No Ones P.O.V
Looking back down at her his mind riddling in what happened to bring them to the point where they were in. When her alarm started to go off. She sprang right up looking around. "Oh fuck I'm going to be late." Holding her hand to her forehead looking up at the confused man staring at her in some sort of happy way. "Good morning Xav." "Good morning." "How are you feeling after last night?" She asked him holding his head looking in his eyes then feeling the back of his head. "Honestly I am confused on what happened." "What do you mean?" "I mean the last thing I remember is waiting in line at the burger place for our order and now I'm waking up to a very lovely view." He winked to her. Noticing how her messy hair was down and all over the place now and how see through his shirt is on her during the day she quickly reached for the light throw blanket on the couch.
"Very funny. Ok look when we were waiting for our food somehow something blew up a little at the mechanic shop across the way and like two heavy tools came through the drive through window and hit you on the back of the head where you already have been hit from the plane crash. You felt a little dizzy. I called Preston he told me just to watch out for you since you still have light symptoms of the concussions before so he told me to keep an eye on you for about an hour or so and when we were walking in and I got you settled with the food in the car.
'Then a very nice drunk man slammed into me with his milkshake and then vomited on me. When we came here after you were done first being worried, then stopped laughing at me you gave me some clothes and let me have a quick shower because the smell was getting us both sick. You brought me in here to watch movies and eat dinner. I guess I fell asleep before you did. I'm sorry for over staying or anything like that. I know how busy you got to be." Ari started rushing out ramblings and apologies.
"Ari! Calm down, breathe." Laughing out to help her calm down. "I don't care if you stay here. You are always welcomed into my home. Chill woman. Thank you for last night. The ride, the food, the caring for me…again. It means so much to me. I'm sorry for worrying you or you know taking up your night looking after me for yet another concussion. Seems like Dean Martin is onto something when he says aint that a kick in the head since apparently I keep getting brain damage whenever I'm near you." Ari gave him a death look. "I'm kidding. It's just a joke I am sorry though that our last few encounters have been so physically involved. Well ok not like that but you know what I mean." Xavier old her holding his hands up. "I get it. I also love that song by the way." Xavier already knew that which is why the reference was so easy. Maybe this may be easier than he was hoping to earn points with her.
"Me too. Can I make you something to eat or better yet take you to breakfast you know as a thank you?" "No I can't I'm already going to be running late do you mind if I change real quick before I leave? I have my work out clothes in the car and I have patient who will be waiting for me in like twenty-minutes he's fairly new and I still got to get down to the jogger trail by the woods." "Yeah sure go ahead. You meet up with clients in the woods?" Xavier laughed out.
"Well yeah I mean especially there. It's just like a walking and jogging thing for those who are training their legs like you will be soon. But every now and then it is better to get out in a peaceful environment with no one else around too much. In an open place. It won't give anyone anxiety. They can go at their own pace. There is not many people so judgement and worry of that crap is out the door. There is so many trees and logs always a resting point. I carry water and a few snacks to boost sugar levels. It's just what some people need so they can change it up and don't lose faith and hope in themselves. It also lets the patient vent and that helps mental health. It gives me more personal connection so I know my client is getting what they are trying to out of the work we are doing and helps tell them if they are slacking and how t improve." She told him with a slight shrug.
"I love that. You really go above and beyond for these people huh? I got to say I'm a little proud at how far you go. This must mean a lot to you because effort like that Ari. Care like that is more than just a job or doing your job. That's just straight up heart and emotional investment." "Yeah well you will get firsthand experience starting Wednesday so maybe hold off on the high praise just yet. Trust me Saturdays and Wednesdays you are not going to like me very much." "I doubt that very seriously." Xavier snorted as he got up to hobble to the kitchen on his sore leg ignoring the crutch. "Well they don't call me the Devils Warden there for nothing." She sang out to get to her car and grab her scrubs leaving a curious yet haunting chill running down Xavier's back. 'Therapy maybe more painful than I had planned.'
