~No One's P.O.V.~
"I'm sorry I think I went into a mini stroke what did you just say?" Ari asked him looking at him in shock. "I said you're my wife. What's wrong with you babe? You feeling alright? How did we get here? What happened? Did we get into another accident?" He asked her using his hand to hold her cheek and jaw to check her eyes in worry. She was still covered in cuts and bruises. "I think maybe you may have slammed your head a little harder than we thought. I think your concussion may be taking more of a toll on you then we think." Ari told him with a quizzical questioned eyes. "I'm not following you Ari." He asked confused. "Why don't we take this back into your room son and let the doctors check you over. Than we will figure this all out. Dr. umm." "Alderman. Sorry, ok yeah lets." Ari said using her hands for them to show her the way. As the doctor, a nurse, Xavier's parents and himself she followed into a huge private room.
The doctor checked him over and ordered another CT for his head. "Alright now Mr. Holden what is the last thing you remember?" The doctor asked him. "First off who are you?" Xavier asked not liking the closeness between him and Ari the way they were huddled together. "I'm sorry I'm Preston Johnson I am your doctor. I'm also a good friend of Dr. Alderman if that helps you in any way." Preston asked him in hopes it would since he seemed to really be hung up on one of his best friends. "It doesn't actually but I trust Ari's judgement. I uh I remember a bunch of thing very quickly and it seems kind of a lot at the moment like things keep coming to me. The last things I remember is a picnic with my parents and Ari but then I keep getting the flashes of a plane crash we were in a while back." Xavier told them as they looked at each other oddly.
"Xavier I never met your parents. We've never had a picnic and the plane crash was literally two days ago. You've been in a little coma for two days while your head and body tries to heal. We met two days ago as well. Do you remember that?" Ari asked him calmly. "I remember the day we met bumping into you outside on the street in Bridge Creek. I remember being with you and getting us on the plane. Two days? That can't be right. That feels wrong. Are you sure?" Xavier asked her getting nervous. Looking at his parents who were only nodding in agreement. "What happened after the crash babe?" Xavier asked grabbing on to her hand. Taking a deep breath she decided to sit down on the side of his bed next to him to make him more comfortable. "You may want to sit down to Mr. and Mrs. Holden this may take a minute." They took a seat looking at her confused they haven't heard the story yet.
"Preston could please take Annabeth and go do rounds or something?" Ari asked looking back at him. "You know where to find me if you need me. Any of you." Preston told them with a small smile. "Well we did meet outside on the street when I ruined my shirt after my coffee slammed all over my shirt. It was my surprise when I was walking through the airport on the stand by list when you called out to me. You told me about the small little plane that would be coming later you helped me get the ticket but refused my money. So we got to know each other for three hours. Then again once we got on the flight back. Thirty minutes before we were supposed to land. We were looking out the window and then we noticed we were on the wrong side of town. Before we could even think about why the plane started to shake. We went down into the shallow parts of the ocean with all the sharp and big rocks above and below the water. There were metal rods randomly everywhere." Taking a deep breath.
"You unbuckled me and threw me on your lap and a small side made a hole of the plane we were on my chair it was tore right off the plane. You got me just in time. Half the back of the plane got ripped out. Then on the right side the part with the door got ripped out too. We hit another bump and I flew across to the top of the plane along with about three other passengers. After that I crawled out and helped the one who slammed his head very hard off the plane or what was left of it. The elderly couple and the other man got to the shore before we did. You helped the last man of the trio to the shore and came to help me lift the last one. You were in bad shape the metal rod had already pierced through your leg and you've hit your head a few times." She told him squeezing his hand a little tighter as he memories were taking a toll on her as well the more she spoke the more he was seeing it sa it unfolded.
"You went back to get the phone in the safe box thing. The plane, however, got hit by a small wave and tilted you flew through it and I'm guessing that's when you hit your head again. But then the two shots of lightening came and the plane exploded and blew you clear across the water so that could also be when you hit your head again. You were face down in the water for a bit as I did my best to get to you. I got you on the shore and the older woman Greta was her name. She helped me stop the bleeding. Another rod had pierced your shoulder when you got thrown from the impact of the blast, and also your leg was starting to bleed more. When we finished your face was blue so I started compressions until you finally came back to us. You came to for about a minute or so then the concussion took over. You've been out for two days. The three gentlemen have been seen to and have already left they will make a full recovery. You saved two of them none will file charges they couldn't even if they wanted too." Taking a deeper breath to explain the next part.
