'I really don't want to deal with this right now. Lord give me energy.' Sighing deeply looking back down to her phone reading the text only for the phone to ring after much debate to finally accept the call. 'Big Bobs whore house you got the dough I got the hoe.' 'Really Arabella? Is that how you really going to answer the phone for your mother.' 'I thought it was funny.' She heard her dad say laughing softly in the background. 'Yeah you would. When are you coming home? You do remember you got to go back to work right you said you'd only be gone a week it's been two. You need to get home and let the healing begin.'
'You know what mom I am working on a flight out and I will be at the airport tonight to get the first flight out. I know I stayed longer and don't worry about work because my boss said he doesn't care. See I think we both didn't realize that there was a time limit to grieve the loss of a friend mom. Don't worry though I will get my ass back home as soon as I can and I will text you when I get back to my place good bye mom.' 'Wait Ari I didn't mean.' It was already too late and she hung up on her mother.
Looking up to grab her cold blended mocha. Glancing down to see apology texts from both her mom and father. Understanding she didn't need to be so short with them but this was one of her best friends who she just loss a good friend. Brently Brown. Brently was a physical therapist in the same practice Arabella Alderman worked for they went and got through school together being each other's rock for those long nights yes she still had their other best friends and they did do a service for him back at home in Alton. But she made a promise to him long time ago to bring him home to his city to be spread where his grandparents were spread in the cabin in the woods. She decided to stay in the cabin where she vacation with him and his family in summers gone by. Now there was no one left of his blood line now that he was gone.
Brently just left his shift with her from the hospital it was about 2 in the afternoon when a drunk-on wine middle aged soccer mom van slammed into him as he was stopped at a red light on his motorcycle waiting for it to go green. He was only seven minutes from his home. The Drunk woman named Carol hit him so hard he flew off his bike straight into the air. Only to get slammed by a big rig coming in from the right side of him he slammed through the truck to get flung to the other side of oncoming traffic. Then he preceded to get hit one more time by another van that his body dropped on top of. He bled out from eternal bleeding on the way to the hospital. That was the last time and day she spoke to him. They were just laughing and then he was no longer breathing.
She kept her word when she got his ashes and their boss understood how important it was to both of them to move on and grant his last wishes. It shocked her even more to know that he left her that cabin. After finally being able to piece herself back together she could still feel their last conversation of how she needed to branch out. To get herself a man and start living life instead of just working and running. Brently was loved by all who knew him he just had a little problem of getting a good woman to stay with him.
He was the perfect guy great personality, great job, great body, great credit score. Full of tattoos, owned his own place had no debt treated every girl like a queen. No matter what though they would always run around behind his back. Brently being a great guy he never let that get him down he always kept being him. Always kept putting himself out there to try and find the happiness they both dreamed of, except he was the only one out their trying while she put herself on a bench.
Her last boyfriend was great. He was in the business world as a famous young lawyer. He also had a great body. They met bumping into each other while jogging. They were together for three great years both families loved the other. They were living together living in pure happiness until she found out he didn't believe in marriage and never wanted kids. Hell he wouldn't even let her have a dog. After putting a lot of thought into what their futures could and would look like.
She decided to leave believing both wanted different things. No matter how much Vincent argued with her about that wasn't true in the end she proved to him it was. She wanted to devote herself heart and soul in front of God, her family and friends pledge herself to only one person for the rest of her life no matter how Vincent tried to prove they could do that without a piece of paper, he couldn't understand how it meant more than that too her.
Ari wanted kids in her life at some point. Little versions of the best of him and her. The amazing man she wanted to be devoted too would have made an incredible father. She just couldn't see a future without kids in it ever. Vincent wouldn't budge on the that so she packed up and left. Vincent still tries to reach out and check in on her and she always answers back. No need to be rude about the past well at least almost a year by now. Especially since his office was moving one town away from her home now. 'Guess moving back to my hometown wasn't much of a good idea after all thanks a lot Brent you talk me into coming back home just to leave me there alone.' Shaking her head lost in her thoughts walking down the sidewalk until she bumped into a hard chest. With her drink squished all over the top of her clothes as he remained cleaned.
"Oh my goodness. Miss I am so sorry I wasn't paying attention. Oh please forgive me are you hurt?" He asked as his two other friends who were also checking on her. "Oh that's just everywhere isn't it. Thankfully it wasn't hot." He tried to joke scratching the back of his head. As his two friends shook their heads slightly. "Please can I get you another or maybe the dry-cleaning bill?" He asked her. Finally looking up into his eyes, he took a quick breath they were amazing the color mixture between blue and green he never seen before so bright so beautiful so…sad? Confused he took a deeper look to the young dirty blonde-haired woman in front of him she was so short it was cute. Looking back into those eyes he got snapped back to reality when he heard her spoke.
