idle chatter of all the asuras gathered. Although all of us gathered here were the most genius asuras in the young generation of our respective races, one that stood out the most was Taci, from Theystes clan of Pantheon race.

Taci stood over five feet tall and looked to be about seven years old at most. He had a clean shaven head and had only two pitch black eyes along with a toned body that doesn't match his childish face.

He stood straight as a red spear appeared in his hand. "Stop your bickering. We all here are proud asuras, top of our generations. Stop squabbling like those lessers." He said, his voice arrogant.

Suddenly we heard a bloodcurdling scream. Augmenting my vision I looked forward to seeing who it belonged to. My eyes widened in horror at the sight in front of me. I saw Elder Windsom, his whole body laced with wounds and deep cuts. He was on his knees and his hands were placed on the ground as he panted heavily. He coughed up blood as more fresh blood gushed out of his wounds.

A purple haired boy stood right by his side. He had a few minor cuts but other than that he was totally unfazed. He looked down to him as a sword manifested in his hand. It shimmered and vibrated as it ripped space and reality itself to make way for itself.

A wave of panic overtook all of us alike as we understood what the boy just did. It was Aether. But the level of control over it was hundreds of times better than the dragons. I looked towards the one in charge of our unit. He was a dragon too. One of the oldest ones who I saw when i was summoned by Lord Indrath at the room gate.

He had an agitated face as he looked at Windsom. The boy raised his sword and brought it down in one swift motion, severing it. His head fell and rolled to the side as the boy stopped it by placing his foot over it.

Mana surged around him and Taci as they readied their weapons. We got into our stances too as we got ready to assist Elder Kordri and Elder Aldir to battle the two lessers. But once again a sight shook us to our cores. We saw Elder Aldir retreat and Elder Kordri started to battle the lesser named Arthur Leywin. A purple dome formed around them and it disappeared as soon as it appeared. I saw Elder Kordri hurling down as all of his body was brutally beaten down.

"Ready yourselves. We attack right now." Taci roared but suddenly a scroll appeared in front of us. It was Lord Indrath. His voice ringed from the other side, devoid of any emotion.

"Withdraw your troops. You all are to return to Euphotus. I will deal with the infestation myself." Lord Indrath ordered. Although it was just his voice, it carried enough authority to not make anyone question it.

Taci's eyes never left the place where Kordri crashed. But Lord Indrath's order was absolute. No one was to ever question it.

"Lord Indrath has issued his order. Withdraw….! EVERYONE….!"

The leader ordered as we all started to move inside the portal gate. Taking a glance back I looked at the anomaly one last time. His wheat blond hair swayed in rhythm with the wind.

Just as I kept staring at him, his back turned towards me. His hair that covered his eyes fluttered revealing his golden eyes which shone like a miniature pair of sun. He looked right in my direction, his gaze stern, emitting a huge amount of confidence.

It felt like he was peering into my very soul. A shiver of fear ran down my spine as my eyes widened instinctively. I took a step back as my heart started to beat faster. The beating thrummed in my ears as he was completely facing me now. He took a step in my direction with a smirk over his face.

All of my hair stood on their ends as a warm wave of fear coursed throughout my body. The last thing I saw was him turning his back to me as if my existence amounted to nothing to him.

-Flashback End-

/// 3rd Person POV ///

*4 Days after the Attack*

Regis walked through the hall of Taegrin Caelum as he continued to approach a specific room. The castle was unusually quiet despite all that had transpired. The only sound was the echo of his steps as he continued to approach the room.

He glanced sideways as he continued to take in the sight of beautiful portraits adorned on the walls. Some portrayed the war between Vritra and other Asuras while some just depicted the beauty of nature. The echo of his steps died down significantly as he stepped on a carpet which stretched from there to the room he was going to.

He sensed aether fluctuations from the other side of the room as his eyes glowed a deep amethyst.

"Hmm. Looks like he's using that." Regis mumbled to himself as he continued his approach towards the room. Upon reaching there he placed his hands over the handle of the double doors. The handles were unnaturally cold. He pulled and opened the doors.

As the door opened he saw Arthur sitting in the far corner of the room on a make-shift throne. It was a simple throne which extended from above his head. There were no ornaments hanging from it. Just a simple looking throne carved from ice. But despite the simplicity it exuded an aura of only accepting the worthy.

Regis walked and looked at Arthur who had his eyes closed and both hands resting on the armrest. A relic laid on his lap as it produced a slight hum, continuously. Aether coursed around him and expanded as he continued to use the relic. Regis sat down on a seat as he continued to observe Arthur silently.

Suddenly the aether fluctuated and Regis felt Arthur's consciousness returning. The aether retracted bringing him back. Arthur breathed the inhaled air out as he slowly opened his eyes. His eyes opened and he blinked it a few times. His pupils turned to the corner of his eyes as he spotted Regis sitting there with a serious face.

"So…?" Regis asked, his hands balled into fists.

"He knows." Arthur replied shortly as Regis let out a grunt. Arthur relaxed his legs as he extended and then laid back. He pressed his head against the icy throne. Taking in deep breaths he organised his thoughts. Kezzes knows about time travel. He was now sure of it as he saw it with his own eyes.

Regis wanted to speak something but suddenly he saw blood oozing out of Arthur's nose. "Arthur…. It's acting up." Regis said with a panic stricken face.