As she was walking out the door her phone vibrated as a message from Chloe. Not trying to pry but not being able to look away from the object that happened to light up in front of him he didn't even need to unlock her phone to read since it was so short. 'Hey chicky don't forget Dinner tonight 6 with just you and me girls are busy.' Ending in a kissing face emoji. Xavier grabbed his head as a flashback took over him with images running through it so quickly and slowly at the same time. A Chinese restaurant with Nix and some young woman with brown hair a little darker then Ari's sitting together on one side of the booth and all of them laughing together. Then another with Nix holding his phone out showing the happy pictures of that night with Jace and Ryder the details on the picture read the same day they were on. "Xav? Xav are you alright?" Snapping back to the reality looking up to her in the kitchen with his pills in front of him.
"What? Yeah, sorry. Ugh head ached took over really quick I was just about to get started on the meds Preston got me. Are you good?" Responding calmer than he felt. Yeah I'm going to go ahead and head out. I just wanted to check on you make sure you are ok. Please go see Preston today. He has a practice down the road from your main building, it's actually in the same center my clinic is. You will have to swing by there anyway before Wednesday to start your new patient paper work. If you can't maybe I can swing by on before your meetings. You know your assistant can even come through and I can fax them to her or him and you can just fax them back but really need those in before we start." She told him in a professional mode.
"Actually could you come over before the meetings and go over it with me I just really like to understand everything I sign. I also really want to bounce back as quickly as I can. I would like a better understanding on how this all works before we actually begin as well. My first meeting is at nine would seven thirty or eight be too early? I can push back the first meeting if it." "Xavier it's fine I understand. I will be there by eight in the morning. It's plenty of time to go over everything and answer any concerns, questions or comments you may have. Also it would probably really help you right now with all the blows to the head. To write everything down especially comments or questions you or even your parents may have. Oh before I leave would you like to start here to start here or at my place Wednesday?"
"Would it be ok to start here. I got an empty spare room I was going to turn into a gym we could use. It just got painted before we crashed." Xavier asked her. "Perfect ok take it easy Mr. Holden and please check in with Preston and maybe have a friend or someone come over just in case your concussion gets worse at least just for a few hours. Thanks Xav." She hollered waving jogging to her car in her crop top work out shirt that hugged her yet hung loose at the same time and work out yoga capris.
'Damn how am I going to keep my hands to myself or at least hide certain damn tent that keeps pitching. Going to need some bagger damn short or something.' Lost in his thoughts he got the idea to go to the office today picking up the phone and pushing call he went to his room and started getting ready. 'Hey bro, figured you probably still be asleep.' 'Nope up and getting ready hey, I need you to come get me and take me to see Preston I need to get checked up today and need a ride.' 'Sure man when you need to be there?' 'I'm getting dressed now let's head to the café first I need to talk to you and I'll call his office and let him know we'll be there in a while.' 'Sure man be pulling through in about thirty minutes I need to get gas first.' Xavier hung up on him smiling hoping his friend would be on board with all the plans he's making tonight.
After getting some pastries and coffee. "So what's up man." Nix asked him taking a big bite of his donut and smelling his muffin. "I called the doctor and he will be waiting for us. Well you want a short version or the long one?" "I aint got nowhere else to be." Nix shrugged waiting to hear him out. "So last night after I get home. I looked around and got sad and got an Uber went to the pet store to get a fish because I'm sad, pathetic and lonely. Only when I get to the back to ask questions on the fish, Ari there doing the same fucking thing man. The sad, lonely and pathetic words were her words for herself I'm just piggy backing. Anyways neither of us got one. But she did give me a ride home. We decide to get some food on the way home. You know we having a good time and everything only." Shaking his head Looking down at his plate not wanting to say the next part.
"Only what?" Nix asked taking a drink. "Don't laugh at the next part." "I make no such promises." Nix told him flatly. "The mechanic shop across the street blew something up shooting a few tools everywhere and two of them went straight through the damn drive through window and hit me, yes both of them, hit me in the same spot that I've already been hit in this week few times." Xavier told him looking him in the eye to see his reactions. "First are you ok?" "Yes, for the most part." After a second Nix started laughing so hard some tears came off. "Could only happen to you bro." Nix said shaking his head calming down to take another bite of his breakfast.
"Anyway! She helped me back in her car after we get our food and when she went to get in the car some drunkard spewed all over her. When she got me home Preston suggested she stayed for a while to make sure my concussions don't get worse. I gave her my clothes and she took a shower and we passed out on my couch watching movies. I must have been hit harder than I thought when I woke up I didn't remember anything really. Only noticed Ari in my clothes sleeping next to me." "Bet you freaked for a minute." "Like several minutes. Even after she explained to me. That's not what I need to talk to you about the next part actually concerns you. I need a favor that you will thank me for." Xavier told him smugly.
