After about thirty minutes and they had a little bit of a sweat going. Ari determined they had enough. "That was brutal. You sure you don't want a job in security because damn woman you got torture nailed to a perfect T." Xavier told her as he wiped his face with his shirt as they came down into the kitchen. Looking at the two pizzas that surprised her. "I had it delivered. Look I know you aint eating right today. No arguments. Just come grab us some drinks and come with me to the theater room. Please." Xavier asked her pleading with his eyes.
"Yeah alright." She sighed heavily grabbing two- two liters of drinks. "Really that easy? No fight tonight?" "No energy to fight with you tonight and this smells bomb as hell so lead the way." Smiling down to her he did as he was told. As they got comfortable he go the text confirming that Liam go the welder to come through. Everything was now set up. Smiling widely. "Everything ok?" She asked looking at him smiling to his phone. "Yeah. I just was really hoping to get this guy to come work for us under a new project were working on. My friend letting me know he's going to come through." Xavier told her happily.
"Really? You smile that big for a guy. Wow. I thought you was texting a girl. You know finally caving into one of the many from your fan club." She teased him. "Hell no. Them girls scare the crap out of me. Besides they aint real. They don't care for me. Not the real me. They couldn't keep me in line and call me out on my shit when I need them to. None of them sure as hell can grab my attention under all that pound of make-up that's for sure. Don't go putting that evil on me now. That's just mean even for you Ari." Xavier told her making her blush.
"So really. You wouldn't give not one of those woman a chance huh?" "What women? Where are you seeing these women?" He asked her looking around the room. "Oh come on Xav really? So all the girls giving you the side eye when we hanging out grabbing food. Or magically start missing a button on their top when you walk in the door. The baristas even when they write their numbers on both our cups for you to call them. Not one of them is worthy enough of your attention. I mean some of them could put super models to shame and you don't even give them a second look. It drives them nuts. You really going to act like you don't see them?" Ari asked him in disbelief.
"First off that barista is not only bisexual she is a swinger in a happily open relationship that was an invite for both of us not me. You should feel flattered she thought as a couple we were beautiful enough to get invited to a swinger party. So check that off the bucket list." Xavier told her making her laugh because Arabella honestly didn't know that. "Ok fine you got me on that." Ari told him making a big check sign in the air. "To answer your other question yes and no. I know they are there. I know they are dropping their dignity trying catch my eye. But no Ari they don't catch it not even a little bit. I don't see them. I can't see anything past them. I don't even care to. I don't care how beautiful they think they are. Or even how mad they get. It just goes right over me." Xavier told her as they finished their meals.
"Maybe you just haven't met the right one because your too busy looking away." Ari teased. "How about you? You don't give the men who look your way even half a glimpse to even know they exist around you Ari. Men willing to give their left nut just for you to smile at them." Xavier told her looking at her more deeply. "Men who would gladly stab me with their dates stiletto heels just to be standing in my spot next to you." "I think you need your meds because now you just getting delirious. Seeing things. How many fingers I got up man." Laughing at him.
"Naw gorgeous I'm serious. I really don't know how you think you can get away with it. As a man let me tell you it's never going to work." He said moving their trash out of the way. "What's not?" "Arabella you always try to be this simple woman hiding in the back ground like a wall flower no one is going to notice. It's never going to happen. Not with you. You are the most beautiful woman in the room. Every time. You bring a certain light and aura if you will in your presence. You would have to be numb of all senses to not notice you in a room. In a place filled with master pieces you would be the only one worth viewing. Taking the breath away from all those who surround it. Who crave to stand next to such beauty even just for a minute. That's why being a wall flower will never work for you." Xavier told her flatly still looking her in the eye.
Grabbing her hand. "It's also why I can't see anything past you whenever we out together. I can't look away from the only one worth looking at. You may see those other girls as super models. I look at woman like art. Your feminine forms are beautiful in every shape and size they come in. But you Ari. Being with you is like living and seeing life in colors I never knew existed. Seeing what else is around after you just makes everything seem so colorless. A lifeless statue missing whatever essence you unknowingly possess. That's why can't see anything past you when we are out. Maybe I'm not out looking up to anyone trying because I might prefer to have slammed into me. With Coffee out of the blue right when I didn't know I needed it the most." Xavier told her letting her hand fall back into her lap.