"Hmm..?" Arthur opened his eyes slowly as he raised his hand. He touched the base of his nostrils and brought it close to his eye level. He saw his own blood on his fingers, still warm.

He let out a tired sigh as he just took out a piece of cloth and wiped it.

"I have to get this fight out of the way as soon as possible. My body can't imprison it for any time longer. I've already forced it a lot." Arthur said as he coughed.

"You don't have to force it. We can still win. We all are much stronger than before. Have a little faith in us. Cecelia and Nico can fight high ranking Asuras too." Regis said, trying to talk Arthur out. "I haven't begged you for anything until now. But please.... Don't do this. You can't win a war by yourself." Regis pleaded, his voice carrying sorrow for the first time in his life as he begged Arthur.

A warm smile flashed on Arthur's face,

"Who said I'm alone? I have you buddy. I'm sure everything will work out."

Arthur said as his smile turned into a pained expression.

"I don't want to lose anyone again, Regis." Arthur said but it came out as a light wimper. Tears appeared in his eyes as he started to sob. His muffled cries echoed in the empty room as Regis kept looking at him, his face getting grim with every passing second. Regis went up and hugged him deeply as the mighty Arthur Leywin, slayer of Asuras, crumbled.

"I'm so scared Regis. What do I do..? I can't stand to lose them again. I just can't. I can't watch them die in my arms." He broke their hug as he looked at Regis with swollen eyes,

"So tell me..! How can I not sacrifice my life? I love them so much. Was it too much to ask for?" He paused for a while. "Maybe it really was too much to ask for..!"

"Don't say that." Regis said, his voice heavy.

"Prove me wrong then." Arthur roared as silence enshrouded the empty room. "See? I know it too. I am no different than that bastard Agrona.. I'm using someone who just wanted to rest after his death too. And that karma was bound to bite me sooner or later."

Regis took a deep sigh as he looked at Arthur, "So. It's just us….again. just like old times." Arthur chuckled as he nodded. "The seal is going to break in a few days by itself. I think you should meet with your family too. I'll go and talk to Aya and Priscilla." Regis said as he straightened up.

"Good luck…. And Regis..? I'm sorry." Arthur said, his eyes still shining from the tears that threatened to come out any second now.

"Don't worry Pal. I'm sure we both will make it through." Regis replied as he waved his hand and turned around. His robe fluttered as he turned and with quick steps he soon reached the door. Taking a quick worried glance back at Arthur who was now sitting with his chin resting on intertwined hands, deep in thought Regis took his leave.

"Well then. I guess I'll meet my family too." Arthur muttered to himself while organising his thoughts about how to break the news to his family.

< Outside their House in Dicathen >

Peace had returned to the two continents for quite a few days now. With the help of Aldir and Kordri, Arthur had ensured people were safe from the invasion of Asuras.

In Etistin, a house just a minute away from the beach, a couple sat in their lawn drinking tea with their daughter-in-law. Alice and Rey sat on the chairs side by side with a small table in front of them. Caera was seated across the table as she was holding an earthen cup in her hand sipping on the tea, patiently.

Ellie and Boo sat in the far corner of the lawn as she was using him as a cushion to lay down. The tension in the air was palpable as even Nico and Cecelia kept looking here and there. Cecelia sat with Ellie while Nico just kept strolling from one part of the lawn to another.

"Can you sit down please, Nico? You're making my head spin." Cecelia complained as she looked towards Nico. He had an expression which was a mixture of many emotions.

"How do I calm down, Cecelia? That stupid muscle head just said he's going on a death march against the asuras. I'm not afraid of going against the asuras. But given his nature you know what he will do right?" Nico said in a panic stricken voice.

Arthur's parents and Caera looked back at the couple as they had confused looks. But Nico and Cecelia had long since hypothesised on what was going to happen. Their only hope was that they are proved wrong.

"Don't worry. Arthur isn't some weakling or fool. If he decided on something it would be for the better." The bald asura, Kordri said, was temporarily staying at Arthur's home.

Suddenly purple lightning shone in the middle of the lawn as Arthur appeared. Nico looked at him and let out an audible gasp. It was an expression he had hated so much in his past life. He looked at Arthur and found that same expression. He looked just like HIM to Nico. Just like King Grey. His eyes were emotionless and ….. almost dead.

Nico wanted to say something but Arthur shut him up with a wave of his hand. His parents stood up visibly confused but went towards him and brought him close in a bear hug. Ellie joined them too as they fell over Arthur nearly suffocating him.

They laughed heartily as Reynolds helped Arthur to get up by extending his hand. Arthur took it and stood up and started to dust himself to get rid of the grass that stuck to him.

"Come in son. We've got lots to talk about." Reynolds said as he pointed towards the chairs. Arthur paused in his tracks as he looked at them. Caera had arrived by their side by now too. She looked him in his eyes but he averted his gaze,

"What's wrong, Art?" Caera asked.

"About that... just wait a second and I'll tell you why I summoned you all here." He said as a portal shimmered to life. Regis and Sylvie stepped from the other side. Regis gave Arthur a nod as he flew upwards and disappeared in the clouds.

"Well now that all are here.. let us begin."

"Begin what son?" Reynolds asked.

"You all must be aware of the decision I made, right?" Arthur asked.

Everyone nodded their heads as they kept looking and listening to Arthur,

"The thing is….. I'll be taking only Regis with me. You all need to stay here. And that is not up for debate." Arthur said, monotone as an eerie silence spread across the place they were all standing.