It's been about three-month period from the crash. Looking back on the calendar. Ari sighed heavily as she got her stuff together. Walking out the door Vince was true to his word standing there bright eyed and bushy tailed. Man what I'd give to have that energy right now. "Hey Vince, how you doing?" Ari asked him with a smile reaching her hand out to shake as he went to go in for a hug. Awkward. Both laughing Vince just walked up and hugged her.
"It's good to see Ari. You look good." "Do I normally look that bad?" She teased him. "Is that what you going to do today? You going to be mean?" Teasing her back. "No. Not all day at least. Just a little bit." She told him squeezing her hands together for show him making him smile. "The restaurant is just over here. I need to be a little closer to the office today I got a client coming in I can't be late for." "Sure, I understand that's fine." "On the plus side I get a little over an hour." "That sounds nice. Must be good running the office." Teasing him again.
"That's right. It is. Maybe you should come be my P.A we could slack off like we used to." Making them both laugh hard at the old memories. "No I don't think I got the energy for all that again. Was good times though." "Best times." Opening the door for her with a wink and giving his name at the hostess. She noticed they were taken back to more of a private area. Looking at him confused as this was supposedly his usual table now. "I've taken a couple of clients here. Most time we need more privacy to protect their privacy. So now they just give me a table back here it's more personal to speak to those who don't like lots of attention. I also have a feeling you still don't like being around groups of people anyways. Hope you don't mind." Vincent told her.
"No this is fine. I still don't like large groups and I understand about the work thing. HIPPA is important as well as making sure our clients are comfortable in their environment." Smiling to him they both looked over the menu and placed orders. In. "It's going to take a little longer today for the meals I'm sorry only one chef today." The waiter apologized as he hurried off. "Well good thing we got time than huh." Vince smiled to her in the old way that used to make her heart swell. Now its affect wasn't really there.
"How are you adjusting to the town?" Ari asked him drinking her soda. "It's been good. I actually have been out with some colleagues, couple of friendly clients. Even Preston and Liam went for drinks with me the other night we going back out again Friday I think. Everyone is really welcoming here. I mean you right it's a big town but also a small one. People are way more nicer than where we were living before. The sad thing is it's not even that far like what two hours and it feels like a whole other world." Vince told slightly shaking his head drinking his drink.
"Yeah. I didn't think I missed it so much until Brently and I got here. I'm really glad we came back. After being here again I don't think I could ever really leave again. It just feels like home. Well it feels more like home now." "Is that because of everything that happened or because you finally letting yourself live a little bit again?" Vince asked flatly being one of the few who truly understands her.
"I guess all of it in a way. You know just trying to catch up with the living life thing makes me realize all the things in front of me. I'm starting to take a better look at things around me. Things I never knew I even wanted. Changing things I thought I did. When you're life is put in a spot where you may not wake up again, your mind kind of clears up a little bit in the oddest ways. Things still hazy while other things you see clear as day." She told him with a shrug not knowing how else to explain it.
"Yeah it's crazy how the mind works. I mean you get so use to things being in a certain way and then one day it's just gone. Nothing follows the same after that. It's crazy how life works I mean we go through all these experiences and we ground down what we think we want. You know when you think you're so sure. Until you wake up one day look around at what you got left and realize maybe it's not what you wanted after all. Maybe the plans we have for ourselves isn't the plan we really wanted. Maybe we get a little blind sighted until life event happens to help us change our mind." Vincent told her looking her in the eyes as if he was a different person.
"That is actually really profound there Vince. You sure you alright?" Ari asked him. "You know I've been asking myself that a lot last couple months. It's been different. I've been doing a lot of self-searching and all that crap. I don't think I'm as good as I thought but I will be." Vince said reaching for her hand. "You helped me a lot Arabella and I want to thank you for helping me open my eyes a lot." "I don't understand." "Ari last couple months I." "Ari?" A voice called out catching their surprise.
Taking her hand back away from Vince making him hide a small frown. Both sitting up a bit. "Hey guys! How are you?" Ari smile was contagious. "Were good how you doing?" Xavier asked smiling helping her up to hug him as the rest of the guys. "Hungry. They said they were on the slow side today." "Nonsense give me a moment. Jean!" "Yes Mr. Holden?" "I need their meals now they are very important guests." Xavier mumbled to Jean who nodded his head. "Should I bring yours here also sir?"