Once the realization of his words were setting in she tried to find words to say. Damn him for being so smooth. "I never had anyone tell me anything like that before. That was…beautiful Xav. I really think I need to grab your meds. Maybe loosen up on you in therapy." She laughed off. "I don't need meds Ari. I'm happy to be the first one to tell you anything like that because it's something that should have been told to you long before now." "Thank you Xavier. You know my friend Brently he would always try to get me to see a side like that of me before. Always trying to get me to get out there in my 'true form' he would call it." Using air quotes with her fingers. "Xavier it's a little scary you know?" Looking at him as he sat confused.
"I have people I love, people who love me for years. Always telling me or trying to get me to do certain things. To see certain things. Trying to make me hear them in certain ways. Like a language I couldn't understand than you pop up smack into me like walking in a wall and it's like." Licking her lips looking away for a minute to look back at him. "It's like smacking your old T.V for the picture to finally come in clear. Like all of a sudden once you saw things I finally hear it. Once you paint me a picture I can finally see it. Everything people having been trying to help me come through only happened once it came out of you. That's scary. For me. To feel close to someone I've only known for such a short time. Who's words and actions have such a huge impact. Who no matter what I do in life will always have a certain connection with me for one horrible night of our life." Shaking her head standing up.
"That crash. That night never had I. been more scared of anything. Then you, you know you being there. It somehow still felt… safe. I know I am still coming to terms and letting go of everything I needed to like we talked about before. But this…" Pointing between them. "This is something of unknown territory for me. So I'm sorry if I pull back from you sometimes because all of this." Pointing between them again. "Is still scary. I don't even know what to think of it when you say things… like what you did. I'm going to go. Goodnight Xavier thanks for the food." Ari told him walking away.
"Ari!" Xavier called out to her quickly. "I'm not going to apologize for what I said about you. It's the truth. I'm not going to apologize if it makes you feel like I see you differently in more than a friend because I think deep down we both know the answer to that. I want you to have happiness and closure so I am so happy that you are finally getting it. No matter who it was to finally convince you to get it. I will happily take the credit if your truly think it was me because I would love for your soul to finally have some peace. It's ok to be scared. It's ok to be in a different situation, a different relation with someone. It doesn't mean it's bad. Scary is not a bad thing. Especially when you don't have to go through it alone. We both know I have no clue in anything romantic or anything like that. We both know how ready we are to be over being lonely. That doesn't mean we are grasping to each other like for straws." Looking at her while letting her have her space just close enough he can speak softly to her.
"Maybe your heart and mind can only finally hear everything because our souls were meant to find peace in each other. I know it hasn't been that long since we met. But Ari I've been finding my peace within in you. That is scary I admit that. That doesn't make it wrong." Xavier said as she nodded and just walked out the door. Looking at her retreating figure smiling knowing she has to come back soon for all the tools. Smiling as he knew he got to her. He finally made his move. It was subtle, smooth and would stay within her heart and mind for days. He knew he wouldn't probably hear from her until Wednesday but he was ok with that. Knowing how much she would over thinking everything through. It was a long night.
"I just don't think the numbers are going to add up at the end of the year the way the need to be if we don't change some of the materials over. There is nothing wrong with at least looking into it." Eric argued on the phone. "Yeah well make it happen because we need to be up and running on time. Hanging up the phone looking over to Xavier as they are both dressed up in business suits. Xavier curious as to what year or time this is or even how he got here.
"Holden. Nice seeing you." Eric all but spat out. "Meeting someone special tonight?" Looking up at the building behind them a beautiful rooftop restaurant perfect for couples in love as the valet was giving him a ticket. "I guess so." He smile to him. "Really the great Xavier Holden finally lands a date this one is sure for the press releases. I didn't think you could date or marry your work." Eric teased. "Well you would be among the first to know." "Yeah guess we're both guilty of that aren't we?" He asked scratching the back of his neck.
