- Recap -
Everyone nodded their heads as they kept looking and listening to Arthur,
"The thing is..... I'll be taking only Regis with me. You all need to stay here. And that is not up for debate." Arthur said, monotone as an eerie silence spread across the place they were all standing.
/// Arthur Leywin POV ///
I paused after saying those words to let them sink in. An eerie silence spread across the lawn as I just kept staring at no one in particular. It's not like I didn't want to. But I just couldn't. I felt ashamed at my own incompetence. I had already lost them once, I can't risk their lives again.
My parents stood there with dumbfounded expressions, still processing what I said was reality or just their kid spouting some random nonsense. A trembling laughter echoed as my gaze shifted towards the source. She walked slowly towards me, a doubtful smile over her face. She limped once like she was pushing herself to walk. I walked over to her and stopped her from walking any further.
She put her arms around my waist as she hugged me tightly. "Haha, Arthur. Your sense of humour is getting worse, haha. You were more funny in relictombs." She said, her voice trembling audibly. A jolt of pain went through my heart. It pained me to see her like this.
"It's a joke right? Right?" She asked, trying her hardest to deny the reality. She already knew I wasn't joking. Who else but Caera could understand me better? She knew when I was truly happy or sad, despite the mask I wore. She was the only person who could do that in my two lives.
I just shook my head and held her hands that were cupping my cheeks. Suddenly I felt mana tremble as chains made of ice trapped me and started to absorb all mana inside me. I looked to the side to see Cecelia, with tears in her eyes as Nico had a sad look on his face, soulfire already dancing on his fingertips.
"Sorry Arthur. But we can't let you kill yourself. If anything, we will die with you." Cecelia said as Nico nodded. I let out a deep sigh. I had expected this reaction from them.
"I don't think I'm going to let you come with me." I said as I siphoned aether from the aether core. I conjured multiple aetheric chains and pinned them to the floor. Cecelia tried to break free using mana but it was all futile. Kordri stood straight in his place, not moving an inch. His gaze was as calm as ever as he continued to look at me.
"If you're going to give it a shot, now is the time. I don't have much time." I said as I felt spasms of pain coming back.
"I trust your judgment. The reason why you aren't taking me or Aldir is because you want us to protect your parents and the continents, correct?" Kordri finished as I just shook my head.
Caera ran up to me and tackled me. She started beating me on my chest. Another jolt of pain went through my heart. It pained me to no end to see her like this. Each of her hits were as soft as a feather, but the pain I felt at seeing her in this state was unimaginable. Her hair was disheveled, her eyes bloodshot, her voice croaky and the light makeup she wore was already streaming down her cheeks.
"Please, please, please Arthur. Don't go. Don't leave me. I- I can't... how can I possibly live without you. Please, take me with you. I can fight too. I promise I won't be a burden on you." She pleaded. I felt my eyes sting as tears started to well up in them. I held the tears back as I peeled her small frame which was clinging on to me away from me. I patted her head slightly, and tucked the stray strands of her hair behind her ears.
"It's done. Get out of there."
I heard Regis' voice inside my head. I just nodded mentally.
Turning my attention back to her I held her by placing one arm over her shoulders and the other on her right cheek as I pulled her towards me. I placed my lips softly on her, feeling the softness and warmth, for the last time, possibly.
She closed her eyes, tears still trickling down her cheeks as she kept kissing my lower lip. My grip over her frame loosened as I sent aether to my spatium god-rune. I parted my lips in one swift motion as I leaned towards her ear,
|| When we two parted
In silence and tears,
Half broken-hearted
To sever for years,
Pale grew thy cheek and cold,
Colder thy kiss;
Truly that hour foretold
Sorrow to this. ||
"Take care of our child." I whispered.
Her eyes widened and breathing became ragged as her grip on me loosened. My heart ached at losing her touch, but it was necessary. An utmost necessity.
The Spatium god-rune was now fully functional. Strands of aether appeared Infront of my eyes as I god stepped behind to the edge of the city. Sylvie tried to fly towards me, but as soon as she neared me a purple dome fell from the sky. She crashed into the dome and was sent flying. She got up and went towards the dome again, smacking it with her fists and pure mana blasts.
"Why? Why? Why? Why Papa? Why are you even leaving me?" She cried her heart out as I put my head against the dome. She did the same and put her head over the same place as mine.
"Don't worry, Sylvie. You all will be safe now. This dome is extended all over two continents. Even if I die, Asuras can't harm you for the next 100 years or so."
