Chapter 5: Dr. Death

Looking around at the scene in front of him everyone running in panic. Swat, bomb teams, police everywhere. He could hear people on the phone with someone on the phone inside the building trying to talk whoever it is down. "What's going on?" He grabbed one of the doctors looking lost arm. "What do you mean what's going on the hospitals been hi-jacked." "What hospital?" Looking back he saw the building was the same one he woke up from after the crash. "Xavier! Hey man. Look we heard what happened." Ryder was next to him with his friends. "Is that Preston?" "Preston!" They all rushed to him as he was on a stretcher getting air. He looked to have some burns on him that'll heal. "Preston what happened?" Nix asked.


 "Some other doctors and I were clearing the pediatric unit as fast as we could. It's where it all started you know. Anyway the guy with the gun says he has bomb but it's not in there it's in the garage the parking garage for the doctors. Then he fired a shot off except dumb ass doesn't remember the oxygen is on in that floor most of us doctors were able to get and save some kids from the fire. Some are still trapped in there. "I'm sorry Xavier Ari still in there he was dragging her by the hair back past the fire I couldn't get her I had three kids with me. I couldn't get her." Preston then past out." Xavier's heart froze.


 He looked down to see his wedding band on his hand. "FUCK!!" Rushing to the building getting stopped as he saw the stretchers pulling people out and a crazy man screaming in the custody of officers. "I DID EVERYTHING! I DID EVERYTHING THEY TOLD ME TO DO! THEY TOLD ME THEY WOULD HELP HIM! THEY WOULD HELP MY SON! THEY KILLED HIM! THEY KILLED MY SON!! The man kept screaming. Looking up to see a body on a stretcher he saw Arabella. Running over to her as fast as he could as people trying to stop him. "THAT'S MY WIFE! MOVE OR I'LL MOVE YOU!" Xavier snapped to the man as he moved out of his way. "Ari are you alright what the hell happened?" Xavier asked with tears in his eyes looking down at her. The burns, the bullet holes, the bruises. Her wrist was broken. Her leg so broke it would need to be reset.


 "There was a man who finally got his son a heart from the transplant list. The heart didn't take we gave instructions on what to do. He came back for another heart. The doctor on hand was drunk he ended up puncturing both hearts in an a non-fixable way the boy bled to death on bypass we couldn't keep him or take him off. The bleeding could not get under control. Apparently this doctor has been drunk ont he last twenty-seven surgeries. He has killed over half of them and since his family is a respectable name they decided to overlook it. The father was angry and wanted life for a life so he took many. SO MANY! Babe I hurts."


"I know baby. I know we going to get you help." "Sir please move she's running out of time. The paramedic shut the door on him. Looking at the door. His phone went off and stopped ringing he noticed the date. Coming into the other hospital his parents mixed up with another older couple freaking out with them. "Son they tried, they tried so hard. They aren't sure if." His dad is choking on his words. When the doctor came out with a look of regret on his face Xavier's felt like a huge ball was stuck in his throat. Falling to the ground eyes not leaving the doctors. Noticing the same man from the corner of the gala in the back corner behind the doctor. Just starring straight at him with a plain look on his face.


 Waking up in a panic looking around the room. He did everything he could to calm himself down to level his breathing which felt like forever. Immediately going to his phone and pressing the call button. 'Hey, I didn't expect to hear from you today?' 'Preston I need you to look up a family and a doctor in your hospital and tell me if they are actually patients there.' Xavier choked up a little bit. 'Ok, go ahead and give me the details and I'll call you back.'


Xavier gave him three patients one who has dead already, one who will today and tomorrow, the gun man and the drunk serial killing doctor. After explaining details of the surgeries needed Preston stomach dropped a bit. Xavier told him about his dream after Preston went through the data base of the O.R appointments and patient details. 'Xavier I got to go if we got a chance to stop this I need to be in the O.R observation to catch him in the act. Thanks for the heads-up man.'  Hanging up quickly Xavier felt a huge pull on his heart and knew he won' be able to rest until that man was no longer allowed to use a scalpel.