"Well would you mind. We wouldn't to interrupt your date, Ari. We have missed you though." Jace told her in his flirty voice. "Oh I'm sorry no this isn't a date. Guys this is my friend Vincent Hernandez he actually runs the law firm across the street from your building. Vince this Jace Carter, Ryder Torres, Phoenix Damico and Xavier Holden. They run the building across from yours." Ari told him happily it was weird to see her light up introducing the men in front of her.
"I know who they are love. It's nice to formally meet you in person gentlemen. Thank you for your help here. It is fine with me if you join us. IF Ari is ok with it." "That sounds fun please sit." She gestured as Xavier helped her into her chair smiling to her. "So Vincent you are rather new here then aren't you. The building is rather new at least." Ryder asked him as their plates came all at once. "Yes I am. It's a great city though I got to say." "If you need someone to show you around we wouldn't mind taking you around for an evening or so. Any friend of Arabella is a friend of ours." Jace said with a wink to her.
"Thanks I'll keep it in mind. I stay pretty busy but I'll check my work load." He gave a flat smile. "So how did you guys all meet?" Vince added the question in. "Well that's an interesting story." Xavier said. "See we actually met about what three months or so back. The guys and I were in a small country town few hours away on our last day business there and this gorgeous little thing slammed into me with her coffee on the street. Imagine my surprise later when we are on the same standby list as these guys got to get home. I helped get her on the same plane to get home when unfortunately it came crashing down." Xavier said as he, Ari and the guys all gave small smiles around the table feeling a little sad.
"So you were the one who got her on the plane that went down?" Vince asked a little angry and confused. "Well yeah. A great family friend was the pilot. He had never knew he had an aneurysm and it managed to explode as well as a heart attack no one saw coming. He didn't make it. It was a small liner so a copilot wasn't needed for such a short flight. No one saw it coming." Xavier told him in an even sadder voice that even made Vincent want to hug him. "I'm sorry for your loss. I am glad to see you both are alright though that had to be hard to bounce back from." Vince told him honestly.
"Well it was a bad night but it meant I got to spend over six lovely hours getting to know this one here. So all in all it was pretty worth it." Xavier told him. "Yeah it was something. These guys are truly something else." Ari said shaking her head to them. "Actually Vince Nix over there is dating Chloe." Ari told him winking to Nix who was smiling proudly. "For real? Our Chloe?" Vince was confused. "Well no nope. As of last night she's my Chloe officially." Nix said proudly. "Really?! I am so happy for you." Arabella was so happy for her friends.
"Leah going to have a field day aint she?" Vince asked leaning into her as Xavier was on the other side. "You bet." "Tell me so I'm not there." "Will do." They laughed off their private conversation. "I just can't believe how good you made out of a plane crash though Ari." Vince told her taking one last bite of his plate. "Well thanks to Xavier I made out well. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't be here. He took the majority of it all." Ari told him sadly. "I don't think I can ever thank you for that either." "You don't need to but if you are feeling so torn about it later I have a few free ideas." He winked to her making them all laugh except Vince he didn't like how close they felt.
"Are you still coming by tonight?" Xavier asked her. "It's Wednesday." She told him with a smile. "Are you going to need one of us there to help load anything up?" Ryder asked her with a concerned look. "No I got it. It'll all be fine." Vince looking confused. "Were sorry you look a little lost in the conversation man. See Arabella is Xavier's ortho doctor and physical therapist. She makes house calls because let's face it he is a busy man." Phoenix told Vincent when things started to click in his head. That's why they were so close he was a friend and her client. That didn't stop Vincent from getting lost in thoughts. Why does it feel so weird though.
"How did you guys meet?" Xavier asked out of nowhere. "We met about four years ago. While I was out for a jog in my own little world and crashed in to that beautiful thing there. Got lucky enough to get her number. We dated for three years and parted on good terms. Here we are still friends year later. Although now that I'm living in her old town hopefully being seeing her and some of our old friends more." Vince told them looking around at all them. "Damn girl you just crash into everyone should be putting some like nerf cushion around you or start selling insurance on your ass." Ryder told her making everyone laugh. "Hey! Meanie." Taking her drink.
