"Mrs. Holden?" Ari was confused never had she seen this woman in this market. "What are you doing here?" "Well honey it's a store." She laughed to her placing a hand on her shoulder. "Yes I know I just haven't seen you since the hospital. How are you?" "I'm well dear thank you for asking. How are you doing with everything." She asked looking her over again making sure the cuts and bruises healed alright. "I'm great." Smiling widely to her. "See I told you they would have. Dr. Arabella?" Dante said cutting himself off happily surprised. "What brings you here?" He added.
"Just buying things last minute you know the usual procrastination thing to do." Rubbing the back of her head with a small chuckle. "How are you sir?" "Don't sir me. It makes me feel older then I need to." He said laughing with his wife. "Just call us Ellie and Dante and I've been great kid. Got to say thank you as well. We've been watching Xavier's progress and he has just been so much better since you came around. Whatever you are doing please keep it up. I haven't seen my son so happy in well ever." Dante said simply. "Really?" She asked looking shocked.
"Oh yes hands down. He said he's been spending a lot of time with you and I cannot thank you enough for bringing my real son back to me. I've never seen my son acting more… healthy mentally, emotionally even physically Just can't believe it took a near death experience to start that process along.." Ellie shivered at the thought. One of the worse nights of the Alderman's and Holdens as parents. "You should come over for dinner." Ellie said clapping her hands together in excitement. "Oh I couldn't impose on you." Ari tried to brush off nicely. What if the date goes horrible and she gets her hopes up and then she has to go to a dinner at his parents place how would she face them. Too many what ifs running through her mind when she got back to reality.
"Oh your never imposing little one. I'm sure Xavier would love it. I'm sure he would help me convince you too. It doesn't even have to be at the house we could go out and catch up. It'll be great. Tell you what we will see you at the Dark Rose Sunday at six. Meet us there dear under Holden. We really need to run though. It was great seeing you." Dante said pushing Ellie to the register before Ari could change her mind. "Bye." Ellie said smiling to her waving her off. Letting her stand there with her little basket on her arm. Great got a date with a man I'm crushing hard on who is also my patient/client. Then the next day I go to dinner with his parents. That's really taking things slow. What could possibly go wrong with that? She was too busy mocking herself checking out trying to get home.
It was now Thursday night as Preston and Liam had taken out Vincent out for dinner. "This is great guys. I really needed this tonight. How you guys been?" Vincent asked taking a bite of his burger. "It's been good man you know staying busy." Preston shrugged. "Yeah always going through new people." Liam told him with a smile. "How you been?" Liam added. "I've been busy always on the go. Starting to feel a little drained though. I really need to shake it up." "I think maybe you just need a date." Preston said making them all laugh.
"Yeah maybe that's it." Vincent mumbled to them with a fake smile. "How's the dating game been you know?" Liam asked him. "It hasn't I went on two blind dates that were just horrible. I didn't even want to go. I'm just stuck in this like place. You guys all meeting up tomorrow right? Lexi told me when I ran into her." Vince asked casually. "Yeah man you can come with it's the little sports bar down the way from your office like the other side of the stripe." Liam told him with a smile.
"Yeah I'd like that. Sports bar huh. Bet Leah and Lexi hate you for that. Ari and Chloe probably just go for the food." Vincent laughed with the guys. "No they watched the games with us too man. Now give them credit." Preston argued playfully. "How are the girls doing? Leah still pinning yet over Calvin?" "Yup. Nothing's changed. We still single pringles too. Lexi likes to do date around at the moment…still. Chloe's happily with a friend of ours Phoenix." "You're friends with Chloe's boyfriend?" Vince was shocked by Liam's statement. "Yup. He's a cool guy you'd really like him. I would if Chloe is going to bring him tomorrow." Liam asked looking at Preston.
"We should call and invite him out and mee the family." Preston said laughing. "Yeah Leah would love it. I'm calling him when we leave man." Liam said laughing hard. "Yeah he was a cool guy I meet him and a few others when I had lunch with Ari the other day. Have you guys met the rest of his crew there?" Vince asked curiously. "Yeah man Jace, Ryder and Xavier are really cool we hang with them sometimes too. Chloe and Ari go to dinners and stuff with Xavier and Nix and then they do some like kickbacks afterwards like a group." Preston told him like it was no big deal.
"What do you guys think about all that stuff that went down with Ari and Xavier?" Vince asked in concern. "Well I think they are lucky to be alive my heart broke for them. Scared us half to death." Liam told him honestly. "Well yeah that stuff sure. I mean about the him waking up think she's his wife thing. I mean is it weird for a guy to think someone he just met is actually his wife right out of a coma? I mean you hear weird stories everyday with amnesia and stuff but that's not exactly what that was right?" Vince was genuinely concerned about the man and confused about that situation it really was a fascinating thing.
