The next day Xavier was oddly at peace yet filled with excitement he spent most of the night trying to figure how he wanted to set everything up. He's seen it a few times already but he wanted to make sure she was comfortable as she was probably overthinking everything. He had every detailed nailed down to a T. His friends offering support all morning. Even Liam and Preston texted him with some helpful things. He really needed tonight to go well. After realizing he needed a little sleep so he wouldn't look like a zombie he was a little nervous as to how much more drained he could feel waking up from sleep as he was more worried about what he would possibly see.
Feeling sore as his quick session with Ari had come and gone. Getting some work done on his bed he was going through any and everything he could get done before the new week came. He was going through the work and surveillance on Donovan which was already starting to show some red flags. At least that would be one great down fall avoided. It was going to be weird. He was awaiting for the man to come in for his interview. Xavier was just wanting to make sure all his ducks were in a row. When he heard a knock on the door.
"Ah! Come in it's good to see you. Can I get you a drink?" Xavier asked the man about his age and just about his height. "No sir. Thank you." "Come right through here. Take a seat. I'm sorry to bring you all the way out here on such short notice and a weekend. Thank you for coming my time today is busy so I will make this quick though and let you get back to your weekend." "It's no trouble at all sir. I'm happy to help." "Alright well I think we should formally introduce ourselves. Xavier Holden." Xavier told him reaching over holding his hand out for both men to laugh. "Dylan Wells sir." While shaking his hand and letting go Xavier couldn't help himself with a chuckle.
"Please no formalities between us man. We going to be in a lot more contact with each other from here on out I would prefer you to call me Xavier or Xav. Dylan." "Alright. That wasn't cryptic or anything" Dylan laugh off. "Well Nix told me about checking through a certain employee. Was there any problems in my work or follow up sir… I mean Xavier. I'll get used to it sorry. Was there any questions about it?" Dylan asked him a little confused. "No actually I'm loving every little thing you got. I want you to keep it up. I also have another little job for you. I have asked for the best in security detail and you are what they gave me. I got to say looking over your Resume and credentials they are definitely not wrong." Dylan looked up at him confused.
"I want you to start looking over someone for me not every day alright just sometimes throughout the week. I just need to know she's alright and safe. Just you know a few days a week. Your choice. Unless you know she going somewhere questionable or working late. Please just watch over her and report back to me. Also need you to keep up on the original assignment you've been doing. It will come with a pay raise as this is kind of a promotion. Do you think you can do this for me?" Xavier asked him.
"You want me to stalk a woman sir?" "NO! No. No, not stalk. We are not stalking we are just watching out." "No offense Xavier but you sound like you trying to keep tabs on a special lady friend? I'm just trying to make sure this aint something I'm going to get arrested for. She doesn't have like a restraining order or anything like that against you sir right?" "No it's nothing like that. Did Nix tell you anything special about me before you came in that door?" Dylan paused nervous about his answer but thought the truth would be the best way to go.
"He said you have premonitions about things and they come true." "Do you believe that?" "I don't joke around about superstitious things Xavier. I don't like to tempt fate. My grandma did all that voodoo, hoodoo things. I do not kid about psychics. Do you believe you are one Xavier?" Dylan asked him. "Did you do what Nix told you two nights before you came here?" "Yes I did." "So you went and picked random lotto numbers and not told him what they would be?" "Yes I did." "I don't want you to pull them out. Just watch it. Xavier went to the table and on the paper wrote down the night's lotto numbers and what the numbers were Dylan picked. Also what the whole weeks weather would be. Also how many people would be injured in a traffic accident happening right that moment.
"Turn on any live news network you see fit." Xavier said handing him the remote. Dylan did as he instructed picking a random news network. Only to find everything happening just the way he said it would. When Dylan's phone rang. He looked down. "You better answer that. Your mama is calling to tell you they accepted your brothers dissertation and he's getting his PHD. Big news bud I'll be waiting in the kitchen when you're done." Xavier got up and walked away leaving Dylan to answer his call with his mouth still hanging open.
