The next morning was supposed to be a day of relaxation. Thankfully Eric had canceled a few of their appointments as he had business out of town. Aria couldn't be happier for that. It didn't leave her standing in the living room and the kitchen confused smiling ear to ear. This maybe is a bit much. As she heard another knock on the door. Walking to it. It was yet another delivery man. Looking at him as a stray hair fell into her face as she blew it away.
"I have a delivery for Arabella." The man said with a kind smile. "With all due respect sir you better be the last one." She told him smiling and tilting her head. "Busy morning I see. As the man handed her a medium size bouquet of the multi-colored flowers and a blended cappuccino. "You could say that. Thank you." She sighed as they nodded to each other. Looking around the living room and kitchen that both had four huge bouquets of random beautiful flowers in them she decided to put the smallest one in her hands in her room next to her bed.
Looking through all of them she noticed the smallest one had a card. Pulling it out and sitting on her bed opening the envelope. 'I know you're thinking this may be a bit much.' "Gee you think." She said in mocking tone to no one. 'I just couldn't help myself though. I wanted to send you something as beautiful as you are to start your morning to a good start. It proved rather difficult when I looked at all of them and saw your face in each one. Besides you deserved to be appreciated and this is me doing that. You have done so much for me over the last about three months. You never complained once. I've met me I know what kind of strength that probably took. This is the last bundle I swear you will receive from me today. Thank you for a Great night. Hopefully we can do it again this Friday. Thinking of you.
Blushing really hard she heard her door open. "HOLY SHIT!" Getting up with the letter in her hand still walking into the living room. "I take the date went well?" Chloe asked her tilting her heard trying not to smirk at her. Taking the card and reading it smiling widely to her. "Oh my love, your man got it bad." Making them both laugh hard. "He's not my man." She told her walking back to the couch to sit down. "Yet." Chloe teased. "Is there a reason you are here or are you just trying torment me?" "I was thinking maybe we could go to lunch today."
"That sounds good. Leah and Lexi going to come?" "Lexi is with one of her boy toys this weekend and Leah was but she got called into work. I think she just got a date from the that speed dating place. It's just me and you boo." "Where is your man today?" Ari smiled to Chloe making her blush. "I actually just snuck out of his place this morning." Looking down sipping her coffee this morning. "Really doing the walk of shame? I don't think it counts if you are with the man though. Tell me how did meeting your folks go?" "It was going well. I wanted to play everything low key though. So when they were meeting and I introduced him I told him that he worked security for a business company. Since it's the truth every just smiled and nodded. It was going great until my brother came in." Chloe sighed.
"You know how my brother got a job at some business down town. Next to Vincent building?" "Yeah." "Well it turns out RYDER TORRES is his boss." Chloe whined. "Fucking Derek came in and was like Mr. Damico what brings you here? My parents looked at him weird. Phoenix said he was meeting my parents since we've been together for a bit. Derek face dropped and literally said. How the hell did you convince a multimillionaire to date you? Arabella I was so fucking mortified! My parents mouths could have caught flies. It went on for a conversation of what are your 'real' intentions with my daughter from my mother. Worried some hot shot guy with money was just going to use me as a toy. It was going great until that small fact came up." Chloe sighed heavily.
"Ari it never crossed my mind once just how much money these guys actually have and then when it did come up at the worse moment I put my mind through hell the whole night. I mean we all bounced back after a little bit and had a great time. I just couldn't get past my mind though. I tuned it out the best I could and we had an amazing night at his place. I just can't get past everything running through my head. I even did something that may come back and bite me in the ass later." "What did you do Chlo?" Ari asked in defensive tone.
"I left him a note in the kitchen telling him I need a little space for a bit." "Why the hell would you do that Chlo you are crazy about him. He's so good to you. After a night like that you choose the next day to pull a card like that?" "I GOT SCARED OK?! I can't. I can't get past my damn brother and my own damn thoughts. How the hell could someone like me snag a guy like him? He could have anyone. He could have anything any one of his crew can. I mean they are running more than just this damn town Arabella. They run shit globally. I'm just me. I don't have this grand job like that. I make enough to get by and be ok and all. But just. I mean think about it. Out of all the damn women who have to pick up their tongues and close they nasty legs when they walk by or in a room. What the hell is it about me that can make him look twice even once my way when." Chloe was starting to choke up on her words.