"Well actually it seems about with the trauma and stuff he endured just before going into the coma. I mean I saw people come way more fucked up and with stranger stories than that before. I mean you know he did just spend over 6 hours talking getting to know her. They saved each other a few times that night. They're both honestly lonely people. It makes a bunch of sense how some wires could have gotten crossed. Maybe he was attracted to her or just really enjoyed her company. Could be a million and one different things man the minds truly does boggle." Preston told him in is best doctors opinion.
"You think he may be attracted to her?" "I'm saying sky's the limits. Who wouldn't think Arabella is a beautiful person. You can always appreciate someone's beauty and still be friends. I mean be ok if they got together. They are actually pretty good together from what I seen. You know outsiders perspective. I haven't seen Ari smile and laugh this much in very long time. Also again don't erase the loneliness factor." Preston shrugged as if it were no big deal. "You don't think that would be an issue of ethics like working with someone and dating them?" Vince asked Liam.
"Well if a relationship did develop I could always take him off her hands. No big deal. I think everyone's reading too much into it. I mean like honestly I have no idea how close they really are. That's not my business to get into unless they want to tell me. It's not a big deal anyway. I'm happy for them if it did happen their both two single adults. Who need to live a little. Enough about that. Let's talk about you. You know we know some girls if you're interested?" Liam wiggled his eyebrows to him making them all laugh.
Vince heart was feeling a little tight in his chest. This may be a hell of a lot harder than I thought. Taking another drink from his glass. Going on about their night they did have fun. Even when they tried to pick on girls. It felt dirty and wrong. How did I even get here. To this? Having enough of feeling lost with the guys he cut the night there and wish them well. He was going to have really do some deep thinking and upping his game. He wasn't sure how much longer he could really keep going on like this.
After telling Chloe everything that has happened she didn't really trust or felt comfortable talking to Lexi especially not Leah. She wasn't even sure what the guys would think. Being shocked Liam and Preston were friends with them. Ari couldn't hold it in anymore and had Chloe meet her earlier at the sports bar Friday night. "So what do you honestly think? Am I nuts?" "That was a lot of information to take in. In a very short amount of time. Honestly I think it's a great idea. I mean hell you slept with this guy. In his home. That obviously means you trust him a lot more then you think you do. I mean being able to sleep peacefully like that with someone doesn't just happen. You are comfortable with him." Chloe said looking at Ari while her smile just kept getting bigger.
"Don't get in your head to much about this Ari. I knew he liked you. It was just a matter of time. I mean he treats you well. He's honestly a great guy from all the time I spent around the guys. You could do a hell of a lot worse than a multibillionaire who treats you like a queen and also saved your life." Chloe told her in a duh kind of tone. "Yeah, look I don't need the sarcasm here Chlo. I really am asking advice. I mean I love hanging out with him. Being around him makes me feel… I don't know different." Ari told her looking down at her hands.
"Well maybe that's a good thing. I mean you have been different ever since he came into the picture. I mean that in a good way not the over think until we feel about this tall from talking to Leah kind of way." Chloe said rolling her eyes. "I mean dude how long have we tried to get you to bust out of your shell or rut or whatever you want to call it. Then Tall dark and sexy comes along with his sexy ass friend and bam next thing you know were both different. I'm just saying maybe there is something there that you know… is worth something. I mean you owe it to yourself to at least give a shot right? When is going to be the next time in this life. One of the top richest men in the world asks you for another date? This is like the coolest thing and he's a great guy." Chloe told her making her smile brighter.
"Just don't tell anyone please." Ari practically begged. "At least not who the date is with." "Oh don't worry mum is the word. Just don't tell Leah I cannot handle guilt trip tonight. I just want an easy night." Chloe said with a smile toasting her glass with Ari. Ari smirk grew wide as she saw Liam, Preston and Nix walk in smiling and waving like three random hyper kids. "Yeah throw that dream out the door." Ari said laughing as Lexi and Leah was right behind them. "Oh shit." Chloe mumbled softly. As they all got seated before anyone could say anything Vincent popped in out of breath. "Sorry it was hell on foot traffic here." He said running his hand through his hair. "Easy night my ass." Ari mumbled to Chloe signaling the waitress they needed more drinks.