"Greta and Walter succumbed to their injuries yesterday they had been tossed around so much there was no way to stop the eternal bleeding. They both had cancer anyway and were just traveling around enjoying their last moments together. The flight attended died once we landed the metal rod went straight into her neck. The pilot, I believe his name was Oscar he suffered from both a heart attack and a brain aneurism it's hard to tell what really took him first. He died about ten to fifteen minutes before we crashed. His body landed on the control and drifted us a little ways from the airport. That's how we got here. That's literally our whole story so far." Ari told him as she went to take back her hand he gripped it tighter.
"No, that can't be right I saw it. I saw it all we got married Ari. We both had good jobs going and a home and… I saw it. I remember all of it, all of us." Xavier told her feeling broken. He woke up for the first time in forever hopeful and what he thought was love. He was even scared for her. He had someone he always wanted. He dreamed of having. He felt crushed like he just been dumped.
"Could it be the concussion gave him some type of amnesia Dr. Alderman?" His mother asked her. "No, not like this the amnesia would be the loss of memories. He has memories of things that haven't happened." Ari told them back. Not breaking eye contact with him."Maybe it was just a really good dream son, as Dr. Alderman has said she was one of the last people you saw during a traumatic event maybe your brain just altered some things around." His father tried to add trying to understand what was wrong with his son.
"Dr. Alderman." "Please Mr. Holden just call me Ari." She asked him kindly as he nodded. "Ari, thank you for saving our son. You have no idea how much it means to us. I can never repay you for this. Should you need anything I hope you won't hesitate to call us." Mr. Holden told her giving her his card. "No sir that's not necessary. Besides Xavier here promised me we'd be still be friends once we reached home." She smirked and pushed him softly and playfully.
"Ari I swear we are so much more than that. How can else can I remember everything about you on that day. I can remember more things about you then what you told me two days ago. How do you explain that?" Xavier asked her. "I don't know Xavier life happens in mysterious ways. Sometimes there just isn't an answer." Ari shrugged feeling lost. "I will help you Xavier. You saved my life on that plane. I will help you every step of the way until you tell me to back off. I also have a degree as a MD in Orthopedics. I just like physical therapy a little better." She added.
"Mom dad could you give us a moment." Xavier asked them not taking his eyes off her. They looked at each other and left them alone in the room. "I remember things about us Ari. I know you're my wife." Xavier tried to argue calmly with her one last time. "What exactly do you remember about us then hubby?" She teased and was humoring him. "Brently left you some cabin up in Bridge Creek. We went there for our one-year anniversary. You showed me where you two would play in the river. You showed me the place where you and your friends got in trouble for stealing some old mean neighbors tractor and got it stuck in some pond."
"It took like I don't know three trucks to get it out. You took me to some club bar place where you and your friends go dancing occasionally. You took me to the book store you go to every other Sunday and took me to the back because you said it was your secret spot. The cemetery is your favorite place in the whole world and no one but me, you and poor Brently know that because it's not a place of sadness it's a place of love. Of all the ones you cherish. I also remember some more but those are the ones that popped up first."
Tears were rolling down her face. "How? How do you know any of that? I never told you Brently's name Xavier." Ari asked him in a shaky voice. "You told me. We dated. We got married. We have a life together Ari. A great one. I've seen it. I'm not crazy I swear I can't explain it. I just know that this is the real deal." He gestured between the two of them. Getting off the bed quickly and stepping back from him with tears still falling down his face. "Baby please don't freak out on me. I'm so sorry if this scarring you. I'm not trying to creep you out. I just wanted you to understand where I'm coming from and that I wasn't crazy. Just. Sit down we can talk this out please don't leave baby." Xavier asked her with tears in his eyes.
"I'm not leaving you. I'm just in shock. Yeah shock. I need some time to process everything you just said. I'll uh check on you later." She rushed out the door. Shutting it quickly as she heard him call out for her. "Ari?" Preston called out to her with Xavier's parents. "Is everything ok in there?" He added. "UH yeah just a little emotional from the uh. Well for living through it again you know the crash and all it's pretty scary." She said not really being a lie. Also not wanting to out Xavier for his weird knowledge of things he couldn't have known. "I'd like to thank you again for saving my son. Please let us introduce ourselves. I'm Ellie and this Dante Holden we're Xavier's parents. I am sorry for this little issue we seem to be having but may I ask you some questions?" Ellie asked her as she took a seat in the waiting room away from view or sight of Xavier's room.