"When so many better woman are around. Like ten times better than me. The type of woman they have to deal with are prettier, smarter, some even kinder. I can't be like that. I mean honestly what could I possibly do or have to give him. When he get and do so much better. That's what I wrote him. I asked him to rethink about us and make sure it's what he really wants. To be sure. I would understand if he chose to back out after last night and the note. I would never hold it against him." Chloe's was now silently crying.
"I understand where you are coming from I had a similar conversation a few times now actually. Huh weird. With Xavier. I could just knock the hell out of your brother right now. Chloe you are the most amazing, sweet person I know. You are 50 times the woman any of those others are. Think about it. If he was really into all that high maintenance, super model type superficial shit he would have already be with one of them right now. He's not, though. You should know him better than anyone right now all the time you spent with him. Literally days and nights with this guy. He looks like he doesn't even come alive until you enter the room Chlo. You can give him everything those woman can't you just got to get out of your own head. Stop being me and be the real Chloe." Arabella told him making them bust out in a chuckle wiping her tears away.
"Did it hurt you? Did it hurt you this much thinking these things too?" "You know what it did. I had a mental breakdown in my bathroom in the shower." "You know we dated a few people in our lives and I had these types of thoughts before with other guys and none of the times thinking like this with them ever hurt me like this. What the hell is that about?" Chloe asked in confusion.
"Maybe it hurts so much because you're in too deep with this one. Maybe you already love him Chloe and you're scared because you don't want to lose him or let him go. Maybe you need to remember what kind of person you are and how much you are really worth. Then you can let yourself be happy with a great guy like Nix. Did you ever think about maybe this is what he really wants Chloe? Maybe he knows what he has with you and wants to keep it. Maybe he knows he's a lucky guy? I mean he is so happy with you Chloe you can see it on his face. Doesn't this feel like a little cruel or mean to him?"
"Do you think I'm being selfish asking for space?" Chloe asked defensively. "Maybe does it feel selfish? I mean you guys were doing great and then one awkward meeting with your family and you like pull the hood over his eyes with I need space because I don't feel like I'm good enough. That sends a lot of mixed signs and symbols Chloe. He might be devasted reading that note this morning. I mean I think I can honesty tell you he's never going to see this coming." Ari told her rubbing Chloe's arm up and down.
"I must be the lowest selfish bitch all over the city." Chloe sobbed out. "No you're not it's ok to feel the way you feel. It's not like we can help it. It'll all work out. It'll will be fine you'll both get some space and talk it all out. Nix will understand. You'll be able to make it up to him later. Maybe we can go shopping and find you something special to wear to help you out in that department." Ari teased her as they spent the rest of the afternoon expressing their concerns of being with powerful men like Nix and Xavier and was really starting to weigh out pros and cons. Both of them breaking down to examine their selves and the important question. Can I really be with him? Do or can I really belong in his life like that?
Flashes quickly going through Xavier mind. People crying, screaming for help. Medical responders racing and hollering orders around him. Everything going to quick. Images moving faster and faster from the destruction around him, To Eric slamming things in his office. Getting angry. To other people in the office moving around quickly security coming in and out of the building. To Arabella on a gurney with bullet wounds on her about four he could see blood coming from.
"Ari." He choked out running to her. "What's happening?" He choked out holding her hand walking with the paramedics to the ambulance. "Sir we need to take her. The police are also waiting for you." "Ari what happened?" "I couldn't. I couldn't let him take you from me." A quick image came to his mind as the words left her mouth. Donovan Russo was arguing with Xavier in his office it was late and he pulled a gun and went to shoot Xavier when out of nowhere Arabella pushed him out of the way and stood in his place. Taking the shots.
Xavier's heart was breaking looking down to her. The paramedics pushed him away and took her. As he was yelling at them to wait and take him too. He turned around his hands on his head looking for a car he could take in his empty parking lot tears rolling down his face turning one last time he came face to face with the man he didn't think to see. "You! Help me." He choked out. "Stop it Xavier. Stop it him today! You have enough. Do it now hurry. Or you will regret it. Wait are you waiting for? Now GO!!" The man said as he place his hand on Xavier's head.
Sitting up catching his breath as he was gasping for air. He was overwhelmed by everything he just saw. Looking around he heard it. His front door slammed shut. He looked around to realize he was now on the living room floor. Fallen from the couch. "WHERE IS SHE?!" Nix all but roared at him. After looking at is position he noticed what was happening. "Xav? Xav dude you good bro?" Phoenix asked quickly changing his tone.