"Oh yeah what magical favor would this be?" Nix asked in sarcasm. "I've had visions of your future wife." Looking at him in shock. "Sorry what? My future what?" "Your future woman. The one you get completely whipped for. Like obsess with." Xavier smirked to him. "You serious? Like your being serious with me. Like you sure of this?" Nix asked stammering. Xavier is the only one who know just how badly Nix just wants to settle down already. "Yup. I am 100% serious." "How does that play into your favor?" "This morning Chloe texted her that they are going to dinner tonight just them. I already seen this Nix we bump into them at this Chinese food place downtown and we all hang together and that's how you meet your future wife. It's like our first unofficially double date one of many." Xavier said to him taking the last drink of his coffee. "You in?" He added lifting his eyebrow.
"I'm always down for free food man. I'll go on your bro date. You sure about her though. Like for real don't play with me on this." Nix said in a low voice. "I wouldn't do that to you man. Jace absolutely, Ryder eh maybe but not you man." "Fuck it I'm in. What time do we have to be there. They going to be going to meeting up at six so let's get there about six fifteen and get a table. From what I remember they try to get in but can't so we ask them to join us." "Nice play man. You ready to see Preston?" "Yeah let's go I'm going to call the restaurant now. After dropping more than enough down on the table Nix found himself getting a little nervous and getting lost in his own head.
After getting in the car Xavier noticed he was off. "Man are you good? You seem a little I don't like panic attacky or some kind of freak out or shit your pants something going on man." "I'm just wrapping my head around that my best friend who just predicts the future just told me he knows who my wife is and that I will be meeting her tonight. Dude you know how long I have been like wanting this and." Nix took a deep breath cutting himself off.
"I've been wanting this for too long and out of literally nowhere you call me and say oh hey dude you going to meet her tonight while scoring me points. It's a little nerve wrecking. Like what if she doesn't like me. Or-or I say something stupid. Does she even have like a man right now? Like what do I do man?! You said you seen all this before like help me out bro what the fuck do I do?" Xavier mouth was hung wide open. Never in all his life has he ever seen Nix freak out except when his parents got in a car wreck and got laid up for three weeks in their teens.
"Dude just breathe. All you got to do is be yourself and play it by ear. She is single that I know of or remember and you win her over by just being you man. Whatever you do just make sure you ask for her number by the end of the night. Only at the end. You'll be glad you did. She's a real sweet girl man compared to your almost all serious ass. She really does level you out. You both are very different but at the same time you're very much the same. So just breath man. I swear after a while it'll be as easy as breathing for you." "How do you know that." "Because you already told me bro." Xavier told him with a small smile. "Xavier?" The nurse called as she looked him up and down with a seductive smile as she leads him to the room with a still shook-up Nix. "The doctor should be in soon. Is there anything you need Mr. Holden." She asked him sweetly.
"You could leave." Xavier told her with a smile already tired of her game. "Man, tricks everywhere be thirsty for a bro with dough man." Nix told him laughing hard as Xavier gave him his middle finger. "How are you doing today Xav? How's your head been?" Preston asked looking over his vitals real quick and taking out his flashlight looking into his eyes. "I'm good man it's just a precaution being here and checking in."
"Yeah I know you promised Ari. She already called me and told me to text her when you checked in." Preston winked at him. "Couldn't last two days could you man." Preston said shaking his head. "What's with Officer always serious over there?" Preston laughed out. "I told him I know who his wife is and that we can meet her tonight at breakfast. Kind of a turning point for him I guess. I think his mind shut down about twenty minutes ago." "For real that's great. Who's the lucky lady?" "Your friend Chloe." "Chloe? Chloe Brooks? My Chloe?" Preston asked in a shocked voice also happy.
"What you mean your Chloe?" Nix asked in jealous protective tone staring at him. "Calm down Damico I already told you these girls are like my sister it aint like all that going off in your head. Xavier when did you meet Chloe?" Preston asked a little taken back for a moment. "I haven't were both going to be meeting them tonight. Bumping into them at a Chinese restaurant. That you will be texting to rave about for us. Then when they get there and find out that there are no tables saved they join us." "Well talk about a man with a plan. So Nix would you like to see a picture of her maybe it will calm you down a bit?" Preston asked him. The room was really quiet for a minute. "No. I don't if this girl is supposed to be important to me in that way. I want to feel it for myself." "How is he going to do that?" Preston asked quietly listening to Xavier's chest.