"I am so sorry sir. Please forgive me. I didn't get any on you did I?" She asked looking at all of their clothes. "No Miss you took it all for the team there." He responded back. "Can I give you my card for the dry-cleaning bill?" He asked handing it to her. "No please. I was in my own little world. I should have paid better attention and I can push the button on washer just fine." She told him as she went to the trash bin. Trying to scrap most of it off. He handed her a handkerchief. "Thank you." She laughed using it to dab her shirt. "Can I offer you my jacket?" He coughed out as her shirt was staring to get see through. "No sir. It's just my magical luck." "Xavier. Xavier Holden." He stuck out his hand her calling him sir was doing nothing for him and he was curious on why he wanted to hear how his name sounded from her mouth. "Arabella Alderman, or just Ari please. Again I am just so sorry. Also for wasting more of your time have a good day gentlemen." She turned to leave making his heart jump in the process.
"Wait, could we maybe give you a ride, Ari?" He asked her hopeful. "That's really sweet but I'm good I really need to be on my way take it easy Xavier and friends." She smiled to them waving them off walking to the cab that was sitting in front of them. Getting in to get back to the cabin and grab her things to get to the airport. "Dude she literally had no idea who you were?" Jace said with a deep chuckle. "Man it's kind of nice to know not everyone is always in to the media." Phoenix added with a smile. Xavier was just staring at the direction she was going in. "Xavier!" Jace called out to him again bringing him out of his thoughts. "Sorry, what man?" "I said you ready to go? We couldn't get you on our plane out so you're going to be on standby tonight and tomorrow. Is that alright or do you want to change with one of us?" Jace asked him looking at him weird.
"No, I'm fine lagging behind I could get some work done while waiting anyway. I know I got Oscar coming in on a small liner tonight. I'll just wait for him he has got two open seats anyway. I called in earlier and there's only six other people on it tonight anyway." Xavier told them trying to adjust himself as they got into their ride to get to the hotel. "What is wrong with you? Did you jumble your head on that light impact or what?" Jace asked again with soft chuckle. "No, I dare say my friend we just witnessed Xavier finally being attracted to a woman." Phoenix said with a dramatic playful gasp as Jace joined in as they both played in shocked. "Could this be true? Xavier finally getting his eye on a girl? No that can't be. I thought he was starting to go gay or what is it called when you have no sexual preference?" Jace asked him.
" I think it's asexuality." Nix told him with a chuckle. "Yes I thought you was just asexual. Nice to see someone finally catching your eye. You should have gotten her number or asked her out man." Jace added. "What good would that have really done when I'm leaving the city? I was only here for two day business and going back home." Xavier rolled his eyes at them but couldn't get her smile out of his head. "So come on what got your attention about her? Was it the eyes, the personality because she was funny. Was it her smile?" Nix asked bating his lashes to him. "Would you stop you damn ass." Xavier pushed him back.
"No man, I mean come on this is the first chick who actually made your breath get caught in your damn throat man. Yeah I saw it! You turn down super models and Actresses, Politicians, slutty secretaries with banging bodies, so many woman man what was it about that one that made you look like you just saw in color for the first time?" Nix asked him then added. "Hell were already down the rabbit hole seriously man what is it? You know you the perfect catch your damn skinned, almost 7' tall." "6'9ish." Xavier corrected. "Same shit man. Your got a body of a Greek damn God bro you're well educated. You busted your ass to get where you are. Fuck man your worth billions. You are great pillar in the community you give back to the communities. You help so many in so many ways. I mean you go and built all this incredible shit and yet you are still missing out on so much." Jace told him in a sad voice.
"Not this again man." Xavier said shaking his head with a smile running his hand across his lip. "Yes this again man. Xavier what is the point in building an empire like this with no one to share it with? At least fuck get a dog or something. All you do is work and throw yourself in to charity work you do everything you can to avoid trying to get yourself out there." Nix said sadly. "That's not true I went on those three blind dates you guys set me up on. Look how well that went." He told them as they looked down. "As soon as they figured out who I really was they couldn't wait to get their claws in me.
