*Knock*Knock. Taking a deep breath. The nerves would not settle down. Opening the door letting to see a happy and smiling Xavier in front of her. "You look beautiful." His smile was just ear to ear like he won the lottery. Standing in front of him in a simple long black dress with a small slit up both sides. It was as if she was dressed to go on a job interview. She sure felt like it was. "Thank you. You look very handsome. Then again you always you do. I guess it just comes natural for some people." She teased him. "Well you of all people would know all about that wouldn't you?" Wiggling his eyebrows to her. Making her blush to him looking away from him quickly.
"Not that I wouldn't love to stand here and watch just how much more I can get you to blush, finding out just how far it can go. I think we will be late if we don't get going. Are you ready?" Calming her nerves down as she tried to play off his sexy voice doesn't get the way it does to her. She only nodded grabbing her cell phone wallet and locking her door. As she was putting the key in the little slot in her phone he caught her attention when he spoke. "Is that all you are bringing?" He was curious normally women carry a little clutch or purse for their wallet, makeup or whatever else they carry in them damn things.
"Yeah. How much do you think I need?" She chuckled to him as he opened the door and shut it for her. "It's just so small." "Well it carries my I.D, some money, my bank card and even a slot for a key. What else would I need to go to a dinner?" "Good point. It's very nifty. Do they carry like Uni-sex ones?" "Why you want one too?" She mocked him. "Yeah little bit. It's very practical. Maybe we can get those matching ones." They both laughed; however she had no idea how serious he was.
As they pulled up to the valet and he opened gave the keys to him. One of the men already beat him to helping her out. The place was huge. Taking her by the hand he looked up smiling to her. He knew how much his parents were trying to help him impress her. Never once did he stop to think if maybe something was too much on her. He never thought anything could be too much, he wanted to give her the world. His world right on a platter. He saw the small look of concern she was failing to hide.
"You alright Ari?" He asked nervously worried she was falling ill. I didn't think we were going somewhere this fancy. I mean I'm so underdressed. The last time I saw the Dark Rose it was like a middle class place you know like a nice steak house. This is. This so different." She spoke softly. It was dawning on him how nervous and undervalued she was feeling. "Well my parents are very fond of you. They also like to treat people the like to nice things. You don't have to worry. Looks, money, or status don't mean one little thing in my family. We couldn't care less about that."
"Yeah sure I can see that." She mocked using her hand to show him the building before them. "What about all the other big wigs and partners you have to put up with. Is the media going to make a big deal on this? Would your investors be so thrilled to see you out with such a plain person? Would being caught out like this damage your image. You worked very hard to get where you are." Cutting her off before she could continue on.
"I don't have investors. I am the leading investor. I have partners on some projects and that is it. They won't care. I wouldn't give a flying fuck even if they did. People need me more then I need them. I don't care if the media sees me with you. You are what I want Arabella." Pushing a stray hair behind her ear. "I would love for the whole world to see me with you. I am not ashamed of this. I will never hide you. When you got something as beautiful and precious like a diamond you don't hide, you present it proudly. I mean there will be some issues for you when you finally go steady with me. The media may question you. Follow you but I will handle that. You have nothing to worry about." Looking at her calm down a little bit he decided to dive into some questions.
"Do you not want to be seen with me Ari? Are you ashamed of this?" He asked not wanting to hear an answer as he realized he was nervous asking it. "No, that's not what I was trying to say. I mean I just didn't want to embarrass you." She again said lowly. "You could never embarrass me. I mean you seen and hung out with my friends. Trust me nothing about us would ever even come close to those tools." Making them both laugh hard. "Come on. I promise it will be a good night. Stop worrying." Wrapping his arm around her waist and kissing the side of her head.
Many people stopped and were in shock by the young couple. Never has Xavier Holden ever been out with a woman, holding her in an intimate way. Walking over to his parents blowing right past the hostess table. "There they are. How you doing baby?" His mother stood to hug and kiss her sons forehead. "I'm good mama." "Ari I'm so happy you came. You just look stunning. There is just something about your eyes that make you stare at them for days. Very unique colors and they are just gorgeous. I really hope that is a family trait." She said hugging Ari tightly.