"The hopeless romantic believes that when he sees his future soulmate he will know it at first sight." Xavier told him using air quotes. "No shit? Well you know who else believes that? Ari, Leah and Chloe. Look man you check out just fine. You just really need to take it easy on the physical activity lately dude. Your head is a lot more fragile than you think. I'll start raving about the place right now the one right here down the road?" "Yeah that one thanks man." "Hey, I don't know if this may help but have you been having hard dreams or nightmares maybe some more horrific flash backs?" Preston asked him.
"I might have little glimpses that may not be that enjoyable to have. Maybe a bad accident or two I can't do anything about." Xavier whispered back. "If it gets to be too much I can send you to the therapist my grandpa went to. To keep his mind straight she may be the only other medical professional who will believe you." Preston told him. "You just call me and I'll hook it up. Anytime day or night call me man." Preston told him in a serious tone. "Thanks man. Seriously." Xavier got Nix and went back home.
After getting home Xavier spent the majority of his time in his office at home reading proposals and going through emails. Catching up on his work. Looking over Donovan's work, as well as many others approving and declining projects. Once he started going through others he came across a few from Eric Tillman's office. They were not bad projects or a proposal to join in on but he already knew how in about five to seven years how bad a couple of them crumble apart causing the deaths of hundreds of people.
The best way to prevent it is to be sure he has no part in it. He still can't pinpoint who was responsible for short cutting the right resources and material of the structure of the buildings that collapsed horribly but he didn't want his name or any of that responsibility of it. He was desperate to keep a clean conscious. From all the things he's been seeing the only things he knows for sure is Ari will be his world. Anything with Eric Tilman will lead to very traumatic deaths. The fact that most of these happen out of country also when they all collapse within two years most media and countries take it as a war action. It gets very ugly.
Sending emails back of how the projects are very creative and a very unique way and eye however his company will be passing on the offer to join in on or as partners or shareholders. He had other things to start getting together. Looking over the staff listing emails he started going to certain people asking them to get ready and design certain things for certain company meetings. As for Donovan the best way to keep him busy and out of his way was to put him on a random research project in certain countries and look for possible hotel placings. Maybe even a few restaurants over in Europe and find out what he would need for things like that. That should take him a few weeks maybe months and it has to be places he is not actually interested in. This will slowly be testing to see if Donni would actually be a mole. Looks like Donni is all too ready to take on the research assignment.
Xavier shot up quickly as his front door busted open and slammed shut as he heard a lot of fumbling coming around down the hall. "Man! What the hell you scared the shit of me! The hell is all of this? What are you doing?" Xavier snapped to his friend in confusion. "I'm flipping the hell out man. I've been stuck on this since I dropped you off. I need you to help me." Nix told him losing it a little bit."
"With what? Why do you have so much of all this shit." "I need you to tell me what to wear." Looking at him in the eye for a few moments with a blank face and silence. "Wait you actually… brought what like over half of your wardrobe because you can't decide what to wear to a casual- semi-formal Chinese food restaurant?" "DON'T MAKE FUN OF ME! I'm not questioning you or anything on your psychic skills. BUT you know if your right, this Chloe chick." Nix cut himself off. "If you're right what's wrong with trying to make a good impression?" Nix asked about to be defeated.
"Maybe I should back out. What I-I'm not ready." "Dude you are not backing out everything is going to be fine. Just breath you are just over thinking shit again like usual except unlike usual you're starting to lose your shit. So let's gather all this up including all your mental shit and get it back together alright bro?" "You sure you just aint saying this because you need me to not only get you there but to make your way with Ari tonight?" Nix asked him with a little attitude.
"OK first off I don't need you to get me there. I could have called a taxi, Lyft or Uber. Hell I could have called Jace or Ryder who you know would come running for a chance at a date with a cool chick. Second off fuck you. I would never drag you through something I knew you couldn't handle. This isn't about me. It's about us. Us and finally getting the happiness we deserve man. You just have to calm down and just be yourself. Everything will happen at your pace man. All I'm trying to do is help you get a foot in the door. Just be yourself and get her number before she leaves us and everything will be ok. I swear man. Also wear the dark wash jeans and anyone of these black or grey muscle shirts. They make you look good tall and they can see all the goods you got going on." "You so gay man." "You love it though." Xavier joked back. "Thanks man seriously. Thank you. I'll tone it back a little. I just don't think I've ever been this nervous in my life." "That's sad man considering how many times we all been shot and shot at." Xavier told him shaking his head.