As they were getting their things together Vince stepped up to her. "So this was fun. Maybe we can do this again next time. Or even just catch a drink after work maybe go to dinner?" "Well I'll see what comes up I don't mind doing another lunch the group is going to get together again soon enough I'm sure Liam or Preston will hit you up beforehand though." "Ok sounds good. You'll be there though right?" He asked with a determined look on his face. "Yeah as always." Nodding his head. Ari went to the restroom leaving Vincent to shake the other men hands.
"Well gentlemen it was nice meeting you. Thank you again for the meal." Vince stuck out his hand to shake all of them once more. Xavier owning the restaurant refuse to let them pay for it. "Anytime man. You know what here's our personal card why don't you go ahead and hit us up if you need a night out. We'll be happy to take you out and about. Show you a side most don't get to see." Xavier told him handing him over four of their cards. "Thanks. I might just do that. You guys all seem so close with Arabella only after a few months. I'm glad she's branching out making more and new friends it is an issue from the past I see she's conquering." Vince told them with a happy smile on their face.
"Yeah she's amazing." Xavier told him with a happy look in his eyes. "Yeah got to love the little Mrs." Nix laughed out loud as they all chuckled. "What little Mrs.?" "Oh man didn't know you didn't know. Ok well this is a funny story. See after the crash when Xavier woke up from his concussion something must have knocked some wires in his head for some reason when he woke up he thought Arabella was his wife." Jace spoke out laugh as the guys started to laugh except for Xavier and Vincent who looked shocked as Xavier just had a small smile as the teasing continued.
"Dude was freaking out looking for her in the hospital wing when she magically came out of the elevator he grabbed hold of her for dear life thinking something bad happened to her. It took the rest of the week to convince him the truth as they were not married. So now it's just like a running joke. We like to use on them sometimes." Ryder told him simply patting Xavier on the shoulder. "Laugh it up you assholes laugh it up." Xavier said shaking his head at his best friends.
"Was there any reason for you to believe you was married to her. I mean were guys like dating or talking or anything?" Vince asked in a more confused voice. "That's what his mama asked him. Same thing." Nix said in surprise. "No. We were never together or romantically involved. I can't explain it to this day but I swear man like I just thought we was married. The mind does some crazy imagination when you in a comma man. One thing I know for sure is I would be a hell of a lucky man if it were true. Any man going to be lucky as hell to be with her." Xavier told him flatly. "Who knows maybe one day it could be me. Life works in mysterious ways." Xavier said with a shrug.
"That is true we were just talking about similar things before you guys popped in. Life working in crazy ways and all. Well we know Nix there is a happily snatched up man. How about the rest of you studly bachelors? I know how big your guys fan club must be. I mean weren't you just labeled the most eligible bachelor or something couple months back?" Vince asked Xavier trying to feel him out. "Nope man I'm happily single." Ryder said. "I dated but nothing to keep me locked down." Jace said sadly.
"Yeah that article came out just like three days before the crash. I don't date around. I do have my eye on someone special. Hoping it goes somewhere soon enough but right now it's just in a newish phase trying to see how it goes. I think she needs some space and need to take things slow for a little bit. Fingers cross soon though you know." Xavier said to him. "How about you? You seem like a man about town any one special?" Ryder asked him with a curious smirk.
"Well I was forced to go on two blind dates after Ari and I split but that was just a nightmare. I'm a free agent. I'm hoping to fix that soon also though. It's amazing how lonely certain things get you know? When you actually start to pay attention to the surroundings especially when you weren't used to it." Vince said rubbing the back of his head. "Sounds like maybe you still on the mend." Nix told him flatly. "Well you know maybe you are right but I'm hopeful to change that." Vince told him Looking around. "Take it easy guys see you around." Walking away back to his office the guys all stared at each other.
"Well I will see you guys later. See you tonight." Ari told them running up to hugging them quickly and running to her office. "Well that was surly interesting." Jace said with a smirk as they went to the office. While riding the elevator the guys continued. "I think we need to gather more things on the EX. He clearly still has a hard on for your wifey." Nix told them as there was no one else with them. "Maybe we need to just get his head turned to someone else. Maybe he's just lonely." Ryder suggested. "I doubt that. I think he's just coming to terms still on what he had until now that it's gone kind of thing. You can read him like a bleeding heart." Xavier told them irritated he now thinks he has competition.