Worrying about what kinda car I drive or how I'm a heartless monster because I'm not vegan or mad because I wouldn't put out on the first date and was rude for ignoring them as they sat across from me bad mouthing the woman and men I didn't even know for how they dressed or their opinions on stupid social shit. I don't want to put myself out there when that is the only thing I attract man." Xavier told them sadly trying to look away so they couldn't see how hurt and lonely he was.
"Ari didn't seem like that?" Nix shrugged. "No she didn't." Xavier smiled deeply thinking of her smile. "Too bad you didn't get her information we could have check into her." Jace said lowly. "No. I'm not going to stalk her. I am not that guy." "Well now wait man this is the only girl to turn your head maybe a little background check wouldn't be too bad I mean what if you guys meet again? Could be fate. Then you would have the press all over that poor woman. Dragging out any Skeletons in her closet. It's only smart to get yourself ahead of the game." Nix shrugged lowly. "No. Let's just get our shit and get to the airport I'm ready to get home or get you guys gone." Xavier told them with a chuckle. "So mean to us man." Jace said smiling. "So messed up bro." Nix added.
"There's nothing." Ari asked shaking her head. "I got you on standby but there may not be anything until tomorrow." "Ok thanks." Ari grabbed her things and was strolling along going to try to find an empty spot to sit down or a spot to eat as she was starving when a voice snapped her out of her thoughts. "Ari!" Turning around she smiled deeply at him. "Xavier? What brings you here?" "I can ask the same thing. I'm actually waiting to go home." "Me too. Well I'm on standby to get home." She sighed smiling at him.
"Oh! Are you going to Alton?" Xavier asked shocked at the crazy coincidence Maybe it really is a small world. However if it was this small why did it take so long to meet someone like her. "Yeah I am actually. How did you know?" "It's the only plane with a standby list. I am also going home to Alton." He laughed to her. "You know I have a friend coming in on a smaller plane and he has an extra seat opened I could get you on it to go home in about two-three hours if you're ok with it? You seem just as desperate as I am to get back." He laughed to her making her smile.
"Could you really do that? You have no idea what that would mean for me." Her eyes starting to fill a little as she shook away the tears before he could see them fighting to make their way out but failed. He saw them and he pushed it out of his mind. "I can come with me." He told her grabbing his bag to roll with them. "Mr. Holden what can I do for you?" The lady on the other side of the computer asked him smiling to them. "Hello Kelly. I need you to add Ms. Arabella Alderman to Oscars flight out with me tonight. Do you know when he will be here?" Xavier asked her. "Ok let me see here. Yes there is one seat available and he should be here in about three hours he did call in and there was a small problem that he fixed so you should be boarding at about eight p.m. tonight. Gate 123. You both are all set here is her ticket." She handed it over to him.
"Ok were all set." He said handing the ticket over to her. "How could you get the ticket if I didn't even pay for it yet?" Ari asked him confused. "It's ok I know the owner my flights are on the house." He waved off as if it was no big deal. "I can't accept this it's just too much please let me pay you back." "It's really not that big of deal. However if you really want to make it up to me I wouldn't mind some company while we wait for the plane. In three hours." He laughed to her.
"How about I treat you to dinner then? They have a restaurant right over there. Then we can just kick back in the waiting area of the gate?" She asked him. "Perfect. Let me help you." "No it's ok really. I got it." She smacked his hand from rolling her baggage. After they got seated and placed there orders they started to get to know each other. Both being only children from successful parents. They shared stories of growing up, school, friends. Xavier was having a great time with her. As they were waiting in the lobby they were lost in laugher.
"So Mr. Holden what brings you here to the lovely little mountain town of Bridge Creek?" "Mr. Holden wow just when I thought we was on first name bases you got to make me feel old." "You're not that old in the standing on all of your twenty-seven-year-old glory." She teased. "You aint that far behind me missy twenty-four aint far behind. Wait you almost twenty-five in what was it about two months?" "Yeah, yeah. You're avoiding the question Xav." She teased. "Work. I had some business to check up on. But it was for nothing everything is fine. What about you? What brings the presence of the Arabella Alderman?" He asked playfully tossing the nonexistent hair.
Watching her breath hitch he started to wonder if maybe he went too far. "One of my best friends and best colleague from work. He uh. He got into a motorcycle accident by a drunk driver and died back home. He wanted his ashes spread out here back in his hometown at his grandparents cabin. See he was the last of his line from his parents, grandparents, cousins. Like everything and he always wanted to be back with them when his time came. So being the amazing friend I am I brought my bestie home and spread him. Well almost I kept a little just for me." She said holding out a souvenir necklace with a little of his ashes in it.