"Thank you so much Mrs. Holden." She gave her a look. "We talked about this dear." She responded looking her in the eye. "Sorry Ellie." "It's good to see you again child." Dante hugged her as well. "I hope your well Dante." Ari tested the name. "I am dear thank you." They all smile and the guys helped their women into their chairs. "How are you doing Arabella?" Ellie asked with a big smile. "I've been good, thank you. How have you guys been doing?" She asked politely.
"So sweet to ask we are well. Business is good. Except for dealing with some very annoying women for some charity things. I mean I swear these causes are so worth it. However it is so taxing. I mean like utterly exhausting. To deal with so many fake people is just surreal. I KNOW! You should come with me. You can help keep me balanced with these things. Keep my sanity in place." Ellie said clapping her hand as her menu went to her lap. "I don't know. I doubt I would be really useful. I mean I don't exactly have the funds to support such an event. I also wouldn't have the first clue as to help with decorations and all the talk or suggestions. I mean my themes are probably nothing of what you all are used to." Ari tried to talk herself out of it.
"Well maybe a new mind is exactly what that herd needs. It would be good to get some different blood in the mix. It would be nice to have real person making other people feel normal. Instead of these over-the-top man hunting parties." Dante told her looking over the menu as the waiter came. As they all order just regular steaks with vegetables. Xavier knew what she liked and ordered to down to a T and it even surprised her. She felt bad after seeing it was at least almost $100 a plate. Sure she could pay for it. However it was ridiculous to pay that much for food.
"What do you mean man hunting parties?" Ari asked confused. "Well Ari. Lots of these parties are done by moms who want to snag their daughter a rich man. Or moms who want to snag their son the right type of women. Of course there are the young women themselves who are trying to display their generosity, by dressing themselves up to be displayed as the perfect trophy type of wife. You know the one where they can further push and help their man's careers. It's all like a big pony show. Most of these people who go are there for the cause and wanting the world to be a better place. The other half is using it as a big networking event. To gain good deals with other businesses or to get in a relationship or set up one up. It's a different experience by what the cause is the bigger the cause the bigger the names, the bigger the show of shame as I like to call it." Xavier told her flatly drinking his drink. His dad raising his drink to his son in agreement.
"And you think I could easily fit in at these meetings?" Ari choked out in a chuckle. "Yes I do. I think it would be great to have someone else besides me who is brutally honest and can actually bring normalcy. Or even just some fun ideas. It gets so old doing similar things all the time. Except the next ball will be fun it's like an acrobat theme. I fully expect to see you two there by the way. It's two weeks from now. Ari you should come with me to get a dress I need something new. Isn't Nix dating your friend bring her along. It would be such a nice day." Ellie told her so happy.
Ellie was so easy to be around. She just had that loving mother quality oozing out of her. She reminded her of her own mom. They would get along so great. "I think that sounds like fun Chloe and I are in. She is off next Saturday. That's a week before. Would that be alright?" "That's perfect." Ellie said happy as they got their plates brought to them and thanking the staff. "Would like to be my date for the charity event." Xavier asked her. "I just wanted to ask you formally. You know no pressure to have to go." Xavier smirked to her as he knew she felt the urge to say yes being put on the spot he made sure to whisper this to her.
"Yes I would like that. I meant it though Xav it sounds like fun. It'd be a better time to go with you though." She smiled to him. Dante smiling widely hearing the whole thing. "How is business son?" Ellie asked him taking a bite of her plate. "Are you ok with the whole Donovan thing?" She asked both her husband and son. "I will be. It feels like a low-ball move and it's even a little hurtful in a way you know I didn't see it coming. All the things both Dad and Uncle Isaac have done to and for him. My heart actually breaks for you two." Xavier told them no matter how true it was it was something he needed to play into to make what he needed to happen, happen.