Walking in the kitchen he sat on the stool looking at him. "That was impressive. Scary. Weird. Freaking me the fuck out but impressive non the less. That being said it's not a coincidence that I am here knowing what I now know is it Xavier. So boss man why don't you just go ahead and level with me on where I fit in in all this you got going on. Why am I really here?" Dylan told him laying everything out on the table. "We going to get along just great man. Look I've had visions about the woman I'm going to marry. About things that will happen to the company. About things that are going on in the world. I do my best to help with what I can. Stop what I can." Pouring a soda for Dylan and handing it to him as he continued.
"You have already been helping me in some things we need to change for the greater good. There are a lot of bad things that are going to happen but catching the damn mole like you are is going to help thousands of people. I swear to you. The woman you are going to watch is important to me. She is the woman who I will marry. She just doesn't know completely yet." Xavier told him scratching the back of his head. "OHH this must be the special doctor who you thought you married when you woke up right?" Dylan caught on quick with the story Nix told him.
"Yup that'd be the one. I just need to make sure she is ok. In some of the things I was able to change I noticed a few things. She would have dangerously hurt in all of them. Had they happened. So many others as well. This is kind of like a promotion to be a hidden body guard to well the soon to be richest lady in the world. The Queen of the company you could say." As Xavier handed him a contract with a lot more numbers then he thought he could be making. "Are you sure about this sir?" "Just for the love of God don't get caught. Befriend her if you need to if it makes it easier. I can get you close with two of her friends who can help make that happen as well." "I think it might be best if I did befriend her. It would make things easier if anything questionable pops up." Dylan said as he signed his new contract looking over rules as he went.
Xavier went and put it away after giving him a copy and a run down on what he felt Dylan needed to know about Ari. Looking at the time he realized he needed to get dressed and go get her. As if she was reading his mind she sent her address. After putting on the outfit he agonized over the night before. He already had everything set into play. After getting himself what he thought was perfect he was ready. 'It starts tonight.'
'Breath. Just breath.' She kept telling herself that. 'It's not like you don't know the guy.' Ari started telling herself things to make herself more comfortable with the evening. Vincent had text earlier for no real reason talking about everything they planned to do for the weekend. Leaving out tomorrow about dinner with Xavier's parents she told him the rest. She wanted them to be friends and close again if they are going to be around each other. At least that what she was telling herself. Looking at the 20th or so outfit she tried on and was staying with. It was a simple Sundress and it was dressy in a non-dressed up way.
It was a very beautiful halter topped white sundress that made her boobs and her curves look great. It was graceful when she moved. With her hair half way up and down. Remembering how he liked seeing her with it down. With just black eyeliner to enhance her already beautiful eyes. She grabbed her cell phone case which is also used as a wallet. Putting some cash, debit card, spare house key and her driver's license in it she was ready to go in her special sandals that she could slide into that had a slip in strap with a bit of a heel in it. Pacing back and forth she couldn't help but be nervous. Hoping she wasn't overthinking everything. Hoping also she was thinking everything threw. He was a client. However she was attracted to him first day they met.
Was she drawn to him just because of the trauma they shared and were lonely. Was she drawn to him because of some type of fate pull. Was everything fate? So many things happening unexplained for. Getting tired of being in her head and her own way. She finally just took a deep breath and let go. Let go of everything as she exhaled. 'Enough is enough. I' going to just start going with the flow and seeing what happens. I deserve to live life. I deserve to put myself out there and see what happens. I can't keep just laying around here praying for something to change and doing nothing to help make the changes needed possible. Tonight is the night. I put my foot and heart in the right direction and just let go.'
Feeling happy with her last thought was when the knocking came on the door. Her heart skipped two beats before calmly opening it. "You look amazing Ari." Xavier said eyes widened and mouth hung open a little bit. A smile stuck on his face. A spark in eyes making them dance as he looked at her. "Well you clean up well yourself. Dressed in nice black slacks, a white dress shirt and a black jacket opened. He was a woman's walking wet dream his dark skin colored matching to his outfit making him drool worthy. "Are you ready to go beautiful?" Smiling to her. Nodding her head and locking the door behind her hitting the only light on to off.
Helping her into the car he decided to pick her up in his Ferrari Portofino 2018. He has many cars however this one would be easy to actually get into with his leg. Plus it was one of her two favorite colors, not dark blue but dark silver, grey. "Wow, are we pulling out all the stops tonight Mr. Holden? I have to warn you your fancy clothes and car will not have an impact on me. Unlike one of the many it would of your fan club." She told him playfully.