Looking at Preston, who just nodded as the nurse and others took Xavier to get his scans done he didn't even see them too busy in his own thoughts about everything that's happening around him. "I want to apologize if your upset about my son calling you his wife. The whole mix up. Although I do appreciate everything you have done for him this week. I can't help but to ask if maybe you have something going on with him?" Ellie asked her a little hopeful her son may have finally found a good woman. As they were sitting now Ellies hand loving folded it Aris. Adjusting herself Ari felt a little lost in the conversation now. "I don't understand the question ma'am." "Don't call me ma'am child call me Ellie please. I'm asking if you are dating my son." She was smiling to her so was Dante. Shock slapped across her face picking up her jaw she forgot to answer.
"Uh NO! No we literally met the same day as the crash. I'd like to think we are new friends but we're not together." Ari spoke quickly. "That's a shame. I think you would do him a world of good. Did you mean what you said about staying by him while he heals and overcomes this… well this. I don't even know what to call it." Dante asked her scratching the back of his head. "Yes I did. I mean I am scheduled to be his physical therapist we will have a long way to go moving his leg and arm maybe a good month maybe month in a half if any issues pop up."
"We appreciate that. How are you with everything after the crash?" Dante asked her in concern. "I'm fine. I mean I still fresh and a little scary and it will most likely be a long time before I get back on a plane but overall I'm coping pretty well." She told them with a small smile. "Well you know we did some research and found some places that do like a support group for things like what you two been through. Do you. Do you in medical opinion that is think this would be beneficial to Xavier?" Dante asked scratching the back of his head.
"I think Xavier is very lucky to have you as parents. That would be up to him. He doesn't seem to be having much of the reaction to the crash as other things so maybe get him settled at home a few days to see about that. It's perfect normally to have a few nightmares though for a few weeks but they will ease up with time. That may not be means for group or therapy but that doesn't mean it couldn't hurt either. It's something you guys will have to discuss later on. Time will heal all of this you just got to adjust with him is all." Ari told them placing her hand on Ellies who just smile to her. "Are you giving yourself enough time? I mean you seem to be hopped back into work rather quickly." Ellie told her in concern.
"Well I did use most of my vacation time to go to Bridge Creek and now I just. I just feel if I don't keep myself busy for the time being then I may just completely lose it for a minute and I can't allow myself to fall apart right now because I in no way shape or form have the energy to piece myself together after falling apart again so soon. So in a way I am giving myself time." Not being able to look them in the eye to try to avoid any other questions. "Also I just really wanted to be here for the elderly couple who helped us." She told them sadly who just nodded in agreement. "I could understand that. I wish I was able to thank them too. It's not a kindness we'll be able to repay." Dante responded in a heavy sigh.
"Well I have some other patients to get too. Preston has my contact info if you need me. I will be coming bye later to set up appointments for his therapy. It was nice getting to meet you and know Xavier's is finally awake and well. Have yourselves a good day." She got up and waved them off before they could say anything else. It was weird and comfortable at the same time speaking to them. Now the only thing she was running off to was the on-call room as it was empty. Looking around thinking of everything that just happened a hand covered her mouth tears falling softly on her face lost in thoughts. How the hell did he know those things?
After getting back to his room he noticed his parents were there along with the doctor who he met this morning. He got in his bed and waited for the results. "Well your scans came back really good. All came back but one waiting on the one. The lab results are good. Ok so the game plan is you will stay here for another couple of nights or so for observation. You are still a little dehydrated even after being on the I.Vs drip so another about six hours on it you should be good. I need you to eat today as well. The best you can. You have no restrictions on your diet. I would go as easy as you can like Jello maybe sandwich or the B.R.A.T diet. It's normal to feel nausea or get sick or feel sick you still have some concussions symptoms and I would like you to avoid looking at screens or phones for a while."
"However you can try it out and just limit your time if you get sick just turn it off and get maybe into a dark place with maybe a rag on your eyes. We have pain meds for you if you too sore and we also have the antibiotic I.V bag also dripping into you tomorrow will be the last day for that it was more just a precautionary thing with your shoulder and your leg. Also your physical therapist will be coming by no later than tomorrow or the next day to schedule your physical therapy for both your shoulder and leg. The cast like thing here on your leg will be taken off by your P.T and will be taken off after maybe a week or two. She will also be taking out your stitches in your shoulder and leg when then they are ready. She is a licensed Orthopedic Dr. as well so you will be doing checkups with her. You will come and get check ins with me on your general part like a check in for the head injury here." Preston told him as he looked into his eyes with a little flash light.