 Realizing he had a few minutes left to get ready he had meetings set today but the plus side he gets start physical therapy with Arabella. He was making sure to space out his 'run ins' with her so she wouldn't catch on or be suspicious or creeped out. Getting ready and calling his driver. Walking into the building most people were shocked he was there as he was supposed to be taking it easy. Greeting the happy faces to see him. Walking straight into his private floor along with his best friends offices. Only five offices plus a receptionist desk was placed on this floor. The four of them plus Xavier's P.A. which was on leave. He liked having a male P.A because he never flirted with him. The receptionist though that was a whole separate issue on its own. Yet he couldn't fire her yet. She was nice enough but so barking up the wrong tree.


 Other woman just grossed him out now knowing what he's going to have he didn't even bother looking. Only problem with all that is none of that has happened yet minus his friends and family were the only ones who knew. So until it all came into light for real. He was looking like the most eligible bachelor and it turned his stomach how woman would flaunt themselves on or to him with little respect for him or themselves. Being brought back to his attention he was trying to be nice and respectful enough to all around him even though he was sitting on pins and nerves until Preston reaches back out to him.


 "Mr. Holden what are you doing back so soon. Are we ignoring the doctors orders?" Natalie told him giving him the shame on you look making him smile to her. "I might be but it's alright I have a few meetings today. Also if a Dr. Preston Johnson calls or come by, I don't care what's going on you inform me immediately and show him to my office if he shows up. IF any member of the board of the hospital calls or shows up again I don't care what I am doing you get me. Understand." He told her flatly in a scary tone to make sure she knew how serious he was. "Yes, Mr. Holden I will gun it right to you." "I will call you fifteen minutes before your meeting or let you know when they have arrived. We will be using the conference rooms on the floor below us so it's less of a walk for you sir." "Thank you Natalie." Walking in to his office he started up his computer.


 The door swung open to reveal Jace and Ryder looking at him like a child in trouble. "WHY?!" Ryder asked him. "Why, what?" Confused Xavier looked to them. "WHY?! As in why the hell you here when you should be getting the rest you need at home?" Jace continued to lecture him. "I can't be home it drives me nuts. I need to focus on something else right now." "Gentlemen. You all owe fifty bucks I told you his ass couldn't stay home." Nix told them walking over to the chairs sitting down in some wrinkled ass clothes. "What the hell happened to you?" Jace asked worriedly. "You got some scratches on your upper arm man." Ryder pointed out. "I sure do." Nix told them with a huge smile.


 "Dude did you finally get some." Ryder asked. "First off shut your mouth. Second off I had an amazing date with an amazing girl last night. Third it didn't go as far as all that but far enough." Nix told them blushing feeling totally in both relaxation and bliss. "Damn bro you don't waste no time do you." Xavier was laughing hard. "Is this the same girl you hooked up with? The wifey." Jace asked happily. "Sure is. I'm definitely going to be wife-in' that up." Nothing was going to bring that man down. "What the hell Xavier was our future brides at?" Jace asked annoyed. "Hold on up now why we so sure you end up with a woman?" Ryder asked making them all bust out into laugher.


 "ANYWAY! You assholes we were here to find out why dip nut here is ignoring bed rest. Can we get back to that please." Jace snapped. "Yeah man what happened?" Nix looked at him. Taking a deep breath looking around the room and the closed door, knowing he couldn't lie to them he just told them the truth every little detail. They were all looking back at him with the look of shock, and horror to know that Preston confirmed all his suspicions. All of them looked around feeling nervous.


 "You know man." Nix started and took a breath licking his lips. "I want to be the first to tell you how sorry I am you woke up to have this little… gift of yours. It feels like it's going to be a curse more often than not. To be able to see and feel these things. It's got to be hard. I mean I'm thankful for Chloe don't get me wrong but everything coming along with these things. I just wish we knew how to help you more." Nix told him shaking his head in sadness.