"Well when your date is looking like a priceless piece of art everything else should match as well right? Got to say, nothing I got could even meet up close to due you justice gorgeous." He told her with a wink. "Watch it now you know what they say about flattery." "Well in my line of work flattery gets you everywhere. Also it's not flattery if it's the truth. All verbal foreplay aside." He told her playfully. "I think you are actually going to like what I have in store for us. It is about a 30–40-minute drive depending on traffic though." "We're not going to the Italian place down 10th?" "Nope. I actually have some other things planned and I wanted to surprise you. Is that ok?" He smiled to her hoping it would be fine.
"You never seem to stop impressing me there Holden. It's fine. I'm a little excited I don't get a chance to get much spontaneity in life. I am still working on it." She smiled to him. He reached out and intertwined his fingers with hers. "Is this ok? I don't want to push you on anything and I am not use to this kind of thing. I want to be very honest I have been looking forward to this very much. I really don't want to blow it by crossing any lines with you. " Xavier surprised himself at the vulnerability of his tone that came out of him. "That means a lot to me that you put my feelings first like that. I mean we both know by now how I am changing. Which I again can thank you for." Taking a deep breath and turning to look at him as he drove.
"Honestly I got a little nervous about tonight. I just want to give this a good chance tonight. This is fine. I mean it's a date and I'm not even sure I know how to be on one anymore after so long. I guess we'll just have to adjust together. Plus it's giving me courage here like emotional support." Smiling looking back at her he couldn't hide the smile. "I guess so." The car ride went by very quickly getting lost in laughter and conversation it surprised them both when they actually pulled up to park. Her face fell at the sight in front of her. Xavier heart in his throat hoping tonight went as well as he hoped it would. "This way gorgeous." He told her taking her hand after helping her out of the car.
Walking on the long deck there was a small restaurant on the left side overlooking the beautiful lake in front of them. The small place was decorated in fairy lights with some small tables outside and very much spaced apart there was maybe two other couples dressed up a bit smiling at each other lost in their own worlds. The candle lights on the tables with the flowers and flower petals spread everywhere was making her eyes dance as she smiled. "Where even are we?" She asked him in almost a whisper.
"Well a business friend of mine just took his wife here the other night. It's actually a secret place most people stumble on by accident. It's strictly only on reservation only. They only take a few couples a night on weekends. They keep us out under the stars check on us a little bit but the menu is actually very wide variety. Turns out it's just a small family run business this couple like almost 50 years ago opened this up together to get away from it all. See they were from both big family names and their families had arranged a marriage for them and they happened to meet one night at a random rich person event I guess and it was love at first sight. Their families argued with them and the girl's father did everything he could to push the man away. They already had their future set." Xavier told her holding one of her hands telling her the story walking to the hostess stand they still had a few feet to go.
"After about two months of hiding they made plans to run away secretly. Which is fine they made their own money. However what they didn't know was her family tricked the young girl into going to a church for what she thought was her cousins wedding because white was the theme oddly enough so she wore a short white what she though was a bridesmaid dress. They had set up her marriage to the other man and didn't even tell her. Right when the priest asked if she took that man she said no. The second she said no so did the man she was going to run away from. He was a very big deal in that town and the girl his family wanted him to marry told him of what the other family was doing because she knew it was the right thing."
"The man punched the groom in the face and took the brides hand. Walking out he punched her father and the daughter slapped her mother. She looked her family in the face and yelled how could you do this to me, you know like your dead to me. The couple escaped the town and their families came here and made their own way. Their children and grandchildren run this know. It's a secret legend here that if a couple truly looking for what they want come here the love, blessing and luck of the that once young couple will bless you to find everything you need in each other. It's like a good joo-joo thing." Xavier told her with a smile a hand wrapped around her waist now as the night was picking up a slight breeze.
"Really? Where did you hear this tale?" Ari asked him in accusing playful tone. "The man who owns it. When I made the reservation." Xavier whispered to her as they approached a young woman maybe in her early college year. "Reservation for Holden please." They smiled to her, which was brightly returned. "Here are your menus. You are the last table right on the center of the end of the dock. The shower will start between 8:30-9." "What shower?" Ari asked. "A meteor shower. It's a very clear night and all the lights here will dim a little more just for a better view. A waiter will be at your table to get your order do you know what drinks you would like I can get that going for you." The young woman smiled.