"No man I saw some really fucked up shit. I have to nail Donovan and it has to be today. I have to out Tilman for having a mole in my place. If I can get others to see how shady he is then I can get the first three disasters to never exists. I thought it was just one big one I was wrong I was so wrong. There are tons man but we can make it to where it only has one big one and save like thousands man. We just got to nail this today and a few will never happen." Xavier told him as his friend helped stood him up.
"What do you need me to do?" "I am going to call my dad and have him and Uncle Isaac bring me a file and join me for lunch. I need Dylan to come in and explain to me that he found some disturbing emails through the employee data base and he needs to show me his findings. Then his dad and my dad will find out everything with the evidence and they are the ones who will put the word of mouth out to the rest of our partners rather we want them to or not. This will happen and we need it to happen just like that. No one can point it back to us because I wasn't the one who caught them and I wasn't the one who told people and business media the truth. That's the way it needs to be. I need to be able to be honest when I tell Eric it wasn't me who found him out and got his partners to drop him. Well honest enough for the public to know anyway. Nix I had no idea how crazy these men could be." Xavier said shaking his head.
"Well let's just hope we don't have to see firsthand then. Alright I texted Dylan he's in he'll pop in the office today. There is normally a few of my guys in on Sundays anyway so it won't look out of the ordinary" Nix said pushing his phone back down as Xavier did the same texting Isaac. Asking him to bring the file he was going to bring next week today. "Hey, what was with you when you came in?" Xavier asked Nix as things were starting to set in with him.
"Chloe. I want to know where she is. I know damn well she is probably with Arabella." Nix was talking through his teeth. He was looking like he was seething. "What the hell happened I mean you left here early after you meet her parents you said it went fine." Xavier was sitting in his kitchen now as they both sat on opposite sides of the bar. "It was going great until her shit head brother walked in apparently is an employee here under Ryder somehow. She didn't tell them where I worked just that I was some head of security for one of the big businesses down town. I didn't add to it because it was the truth. I thought maybe later more of it will come out. Wasn't too worried about it at the time. Not a big deal you know it was truth." Nix said rubbing his face in his hands.
"Then her dip shit brother came in and was like Mr. Damico what brings you here. So me being the honest man I am said I was with his sister meeting her family. I really didn't want to make any wrong impression on her parents man I know how special and close she is with them. Then it turned into a shit show because his dumb ass popped up looking at her and said. How the hell did you get a multimillionaire to date you? In a way I wanted to beat him to death in. No lie bro it took everything in me not to beat his ass."
"Had she not been holding my arm I think I would have. She was acting a little more standoffish after that. She was like me making the best of the situation after that. I basically had to convince her parents I aint just using her as a toy until someone more my class in their theory came along. It was god awful. It turned into a good night though we all bounced back. Once I took her to my place and came here. I made sure she had time to you know relax from all that. Maybe that was my mistake. I knew she was still a little off from her damn brothers words. We had the best night though man. You know how I woke up buck ass naked. Alone. With a note saying she needs some space and wants me to rethink if she is really what I want or need because I can do better than her. She is not sure what she could ever give me when there is so many other woman better than her. Whole bunch of other retarded bullshit. That aint even true man."
"How could she not see what I see in her. I've been treating her like a damn queen man. She does this shit?!" "I understand you're mad bro. This was coming though." Xavier told him shaking his head slightly. "You telling me you saw this happening and couldn't fucking give me a heads up?!" "LOOK MAN! You don't have to be fucking psychic to see this shit coming. We come from a money, power, greedy seedy world. They don't. They always see these damn thots trying us all the time man. Literally super models trying to holler over at your damn ass. Any woman walking this planet would get insecure about that. Hell I have the same damn arguments with Arabella. It's bound to happen. She has every right to feel insecure about this shit. You know she does." Letting out a long sigh looking back to his friend feeling defeated.
"How do I fix this?" Nix felt lost. "With the truth. Tell her this act hurt you because you thought everything was fine. Tell her if she was having doubts she should have vocalized them to you to your face. That this hurt your feelings because you love her. Tell her reassure she is what you want tell her why. Show her and make her feel loved man. Be all that honest and she will feel bad for what happened and she will feel better with you. Her trust in you will grow this way. This is a good step for you in your direction. Hold out as long as you can today and then pick a time you will go call her out man. Just do it in nice way. She already feels like crap." "OK. Get your ass dressed and lets go settle this." Nix told as he nodded and Xavier went to get suited up for the office.