"That's all about another couple of days or so here and you should be good to go home after that. I would suggest some time off work though maybe a week or two. I know how you business guys are though." Preston shook his head in a small laugh writing down notes in his chart. "Is there anything else we should know or maybe be on the lookout for?" Ellie asked in concern. "Well if he runs some fevers or can't keep food down. If sleep becomes a problem or issue or the pain becomes worse. Maybe if the affected areas start to show signs of infection or rashing then yes absolutely bring him back in and we will take care of him. Any other questions before I leave you be for the day?" The doctor asked looking around the room. "Where's Ari?" Xavier asked looking around the room. Preston's face went to the floor real quick but snapped back to him quickly with a smile.
"Dr. Alderman is checking in and working with some other patients right now. She will be checking in with you no later than maybe tomorrow to set up with appointments. Well thank you guys. If you need anything else just inform the nurses and they will page me." Preston left the room before they could ask anything else. "I'm so glad you're ok." Ellie choked out as she rushed up carefully hugging her boy to her. Tears filling her eyes. "How are you feeling son?" Dante asked him with concern and love in his eyes.
"I'm sore I guess. Little uh backwards or confused so to speak. Did I scare Ari off? Did you guys see her? Are her parents mad?" Xavier asked them looking concerned. Both looked at each other confused then back to him his dad first to speak up. "Yeah son we saw her. We got to talk to her for a little bit she did have other patients to check on and not goin' lie to you son. She seemed a little spooked coming out of your room but she played it off so it must not have been a big deal. We never met her parents son so I don't know why they would be so I'll go on the limb and say they are not mad at you." His dad told him the best way he could scratching the back of his head.
"What do you mean you never met them? I can't be the only one who remembers everything." Xavier told them getting worked up. "Calm down son. Now I'm not sure what it is you remember or what it is you think you remember. But what we know for facts is baby you are not married to that woman. You're not even dating from what she told us you guys are barely friends hell boy you just meet about almost three days ago. Now I don't know how you feel about her or what you think you feel about her. But son you keep this crap up Xav you will scare her off." Ellie warned him in a stern one while his father nodded along to him. "You know what Xavier I'll call your boys up they been down stairs for a little while that may help a little bit."
"Sure." His parents hugged him one last time and left the room." Few minutes later he looked up as his best friends came walking in the door. "You scared the crap out of us you ass." Ryder told him hitting his good shoulder. "How are you feeling bro?" Jace asked taking a seat as he brought to the other side of Xavier. "I'm alright physically anyway." Xavier shrugged looking quickly anywhere else but their eyes. "So seriously man what they say? Ryder asked concerned worried. "Well they told me I need to wait on these scans I just did, some lab work. They getting me set up on physical therapy and maybe like two weeks bed rest. Depends I guess." Xavier said depressed.
"You want to talk about what happened? I mean we know you crashed and that you helped a lot of people your uh who was it man the leg Dr.?" Jace asked for Ryder to nod in agreement. "Yeah man you therapist Dr. person she told us the first night you came in what happened. You a hero man. We proud of you. Seriously though you want to talk about it. Maybe you know be good for you." Jace asked him hoping he knew they were here for him.
"Honestly, I'm not ok. I went through that crash but then it's like I seen all these flash images of everything and I just." Xavier had a tear rolling down his face. "What images?" Ryder questioned him as they scooted closer. Not remembering the last time he ever saw Xavier cry except in high school when he got hit in his balls with a baseball. "I had all these images you know of the my life you guys were in it. Business meetings, my parents, even my wife. I had the whole scene of our wedding and the life we was building holidays and shit. Then I wake up and she wasn't here and I freaked out I couldn't find her I apparently scared the whole damn staff ripping this shit up off me. Then when I found her they all treating me like I'm crazy. Like my own damn wife didn't even acknowledge me. Everyone around me was like looking at me like I'm crazy." Xavier told them hoping they would understand.
"Xavier. You're not married though bro. Do you think maybe it's just a dream your brain made while you was healing in your coma?" Jace spoke first. "Hold up a minute man who was the wife?" Ryder trumped Jace's question. "Ari. The therapist she was the one who brought me back. The one who bumped into us at the mountain town." Xavier told them before he continued. "And no it was not all in my head because I remembered things about her that she never told me. And then I may have scared her off as I confronted her about it. I told her things only I would know if we knew each other more than just the first three days of meeting. She hasn't been back in here since. I think I freaked her out. It's just after seeing all that. After like living it. I just want it. I want her to love me that way like it was so real. I know it is I just need to get her to see it." Xavier told them trying to think.