"A coke with no ice is fine please." "Make that two." Xavier smiled taking the menus while still having his arm around Aris' waist. The sat down and had the conversation flow right out of them. It was amazing how quick the night went. Before they knew it the table was cleared and they were leaning on the little fence on the dock. Completely lost in laughter after looking up she was in awe. "Xav." She whispered. Looking up they were just starring at the beauty of the shower in the sky. Feeling grateful to be able to be a part of watching this with someone special to them was putting them in to a whole other feeling.
"I think I should get you home now it's getting cold." Xavier said tightening up his jacket he gave her earlier. "Yeah You're right." The drive home was still full of laughter of telling childhood embarrassing stories of themselves and friends. Walking her to her door. She gave him back his jacket in the car. "This has been the best night and date I ever had. Everything was so amazing and thoughtful. Thank you for tonight Xavier." She told him sweetly after unlocking her door and turning to look him in the eye now.
"This was the best night I ever had period. Thank you for coming out with me. Honestly Ari it was only so great because I got to do all this with you. You know the first time I met you I was completely infatuated with you." She started laughing making him laugh. "Right. Sure. I'm sure I blew you away with coffee dripping all over me that was the look to drive anyone nuts." "No I'm serious. Yes it did drive anyone nuts. I think you're forgetting how beautiful you are. Also how see through that shirt got real quick." Xavier told her chuckling the whole time. "HEY!! Perve." She playfully pushed him away blushing hard.
"Seriously though Ari. I was so bummed out not grabbing your number thinking I wouldn't be able to see you again. It made me sad. You can even ask the guys if you don't believe me. I was so excited seeing you at the airport. Knowing I got to spend time with you was the best time I had in a while. I know we started off to a bumpy. Even horrifying, traumatizing start. I am still grateful for it. Because it got me to this moment right here with you. I think the world of you Ari. I mean it's been almost three months or even over of the back and forth getting to know you stage of this. Of friends." Xavier told her holding her hands in his.
"I have never been this happy around or for anyone else. It's only because of you. You are such an amazing person. Kind, caring, humble, funny, smart and beautiful. I love watching you change into the person you are meant to be every day. It's like watching a butterfly spread their beautiful wings after being cocooned for so long. I know I am probably nothing you thought or saw coming but I loved this tonight. I would like to take you out again for another date." Xavier told her looking in to her eyes pulling her a little closer. Her eyes watered a little bit while listening to his words. Feeling her heart sink and beat in her chest.
"You really like me?" She asked him in a soft whispered in shock. Her heart was beating in excitement. "I really like you. I don't think I am going to be able to just be your friend Aria. Friends don't want to hold you the way I want to. Be with you out with you by my side like I want to. Friends don't think of you all day long wishing for even just five minutes of your time. Trying to find anyway just to speak or spend time with you. I'm damn sure friends don't want to kiss you the way I want to either." Both of them lost in eye contact. "Then do it." She whispered not even noticing the words were spoken out loud. Bringing her closer to him his hand went straight to her back and one hand up to under her jaw his mouth crashing into hers so quick it felt like the words barley left her mouth before his was connecting to hers.
It was so deep. So passionate. Consuming them both. She meet him with same growing energy he gave. Until they both parted for air. Resting his forehead to her. Catching their breath. Steadying out their heart beats. Looking up to him. "That was almost as incredible as you are." She told him blushing hard. "I do love it when you turn red for me baby." He purred to her making her blush harder. "Xav I think should tell you were I am standing with all this seeing as you at least had the balls to." He chuckled to her nodding his head to her.
"I have feelings towards you as well Xav. They make me nervous. I am doing so many self-changes. I have been lonely for a while now. When I'm with you or talking to you it's like. It's like you finally got me breathing again. I am thankful for you in my life Xavier. Honestly I'm scared to think of me going back to how I was before you. I like this. Whatever this is between us. It makes me a little nervous and a little scared getting myself back out there. To the possibility of being hurt the way I was. I just don't feel scared knowing it's with you. I'm probably not even making sense." Ari shrugged.