Taking a deep breath they both walked in the restaurant it really was crowded tonight. They waited their turn to see the hostess until he heard the girls at the next line ahead of them. "Are you sure you can't just squeeze two people in. "We got nothing we got a waiting list and reservations you can wait three hours if you wish." The snarky woman told them. "Three hours for food! Fuck that!"
Yup that's my Ari .Xavier smiled to himself. "You know if I didn't know any better Ms. Alderman I would think you are stalking me." Xavier called out to her making her stop with her friend and smile in shock. "Maybe you're the one following me Mr. Holden since you have the free time." "I'm going to have to call your bluff my dear little wifey I have a reservation. So clearly I have already dibs first." Turning to the hostess to speak to her. "Reservation for Holden." "Yes sir table for four. Is the rest of your party here?" She asked with a seductive look.
"Ari, look our boys backed out tonight if you lovely ladies are hungry why don't you just join us?" Xavier told her. "Uhm." Looking a Chloe who was smiling at Nix and turned to look at her. "I'm hungry Ari. I'm down if you are." Chloe shrugged nudging her a bit, she was excited to meet the man who causes her friend to get so frustrated. Also the man next to him was hot as hell. They needed a good night of fun and something new. "Are you sure your friend here won't mind." Ari asked him. Nix was staring at Chloe since he saw her. He finally brought back to reality releasing the breath he didn't know he was holding and realizing he hadn't blinked in sometime. "I-I would be fine with it. Please join us. I mean like who the hell going to wait for food that long on a Monday." Nix asked looking back to the hostess like she was crazy. "Please right this way." The hostess told them glaring at them now.
"Ladies?" Xavier asked hand opened as a smiling Chloe walked in front with Nix putting up his hands to block both of them from getting in front of him. Xavier smirking using his hand to gesture her to go next. "Yeah, sure ok." Ari told him still shocked at the turn of the evening. As they sat down and placed all of their orders. "Well uh Xavier I would like you to meet one of my best friends Chloe Brooks. Clo this is Xavier Holden, and his umm friend." Ari told her. "Hi." Xavier said with a smile. "Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too…" She trailed off as Nix looked at her smiling. "Shit, uh my bad Phoenix Damico. But please call me Nix." He told her blushing not wanting to give her back her hand. "Arabella it's good to see you again how have you been?" Nix asked trying to respectful.
"Well you're friend seems to be keeping me on my toes. Work is well always interesting, other than that I am good. How have you been Nix." She said trying the name out looking at him and looking back at Chloe who has a permanent blush on her face. I see where this is going. Aw hell go on girl get it I guess. "I've been good. Work is well work. It gets difficult when your boss is such an ass." Nix told her with a sad face as Xavier smirked holding his head down.
"What do you do?" Chloe asked sweetly. "I work COS for this guy and all his enterprises. That's uh Chief of Security." He added when she looked lost for a second and understanding then came upon her face. "Well you know what this dip nut does. We know all about the jobs of the talented Dr. Alderman what is it that you do Ms. Brooks?" "Oh please just call me Chloe or Clo. I work in medical billing for Ari's office. Once in a blue moon when he gets desperate I go temp for a day at our friend Dr. Johnson." "Preston?" Nix asked raising his eyebrow.
"Yeah do you know him?" "Yeah he's a friend of ours you know small world same circles. Plus he's Xav's general primary doctor now. Hell I guess even mine." Nix said pointing to Xavier while both his hands are resting under his chin. "So what brings you guys out tonight?" Ari asked as the nice servers brought them their meal and other things they wanted to try. "
Oh you know besides not cooking well. We just to keep the bromance alive." Xavier joked to the girls. "Yes, see he can't resist my sexy ass." Nix told them with a wink. "Well it is just such a luscious ass there Nix." Xavier winked and blew a kiss. "You know I think sometimes there is nothing gayer then a straight man." Ari said laughing hard with Chloe who was laughing just as hard. "Damn straight babe." Xavier winked back at her with another wink. Everything went so good laughter filled their tables as well as their bellies. Sharing some of the appetizers and great stories. The bill came as everyone went to grab at it.