 "I mean I don't know. I don't think I would be able to take it as well as you without being a little crazy man. I admire you really." Ryder told him flatly. "I just wish we knew why it was happening or how long it will happen." Jace told him feeling like a letdown friend they didn't know how to help him cope through this. "Hey, the only reason I am able to get through this is because of the great support system I have in front of me.


 You guys believing me. Listening to me, helping me do the best I can when we find these things out. I mean come on we are helping so many people and they don't even know it. No matter how hard it's getting sometimes. I mean just knowing we helped change for the best one person a kid no less it makes it worth it. I couldn't be this ok without you being here doing just this. Thank you." Xavier told them trying to build them back up.


 It wasn't until they heard the noises out in the hall that they got over their sappy moment. Opening the door to look down the hall to see Ari arguing with Natalie. Walking up quietly they were listening to the whole thing. "Look for the last time. I have a meeting with Mr. Holden. It's important he signs these papers today." Ari tried for the last time using her nice voice. "AND AS I TOLD YOU! You are not on the schedule you are not going in. Look honey you are not the first fast ass harlot who has snuck up unto this floor and tried to get into any of these men's offices. It didn't work for them and it's not going to work for you. Now if it's that important call this number and get a real appointment. Now leave before I have security remove you." Natalie snapped at her tilting her head to her with attitude.


 "Wow you know if you weren't dressed in a skirt that stopped at your dignity and could manage to button your shirt all the way up instead of the way a stripper would honey your words might have some effect on me. I know women like you a dime a dozen sitting at desk you slept your way through H.R to get. To feel superior over everyone else. While you do everything you can to push out anything that looks like competition because you think in due time one of these men will claim you as a girlfriend long enough to buy you a shit ton of things than toss you on your big fake ass after a few months. Where another whore will easily take your place. Now rather you like it or not I have an appointment with Mr. Holden. I'm his doctor fuck I'm still wearing scrubs and a fucking medical I.D badge. You can bet your FAT ASS I'm getting back there to see him. Insult me one more time and you better call security because you're going to need them when I come back out to deal with you." Ari told her in the calmest voice.


 "NATALIE what the hell are you doing?" Xavier seethed to her very apparent that all the men were mad now. "This crazy woman doesn't have an appointment and is making a scene sir. I will have her thrown out right now." "Touch that phone and your fired." Nix snapped to her making her scared as he snapped it out of her hand and hung it up. "Arabella from the bottom of our hearts we are so, so sorry for her behavior. Natalie when do you think it was deemed ok nor yet appropriate to talk to anyone who walks into MY BUILDING the way you just did?" Xavier asked her as she was feeling scared and stuttering.


 "I-I she. She has no appointment sir. The front lobby didn't even call her in." "This is one of my doctors who cannot release any information to you legally. You better take note of this woman whenever she comes into this building she will get every and anything she asks for. She does not answer to you. Ms. Palmer. You send her directly to me or us or where it is she is needing to go. You owe her an apology." Xavier demanded.


 "Xavier it's really ok. She won't mean it and it will mean nothing to me anyway." Ari told him flatly. "You will never speak to anyone who walks into my building the way you just did or you will not only be out of this very building so fast it would make your head spin. BUT you will also be black listed from anyone I do business with. You represent this whole company sitting behind this desk and you will not shame it or yourself the way you just did. Tomorrow if you cannot dress accordingly to the dress code around here maybe you should just stay home. Ryder please call Lenora and bring Ms. Palmer down to be officially written up and for a copy of the dress code she seemed to forgot along with some dignity." Natalie face dropped and paled never has anyone here called her out or got her caught. Face beat red in embarrassment and glaring at Arabella on her way to the elevator.


 "We're really sorry about all that Ari. That was not ok. We expect better from the employees here. That was not acceptable and completely out of line." Jace told her coming up to grab a hug from her. The rest of the guys follow suit. "It's ok maybe it was just her time of the month or something more bitchy." Ari told them as they laughed with her. "Xavier are you ready to sign your new patient forms?" "Yeah please come this way." The other guys went back to work.