"Yeah we are. Maybe we should learn to take a step back every now and then before life gets away from us and all the good times are too late to be had." "That is good advice. A smart and mentally healthy move we could make. I think we both know though we are not those type of men now are we?" Eric told him in a cryptic voice. "Maybe in another life though." Eric told him in a sad hopeful voice. "What are you doing here Tilman?" "Well it seems the contractor I thought I had recruited has had a change of heart. Just like a welder, mechanic, crane operator and not to forget the hotel investor I had lined up. Thankfully I have my loyal supporters doing their jobs. Any idea on how all these people magically changed their minds Xavier?" Eric asked him walking up to him.
"Maybe you can explain why all my line up seems to be jumping to your roster?" Eric asked getting angry. "Well now that I can't explain. However I am a big company and I have projects and people hiring for me everywhere I can't help how small the world is if some of my managers and project leaders are out doing their jobs. I am just like you I approve of the projects and they get handled I just sign the orders. Approve of the work and check to make sure everything is in good standing. I can't help who gets the jobs who doesn't I don't force no one to get in on my teams nor do I snatch them away. IF they wanted to be on your time. They would be. Maybe you need to look within yourself and ask yourself what you may be doing wrong to have so many venture away from you. Maybe take a step back and fully evaluate the project. Everything happens for a reason Eric." Xavier told him hoping in some way this will change the future even though he know it won't.
"How is our beloved doctor therapist?" Eric asked him with and smug smirk. "Does she know of your little date tonight? I mean. As last I checked she had a little date herself tonight right? Well that's what my lawyer said anyway. He is dead set on getting his ex-back after realizing how life is without her. Apparently their spark is still there. Who would have seen that coming. Of course you would know about her where abouts tonight right? Being so chummy and all. Stuck in the friend zone." Eric asked him proudly.
"Xavier?" A sweet voice called both of them out of their attention. "Ari?" Xavier said as the air left this lungs. She was beautiful standing there in black heels, a black halter dress that hugged her curves comfortably with a slit on both sides of the dress in a classy way. Her hair was in big curls almost waves as it hung down half way up and down with just black eyeliner on and light eye shadow that matched her skin tone. She was a true angel in front of them. "You are so beautiful." Xavier told her taking both his hands holding them out to see her better.
"Dr. Alderman what a pleasure to see you tonight. You look stunning. Where is the lucky man who stands by you tonight so I can convince him to let me stand in his place?" Eric teased her making her feel gross. "He is right here." She told him looking at Xavier. "Really? This lug here?" Eric asked confused. "Yup. You heard her Tilman now if you would kindly go kick rocks we have plans I am eager to get to." Xavier told him as he put his arm around Arabella waist leading her into the building.
Luckily the host sat them at their private table but they decided to dance instead while waiting for their food. "How did a sorry son of a gun like me get to be lucky enough to have someone as amazing as you on my arm tonight?" Xavier asked her lost in the awe in her. "I couldn't do it Xav." She told him looking at him sadly. "Couldn't do what baby?" "I couldn't go to him tonight." "Go to who baby girl?" "Do you… You really didn't know?" Ari asked him shocked.
"Vincent asked me out on a date tonight. I know you asked me out the same time. You told me if I had other plans that would be fine but you would be standing outside here just in case. I know how weird things have been between us lately. I'm sorry. When I thought about everything Vincent and I have been through. It made me sad. You know all that happiness we had. The love we had shared. Than I thought of you and I can't help but notice all the differences between you too. Xavier I couldn't stand the thought of anyone else wrapping their arms around me who weren't yours. I need you Xavier just you. You were right about everything between us." Looking into her eyes.
Taking one hand and putting just under her jawline and her hair he pulled her close and kissed her deeply. "No one is allowed to be wrapped up on you other than me from here on out. You hear me baby girl." He told her flatly for her to nod to him. Looking up to see the same man in the corner he's been seeing for weeks. " Baby why don't you go sit down and I'll be right there the food will be there soon and I need to use the restroom real quick." "Alright." He quickly walked off and followed the man out into a weird hall in now a different building than where they were.
"WAIT! Wait. Who are you?" Xavier asked as he had the man by the collar pushed against the wall now. "Easy there man you'll crinkle the suit." He teased him back. "How can you see me. You are the only one besides my friends who sees the real me. Who are you?" Xavier asked him. "I think if you really think about you know who I am. You are asking the wrong questions man." The man in front of him started laughing at him. "I can see you simply because I like you know these are memories. Borrowed memories. Just like you I am along for the ride in hopes you let's say keep doing what you're doing." The man told him as Xavier let his hold on him go.