"No, no let me. You guys were nice to eat with me tonight. It's my treat." "No Xav that's too much at least let me half it." "Nope. How about you guys get the next one and we do this again. I mean it. I really enjoyed myself tonight." "Me too." Nix added looking at Chloe both blushing a little bit. "Yeah I'd love to do this again. I mean this was exactly what we needed tonight." Chloe told them as they gathered their things. "Let us walk you guys to your cars." Nix told them holding the door opened. "Ari I'll call you." "Yeah I'll text you later." "It was nice to meet you this evening Xavier." "You too Chloe." "It was great evening with you Ari. I hope to see you soon." "Same here Nix. Although with this guy may be sooner then we think." Ari teased.
Holding the door open for her as she slid in the driver's seat he couldn't wait any longer. "Chloe I had a good time getting to know you tonight would it be ok to ask you for your number. Maybe take you on a date?" Nix asked her biting the bullet. Although he looked calm and collect deep down he was just thankful it was dark outside so she couldn't see him sweating. "I would love that. Here put your number in." She said giving him her phone as he text himself. "Alright Ima text you. Don't leave me on read now." He teased and pointed at her. "I won't." Laughing at him, laughing harder as his contact name read ~My Sexy Man~. Shaking her head she headed off. Walking back to his car with the world's biggest smile.
Walking him to his car he really didn't want her to drive off. "You know I have to warn you as your doctor you are spending a little too much time not being on bed rest or resting your body." She told him in a warning tone. "Awe that's where you're wrong though doc. I am feeling completely rested." He told her back in his best business voice. "This was great tonight. I'm glad I came out." Ari told him. "Yeah you keep on surprising me. I mean we've been in this city together for a long time. It isn't until like we meet do we keep running into each other." She told him.
"Well that's normally how it works though isn't? Maybe it's like buying a car or a new outfit you know you don't ever see it until you do and once you do it's literally everywhere." Xavier told her as she nodded her head. "That is a very true example. Thank you for everything Xavier feel free to text me it's been fun getting to know you. I'll uh text you when I'm on my way Wednesday." "Yeah ok. Night Ari. Oh also you know you can come by anytime you want. Always love slumber parties with the little Mrs." He winked again. "Had to go there huh?" She said turning the car on and waving him off.
Walking back to his best friend with his arms held out a little open. "Didn't I tell you? You would have a great time. Well what's the verdict? Is there going to be a future Chloe Damico or have my visions gone to shit?" Xavier was being smug smile crossing his arms in front of him as they stood in front of the car. "I can't even joke with you right now. For real man she was great. The second I saw her I knew she was who you saw dude. Hell for a second I swear I could see it all. I got a date too. Plus her digits. Thank you Xavier. I really mean that." Nix told him. "Anything for you bro." They gave each other the best hug they could with his sore shoulder. "Help me in man." Xavier laughed.
"Mr. Holden. What a pleasure to see you out here this evening." "Mr. Tilman. Yeah fancy that. Small city I guess?" Xavier said in shock but with a perfect poker face. "How are you I mean with everything." Eric told him in concern using his hands to gesture his body. "Still dancing." "You know we all are hoping for a speedy recovery. I hope you get a chance to go through some of our ideas." "Yeah about that I have. You have a great and talented eye. Very unique. I was impressed by it." "Thank you. That means a lot. You know we work very hard over there and I'm sure with your input we could."
"Mr. Tilman I am very impressed by your work however we are not going to be venturing with you on any of it. I do wish you well with it though it's just not the direction I see us going in right now. I do have some things of our own I would like to get through. I'm sorry Tilman but seriously it is great work." Xavier told him in the most professional respectful voice he could. Shaking his hand once again.
"Are you sure about that?" "I am." Still holding each other's hand you could feel the tension and small resentment coming off both of them. "Alright then if you want to miss out on a good opportunity then I guess that's your call." "It is." Xavier said quickly and flatly. "Have a good night gentlemen." Eric said walking away feeling the anger flowing off him. "I'll keep an eye out." Nix told him flatly getting him in the car. "Yeah we need to trust me bro it's just getting started."