"You really should be home resting Xavier. Even though we will be taking it light today it will still a lot on your body. Promise me you'll take tomorrow off." Ari pointed to him being sternly well trying to anyway. Putting his hands up in surrender. "I promise I will relax for the rest of the week and work at home after today." Sliding the paper s and telling him what they are, and for. It was a good twenty minutes as it took a while to look up his insurance information from his phone.


 "Well that's everything I will go give this to Leah and Chloe and they will process you in. I will see you at your place tonight what's better five or six?" "Five. I'll be there at five." "Alright I'll head over right from the office. Please take it easy and try as much as possible to stay off that leg and limit usage of the shoulder." "Yes Dr. Alderman." He told her with a straight only for both of them to bust out laughing. "Here let me show you to the elevator." Xavier said getting up with a laptop at hand and a writing tablet. "Boy what did I just say about getting off that leg, and shoulder." "I can't help it Ari I got to go to the conference next floor door. If you would like you can walk me there if you worried about me." Winking to her.


 "That's alright I have faith that you are more than capable of handling yourself until you get handled tonight." Smirking to him walking down the hall. "Wow you make sound so dirty. Should I be scared." Walking up close to her to feel the breath down her neck making her body shiver a little hoping he didn't notice. "Are you alright Dr. Alderman you seem a little frustrated." She could feel his smirk mocking her. "Well now just confused I came from this elevator why are we going this way?"


 "This is my private elevator. Those working this floor minus Natalie floor are not allowed to use. When you come here for me. You only use this one. Understand." Telling her flatly. "Why can't I just use the common one like everyone else? Nothing special about me Xav." "That is where you are wrong Ari. Everything is special about you. There is not one common thing about you. Excuse me this is my stop. As the doors opened. If anyone gives you a hard time you call me." Walking out the lift he hurried down to the conference room before he did something he would regret doing so soon.


 It wasn't until right after the last meeting Xavier was in his office getting ready to go home. His driver should be down stairs soon he sent him to get Ari's favorite Italian place chicken broccoli alfredo, green salad, and fresh bread sticks. There was no way in hell would he make her go straight from work to keep working without having a proper dinner in there. 'Have to take care of my woman'. He thought smiling to himself. When the phone went off. "Mr. Holden. A Dr. Johnson is on hold for you." "Send him through and go home." Xavier told her flatly. 'Preston.' 'Xavier man you get the cookie.' 'What?' 'Sorry inside joke with the girls whoever right we says gets the cookie. Get used to hearing that man because it sticks with you.'


 'Why am I getting a cookie and if I seriously get one get me that raspberry cheesecake cookie from subway.' 'First Ari makes them better. Second you were right about  botched up the surgery today and I was able to stop before anything more serious could have been done. He is currently under hospital surveillance as a patient since he is too hammered and has alcohol poisoning. You as part of the main shareholders including his parents and their lawyers will be present."


"I have called an old judge I know and he is sending his mediator in the morning for the meeting. I will come get you and will have transportation ready to get you back home. The child whose father you said goes nuts was present today and found out and heard everything he wants to yank the kid from here. However I told him what you said about covering every medical expense for the child and since he's also a cop he can breathe analysis anyone going into the surgery room. He's staying put and accepts your offer.' Preston told him taking a relaxing breath.


 'Xavier you just saved like over two dozen lives be proud of yourself.' 'Actually Preston you did. You should be proud of yourself can imagine if you didn't believe me.' 'I told you man I of all people believe more than anyone else is going to. I would love to be a fly on the wall when you explain all of this to Ari.' 'That is a later problem I don't need to run her off again with the whole telling her things from beyond again. Anyways I got to run my ride is here and thank you for everything I will be ready by eight to meet everyone by nine.' ' Bye.' Hanging up the phone Xavier was thanking any God who would hear him. Feeling like he can finally breath holding his chest he felt a little dizzy. Grabbing onto his chair for a minute he didn't think anything of it. It's a symptom he would have for a while.