"Why? Why are you showing me all these things? Am I. Am I supposed to stop them? What the hell am I supposed to do with all this information? You are the one who's been showing me this aren't you?" Xavier asked him. "Yes and no. You are seeing these things because you are meant to see so much more than what you have. I may just be slowing them down so you can alter how some of them play out." "Someone important to me once said if you have the opportunity to take action you have the responsibility to take action to help others." Xavier told him. "She sounds like a smart woman." The stranger said. "How'd you know it was a her?" Xavier growled to him.
"Look man I am in your brain you really want to ask that question? Look man I know you I read into your soul. I know everything you want and need. I just want to help you get it." "Why? What's in it for you?" Xavier asked him. "Well that will be explained later but the main part that's in it for me is those that most of those things don't happen and innocent lives that can be saved are. I mean hell aint that more than enough?" The man asked him. It was true everything he was able to stop was only because he was a man of and in power. He is the only one who could have prevented most of those disasters. "Is this all real? Are you showing me real things that are going to hurt other people, my business and Ari is it all real?" Xavier asked a little choked up.
"Everything shown to you is a probability if things stay the course they are on. If you fix it while you have time than it will change. Look I know you don't fully believe me or trust me right now but believe this. I just want to help you. I am here for you Xavier. Nothing else but you and time will tell you everything you need to know." "Why am I seeing these things? Why are you coming to me for help?" Xavier asked him. "You're the one seeing it because you're the only who can change it. Xavier the only things you need to know at the moment is you are blessed with this sight because you are the only one with the ability to fix it. Find them, Find the ones Eric wanted Find them now. Everything will become clear in time later. Find them Xavier." The man said before he shoved him. Xavier felt like he was falling through a window looking up at the strange man starring at him he saw flashes in his head of names and faces of who he is meant to find.
Taking a deep breath sitting up quickly like he was just brought back from the dead. Looking around he quickly wrote down the names and other little information. Shaking his head and rubbing his face. He moved his shoulder around in a stretched he was a little sore. Taking off his clothes walking into the shower letting the water fall down on him one hand on the wall one on his face Xavier was stuck in the most important question of all. Who the fuck was that?
"You want to tell me what's got you all caught up in thoughts today?" Gabby asked her daughter as her husband was thinking the same question. "Nothing mama I'm fine." Both her mama and daddy looked at her with that look. "Yeah ok that was crap. I've just been thinking some things over. A conversation with someone I had few days back. Dad?" "Yeah?" "From your guy perspective can I ask you a question?" "Sure baby girl." He nodded to her. "Do you think when we go out to events that I try to be a wall flower and stand back away from… well just stand away?" She asked him.
"Well I'm going to say this to you from that guy perspective honey alright. Yes you try to be that quiet wall flower when we go to some events. However it never lasts long. Thankfully your friends bring out that side of you that longs to be let out that you always hold back. I don't know why you hold back so much Arabella you have no reason to. I have been so happy seeing the different side of you so open and happy. Now what's got you feeling all like this?" Her dad asked raising his hands to her.
"I maybe starting to have feelings for a friend and I don't know how to handle it. It's not an ideal situation I am in with this friend and I am afraid of what might happen if I admit certain feelings I may have. It's just no one has ever put things in the way he does and it just makes sense when lays all the truth out. I don't know why but when we have those deep conversations his words stick with me in my head and I get carried with and it just I don't know. I don't know anything mama help me." Ari asked her in a desperate voice.
"Well I'll be damned I think our baby is in love Callen." "NO! NO! NO! That is just light years of where I am mama." Ari argued back. "That's your opinion. Honey look people cannot have the power to drive you this nuts unless you give it to them. This man whoever he may be since you keep holding back the name. If he gets under your skin so bad. If this man's words are chiseling in stone in your mind and heart so badly than he's either someone you admire or care for deeply for. Who holds a special place near or in your heart out of love or maybe just respectable position. OR this person is someone who tests you every step of the way and you are in competition with him as a rival of some sort. An enemy maybe? Only you can give someone so much power of you and your senses that will drive you mad like that love." Her mother told her flatly.