"It's fine son. Everything is going to be taken care of. Isaac and I don't want you to worry or do one thing we will take care of it all." "I promise to stay out of it dad. Just let me know if there is anything you need me to do." Xavier meant it. "Wait you mean Donovan Russo there was already a big thing on T.V about him he got arrested today on some very big charges of insider trading, breaking deals and contracts with like almost a hundred companies. In fact Tilman Industries is now under a full investigation about some of the things that is going on with that man. Vincent is going to have a field day next couple weeks." Ari said shaking her head.
"Vincent?" Dante asked. "Vincent Hernandez he is the one who is running the new law office that opened across the way from our main office. Vince is Arabella's ex and friend. He is a nice guy but he's also Tillmans main lawyer. I can just imagine the week he is going to have poor guy." Xavier told them being a supportive friend. "Oh I bet that man's going to be tied up for a while. What a shame just opening a few months and have to defend a company in position like that. Maybe we should send him a fruit basket and some IB Profin." Dante said with a small sympathetic tone.
"I'm sure he would appreciate that." Ari laughed out." "So how are you guys doing with each other. You know after the last time we got to talk and see you Arabella. You guys adjusted well with everything?" Dante asked her as Ellie focused closer on the two now that the question is on the table. "I think we bounced back well dad." Xavier told him taking another bite of food. "Yeah I think we adapted well. Considering the way things could have gone. I think it even brought us closer together. It's definitely been an experience that's for sure." Ari said looking at her drink for a moment then looking back up to the parents in front of her.
"Honestly I'm glad it happened." The words floored all three of the people around her. "Really?" Ellie asked in curious voice. "I'm not glad of the lives lost. I didn't mean it like that. Just I am glad it happened. I am glad I met you Xavier. You have helped me in ways I can never repay you for. I feel like I am everyday becoming a better person than I was yesterday. I have finally stepped up to make and change life choices I should have done a long time ago. I wouldn't have made so much progress in my life lately if it wasn't for you. SO I'm happy it happened. I am thankful to have you in my life." Ari told him having a moment of truth she's been holding back from him.
His parents both so happy seeing their son so happy. Getting what he has always wanted. "I'm thankful for you too Ari. I'm glad it happened as well. I didn't think I could change into something better either until you came crashing into me. You have no idea how much I really need you in my life Ari. Not someone like you, just you." Xavier told her as they were both blushing. He was really wishing his parents weren't here to hear all that. He was just too excited to be getting more leg work in his relationship with Ari. "Are you two together?" Ellie didn't miss a beat as the waiter took their plates and brought the check. Xavier took before his dad did slipped his card in it. Earning a glare from his father.
"No." Ari said softly. "No ma. We're not officially together but we are dating. Xavier clarified. "That's great. How long has this been going on? Dante teased. "We had our first one yesterday. I'll be taking her back out this Friday." Xavier said happily taking his fingers entwined with hers lifting the back of his hand. "Well I hope it all works. I really do. We just Adore you." Ellie told Ari and Dante smiled. As they all got up and made their way out the door as their cars came up.
"I hope we do this again soon. I just loved it. You should really consider the offer of the women organization group. Let me know if you ever want to attend and give a voice." "I will thank you for the offer. I doubt I will ever take it but thank you anyway. This was fun. Thank you for inviting me out with you." Ari said as she hugged Dante. They all left and said their good byes. After getting in the car and leaving it was comfortable. "Thanks for coming out tonight. I had a great time. I told you it wouldn't be so bad." Xavier told her with a smug smirk.
"I had every right to be nervous. I mean how would you feel being dressed down in a restaurant full of dressed up important people looking and judging you for being with one of the top families running the globe. Then to be invited to be party of certain communities of future Gold Diggers of America. That made it feel super classy." She laughed as he joined her. "Yeah that part was a trip. That made my night. I could just see you there now. Those little slut bunnies trying to go into a battle royal with you because you are the biggest competition there. Not to mention Chloe. Jewelry and weaves flying everywhere." He teased as he was laughing hard.