"So what you're saying is you want your 'wife' to love you the way you love her after meeting her three days ago even though you were unconscious for two of them. After seeing the future your brain showed you?" Jace asked just to clarify. "Well you were all over her when she smashed into you. Maybe you could be on to something. You know some people get married after meeting for three weeks and stay together for like the rest of the lives. You never know maybe it could work." Ryder told them rubbing his chin being supportive. "Yeah true and some people get restraining orders against people who stalk them telling them these things. Look dude if you really are seeing the future we going to have to prove it or she will run and have you locked up in the nut house. I'm not saying what you saying isn't true but if this is really what you want we will help you. But you going to have to help us help you." Jace told him with a serious face.
"How do I do that?" "Well for starters here's today's date here's our meetings lined up and you will have to phone in on our meetings until you can be here in person. Is there anything you might remember from your visions there that could help us like maybe the one tomorrow?" Phoenix asked him finally speaking up walking in the room giving him his phone. "This name Newman. He tries to get us to link up with him but he doesn't actually have the other backer he thinks he does because they will pull out by next week and we will have to cover too much it's going to be a huge loss. I won't make any deal with him. This guy over here he's going to have an underdog like proposal but it will triple even more then what he thinks in a year. So we need to keep him. He's the reason why we don't go down more in the red after Newman. Also tomorrow is what Wednesday right? Ok, there is like some crazy ass accident on the subway tram track in the next town over and like twenty people get affected by it. That's my proof for you guys so far." Xavier told them as they all looked at each other in surprise.
"That is quite the prediction Mr. Holden." Preston told him with his mouth hanging open. "Oh we just uh." "It's alright Mr. Carter I heard it all. I just wanted to give your scan results and walked in on learning Mr. Holden being quite the psychic." Preston told him. "Look Xavier your head still a little swollen but you are making huge process of it going down. I would like to keep you until Friday and then you can go home. I'll even make you a deal." Preston told him putting his hands behind his back.
"What kind of deal?" "Look I don't think you're crazy if that's what you worried about I won't be sending up to the fourth floor, don't worry." Preston said holding his up in the air. "I just may understand you more than you think right now. My Grandma was the sweetest lady in the world she fell in love with the town nut job so to speak. My Grandpa was able to predict the weather and severe storms before they happened. He knew where, when and how many would die or be affected. No one believed him." Preston sighed.
"Until he tried to get people out before a big tornado hit he said there would be a tsunami to hit the town the same night. Well he took my grandma to a town next to them she was pregnant with my dad. That day tornados hit everywhere and when the lightening started to strike down the light reflected the he wave that came down and destroyed everything. Everything kept happening just like he said for years. No one but my family would believe him and we kept it our little secret. My deal is simple. If the tram crashes tomorrow." Preston looked at Xavier hard searching for something before he continued. "I will do everything in my legal and friend power to help get you Ari." They all looked at him in shock.
"So you believe him?" Phoenix asked him. "Yeah so far I do, until tomorrow. All I'm saying is not all people are crazy a lot of people when they have near death experiences know things most people shouldn't and you know. Who knows he maybe on to something. Besides Xavier I think you're a good enough guy and my Arabella deserves a great guy. Just you know if you aren't open minded about life things then maybe you know bow out now. I don't need her to go through all that again." Preston waved him off walking to the door. "What's that supposed to mean?" Ryder piped up. "Not my story to tell man, so we got a deal?" Preston asked him his hand out. "Sure, could use all the help I could get." Xavier shook his hand.
"Gentlemen I think we should be formally introduced I know we see each other in some of the parties and such but you know I'm Preston Johnson." His hand out to each man as he went around the room. Of course they already knew each other form being in the same circles but felt it should be formality. "Ryder Torres." "Jace Carter." "Phoenix Damico. Just call me Nix." So it's settled then. See you in the morning." Preston smirked ad walked off. "Alright, now we need to work on this meeting tomorrow." Xavier told them as they all gathered around. Jace was the CFO. Ryder was the right-hand V.P. and Nix was head of security. They gathered their plan together quickly and stayed just a little passed closed hours. Much to Xavier's hidden disappointment Ari didn't come back and he knew she may not tomorrow either.