"Well isn't this night just full of surprises. Hi. I'm Alexia everyone calls me Lexi." Lexi said with her hand out to shake. "I'm Leah." Leah said with a curt nod. "Girls this is Phoenix Damico my boyfriend." "Please call me Nix. Vince good to see you again." Nix said shaking his hand. Getting up to hug Ari. "Ari how you doing gorgeous?" "Oh happy as Santa on Prozac in Disneyland getting laid." Making everyone laugh hard even Leah. "There's my sexy Goddess." Nix said kissing her taking the seat next to her.
"Yeah we were out with Vince last night chilling you know. Then we were like hey why don't you come out with us. Then we were like hey let's let Nix meet the family while we're at it." Liam said smiling big. "Wow. That is fun. So before we move onto you." Leah pointed to Vince. "Why don't you tell us a little about yourself Nix. Chloe has already told us so much." Leah added on with a nice smile. "Alright well I'm just about two years older than Chloe barely. I'm an only child. I hate golf but like putt-putt. I work for CSO for Holden Industries. I like to stay in shape and read when I can. I enjoy sports. I don't know what to say I'm pretty boring." Nix laughed making them chuckle to scratching the back of his head.
"I doubt that. Seem alright to me." Lexi told him taking a drink with a polite smile. Gotta love Lexi she would do what she could to make you feel comfortable in the group as long as you keeping someone from the family happy. "You also hang out with these baboons as well too right?" Leah asked winking to him making the chuckle harder. "Yes that I do." "Well you have to be pretty strong and smart to be CSO. That is really impressive. How did you even get that position being so young." Lexi asked him in more of an impressed tone making Chloe smile widely as Nix wrapped an arm around her waist. Chloe was proud of him.
"Well my best friends and I we all run that company. Xavier Holden is my best friend and boss. When we were younger he always knew he was going to be running it so he asked us to pick a major we could all handle and run it together. I was a cop for a while and worked in security. So it wasn't really that hard for me as I was already trained. Also I was always really good at computers so that also helps with A LOT." Nix said laughing hard with every smirking around them.
"Well speaking for myself personally I love working with friends." Ari told them lifting her glass to her small group. Chloe, Liam and Preston lifting their glasses with their verbal agreements. "Awe.' I know that's right. "Yes ma'am." Lexi and Leah rolling their eyes Nix and Vince just smiling widely enjoying the moment. "So Vince How are you liking the town and your office?" Lexi asked him taking a bite of the food they had ordered.
"It is everything Ari had always claimed it to be. The office is always busy. It's really been nothing but going since I got here. It's cliental is very different here. It's big business, small business and regular clients. It's a lot. Definitely need to make sure I start scheduling some R&R in between every now and then. How about you Lex work going good? Still dating around?" Vince chuckled to her. "Work is awesome I got promoted. Yes I am still dating around. I am nowhere near ready to be tied down to anything that isn't work right now. My sugar daddies don't seem to mind though. You know what they say if it aint broke." She smiled tilting her head taking a drink of her Cosmo.
"How about you Leah?" "Everything is actually really good. Can't complain." Leah said with a wink. "Sure she can, give her a minute." Chloe mumbled to Nix making her laugh. Nix already got the run down on Leah and her ways of thinking he knew it would be a battle but all that will be dealt with in time. "How about you Vince you seeing anyone? Playing the field sowing your wild oats?" Chloe asked him. Nix looking up making sure to pay extra attention to him.
"Ugh no. No sowing. Not seeing anyone work takes a lot of time but I am changing that up a bit." "Never thought you would be such a work-alcoholic. Let alone single. Never thought you would think to move either. You used to love the city." Liam laughed to him taking a bite of his burger. "Yeah well what can I say after a couple months I changed a lot of the way I thought about things. I definitely changed the things I want. Know what I mean?" Vincent said holding eye contact to Arabella.
"I understand perfectly. I have made lots of changes. Especially the way I view things. It's funny how the things you thought you would have by now or you want for later change so quickly." Ari told him with a sweet smile. "Maybe we could all go speed dating." Leah told them with a chuckle. "That would be a hard pass from all of us. Leah. But thank you for suggesting a fun idea." Preston told her lifting his cup. Leah stuck her tongue at him. "Fine how about girls night out tomorrow night?" Leah asked looking at the girls.
"Got a date." Lexi said with a shrug. "We are going to my folks so Nix can meet them." Chloe said smiling brightly as Nix kissed her forehead. "I can't I have other plans." Ari told her avoiding eye contact with everyone. "You better not be blowing me off to read at home again or so help me God Ari." Leah told her pointing her fork at her. "No I'm not blowing you off I have plans." "Like what Lexi asked curiously. "I got a date." She mumbled lowly. "She got a what?" Vince asked confused. "I have a date. Alright a date." Ari told them in a slight whine.