"Damn day from hell." Nix muttered as they walked into the room as Xavier was already doing some work. He heard his door opened as he stood to hug his father and Isaac. "Well son we are all set for tonight please remind your woman about tonight." His dad told him. Looking lost at him. "Oh sorry kid must have forgot to tell you we ran into Arabella and invited her out to dinner tonight. Thought I told you. Must have forgot." "Yeah thanks for forgetting something like that. Grabbing his phone he texted her and she confirmed she would be ready and he insisted to pick her up and she agreed.
"Anyway how you been Uncle Isaac?" "Good. Business is a little on the odd side lately but I am sure it will level out." *KNOCK*KNOCK* "Come in." Xavier called out from his desk. Dylan opened up and approached the desk with a USB in his hand. "Forgive me sir is this a bad time?" He asked in a professional manner. "No. It's fine. Dad Uncle this is Dylan Wells he is one of the best on the security team. What can I do for you Dylan?" The men all shook hands as he was introduced. "I found some disturbing things doing random employee sweeps. I need you to take a look at this. One of your employees is. Well basically he is being a snitch to the Tilman company sir." Dylan said in an emotionless tone.
Isaac was the first to thunder his voice. "Are you sure boy?" Angered anyone could hurt his best friends family and business. Especially when he himself is a good, invested partner here. "Yes sir I am." Handing him the USB. Xavier connected it and started reading everything being set back and forth between the employee and Eric Tilman. The last ones Eric was accusing the employee of betraying hi and selling him out to Xavier because he was losing all the potential employees he needed to use and hire for his other projects that he was piggy backing off of Xavier form that will in time be a horrible event.
"Who is the damn man responsible for this?" Dante asked in a tone that sounded like a damn demon spoke through him. "Donovan Russo sir. He is the one. This all came from his files. His hard drive. His employee emails. Regular emails. I think he forgets we see and have access to it all sir. What would you like me to do sir?" Dylan asked him in a respectful manner. "Donovan did this. Are you sure it was him?" Isaac asked out in a heartbroken tone.
"Yes sir. All the proof is there and on a backup hard drive. It's also all over the servers. "Call him in here now. I know he is here. You!" Isaac told him pointing at Dylan. "Call the cops and have someone call Xavier's attorney they will be needed." "Isaac." Dante said in a soft warning tone. "NO! No Dante. I gave that boy everything. You treat him like a second son. Xavier gives him every opportunity to make it on his own through hard work and this is what this little ungrateful shit does to you, to us. TO ME! No. He will own up to his actions today. He broke the contract he made here. Hell he broke the damn law Dante. He needs to repent and owe up to his actions and I will see damn well that he does." Isaac roared to his second-hand family.
Dante was the only other man who believed in him and his dream and helped in get out and make it big in the business world. They were like brothers. Their family felt like each other's family. "I am so sorry he did this to you. No apology. Or any of his damn excuses will ever make this right." Isaac told Xavier to his face. "There will be one issue with this sir." Dylan spoke up grabbing the men's attention. "What would that be?" Dante asked concerned. "It is very clear that Donovan is the man who broke the law in releasing information about this place. However it is not admitted to that it was in fact Eric Tilman was the receiving end the way it is worded back is not to Erics main emails or office. It could actually look like any one of his employees could have been on the receiving end. With no doubt he will have his P.A or receptionist go down for this. There is no not enough to pin him specifically." Dylan told them simply.
Xavier didn't think about that. Someone else having to do time or penalty for Erics dirty work. Won't stop him from being sued though. Hopefully the law suit will take most funds so the majority of the projects don't get started since they funds and or backers will no longer be there. That will have to be the best case scenario. "Dylan please just get everyone Mr. Russo has asked for please." Xavier told him in a defeated voice. Dylan knew what would also happen but it needed to happen for the greater good. "Yes sir." Dylan nodded and made his leave. The cops were there in les then twenty minutes just being down the road. They hid and waited for Xavier to have Donovan walk into the room. Isaac and Dante were on the other side of the couches in the office. There were two other decent size recliner chairs in there on opposite sides as well.