The next morning Arabella was at the café having coffee with her friends. Leah Porterson, Chloe Brooks and Alexis 'Lexi' Hall. "Ok let me get this straight you're telling me the multibillionaire who saved your life. You also save his twice wakes up from a coma and thinks you're his wife. This is the same fine ass guy you meet like almost a week ago that you thought was date worthy like the first guy you actually liked?" Chloe asked her. "Yup." "Then what's the problem honey, everyone knows that man and how incredible he is honey just agree with him and climb that new husband like a tree. Girl I'd be licking that man up and down." Lexi told her making them all laugh hard and turn red.
"Are you sure he is mentally stable?" Leah asked always being the voice of reason. "Yup he checks out." "You going to see him today?" Chloe asked stealing a piece of her chocolate muffin. "He's checked in for like two more days so maybe I'll go see him, I just have to make sure I see him before he checks out technically." Ari told them without looking them in the face. "Why are you avoiding this man?" Lexi asked in pure shock and concern. "He knew things." Ari told her with a shrug. "What kind of things I mean you guys did talk non-stop for over six hours." Leah being again he voice of reason.
"He knew things about me I never told him. Things like you guys would know. Things you can't look up. So I'm not avoiding the man. It's just what if he was right and not crazy?" Ari shrugged looking up to see their reactions. "What if the man who woke up from the near-death experience, who claims you're his wife, is right about you someday being his wife?" Chloe asked trying to see if she got that right. "I know it sounds stupid when you put I like that." "I wasn't trying to put it as anything just trying to make sure we were understanding the question." Chloe held her hand up in surrender. "Maybe I'm the one who's crazy." Ari shook her head. "Ari does his have anything to do with Brently and you promising to put yourself you know out there? I know how much you were struggling with that. You know if you sill aint ready Brently would have understood if." Ari cut Leah off.
"This has nothing to do with Brently. No he wouldn't understand if I wasn't ready because rather I want to admit it or not I need to pick up the pieces of whatever is left of me and actually start getting on with my life. Ok Brently was right. If he was here right now he would be siding with Lexi telling me to go be all over the man who thinks were married. How about some actual helpful advice. Does anyone have any of that?"
"Well you can't really go out with your patient right?" Leah asked looking up at her. "No, I don't think so. You know what I don't know in the sign on packet it just said we couldn't have sexual relations with other employees or patients in the work place. I think there is an actual amendment if you are in a serious relationship. I would have to ask Liam." "Anyone else?" Leah asked. "I would give him a chance." Lexi old them flatly before adding. "I know damn well you as much of a hopeless romantic as I am Ari. This is the type of shit you read about why not grab the chance by the balls and see where it goes?"
"Maybe just take it day by day and see what happens. Just make sure your thinking things through and call us if you need any help. Seriously anything." Chloe told her as they gathered their trash together and made their way out. What the hell am I supposed to tell him. Maybe I should just stop thinking things for a while and sleep on a clear head thinking to herself as she got in her car and made her way to the new office downtown to get started on her appointments.
~No One's P.O.V~
Friday morning walking into the room at the end of the day he saw Ryder, Jace, and Nix with huge smiles on their face. "Why you walking in like twinkling elves?" Xavier asked them in a grumpy voice. "Maybe the same reason you acting like you got a stick lodged up your ass." Nix grunted back taking a seat next to him. Glaring at him Xavier knew he was being a little rough last few days he really couldn't help it feeling heart broke since his heart felt like it was attached to Arabella. "Arabella still hasn't come to see your grumpy ass I take it." Ryder told him taking the other seat. Shaking his head not saying a word. The door opened again with Preston walking in waving to the guys. "You will never guess what happened today." Jace spoke up in excitement.
Looking to him he waited for him to finish. "You remember Wednesday the meeting when you told Newman you couldn't take his option right now and he got all pissy saying he had a strong backer to take care of the project and how you will regret missing out on his big opportunity? Well his backer went belly up this morning he got caught embezzling money and the FBI took everything. Newman has no one and the other backer he had just loss five million just to pull out." Jace told him. "Dude that says it between this and he tram crash you are definitely going on to something with these visions of yours. I don't want you to think I went back on our deal. I talked to Ari yesterday and started to feel her out for you. I know your good guy Xavier. That's why I'm batting for you bro." Preston said patting his back making him smile a bit.