 When he got home and got everything spread out on the coffee table along with some drinks looking at his watch and right on time heard the door knock. "Come in its open." He hollered to the other side. "Xavier I'm all set to. What's this?" "It's this thing I thought we try see people normally around four to eight p.m. they do this thing where they eat food. Now prepare yourself for this they call it dinner. Crazy I know. I thought after the long day we both probably had we'd give it a shot before you pull my ass through the ringer." Laughing at her. "This is not part of the deal. However I can't have you getting weak on me. Plus that smells good and I didn't know how hungry I was until I smelt it. Fine BUT don't make this a habit." She warned.


 "Uh yes I think I will. Look Ari you are doing a great thing by helping being so flexible but the times that are in place. I mean come on now you know damn well that it's not healthy to skip meals like that so once in a while you need to just chill and have dinner with me. Then I will do any and everything you tell me too. I'm just trying to make sure were both being healthy here doc isn't that the whole point?" Using his business tone with her. "Don't go using logic and common sense to get your way now. That's cheating." Giggling to him as she plopped down next to him accepting the plate. "What are we watching?" "Stranger things." Getting comfortable a little too close to her but when she didn't move away he took it as a good sign. After the meal she cleaned the dishes. Walking into the room they would be training in for a while.


 "Alright we will be doing some basic stretches and exercises you will need to know to do on your own while you're just doing little things around here at home or even the office anywhere you want really to help get the muscles strong and moving. So you will be doing them like this." After making his shoulder and leg move in painful but easy ways she was sure to take her time and his pain and limitations in mind. After a good hour he was covered in sweat. "Alright that is enough for today. You want me to help you up or to the couch or something you will be to sore to try for a bath. So don't! You probably won't be able to get back up on your own once I leave." Warning him. "Alright yeah can you take me back to the theater room the couch would be easier to be in for a while. "Sure."


 Making sure not to put enough wait on her just enough for her to guide him through. Making him try to use the restroom also on the way to the room. "I'm going to go get your meds and something to drink and be right back." "Thank you. Please get yourself something to for all your trouble." Putting back on another episode of stranger things smiling to himself he knew what he was doing. Coming back in she helped him then noticed the screen not being able to take her eyes off of it. "I'm sorry Xav what?" "I asked if you're not busy right now if you would like to sit down and watch another episode with me. I really like this show and I'm so far behind I'm going to be here for a little bit." Xavier told her shrugging to her.


 Me? Busy tonight. Well I did have plans to go home to my dark empty house and take a long bath and read a book in my sad lonely corner. Or could watch one of my favorite shows with a sexy man who can't run away from me hmm decisions- decisions silently mocking herself. "I really have nothing better to do besides go home and read a book. One episode wouldn't hurt anything." "Nope it wouldn't come on I got blankets right here get comfortable I'll restart this one." Xavier told her as she was close enough to touch him while they both had their own seats. It wasn't long until he woke up to him spooning her on the huge couch. Looking down smiling to her. She started to move and jumped a little bit to see him still wrapped around her waist.


 "You know for someone who claims not to be my wife. We sure seem to find ourselves like this more often than not." Wiggling his eyebrows. "Oh shut up and move." She whined to him. "Whatever you say Dr. Wifey." He groaned back to her as they both got up got ready and met in the kitchen handing her a cup of coffee. "Thank you. Why are you dressed like that? You promised me you would stay home." She asked him in a tone that made him think he was in trouble. "I had every intention to but something rather important came up that needs to be addressed and my special attention." "So did you knowingly lie to me yesterday morning then?" Putting her cup down getting mad.  