"Did you look more into the list of people I gave you?" Xavier asked the strange man from his dreams face still haunting him. "Yes I did and I'll have you know that Dylan found them. I also decided to put him on the low key security for Ari like we talked about. He also found some odd things with Donni like you warned us about so he set it aside it's nothing big or anything just odd. So he put in the side report like you told him about. It's almost scary how these things are actually happening. When should we call out Donni our beloved little mole rat?" Jace spat out.
"He will fuck up soon enough I just need to gather everything I can so Uncle Isaac and my father won't take it to heart too bad. The evidence is key in so many ways. It will also help when the whole case about safety issues come up in court against Tilman. Everything will come into play soon enough. Hopefully." Xavier told them as they got some more work done. "You worried about the wifey and they ex?" Ryder asked him as they all sat in the Xavier's office filling out paper work. Looking down with a sigh and then up to them.
"Do you think I should be?" Xavier asked. " Well I mean they broke up for pretty huge reasons if you think about it. I mean they were life changing reasons. I mean we all know how ready you are to run her down the aisle. We all know what a great dad you would be. Just only thing that comes to my mind is to ask you… if you're sure this is what you want? Without a doubt Arabella is the one you see your whole around?" Jace asked him. "There is nothing for me without her. I don't need to have visions to have figured this out by now." Xavier told them with love in his voice.
"Then yeah I guess if I was in your shoes I would be worried a little. I mean you saw the guy he was clearly still hung up on her. I mean he was used to being with her. They lived together Xavier. She was by his side every night they were building a life together for like three years. They were in love. Then one day he wakes up and all of that is just gone. Just up and walked out the door. His whole world his everyday just not there anymore forever changed. Maybe he is changing his views on the marriage thing. Maybe he finally is open to the idea of kids. Maybe he scared himself into the thought most of us men get scared of which is what's the point in building all of this with no one to leave it to. I mean hell everyone wonders what they are actually leaving behind as they get older is he really any different?" Phoenix spoke in pure truth looking at the friends around them.
"Just hypothetically say that is the case. That doesn't mean Arabella is ready to take him back. I mean the few things I know about woman is once you scar them in certain ways they no longer want certain things from or with you. Once you squash some of their hopes and dreams they alter them to where you don't fit in them. Like they can longer see or want you in them. Once they have to question certain things about you they don't trust you in them." Ryder added to it.
"That's true case and point Liam said she couldn't be with him because of kids. If they even had one by accident or surprise she would always question if he was happy because she knew deep down he doesn't want kids. What woman or person wants to stay with someone who will always wonder if they will resent their baby or just pretend to love or take care of their child because they have to. That is a leading cause of divorce also. I mean that's a lonely road to be on. I don't think she would be able to be back with him just for that alone. I mean those thoughts are never going to go away. Even if she did take him back." Jace added.
"I know deep down we will be together I'm not worried about it. It's just I wish it was happening already. I miss her. In the evening I wish she was there. After napping and sleeping with her in the theater room. Knowing everything that will happen. I just. I'm like at the point where I just need her. I think I'm finally ready to ask her out. I need to talk to Liam. I don't want moral ethics to be an issue for her. So if she says yes I'll ask Liam to be my therapist. Legally she can still be my doctor as I own the hospital and I will only need a few checkups anyway." Xavier said to them.
"Did you find that guy Gary?" Xavier asked looking at Jace. "I did he just so happened to come into the H.R when I went to go ask for his file like before I could even ask about it. SO I took his request and issue personally. You were right his mother is in stage four cancer and he will need some time off but he's not sure when she will need him the most. Apparently she doesn't have that much time and is getting worse day by day. I wish there was something more we could do." Jace said sadly.
"What's the deal with him any way why is Gary so important right now?" Ryder asked out of curiosity. "Well from what I seen. His mother crashes unexpectedly and he rushes to get to her meanwhile the project he was doing he doesn't tell anyone he is leaving and forgets to complete some important parts and we lose a client because of the missing details we lack in one of our meetings. So he goes to Tilman instead and he will take three other major clients with him. This is what we are going to do. I need you to call him in now did you set up the meeting?" Xavier asked Jace.