"He is not an enemy mama I have no competition with him." "Well than you either highly respect him or you answered your own question and have feelings for this man. That wouldn't be a bad thing dear. I mean it's been a long time. You need to get back out there and meet someone honey. I think it will do you good to give this man a try. I mean are the things he's saying bad?" Gabby asked her daughter. "No. He's been the one to get through to me on just because I am strong doesn't mean I always have to be. I need to go out and live life the way it's meant to be lived. How even though he's good enough to be with anyone. He only sees me as a priceless master piece that any other woman would look colorless next to." Ari said looking down lost in the memory.
"He said that to you?" Her father asked shocked. "Yeah among other things like that." "He sounds like a smart man. If he crosses any line I will kill him." Callen said with a smile kissing the top of her head. "Thanks dad. Do you think it would be weird if I took a date?" "NO honey it's been over a year." Her mother told her. "Do you think it would be weird or morally wrong to take a date from a client?" She asked finally looking up. "It depends. Does this client think you're still married?" Callen asked chuckling. "Maybe." She told him. "Honey aren't you going to see Vincent tomorrow?" Gabby asked her.
"Yeah but that's not a date." "Look honey." Her dad cut her off. "Don't you go opening any doors without first making sure the old ones are shut." "Dad what if they are already busted open?" Ari asked in voice that reminded him of her being scared when she was little it made him feel gutted. "Then maybe honey that's fate way of saying you need to shut the other one a little more faster than what you doing. Don't leave a bunch of doors open when you feel like you in the middle of the hurricane baby your windows aren't meant to be strong like that for that long. In the end it'll all be alright. You got yourself a hell of a rebuild team just waiting."
"Thanks dad. Thanks mama." Getting ready to leave. Her mother hugged her closely. "Ari let yourself live. Let yourself make mistakes and don't be sorry for it. You almost had the whole world on a platter to find out that world was lacking in what you feel you may need. Be selfish when you think of your future on the things that need be. Alright. When you do find love my little one I want you to love hard and deep even if you're scared. Otherwise you aren't fully living." "Thanks mama." Getting in her car she went to get mentally prepared for the awkward day of tomorrow.
"That was great honey thank you." Dante told his wife kissing her on the head. "Seriously mom that was awesome." "Thank you baby. I am just so glad to see you looking like your old self again." Ellis spoke up happily seeing her sons body back to almost normal. "Thanks mom." "Although." She cut him of looking at him closer. "You still look so different. You look happier. Healthier even. If that's somehow possible after weeks after a plane crash. You do though Xavier you look so much better. What is different." Ellie sat back trying to read her baby.
"Come on honey I think you're just reading too much into it. Xavier it's true though you do look better son and we are both happy for it. How you been kid?" Dante asked his son as they both brought drinks to their mouths. "It's been great dad." "YOU MET A GIRL!" Ellie shouted making both men spit out their drink everywhere. "WHAT?!" "You heard me. That's it aint it. You met a girl. YOU! You knew and didn't tell me. That's why your down playing his look so much." Ellie yelled at both boys pointing her finger at them. "Mama I swear I didn't meet anyone. I definitely didn't meet anyone you haven't met either." Xavier tried his best to keep his calm.
"That truth still feels like a lie." She pointed out. "You are just so good. Soo good at that. But it's true mama. I didn't met anyone." "Honey calm down." "What aren't you telling me Xavier. What could you possibly want to hold back from the very woman who tells you everything. Who gave you life. Who gave you the very air you suck in those lungs with. Why would you want to hurt me this way?" Ellie asked him sounding so wounded by her sons action. If guilt trips were an Olympic sport his mother would forever hold the gold. He always felt he needed a bag to take with him all times for the number of guilt trips he can take in one dinner with his mom.
"I don't want to hurt you mom. It's just I don't want to tell you something and have you get the wrong idea and get let down. I don't want you to misunderstand something and get your hopes up." "What exactly do you think I will misunderstand?" "That I met or am with someone. Or like someone." "OK so what is it that making you so different son. Is it work. New work out? What?" "It's some of those things. I have been getting exercise with the guys. I've been doing the therapy sessions. I've been eating better. Sleeping better." "Great and why do you think I would take any of that the wrong way." "It's not about what he's doing Ells it's how and why he's doing it." Dante told her flatly.