"It makes perfect sense to me Ari." She nodded her head to him. "I don't think we can be friends anymore Xavier." She told him in a sad voice he paused staring at her hold his breath for her next words scared of what they could do to him. "I think we are too far past that now. I am looking forward to our next date. I am curious how you think you can top tonight." He let out a breath in a chuckle nodding his head back to her holding her close to him again resting his forehead back to hers. "Guess you will just have to wait and see baby. Your man is full of surprises." Winking to her.
"Little soon for claiming titles there aren't we." She teased. "Maybe for you. Sooner or later though baby girl, I assure we will get there. I am a patient man. We got time. I think it's best if I leave now. Before I lose all control and nerve and not be able to let you walk in there." "Yeah you're right. Will you call me when you get home ok?" "Yeah angel I will." He kissed her lips sweetly one last time. "I understand if after tomorrow you don't respond to me right away, knowing you might go in there and over think a few things about tonight. Just know this is real. This is what I want." He told her as she just chuckled bit her lip and nodded. He waited until he heard her lock the door.
Smiling to himself he got in the car and got in his house. He heard some voices coming from his living room not shocked at the familiar voices. "When did you jack-tards get here?" Xavier asked coming in with a bottle of water. "Just for a little while." Nix smirked to him. Preston, Liam, Jace and Ryder. Just watching smiling like a group of high school cheerleaders waiting for him to spill the tea. "Sooo…. How was it?" Jace asked playfully. "It was perfect." Xavier smiled so wide he couldn't help it and couldn't keep it off his face after the night he had. Sending his goodnight and thankful text Aria.
"Yeah it looks like it." Preston said wiggling his eyebrows. "I aint going to tell you little shits anything. I had a great night and I want to leave it at that for now. Anyway Nix do you have anything you want to tell me?" Xavier asked more curious to know about other things then get his friends caught up in his time with Aria. Smirking to him looking around the room rubbing his hand on his bottom of his face. "Well you were right. He was there. It looked like he was waiting for you guys as well. It was kind of funny he waited like an hour before he bailed bro. He was like checking his phone and the weird thing was it was like he wasn't sure what he was waiting for. It looked like he was just hopeful to find that one person." Nix told him with a look that told him everything he needed to know.
"Who are you talking about?" Liam asked him confused as Preston. "Vincent. I had a feeling he would have tried to find out who Arias date was and tried to somehow show up and I don't I just got a bad feeling everything would have been fucked up tonight had he somehow been there. I doubt very seriously that Ari told anyone her date was with me. Am I right?" Xavier asked the two men who looked shocked. "Vincent was texting Ari. She told him where you two would be and she wouldn't tell any of us who she had a date with just that she had a date. Vince actually asked us if we knew and I told him it could be a couple of people but couldn't be sure unless she confirmed it." Liam told them as they stared at him.
"Do you think Vince is trying to get her back?" Preston asked a little nervous to hear the answer. "Yes. I think he wants her back." Xavier told them flatly. "Well I guess we just got to keep trying to keep his head turned. We have been trying to put him out there. You know get him to meet new people the damn dude has been miserable without her. We just thought maybe if we get him you know in a different direction that may help him out. There is a girl who is trying hard to get his attention at Tillman's office. Another one at yours we need to get them set up on a date and make sure Aria sees them out. It will make her feel better to see him out and about." Preston told them as they nodded to him.
"I can set him up with the receptionist. Easy. In fact I think I know of a beautiful girl who will be more than eager to help." Nix told them smiling widely. "You have no idea just how much Chloe with jump at the opportunity to try to help set people up." Liam said rolling to his side laughing hard as Preston joined him. "I don't wish nothing bad on the guy. I don't wish anything bad on him. I really do hope he finds someone he likes soon. I know Eric is not going to make any of this easy for any one of us." "Is there anything else we can do to help you out?" Ryder asked him. Shaking his head. "Everything is now going to be moving forward. I just need you to trust in me. Keep me in my sanity. It's really going to start hitting the fan on certain things quickly." Xavier told them sitting back looking at his bottle. "Are you ready for it?" Nix asked him with a little worry. "After knowing what I know. You bet your ass I'm ready."