"Yup. Should be knocking any." *Knock* *Knock* The guys looked around and smiled. "Come in." Nix said as he opened the door. "I'm sorry to interrupt sir. Lincoln said it was ok to just come through." The youngish man said standing nervously in front of him. "It's perfectly fine. Come sit down and join us." Xavier told him. "I'm sure you know Mr. Damico, Mr. Torres and Mr. Carter. Guys this is Mr. Gary Brayson. Gary is in the top part of our materials and resource department." Xavier said proudly as Gary waved and shook hands with everyone there.
"Gary do you know why you are here?" Nix asked him politely. "No. Is there something wrong with the work I've been doing?" Gary asked nervous like a child in the principal office. "No Gary your work is amazing.In fact I've noticed you have been here for about three years and it just keeps getting better. I called you in here because I need a favor from you Gary." "A favor? From me sir?" Gary was confused what could one of the richest men in America need from a middle class man like himself he scoffed to himself. "Yes a favor." Xavier nodded to him.
"Jace has told us about your current situation at home helping your mother. He told us so we could take the correct actions for it. While we have the means to do so." Gary's face dropped at his words. "Don't look so scared man." Nix chuckled to him. "You know Gary I pride myself on taking care of my employees. Especially hardworking ones like yourself. I can't have you sitting here with you heart and mind somewhere else. That is how very important mistakes are made. Not to mention that sounds like pure true torture. To be stuck at work worrying about family. Time is such a precious thing Gary and we can never get it back." Xavier said getting up look out his view.
"Did you know Gary you have never taking vacation, sick or any personal time you have since you been here?" Gary shook his head he never called in or asked for time scared he would lose his place in a position he killed himself to get into. "Gary are you aware you get two weeks of vacation, a week of sick time, and a week of personal time in a year to claim and if you don't I actually roll it into a separate account what I call an emergency time account so you don't have to use all your FMLA time if your don't have to. You're a smart man here Gary let's do some math two weeks plus one plus one times three what is that about three months give or take twelve weeks right?" Xavier asked looking at Ryder.
"By my guess." Ryder nodded. "Gary this is what is going to happen. You will take that time and then some extra. Three months off paid time off mind you. Full pay to this is time owed to you. If you need more time after that we will fill out an FMLA and get you some more. You will take this time and be where you need to be. Spending whatever time you can with your mom. You will regret it forever if you don't. I just need you to finish this week. Train the person you trust the most on your current project. All your notes everything. I trust your judgement. Once you come back I will promote you to the project leader in your department." Gary face dropped.
"I'm sorry sir. What? Let me get this straight. You want to pay me for taking three months off to be with my family. You want me to train someone I deem worthy enough to handle my work load and you want to promote when I come back? What about Mrs. Evert?" "Mrs. Evert was happy to report to us early that her IVF has worked and she will be taking maternity leave in about five months and that she will not be returning when it is over. She has waiting a long time for this and has agreed with me in making this choice. We have reviewed many candidates but you were my personal favorite. You have stood out to us the most. So it's all on you Gary what do you say? Can you have someone trained by next Friday?" Xavier asked him flatly.
"YES! I mean yes sir. Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this really means to me. I mean this is so generous. I can't even. Thank you for understanding sir." Gary said wanting to cry. "I'm a big mama's boy Gary I think I understand more than you know. I do wish your family the best. Call if you should need anything. Lincoln will know what to do." Gary rushed out to get started on all he had to do before he left next week. "Do you even know who he's going to train?" "Yup and he's brilliant." Xavier said with a smile. "That was truly wonderful. I still feel bad." Ryder said sadly. "Yeah it sucks when there is nothing we can do to help." Jace said with remorse.
"What do you mean we just helped the best way we could. We gave him every minute we can while there's still a minute to be had. Sometimes that is more than anything we could ever do." Nix said as they all looked at each other with loving eyes. Their friendship ran deep in ways that went more than words could ever say. That would always be worth more than anything that could come out of their pockets. Xavier looking at the time smiling to them. "I need to call Liam and get home I got a beautiful doctor to convince to go on a date with me." Pressing the send button hoping it will go well.