Opening the door looking around and getting a smile on his face. "Hey man. Dad. Uncle Dante. Did you want to see me? I didn't know they was back in town." Donovan smiled. "Well I had some work to wrap up and they are here to bring some files and check in on everything." Xavier smiled to the men who smiled back. Sitting down across from all of them. "What did you need from me on a Sunday?" Donovan was beyond shocked to see he was in on a Sunday. Throwing him off.
"Well I was working trying to get some things in before you know the week starts. Than the security team came across some very interesting findings through the computer systems." "Really?" He asked a little confused on how he could help with that. "Yup turns out someone has been getting ahold of all of our plans and prints for certain projects and details about them. Than they have been selling them off to some person in Tillmans company." Donovan was starting to get nervous. The last message he received from Eric was not a very good one. Eric had accused him of getting a hold of all the people that he was needing to get some of the important projects off the ground. Although he has no idea what he meant. Even why he received that message in the first place.
"Who would do that to you. I mean you of all people." Donovan was asking faking being hurt, confused and shock. "It was you." Isaac told him flatly. "What?" "You heard me son. It was you. We all know it was you we saw all the evidence and everything dating back for a while now. We know damn it was you. What we don't know is why? Why the hell would you screw us all over?" Isaac all but yelled the question to his son. Sitting up a little straighter adjusting his tie. "I think there has been a mistake." Donovan started. "Why would I ever do anything like that. You don't really believe any of that do you?" He questioned loudly.
"Donny, I have everything proving it was you drop the god damn act and be fucking honest for once. I think your sorry ass owes me that don't you think?" "I had to do it. This was not the direction the world needed to be going in; Tilman had new ideas and he had the power, the backers, he had everything. Soon enough everything will be running by and through them and I wanted to make sure I was playing with the winning team." Donovan shouted out.
"If it was such a winning team why the hell were you stealing our ideas to sell to him?" "I had to show I was pulling weight. I brought in certain projects and partners for the company than I would be the biggest partner the shares alone would be endless. Not to mention I would be a silent partner. I would have had both you and him right in my damn pocket. I would have been the richest man the second dad retired. I would be able to buy and sell all of you. I saw my shot and my opportunity and I took it. In this world you need to have the upper hand before someone else. That's why!"
"So you stole all my hard work. My projects because you are too stupid to think of any for yourself?" Xavier asked angrily. "You are the one who is stupid I didn't have to do any work when I could just easily take from you." Donovan snipped back. "Who were you giving them to at Erics?" Donovan started laughing hard. "I'll never tell you that." He gave Xavier look that dared him to try his worst. "That's fine son. You just remember you did this to yourself. Don't come looking to us for help to bail you out either. Let's just see how well Tilman takes care to you after we sue his company because of all your shady work. It will be such a nice trial don't you think?" Isaac asked his son in an amused tone back. As the officers came in and arrested him.
Donovan was screaming and yelling at them all kinds of profanities on the way out the door. "Come on Dante we got us some calls to make. Xavier I am sorry for everything that has happened today. I hope I can make up for this someday." Isaac was so broken looking at his second son in his eyes. "It's fine Uncle Isaac you can't blame yourself for others peoples actions. They knew what they were doing. They will own up to every bit of it to as well. None of this is your fault. This doesn't change anything between us. Ok?" Isaac just hugged Xavier and walked off.
"Don't forget tonight. Bring Ari. Don't be late. Your mother is very much looking forward to this. Don't make me hunt you down boy." Dante winked to his son. This is going to be such a long day. I really hope this isn't pushing Arabella too much. The day went on and he ran home to quickly change and go grab Arabella Taking a deep breath he lift his hand up and knocked on the door.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Opening the door up she stood the shocked at who was on the receiving end. "What the hell is this?" He asked holding the note up for her to see. "It's a note." She told him in an obvious voice. "I know that Chloe! Why did you leave it?" He snipped back. "Well had you read it you would know." "Now is not the time to be a smart ass with me Chlo." He said walking in past her into her apartment.
"Please won't you come in." He gave her a look. "Now seriously please come in it would make sense for you to be here after me asking you for a little bit of space. I mean why wouldn't you just randomly show up." She said in a soft sweet voice dripping of condescension. "You really want to be playing this sarcasm game with me right now Chloe?" "No. I do not. I also don't want to fight. But with your tone right now I guess that's what you came here to do." She told him in a tone matching his energy crossing her arms as they both stood in her living room now.