"I'm very sorry for your loss. However it might bring you some happy peace now knowing you took a little of him to keep with you. So that if he haunts you he'll be missing an arm or leg or whatever piece you got there with you." Xavier joked making her bust out laughing again. "It does help thank you. Every time I get sad I will think of this. I love it." She laughed so hard it brought tears to both their eyes.
"You really are a great person Ari and I know wherever he is, he is thankful for having been able to be a part of you." Xavier told her placing a comforting hand over hers. "Yeah I was thankful for him to. He got me through a lot of times both good and bad. Well him and my three other girlfriends and a couple others back home. I will forever be grateful because I don't' think I would be this amazing person in front of you as you see now without them." She joked to him in a half model pose but he could hear the sincerity in her tone as well. "Well you are amazing." He winked making her blush.
"Can I ask you an honest question?" "Shoot." Smiling to him. "Do you really not know who I am?" "Am I supposed too? Like are you a politician or famous singer or actor or something? I don't' really follow medias unless it's like the weather. Honestly Xav I'm just like I said at dinner. I just work and then go jogging and read at home. I rarely do anything besides go out with the girls dancing every now and then. Most of the time my late friend would have to come pry me out of the house and work but I don't have that any more. I did make a promise to be more outgoing though. So I'm sorry if you're offended of lack of social knowledge." "No, no. It's fine. It's actually such a relief to be sitting here talking to you like this." "Like what?" "Like a normal person. Like a friend. It's nice just being…me. The real me." Xavier told her giving her hand one more squeeze before he moved to take it off her but she grabbed it back placing her free hand on top of I giving him a sad look, not pity but honest sadness.
"I'm sorry you feel like you have to hold yourself back because of whoever it is you are or think you are." She teased on the last part. "You should never hide who you are though Xav. I'd like to think we are friends… newly anyways. You're a funny person. I've enjoyed this time with you. I really needed it after the month I was having. I kind want to think of today as losing a friend and gaining a new one. Even if after we land you go back to whatever life style you got going on and forget about me. It's nice to have your friendship for even just the night." She told him taking her hands back.
"I don't think I will ever be able to just forget you Ari. I think you may be stuck with me." He winked to her. His heart beating quickly he was loving having her attention being this free and open with her. Sure they were getting glares and stares from many who knew who he was his private security making sure no pictures were being taken. There was no way in hell he would go back to his everyday life and forget her now. Knowing they were living in the same city. He would be sure to get her number when they land.
After they got called on the plane they noticed it was big enough for the people inside except someone who didn't board. There was an elderly couple and three business men, the pilot, and the attendant. "Well this will go by smoother then I thought." Ari said with a smile. Looking for a spot to sit. She felt uncomfortable with the way the other three men were staring and winking to her. Xavier gave them a hard glare when he saw how unsettled she looked. "Sorry Mr. Holden." The tallest man said they knew who he was. " Ari would you join me?" He asked with a smile. "You can have the window." He added. "Done and deal." She winked to him. The men couldn't help but have their mouths hang open no one ever saw Xavier Holden with a female like his ever.
"So anyone special waiting for you at home Ari?" He asked laying his head back on the rest. "No. Not for a long time now. It's just me and the over bearing parents." She laughed out. "How about you is Mrs. Holden going to be waiting for you with a heartfelt welcoming sign? Maybe a fun one you know like 'Welcome Home From Prison'." She asked him holding up a fake sign and a smile. "Nope! No one special for me." He chuckled out sadly making her heart feel sad.
"Well how about someone unspecial?" She teased making laugh harder than they should it was going to be a long three hours back home but it was starting to feel like this was going to be the best six hours of his life so far of all twenty-seven years. They tried to keep their laughter down as they talked the rest of the way. It wasn't until the last thirty minutes of the flight. "Hey, look you can see parts of the ocean there." "Are you sure?" Xavier asked getting curious normally the ocean would be the other way. "Xavier? Are we on the left side of town instead of the right?" Ari asked concern.
The plane started rocking hard and the passengers started getting nervous as they all bumped around in their chairs. Grabbing their arm rests his hand over hers as the oxygen mask fall down both of them looked out the window. "Oh my God, are those pipes sticking in and out of the water?" Ari asked him as they looked in the darkness at the water as lightening flashed around them. Rain had just started to fall heavy and hard. "We're too close to land there's rocks everywhere." The elderly lady shouted out. "Hold on everyone." Xavier shouted as they hit hard into the water. Shouts and screams were heard everywhere from the small amount of people on board. The only thing that could be heard was louder than the peoples scream and the lightening was the metal crunching against other hard things.