"DAD?! WHAT THE HELL?!" Xavier called out to him. "Sorry son but it's time to just pull off the band aid and tell your mom. I am not going down for this." "So what is the special reason of how and why you are doing these things Xavier?" Ellie asked him crossing her arms anger flowing off her. "It's not something special it's someone special." He mumbled to her. Looking at her son. "You have someone special who is helping or making you eat better. Sleep better and is making you take better care of yourself and you consider this woman special to you. Yet I am not supposed to misunderstand that?" She asked him like he was dumb.
"Well anything can come off bad when you put it in those terms." "Alright son say it in a way where it doesn't sound bum-fuck retarded?" She asked him simply making Dante smirk to her. "It's Arabella mom. Ok. I have feelings for Arabella." "The leg doctor. The physical therapist from the hospital? I know she said she would be there for you son. I just didn't really think she would. This is so great. Especially after you scaring the crap out of her telling her she's your wife and everything. She really did stick around to see you through. OH WHAT AN ANGEL! I must meet her to thank her for all she has done for my baby. When can you bring your girlfriend to dinner." Ellie said clapping her hands once happily together in excitement.
"See here's the part where you get disappointed mom. She's not my girlfriend. I may have told her in a conversation we had that I may have feelings for her in a way that did not let her answer back. She is not my girlfriend though mom. She's just a girl that is my friend at the moment. She is going through some major life changes that I helped her start doing. I don't want to push her into things or feelings when I know she is juggling enough emotions at the moment. I'm trying not to scare her off right now mom." Xavier was whining to her.
"She must be something extraordinary to bring a man like you and his heart to his knees this quickly. A fearsome woman to behold with such power over someone like you son. Because I know for a fact I did not raise no weak man." His mother told him looking in his eyes her hand holding his jaw to look only into her. "She really is mama. I can't see myself without her. I swear mom she is it for me." Xavier told her simply like it was the easiest thing in the world. "I'm sure she is son. In your mind. What about hers? Is there room in her future for you?" She asked him in concern.
"I sure as hell hope so mama. I will wait as long as it takes to find out." His mother nodded to him. "You said you may have told her how you felt. How you going to say something like that. Either you did or you didn't." Ellie argued with him. "I did in a way that can't be said that I did but was implied in the words I choose." "That's my son always the business man." Dante said running his hands down his face like he just gave the wrong answer. "Alright kid listen. Don't do that. When it comes to woman especially woman who overthink EVERY. LITTLE. THING. You need to be as clear as day on everything. It will give them the Assurance they need. From now on you take the straight shooter approach and never take no for an answer." Dante told him like he was a coach explaining the last game play.
"Dad what if it comes off as too aggressive and scares her off. Or worse gets her defensive." "It's all about the tone son. You got to watch how you say things. You know very well what I mean. Hell your my son." Dante told him smirking earning a slap to the back of the head by Ellie. "Damn woman." Dante shouted to her rubbing the back of his head with a smile still on his face. "You know I'm right Ells." Dante told her. "Son you just remember when you making your play for her. Deep down if she didn't want you back in some type of way she would have shut you down long ago while back. She didn't though did she?" Dante asked him.
Making Xavier think back she never once told him to back off. She never pulled away from any advances he clearly made. Even physical ones. Shaking his head to his dad. "Thought so. Son listen she has feelings for you too. If not you would have never gotten this far with her. She sounds like she just needs some time is all. The best and only play you need to have with her. Is play the game like you already won. She is already yours. Treat her like it. Make sure those who try to bring you competition know you already have her. When you do get her son. Keep playing the game like you still trying to get her even when you old and grey. Treat her like you won. Play like you still need to get her." Dante told him.
"I understand dad." Smiling to himself. Grabbing his things. "Where you going?" Ellies asked him as he hugged them both and walked to the door. "Got a lot to do tomorrow. Business meetings. Therapy later. Gotta get a list to my Ryder to get ahold of." Xavier paused for a moment smirking before he shut the door he continued "Best yet I have a surprise luncheon tomorrow with someone very special. I need to know I am the only thing that will be going through their head."