"Dude seriously?" Lexi asked excited and happy." With who?" Leah asked shocked. "I really don't want to talk about it right now. It's the first date I've had in a while and if anything comes of it I will inform you guys but for right now can you just you know leave it." Ari told them with a flat look that left no room for arguments. After the evening has passed with laughter and full bellies they all went outside and parted ways. When she noticed Vincent was walking with her.
"Don't worry I'm not stalking you. I parked next to you in the lot of there." Vince pointed walking even closer to her. "It's fine Just you know when you notice something at the corner of your eye and all." She teased. "It was really nice. You know hanging out with you guys and everything again. I forgot how much fun it was. Leah and Lexi still a trip and a half." Vince said making them both chuckle as he shook his head. "Oh yeah their really something." "It was still fun. I missed it. Like old times and all." "Yeah you should come back with us." Ari said as they were half way to their cars she noticed he really did park next to her.
"You seems kind of nervous or on edge talking about your plans for tomorrow. The date." Vince said as neither of them looked at each other. "Maybe I am. I don't know I mean it's been a really long time since I had a first date. Just a date in general really. It almost feels like I don't even know what to do. I mean I know it's all common sense and all that crap Chloe spills. It's just you know after so long. A lot of the what if's come into mind. Cloud judgement and all maybe? I don't know. Is it weird talking about this?" Ari asked him.
"I don't really know. I mean it's been a while since you and me were… you and me. I still would like us to be able to talk about anything no matter what. I still will always care about you Arabella. I will still always be here for you. You know?" "Yeah I know. That door swings both ways." "Really?" "Yeah really. Why is that so shocking?" "It's not just nice to hear now calm down." Vince told her as he playfully nudged her with his shoulder. "I think everything will be fine. Look do you like the guy?" Vince asked her.
"He's great guy. I just I mean he's the type of person who could have anyone. Yet he asked me. I'm starting to wonder what's wrong with him." She mocked herself as she laughed lightly. "Still the same Ari. Let me tell you something Ari in a world where you can have anyone or anything. You would still be the best choice. The only one who doesn't see that is you love." "That was exactly what you said when I said the same thing to you when we first dated. That was your response." "It's still true to this day Ari. You never give yourself enough credit. You never see what those who look at you see." Taking a step closer to her as he opened her car door.
"It's such a shame too because if only you could see the world through my eyes you would see it's in the shape and form of one amazing incredibly beautiful person. You have to get out of your own head Arabella. Get out of your own way. Open your eyes and you will see you have everything you need right in front of you. You just have to take the courage from deep down your soul and grab it. Don't be an idiot and wait until it's too late. Trust me you'll regret it. Don't let moments pass you by when you could be sharing them with that someone special. Life's too short love." Vincent told her putting a stray hair behind her ear.
"You're right I know. I swear it's almost as Brently is right here talking through you." She laughed as a stray tear fell down wiping it away. "Well you know we both just want you to be happy. Can we grab dinner next Friday. Just you and me. Old times sake and all. I'd like to talk to you and see how you're really doing." He told her giving her that look. Laughing at him. "Yeah I could squeeze in dinner with a good friend this week. Better make it early though like five. I have a feeling this is going to be a hell of a week." "Whatever you want I'll text you later this week with details. I'll see you later Ari. Drive safe." Closing the door behind her he got in his car as they both turned different ways.
Laying down in her own bed. She just kept going through so many voices in her head. She could hear Brently as if he was next to her Chloe encouraging words. Leah and her warnings. Vincent and his heart-warming speech. Xavier and his normal words that stay with her like songs on repeat in her head. She was getting to overwhelmed. What the hell could a man like him see in me. What if he realizes just how boring I am? What if things don't work out? What if they get awkward? Can I still be his medical professional? What was I thinking saying yes? Why do I care or like him this much? It's crazy. I'm crazy. Is this like a game to him? What the hell could stand out about me that would make him think yup I'll try that one. What the hell am I doing? Teras streaming down her face as she is eternally arguing with herself.
Getting off the sitting position of her knees to her chest on the floor. She dragged herself into the bathroom mirror looking at her own a eyes for a few minutes. Taking a deep breath and exhaling longer then she inhaled. Opening her eyes again it was like she was looking at a different person. She got herself in her own head again this time she was trying the different approach letting out a sigh she started thinking to herself. You are worth this. You are a good person. You are just as pretty as most. You can do this because you deserve a chance at something you want. It is not this hard. Just grab your chance and make the most of it. You. Are. Worth. Loving. Just be strong enough to let someone in to start.