"That's bullshit Chloe. I didn't come here to fight with you. We need to talk about this. Obviously we got some air to clear between us based on this don't you think? Do you honestly think I wouldn't come to your face about this. I thought we was fine. I thought we was doing and going good. Apparently I was wrong. Somehow I missed a couple steps and flags here Chloe so why don't you pin point for me where it is I screwed up so bad that you believe I don't deserve you? Do you have any idea how much reading this crap gutted me. How hurt I was reading this. I mean hell Chloe I was treating like a damn queen. Where was it exactly that I messed up?" He asked in a very hurt tone.
"You didn't screw up Nix. I just started thinking about some things that came to mind. I got lost in some thoughts and they started to raise some logical questions." "You mean your ass brother Derek said some crazy ass shit and it got to you. Tell me I'm wrong." Nix told her with a daring voice. "Yeah ok. Some of his questions were valid Nix. What the hell do I have to give to a man who get and has everything? I'm basic compared to all those other woman you guys are used to on the daily. I'm not deaf I hear the things they say about me when we go through events or restaurants." She said lowering her head done a bit like she was ashamed.
"When you get these asinine thoughts. You should have come straight to me. When you get doubts you fucking come to me Chloe. We will sit down and work this shit out. You don't fucking run away from me. We figure out our problems together Chloe." He told her in a voice demanding respect. "Yeah well I needed time before I had to face you with this." "Yeah and you lucky you got it." He snapped back. "Look you going to sit down and listen after this crap you owe me that." "Fine" she mumbled as she sat down on the couch as he stood hand on his hip the other rubbing the bottom of his face.
"Look Chlo, I am not a stupid man I knew at some point you probably be feeling something like the way you have. Yes I know the damn people I have to put up with on the daily doing my job. That's just it though Chloe I HAVE TO put up with those types of people. I don't socialize freely it's all business thankfully it's Xavier who has to deal with them. Not me. I don't even notice all those slutty I want to be a model girls baby. I swear I don't and you know it. You know I am not the people person. There is no one who even comes close to how beautiful you really are Chloe inside and out. You have that take my breath away my heart don't even start beating until you are near me beauty baby." He sat in the chair next to her holding both her hands in his.
"Chloe you have every right to feel the way you feel. I know thinking like that can get to the best of us. I have thoughts like that too. I worry I am not enough for you either. I worry about the day you wake up and realize just how much better you can do then me. You don't care about money and you don't use me for mine. You don't use me to get to my friends or business. You actually care about how I feel. You listen to what I have to say and can hold a great conversation with me. Chloe I took one look at you and was sold from the get go. You are all I want and all I need I can promise you that. You mean the world to me I swear you do."
"Next time you get clouded with crap like this again baby please come to me. Don't shut me out. I can't handle that. It felt like you just ripped out my heart at the thought of losing you. Especially over something stupid as me wanting someone so shallow because you think they are better. Trust me baby there is no one better than you. It fucking hurt waking up to an empty bed after all the love we just fucking made in it. Waking up to a note telling me to rethink you. Please don't push me away babe." Nix asked her eyes watered up a bit.
"I never meant to do that to you. It hurt just as much to write and feel as it did for you to read. I have been broken about it all day. I never felt like this before. I can't even begin to tell you why it hurts this much." "It's because you love me Chloe." Her mouth dropped opened. "What?" "It hurt this much for both of us because that's what love does Chloe. I know it's been like about three months. But you know it's not like there is a specific time for this kind of thing. You feel broken because you love me. I'm here in front of you trying to fix this because I love you. It's that simple Chloe. You just need to accept it. Embrace it and let us be happy. Can we do that know Chlo. Are we past this needing more crap?" Nix asked her with a look dripping with love from his eyes.
"You think this is love?" "I know it is." "I'm sorry about this morning and the whole day really. I just really needed the space and to take a step back to get my shit together I guess." "I know I can respect and understand that. Don't get used to it." He got up walked outside her door grabbed his duffle bag and locked her door back. "What are you doing?" She asked confused. "We are going to go get in that shower and then your bed and I'm going to let you show me how sorry you are in the world sweatiest make up sex session. Then we going to order in food and go to bed. I'm staying the night so we can wake up and start tomorrow right." Tossing her over his shoulder as she playfully cried out in surprise as he slapped her butt taking her down the hall as she slapped him back. It's going to be a long night indeed.