I said as her sobs just got even louder. I patted the part of the dome where she placed her head. "Take care of your sibling, Ok? You're his or her elder sister." I said as a sad smile formed on my face, knowing I'd most likely won't even know about my child's gender. I started to fly without waiting for her reply.
|| Remember me when I am gone away,
Gone far away into the silent land;
When you can no more hold me by the hand,
Nor I half turn to go yet turning stay.
Remember me when no more day by day
You tell me of our future that you plann'd:
Only remember me; you understand
It will be late to counsel then or pray … ||
(REMEMBER by Christina Rossetti)
After an hour of flying slowly and depleting my tear reserves I spotted Regis. He was flying towards me, his back hunched in a bow shape.
"So..? How did…" I tried to ask but Regis just clicked his tongue.
"A reaction you'd receive from any newly wed upon receiving the death of her partner." He said, nonchalantly.
"I'm sorry." I apologised, sincerely.
"Don't sweat it princess. I was born for this day." He replied, flashing a toothy grin. I smiled back at him as we sped up towards our destination. I activated the Divine Transformation, Realmheart as my hair turned white. Warmth spread throughout my entire body as runes appeared on it. I extended my hand towards a point in space as a portal shimmered to life.
I looked at Regis. He was looking at me too, aether already spreading across his body and a sneer over his face. "Wanna bet?" he asked.
"Bet what?" I asked, confused by his odd question.
"Who kills more of them? I just lost by 2369 in the first timeline." He said with a grin.
"As if you can beat me." I spat as I cracked my neck.
"Oh come on princess. You're not even as strong as the first timeline." He spat back, earning him a glare from me.
"Well then, let's go." I said and leapt inside followed by Regis.
/// Caera Leywin POV ///
(A/n Yes, LEYWIN)
I stood frozen to the ground, my blood pumping hardly in my ears. The whole world seemed to come to a standstill. My vision became blurry. I couldn't tell if it was because of what Arthur said or because of the dam of tears that broke. I couldn't tell.
All I could feel was a feeling of abandonment and loss. I lost him… once again. My entire world seemed to be flipped upside down, the moment I heard he'd be going alone. I knew better than anyone, that he won't stop or listen to anyone. Still I hung pathetically at the possibility of him taking me with him.
I just wanted to die. How could I stay alive if Arthur was going to sacrifice himself for me.!? My hands trembled and the sounds around me got muffled. I saw the Asuras holding Cecelia back as she continuously tried to break the god-forsaken dome.
I stood up as I summoned my sword and coalesced it with soulfire. Suddenly I felt hands wrap around me from behind. I looked back to see Alice, her eyes filled with tears to the brim and bulging out like they would pop out any second now.
"Caera dear, what are you doing?" She asked her voice as kind as ever. But I hated it. I hated that kindness right now. Why? It's the same kindness HE used to speak to me with.
"Let me go Alice. I have to help Arthur." I said, trying to break free from her grip. She tightened her grip on me even further as she pulled me closer to her.
"Remember Caera. You have his child. You can't endanger your child's life." She said between sobs, her voice quivering. That was when I realised it, how naíve I was being. I was not only going to be a burden on him but I was also putting our unborn child in harm's way.
Did he knew all this time…? If so, why didn't he told me before..?
"Take care of our child."
His voice was sweet,soft, warm yet firm and filled with determination. His words echoed inside my ears like a chorus on an infinite repeat. I ceased all resistance as Alice tightened her grip over me even further, pulling me in a strong, but deep and warm embrace. Her tears trickled down on my dress as she kept comforting me.
I berated, bad-mouthed myself internally. I hated myself for being this pathetic. Only thinking about myself. Alice was his mother. She was in much more pain than I was. It wasn't a given that he would never come back. Yes, he will most definitely come back. He always has. He always pull through, no matter how hard a situation is.
Yes, I will wait for him. Wait for him for as long as it will take. I will never back down or give up on waiting him. For he is my only love, in my two lifetimes. I resolved myself looking up at the almost transparent purplish dome— his last act of protection for us.
|| What on Earth deserves our trust?
Youth and Beauty both are dust.
Long we gathering are with pain,
What one moment calls again.
Seven years childless marriage past,
A Son, a son is born at last:
So exactly limb'd and fair,
Full of good Spirits, Meen, and Air,
As a long life promised,
Yet, in less than six weeks dead … ||
"I'll wait for you till the end of times"
(A/n Hmmmm. I think I just poured my useless and fruitless depression into this chap. Anyways, do comment how you felt about this "emotional Yada Yada" chap 😶😶🤦🏻)
(E/n I think I just cried.)
Aaaand I'm out.