Walking in the door because she knew how much he hated it when she knocked. She put down the bag of Chinese food. "What's all this?" Xavier asked with a smile. "Well I know you always make me have dinner with you. I just thought it's only fair I bring you dinner once in a while too. I always feel guilty having you pay for me." "Ari it's not a big deal. I love having dinner with you. You're great company. Thank you for this though it's a great surprise." "Alright well why don't you make a plate and I'll go load up the tools I left last time so I don't forget them." She told him walking to where they were in the living room close to the door.
"Well here let me help you with them at least." "NO! you go in there make you a late. I got this I do it all the time. It's not heavy just long. Trust me I'll just be a few minutes and then I will be right back here." "Fine but I'm making your plate and will meet you in the living room." "Ok. I'll be right in." After doing the tedious task taking a little longer than normal feeling a wave of weird emotions she found herself nervous of going back in there. Lately Xavier has gotten more flirty with her. After the last conversation they had while she was here. She was starting to think maybe this was starting to cross into more than friendly territory. She wasn't worried when she discovered having feelings for Xavier. She never had to worry because what billionaire would want or like a simple ortho-doctor/physical therapist.
The way he has been lately has her rethinking that theory but then she shakes it off. Yeah because a man who can have everything he wants at the snap of his fingers is really going to be so ready to take you on a date. It's just like dad said he's a man who goes to the fancy galas in suits that would cost most people's rents. Here I am complaing basic jeans cost about twenty bucks. Not even regular jeans the stretchy kind she like. Shaking her head she swallowed her nerves and went to go eat with her friend. Her tall, dark and handsome friend. I'm seriously more lonely and hard up then I thought.
"Hey, I was getting worried about you for a minute there." Xavier told her in a playfully serious tone. "Sorry just lost in thought out there nothing important. What are we watching?" "Married with Children you know how we love those damn Bundys." Xavier said with a big smile. "That sounds great I love this episode." "Me too." He said handing her plate. They ate together talked and laughed before it was time to get down to business. After being covered in sweat he looked to her from his gym room. "I will never have to worry about getting fat with you as my trainer." He said in between breathes. "You. Seriously. Could. Run. A bootcamp. You know one of those fitness bootcamps." He added making her laugh hard.
She was flushed but not half as sweaty as he was. "Maybe you're just not as in shape as you thought you were." She teased him. "Wow ok. Mean ass woman. I'll give you that I am a busy man I have just you know only a couple hundred companies under my belt. What's a few thousand employees between gym sessions." He said playfully waving his hand to her. "Alright now you're just bragging about excuses." She told him throwing a towel at him catching it and using he smiled to her. "You are getting so much better though. A couple more weeks maybe about two or three and you will be good enough to be signed off. You have made massive improvements rapidly I can't even explain how fast you've healed it's almost inhuman." She told him lost in how he healed so quick which a lot of people, even Preston is baffled by.
"You sure everything is going good with Preston check ins. The blood count and everything." "Yeah everything is good I even got scanned last week. I am topping out to be awesome." Xavier said in a proud tone mocking her. "Yeah-yeah we get it your superman." She told him rolling her eyes. "Hey-hey now. If I got the money, the body and an amazing personality I'm Iron man. Alright let's get that straight. I'm just not as big as a man hoe he was in the beginning." Xavier said making her laugh with him. She loved this it was so easy being around him. "Well you did great. I guess I'll see you Saturday then?" She asked gathering what's left of her things.
"Ari?" "Yeah." He was staring at her lost in her beauty. "You ok?" She asked him. "Look I can't stop thinking about the last time you were here. The things I said. About you. I mean them." He said slowly taking step by step closer to her. "I've had plenty of times and chances to react to any of those women you spoke about. I never did even before I met you. There was nothing or no one who I even gave a second let alone first look at. I can't stop thinking of you Arabella. We've gotten to know a lot about each other over three months. We share things about each other no one else can relate to. I can't go one day without texting you and you know that. Most days drives me nuts if I can't hear voice." Stopping when he was in front of her. Grabbing both her hands in his hanging lowly at their sides. While he rubbed the back of them looking into her eyes.