"Ari!" Xavier yelled out as he yanked her to his lap just in time for the side of the plane to get scrapped right off his chair was left alone. Her chair was now flung across the open in the hole sitting next to him. Another bump tossed half the people forward and the other half to the back. "Xavier." She cried out as she got flung forward and hit her head hard like the business man next to her the poor man was now unconscious. Xavier and the other two business men flew so hard in the back as they stood up they found the flight attendant dead with a metal pole through her neck. Her arm was missing with another part of the plane as they went to move forward the plane bumped one last time flinging everyone out to the ocean. Xavier hit rocks multiple times until another metal pipe went through his leg. As he looked around he realized you can stand up in the water.
Looking around the Elderly lady was already on the sandy shore her husband behind her. One of the business men laying in the ground sand looking unconscious. "Is anyone else out here?" Xavier hollered feeling woozy trying to stand while swaying. "Here." He heard a male voice struggled to say. Looking down. "Can you-you stand?" "I busted my leg and scrapped most my side I may need to lean on you a bit. Can you stand?" He asked looking at him wearily. "Guess we'll find out." Xavier told him as they slowly made their way to the sandy shore which thankfully wasn't as far as it felt. Helping the man on the ground down. "Arabella?" Xavier called trying to get his vision to stay straight he hit his head a lot harder then he thought. "Ari!" Xavier yelled one last time. "Xavier!' She called out for him to barely hear her. Looking up he saw her carrying the last other guy of the trio out of the water.
Trying to rush the best he can to come help her with the man. She quickly laid the man down and tilted his head back using all the strength she could to start C.P.R on the man after the second round he started to cough up the water Xavier quickly to turn the man on his side. "Xavier are you alright?" "Good enough. Are you alright?" "Good enough." She told him with a chuckle he noticed her face was bruised in every way possible cuts all over her face and arms. Little bit of blood coming from her head. "Does anyone have a phone?" The elderly man hollered to them. He wasn't looking to good. "There's a special one in the cockpit." Xavier told them pointing to the plane which wasn't too far away.
"I'll go get real quick." Xavier told her as he started making his way back to the water only for a small hand to grab his hand looking up to find the owner looking at him with a worried face. "Are you sure you can make it that far? Xav you don't look to good. Let me go." "No." He cut Ari off. "I need you here to help there others you're a physical therapist and a doctor in and out of the hospitals right? Well that's already more medical training than I got. I promise I will be right back. It's in a special fire water safe I'll just go grab it and I'll be right back Ari we need help and Oscar is still missing." Xavier told her the last part in a whisper just for her to nod back to him. They were all thankful for the lightening right now as it did provide certain light. They could have done without the new rain though.
His journey proved to be little more rough then he thought with the dizziness and the nausea from his concussion. Not to mention the injury to his leg he was hobbling on over to the plane. His heart sank as he saw the damages to what was once a plane now looking like scrap metal torn from every which way. The front of the plane was still intact somehow. Getting in there was a little bit of a problem since there was no way to lift himself up that high. Going through the front side lifting himself upon the small rock and walking into the door was harder.
As he had to use all the strength his shoulder had to bust the door in. Looking around he noticed the captain was sitting there eyes closed in his sleep. "Oscar. Oscar." Xavier called out to him shaking him a little looking for a pulse since there was no sign of injury on him he looked peaceful. Like he was sleeping but he couldn't find the pulse. Tears in his eyes he began to grab the phone when a wave came and pushed the plane over making him fall to the other side as other things came barreling down on him.
Shaking it off he became even more dizzy as more things slammed down on his head. Taking the bungee strings he snapped the rope all the way through his belt loop. Attaching the end to the special safe just in case he thought to himself. He needed more help to come back and retrieve Oscar he couldn't do it alone. Sliding himself down out of the plane he started to take a couple steps when two lightning bolts came and struck the plane. One hitting the middled and one hitting the backup plane fuel making what was left of the dethatched back of the plane explode. Shoving and forcing Xavier off the rock waves coming crashing him down and down over and over again right when a metal rod decided to pierce through his shoulder. Burn marks on his chest from hotness of the air plane plates landing on and by him.