 "No. NO I did not lie this happened after you left." "Xavier's right Ari it's my fault. We caught a doctor who was operating while being intoxicated it's pretty bad. We are meeting to discuss him right now. It's all me man." Preston said with his hands in the air. "OH MY GOD! That's horrible why would anyone do anything so reckless, careless…Whithers." Stopping and catching herself looking at Preston like he would burst into flames. "IT'S WHITHERS ISN'T?" "Here we go." Preston mumbled. "It's nice to know after a month before Brently died when I brought it to the attention to everyone that something was wrong with that guy you all blew me off because his family was too important and didn't have any evidence now some magically pops up?" Ari yelled at him.


 "Hey, I caught the guy and you were right isn't that enough. He's going to be getting what he deserves I have all the evidence now there is no way his family is going to be getting away with this. Alright it's ok now he's done." Preston said both his hands on both sides of her arms as he was looking seriously into her eyes. "Xavier is going to make sure this guy gets what's coming to him. He's the only one powerful enough to get him Ari. He believed you. I showed him the report and he believed you. That's how I got him caught yesterday I got someone whose metaphorical horse is bigger." Looking at Xavier both smiling widely.


 Ari dived into him hugging his waist. "Thank you so much! The only other person who believed me was Brently. You have no idea how much this means to me and so many others Xavier. Thank you. You don't know what horrible things he's done to others." Ari choked out and couldn't stop the tears from her face. It broke him to see her so sad. Looking at Preston who was smiling widely. Xavier felt his heart being squeezed looking at his angel this way. Pulling her face forward wiping it with his thumbs. "I know a lot more then you think of everything he did and could have stripped away. He won't ever be able to do anything like his again and his family will be as equally charged for letting him slide by with this." Kissing her forehead.


 "I need to go get my wallet and phone then I'll be ready." Xavier told them going into the theater room. "Sooo, did you have a good session last night? You know I knew he was one to burn the midnight oil. You know I'm rooting for you two." Preston was teasing her about being here in yesterday's clothes. "Very funny, wise ass." "No seriously Ari. I like him I'm really rooting for you two." Preston told her with a small sincere smile. "I got to go." Ari grabbed her things and practically ran out the door. "Is she alright?" Xavier asked nervously. "Trust me she'll be fine. Just overthinking everything that will makes sense to her soon enough. You ready bro?" "Yeah lets go."


 After the family and Dr. Whithers himself sat down with their lawyers looking smug. Their smiles soon turned once they saw Xavier Holden in the room. "I'm sorry Mr. Holden I didn't realize you would be here today?" The father told him in confusion. "Well seeing as I own 90 percent this hospital it would be rather odd if I wasn't present for something severe as this don't you think? Xavier asked him in a disgusted tone. "Alright now that everyone is here. Including the mediator from the courts let's begin." Xavier told them. "I'm sorry mediator, courts? What is this supposed to be a trail?" The mother snapped in anger and surprise. "In a way. My name is Elizabeth and I work for the judge if we can settle everything here in this room then there will be no court rooms or judges or jury's. However if you cannot come to an agreement then we will take this to the courts in front of the judge which will I guarantee you be very, openly public." She warned them.


 "You may begin Whithers." Getting her tablet to make and take notes. "Well my clients have been very high pillars of the community and have done so much great things to this city and this very own hospital. My client openly admits he has made a very serious mistake and has agreed to go to a rehabilitation center and continue such treatments as well when he is done. He agrees to pay a reasonable fine and of course the family will pay to the family who has suffered. We will rest with that. As surely that must be enough." Their lawyer sat down with a smug smile to his face as well as the family did.


 "I bet you will rest with that. However we will not. Did you seriously think paying off two families would be enough? You better do your math again. See other doctors have brought their concerns to this very board months ago. Since then nothing has been done because this family thinks they are above the law and everything else. Doctors and patients worries by passed only to have the patients die on his very table all because this man could not put down a damn bottle from his mouth long enough to save anyone."


"Many patients, many families, many doctors on this very staff are affect by this man. This family and apparently our board president for allowing this man to stay on my staff without any of these worries being brought to my attention. I have here in this folder every ounce of evidence for months leading up every drunken massacre that has happened under your scalpel,(pointing to the doctor) under your watch. (Pointing to the board president). You can do what you want with those files. They are only copies the judge has the originals already." Xavier told them flatly as the family in front of him were fuming, seething.