"I think you are the most amazing person I ever met. You're selfless, kind, humble and down to Earth. You're funny, smart and just so beautiful inside and out. No matter what kind of week I'm having I look forward to Wednesdays and Saturdays because I know while you come here to put my body through hell it's worth it because I get to see you smile. I can hear you laugh. That alone can make me have the strength to do anything. I would do anything you tell me to in a heartbeat. I have been gone for you the moment You crashed into me. I would get on me knee and beg you but I think we both know how that would work." He chuckled out making even a small laugh from her. "Arabella. Please go out with me. Let me take you on a date." You could hear how desperate and vulnerable he was pleading with her in the question.
"Are you serious? I think maybe I heard you wrong. Are you actually asking me out? Are you sure you aren't just doing this because of how lonely we've been?" She asked him scared she was just being used. "Ari I'm not going to lie. I know how lonely we have been or at least I have been. But when woke from that plane and realized I didn't actually have you in my life the way I thought. That's when I understood I was lonely. I didn't even know how lonely I was until I met you and realized how much better you make my world. Please Ari give this a chance. Let me take you out?" Xavier begged.
"Well uh. I just. I'm your therapist isn't that kind of wrong?" "Well I have made new friends and one of them works with you and Preston and he said if you take me up on a date he would be more than happy to take me on as a client. He also pointed out that dating is not the same as being a couple so we could go on a few dates and still be clients as long as you know we not advertising it. Kind of hard not to though if I'm with someone as amazing as you." He told her still holding both her hands now holding them to his chest. "Please Ari I swear you won't regret giving me a chance what have you got to lose?" Xavier pressed on.
"You're right. Xavier I like you I do. It's just a little hard for me to believe this is real right now because you're you." "What's that supposed to mean?" He was now confused slightly offended. "Come Xavier. You own an airport. You own hundreds of things. You help millions of people. You are one of the richest men in the world. You are the smartest person I know. You suit collection alone could put peoples kids in college. You are this incredible man taking over the world by storm and I'm just…me. I'm a therapist because even though I have a PH.D in Orthopedics I rather just work out with people. I'm a lonely introvert who just barely started living life like a normal person. I talk to animals and plants and apologize to the wall when I run into it. You have no idea how much better you could do then me." She told him deflated.
"Everything you said about me is true in a way. But let me tell you some things you missed. I'm a lonely introvert. People who you think are better than you only want to use me for selfish reasons. I have a handful of people I can trust honestly who like me for me. The real me. The one who doesn't like being around a lot of people. Who likes to read but never had anyone who cared about him enough to convince him to slow down with his life to do so. NO ONE besides you to ever offer to buy me dinner. Who really listens to me and calls me out on my bullshit. Who can be funny and real with me and not be afraid to hurt my feelings. Someone who will be real to me. Who makes me feel like I'm someone special just because I got you to smile. Not because my name's on a building. I never felt half as special or worthy of anything unless I'm around you."
"Everything you said about yourself is not the woman I see. You are so strong. Ari you are truly fearless. I've seen it. Take that step again with me. Give this a chance. Please." After a few minutes of silence. "Ok. I'll go out with you. I've got to warn you I haven't been out with anyone in over a year. So I may not know how. Especially since I was in a three-year relationship before that. So I'm really just probably going to be a spaz." "Don't even worry about it. I don't think I had a date since my prom and that did not go well. She got drunk threw up on me and made out with my friend who was the person she actually wanted to go with but he dumped her for another girl. The blind dates I went on were nothing but gold diggers trying to get their claws in anyone who willing to maintain them." Xavier told her sadly.
"I'm sorry you have to have a guard up so often that has to be hard." Ari told him placing a hand on his cheek. "It's not up when I'm with you." He said kissing her palm sweetly and pressing it back to his face. "Can I take you out Friday?" "I have plans with my friends. We go to dinner at that sports bar. How about Saturday?" Ari asked him as his face perked up. "Well do you think you could work the therapy in earlier in the day instead of the afternoon and let me pick you up in the evening?"
"Yeah that'll work. I'll be here by eleven in the morning." "I'll pick you at six on the dot. Just text me your address." He told her opening the her car door for her. Kissing her cheek catching her by surprise. "Thank you for this Ari you have no idea how much this means to me." Shutting the door and standing back waving her off. She felt lost and confused. Hitting the grocery store on the way home to grab a few items she kept pushing off on getting. She was caught off guard when she heard the woman's voice and smile. "Hello Arabella."