Ari wasted no time as she made her way out to get him luckily the waves helped push him to the shore so she could walk to get him. Ari was already exhausted as she got him down ripping his shirt open and getting the rope of the safe off of him. The old man and his wife came to help. "I'm a retired surgeon honey let me help you." She told the young woman looking hurt down at the injured man. "This box has a code does anyone know what it could be?' The old man asked. Ari was thinking to herself for a moment. Taking the box she quickly put in the first thing that came to her mind. When it opened she cried out in happiness giving it back to the man. "How did you know that was the right one?" "It's the numbers on the plane. He made a joke at dinner about it. Who knew it was true." She shrugged to him as the elderly woman helped her get the bleeding to stop which was proving to be more difficult then she thought.
Once they got him all patched up she noticed how he was starting to turn blue. "No, no, no. Damn it Xavier don't you do this to me know. You're future wife going to be so pist. Come on you ass breathe. You can't give up now we got so much further to go down our road here." She told him as she worked him over doing C.P.R. "Come on Xavier I can't lose another friend so soon. Not like this." Tears falling freely from her eyes. "DAMN IT BREATH!" She slammed her hand on his chest making him cough up water immediately, turning him a little to his side until he got situated. Looking up to see the woman whose hair was a mess, body soaked and tears all over her face. "Thought I lost you for a minute there. Don't do that to me again!" She told him in a shaky voice. Cupping her cheek in his hand. "You're amazing Ari." He slurred out as he passed out from the concussions of his head.
"Xavier. No stay with us. Xav stay awake." "Help is coming their right behind us." The old man said as the started to hear the helicopters and the sirens. It did not take long to load the seven remaining survivors even though Ari reminded them of the captain and flight attendant. It wasn't a long ride to the hospital since it was the same one Ari worked for she was lucky for the small city since everyone pretty much knew the famous four business men it went a lot faster she went to get stitches as she prayed for the quick recovery of the others. She was thankful for the few moments peace as all the families were being called and the press was being held back by security.
Xavier was lost in the images that was flashing through his head. He could hear the voices just as well and clear as day. 'Come on…wife…so pist. I thought I lost you.' Seeing flashes of her laughing in a restaurant. Talks of everything they talked about wanting to put themselves out there and meet someone special. The images went faster and faster to seeing her in a beautiful wedding dress standing with him smiling brightly at the altar.
Images of them rolling around in the bed in the dark night as he made love to her. Work meetings laughing with Jace, Ryder and Nix. Picnic lunches with her and his parents. He was seeing so much his brain started to hurt. Hearing beeping getting louder and louder he jumped up from the bed looking around the room as he sat up. Rubbing his hands to his eyes. He remembered an explosion and her tear-stained face. Panic struck him as he started yanking all the I.V wires off of him.
Stumbling a little bit he noticed his leg was wrapped and bandaged so he quickly and carefully the best he could made his way out the hospital room not standing to well. His shoulder was starting to feel pain and some of his stitches must have torn a bit as he was starting to bleed again. A nurse quickly came rushing to him as his parents were watching and approaching him just down the hall. "Mr. Holden, what are you doing? I need to take you back to bed." She calmly told him. "No. I need to find her. Where is she?" He told her loudly as some things were starting to spin a little.
"Where's who sir? I'm sure we can find her but let's get you back to bed Mr. Holden. We can take the name of who you're looking for then." One of the board directors of the hospital asked as he was now trying to help the nurse keep him balanced. "No! I need her now. I have to see her. WHERE IS SHE?" Xavier roared out to the entire floor. His parents taken back never seeing him like this or even raise his voice. When the two people came off the elevator in scrubs. "Xavier? Xavier are you ok?" He heard the angelic voce he was looking for.
"Ari." He whispered out as he quickly made his way to her hugging her body close to him as if she would disappear if he let go. "I was so worried. I woke up you were gone." He stuttered out. Resting his forehead to hers for a moment with his hand behind her neck. It was very intimate when he spoke up. "I'm so glad you're ok." Pushing him away a little she was confused looking at him like he lost his mind. "I'm glad you're ok to Xavier but I think you need to get back to bed and let someone redo these stiches. I will make sure to come by your room later and check on your leg and we can start to talk about some physical therapy times." She told him in a professional tone that made him feel weird. Why was she speaking to me like a patient? "Are you acquainted with Mr. Holden Dr. Alderman?" The board member asked, "Son who's your friend.?" His father came up and asked looking at her curiously. "What do you mean who is she? Does she not look familiar to you dad? This Arabella… my wife." Xavier looked around to the room with everyone confused looks and mouths hanging open. "I'm sorry your what now?" His mother asked confused. "My wife."