"Thanks man." Xavier told him smirking back at him sadly. "Hey man how is it you met Arabella anyway?" Nix asked him making everyone look at him. "We went to school together just got a long with each other you know she's an easy person to be yourself around. I grew close to Ari, the other girls, Liam and Brently that's our whole little crew. Our self-built family so to speak. Preston said with a shrug like it was so simple. "You never like dated any of them?" Nix asked curiously shocked people can spend so many years together and not venture into something more. "Oh God no. Hell no they are like my sisters. It makes me physically sick to think about them in any type of that way." The young doctor told them as a huge shiver went through his body. "Doesn't mean I don't want to see them happy with the right men." Looking to Xavier who just smirked and nodded.
"Yeah kind of hard to get into that step there when she's avoiding me all week like the damn bionic plague." The broken man replied as the attitude in the room shifted. "Hey man you said you threw some information at her that really threw her off maybe she just needs some more time to bounce back." Ryder being voice of reason tried to argue. "That could be true bro. I wouldn't rule her out anyway because I mean think about it she has spoken to other doctors. And your parents and not once did she bring you being uh I don't know what to call you dude… psychic will go with that. She hasn't called you crazy or tried to get you 'help' so maybe she just does need a little time." Nix told him flatly admiring the young woman for not turning him over for being crazy.
"Think about it Xavier if she was in your place and she woke up and told you all of these things you told her how quickly are you going to just open up and trust her? How would you honestly react?" Jace asked him crossing his arms also being the voice of reason. "I think I would process everything they said but in the end knowing how I am I would believe her if she had the kind of facts I have and told her. Maybe that's just being naïve though. Or stupid but I would. I mean if she was able to prove it to me telling me things no one else knows I would give her a chance." Xavier shrugged. "You are good hearted. Ari is a hopeless romantic dude but she hides it so well. All because she got burned really good before and she is just too scared to put herself out there. What we need to do is make a little fate ourselves." Preston told them crossing his arms with a smile.
"How do we do that?" Nix rolled his eyes being he sarcastic asshole they all loved. "We don't really. He does. You saw all the places you guys go all the things you do places you love to go to just you know pop and happen to be at the same places at the same time. You know spend time with her. Develop a relationship the right way on her own terms. While you know just pave the path out for yourself at the same time." Everyone mouth dropped.
"That is like too fucking simple. Why the hell didn't you think of that. You the smart one." Ryder said pushing Xavier playfully. "I need to get up out this bed first and get some other things done. Also hard to do when she's avoiding me like the damn plague." Xavier snapped. "Another thing bro, you may have to calm down a bit when you around her if you get all high strung it may scare her off. Remember you like already in the many years already invested in love with her stage. You like reading the same book but chapters ahead of her man. Remember to back it up a bit." Jace told him as he nodded knowing how much sense ha made, also knowing how hard hat would be.
After working on a few things for business and a better game plan for getting his future set he heard he knock on the door. He felt the world and his heart stop for a moment when he saw her walk in. After days of missing someone he only met a week ago he could feel his breath getting hitched in his throat. 'How is she this beautiful. How does she affect me this much and not feel it to? Or is she just a great actor? All the thoughts he kept thinking to himself when he realized she was speaking to him bringing him out of his own head. "Sorry, what you say babe?" Not able to stop the pet name from leaving his mouth but she let it go with a kind smile. "I asked you how you were feeling today Mr. Holden?" With a small chuckle.
"I'm good. I get to go home soon." "I see that. You look nice. You remember everything charger, book, clothes?" Looking around the room. "Yeah I got it all." Pointing to the chair as he was waiting for Phoenix to come up and get him as he was waiting on discharge papers to leave. It was so hard not to pull her close to him. Knowing she won't be cuddling up to him like he has been seeing every night in his dreams since they met.
Everything feels so damn real than to wake up and know none of it was real or has happened was killing him. Like being gutted from the inside. "Are you ok? Haven't seen you since I woke up. After our nice little chat." He asked a little bitterly. "I'm sorry. I had multiple surgeries on some patients last couple days took hours. I was just to drained. I did try to get up here yesterdays but was pulled into the O.R. all night I'm actually just checking on you and I will be heading home myself. I am really sorry. It's just sometimes when it rains it pours." She told him sadly walking around to take a chair next to him on the bed.
Getting a closer look at her he noticed all the bags under her eyes and believed her. Maybe she really wasn't avoiding him. "Ok now Mr. Holden I just need to make up a schedule and then you will be good to go with your papers." "It's Xavier to you Ari. We don't need the formalities." He was quick to snap a little bit to her in a soft way.