 "What is that you want Mr. Holden?" The lawyer asked him knowing very well their ass is being nailed to the wall. "I want you all four of you behind bars. I'm pushing charges against you to the furthest I can't go for this hospital staff who has been fighting this for months and for justice for those families who will never have their loved ones back. I don't want to hear that sadistic joke of an excuse of 'alcoholism is a disease'. That is such bull shit!"


 "You know exactly what you're doing when you put that bottle to your mouth. You know damn well what you're doing and what your limitations are. SO don't you dare bullshit everyone wasting that time with you playing victim to the damn bottle because that's bullshit you did this and you did this to yourself. You knew what the affects had on you and you choose to continue to do that while you clocked on. All because you think your family will bail you out each time. You can't keep doing something so horrendous without consequences because sooner or later you all will reap what you sow." Xavier finished the heated speech as he was violently shaking at this point.


 His poor Ari broken in tears on him earlier pushed him to fight this hard so this evil man she's been battling everyday never hurts anyone ever again. "The judge has given us all warrants for your arrest if you accept the terms and conditions of jail time for the parents and board president of fifteen years imprisonment with no possibility of parole with a settlement of fifty billion dollars to be given equally divided to every family affected by the conditions and care treatment under Dr. Whithers. Also that Dr. Whithers be stripped of his license and life in prison for the murders, wrongful deaths of the past patients listed here in this folder that he receive life in prison. If brought to courts he will be charged to go on the death penalty if found guilty so take it or leave it." Elizabeth told them. Mouths were dropped never did they honestly think anyone would step up to them knowing how powerful they were.


 "That is almost everything we have." "Yes almost. Now take it or leave it." Elizabeth asked one more time. Their net worth was sixty billion dollars. Not to mention what they will lose in stocks once this gets out. Plus all those years in prison they are not entitled to any of their assets while incarcerated. "We will take it." The father said as everyone was silent. "Mr. President you are stripped of your license and also will pay a fine. Needless to say you are fired and banned for life." Elizabeth told him flatly.


 "Also you are all black listed once you're out." Xavier told them making them squirm even more. Dion looked at Xavier as the officers came in and hand cuffed them all. "It was the orthopedic one wasn't it. Arabella? She's been pushing my buttons since I got here. Should have taken that sweet body when I had the chance. All passed out in the on-call room no one around to help her or hear her squeal." Dion whispered loud enough for some of them to hear.


 The next thing anyone knew Xavier fist wound back so quick into Dion's face his head flew back with the loud sounds of cracks. Knowing very well Dion had managed to rape a couple patients before they died. No one believing them because they were on the mentally slow side of thinking. Pulling the guard to the side. Sliding him a fanny pack that held twenty-five thousand dollars. "This is for all you men here today, if you could discreetly place him in the horniest roughest guy cell you got making sure he can't walk straight just like his victims I would be deeply grateful." "Hell we could do that for free, let this little freak see what it is like." The officer told him smiling. Leading everyone out. 


 Walking over to the board members. "You all may vote now on the new President." After much deliberation and a total of three hours later everything was said and done. Preston and Xavier walked out trying to stretch the best they could. "Well that was so much longer than I wanted it to be." Preston told him. "Yeah man I'm starving let's go get lunch." "No can-do man. Got to get to work. Ah here's your ride now." Looking over him he continued.


"Make sure you feed him before you take him home, also he needs his meds he's stiff and keeps trying to play it off. You suck at acting bro. Take care children I'm off." Preston said as he walked away. Turning around Xavier couldn't help the smile that came to his face looking down at her. "Don't be too excited my clients canceled the rest of the day. Come on I need to feed you. I heard what happened." Hugging him one more time. "Thank you so much." She whispered to him. Having a better understanding of what could have happened with Ari and that sick freak he held her tighter breathing her in. No one would ever hurt her as long as he was still breathing. "Anything for you Ari."