"Alright then Xavier what days are good for you during the week. I don't do weekends because the clinic is closed. However I can make an exception but only for you as long as you don't tell nobody." She winked to him in a teasing way. Ari couldn't help but be this way with him. Something about being near him was just like when they met. He was easy to talk to and be around. Besides she promised to be there for her new friend and she meant it. Promises should never be broken.
"Actually Saturdays would be great if your serious." "Alright we need at least one more day. I'd like to get you three days a week but I know you're a busy man still on the mend so I think two would be fine for what we have to work on to start with." Rubbing her tired face looking down to her calendar on her phone Xavier's heart tugging on his chest to see how exhausted she was and how thin she stretched herself to be. "Wednesday's are our best bet they are full of meetings in the mornings though so would it be ok to meet up about 4 or five? Or even Sundays?" "No. I won't put you back-to-back you need some rest time in there. I will make myself available to you Wednesdays at five however the clinic will be closed so it's looking like I will be making house calls or if you really need to come to mine I do have some equipment in my garage that is too big to be moved but you will have to use so are you ok with those terms?" Looking up to him as he smiled as big as a Cheshire cat.
"I am more than happy with those terms. Thank you for being so flexible for me Ari it really means a lot. My family and I appreciate it." She leaned over and rubbed his hand. "It's alright man I got you covered. Whatever you need I'll try my best remember?" Smiling to him getting up to leave thinking they were done before he spoke up and made her stop in her tracks.
"Are we ever going to talk about the last conversation we had?" Xavier spoke to her in a tone that had demanded to be addressed. "What do you want me to say about it Xavier?" She was confused not knowing where to go from there. "I want you to say a lot about it. I want to say a lot about it. I know I scared you off and freaked you out. But that doesn't really mean I was wrong about any of it. I mean can you a least tell me something of what you're thinking." Feeling frustrated looking at her.
"Alright, I'm thinking I haven't had no sleep or anything to eat in well over 37 hours. I'm thinking about the threesome I will be having between my blanket and my pillow the second after I shower after I walk in my place because I haven't really had a chance to think anything of anything for myself this week. Let alone take a piss for a minute that wasn't wrapped up in surgeries. But if you want to go there right now let's." She told him in a tone that was a little irritated. "I'm thinking we need to keep things professional as I am working with you Xavier because this is my job and I want you to get better. And I am damn good at my job."
"I'm thinking I don't know or understand why you know so much about me and yes it did throw me for a loop but you know what? I am still here wanting to be your friend. I like being around you I like talking to you. I had fun with you for six hours before we ended up saving each other in a horrific accident. So I know I at least can share nightmares that I randomly have with you this week. I know you will be one of the few people to understand me and that is as far as I can get with you right now Xavier."
"I know you had some nice images of us down the road in your little visions there but they haven't happened. We just met. We still don't know each other. I'm not saying in the future that those things can't or won't happen. But for now they didn't. I'm not closed minded to maybe one day being a possibility of us being together further down this road but for right now we are just new friends and doctor/patient two days a week. Unless you want someone else I can refer you over but they won't have an open schedule for you like I do." Ari sighed taking a deep breath.
"For the time being the only thing I can offer you is new friendship and getting to know you. Being there for you as a friend and doctor as you make your way to recovery and hopefully even after that. I don't know what it is you want me to say." She tossed her hands up. Not realizing Nix was quietly standing behind her the whole time listening to her. "I think that sounds realistic and I would really like to do everything you just said." Smiling brightly to her.
"Thank you Ari for at least trying to be ok with me even if I scare you. I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for you, Thank you for that too. Here's my cell number. Don't use the one the hospital has it's just an office number please call me directly for anything you need. Hell just to vent or if you want to talk." Looking at her she only nodded. "See you next Wednesday at five I'll text you for your address." Turning around to see Nix just smiling at her nodding his head as she made her way around him to leave.
"You ready to go?" "Yeah man everything's right there." Xavier pointed to his bag which Nix took for him. "Aren't they supposed to make you leave in a wheel chair?" "I bribed them to bypass it. Not hard to do when I'm the main investor for this place." Winking to his friend. As they walked down the hall on his crutch. "That actually went pretty well back there bro." Nix told him as they walked up to the elevator waiting for it to come. "It went better than I thought it could. Besides this may not be as hard as I'm thinking it is." "What you mean Xav?" "I got her to fall in love with me once. I'm going to do it again." "Oh really just like that? A lot of confidence there man. You think maybe there is a small chance this may not work. What if you can't pull this off?" Walking in the lift pressing the button as the door closing to get them down smiling his million-dollar smile. Loving the challenge. "Watch me."