"What?! How are me Chloe the biggest competition there?" Ari was confused. Well everyone knows Jace and Ryder just date and sleep around. They are not dating anyone nor do they date anyone they take them back to their home for a night and leave nothing serious. That's not the case with Nix and I. People have heard us talk about certain ladies that captured our special attention. Not only that you have been seen with us. Only you. We don't date around. You know this Ari. So when word gets out that we are in the dating world. Certain females maybe a little salty because of our status and how often we blow them off. Like you said we run things globally. My family name run this town alone. Some females are going to be huge haters for wanting to be a part of that." Xavier told her truthfully.
"I can't tell you how many times at those damn meetings my poor mama gotta swat those damn thirsty thots and their gold digging mothers away wanting them to meet or arrange something with me for them. It's disgusting." Realizing what he said and how all that could have sounded he got a little nervous. "Look Arabella I wasn't trying to. I mean what I was really trying to get at." Cutting him off.
"Xav. Just don't, I get it ok. I know what you meant. It's nothing I haven't already had run through my head especially after the way you guys went into thorough detail about it tonight." Ari said in a weird voice. "I'm sorry about that. That must have been awkward I wasn't trying to make you feel uncomfortable. I just wanted to be honest with you. I know how you already had some insecure thoughts and I'm sure none of that helped." Xavier told her she could her the sadness and shame that came off him in the tone he used. "That's not how I wanted anything to go." Xavier added.
"It's fine. It honestly isn't that big of deal. I mean on the plus side at least your parents like me. They know I'm not like those other littler harlots." Ari told him with a smile. "No you are not. You're just amazing." Xavier told him kissing the back of her hand. "Well yeah I am." She playfully tossed her hair making him laugh a little harder. "I hope I didn't make things weird for you tonight by the way. You know they dinner with the parents so early. I mean I know we just had our first date yesterday and we are not officially together. I understand now how weird it might be to have gone out to the meet the parents dinner." Xavier told her wondering how she really felt about all of this.
Just because he was happy things were finally moving forward with them, that didn't mean she would be. The last thing he wanted was for her to feel like she was peer pressured into anything. "I've met them before Xavier. Hell I think the first and last time I met them we talked and spent more time together then tonight. I like your parents. This was fine. I mean if this was my first time actually meeting them it may be a little weird but it wasn't. I was completely comfortable." Ari told him with a smile.
"I'm happy and excited to hear that." Walking her up to the door. "Hey things maybe a little busy this week. I will be call you in the evenings if that's ok. I hope we are still on Wednesday and Saturday?" "Yes we are." She nodded to him. "Alright don't forget you are mine Friday night as well." She nodded again as he kissed her on the tip of the nose. "You know if you want to back out of the dress thing with mom that's ok." "No! No me and Chloe would love to go. She's already met Phoenix's parents so it's fine. I can't wait." Ari told him with a smile.
"When do you think I will meet your parents?" "My parents?" She asked him surprised. "Well yeah you know it should only be right to meet the in laws. I mean after so long." She took it as teasing. He was secretly serious. "You're so funny." She mocked him. "I know." He pulled her closer to him wrapping his arms around her. Looking at her like she was his whole world. Making it hard for her breathing to remain even. "I guess just like the rest of this. We will play it by ear." Nodding his head leaning it down to connect their lips as he took charge of it. Moving them in a slow passionate manner. His right hand holding behind her head fingers in her hair.
After a few minutes he let her go to get some air. Resting his forehead to hers. "The things you do to me Ari." He whispered out to her. Looking back up to him lost in his stare. "I need to go before I can't and take you in there and do things I doubt you are ready to happen for us just yet." Nodding to his words. "Text me when you get home?" "Yeah baby I will." He reluctantly let her go as he waited for her locks to turn over. He made the quick drive home. To find someone he didn't expect to see on his door. "Jessenia? What are you doing?" He asked in confusion.
"Is that anyway to greet an old friend?" She teased him. Standing in all her glory in a red dress that fit a little too well on her. "A friend no. An old business associate yes." He clarified for her making her smirk fall a little. "I just wanted to see you. Is that so bad. I was in town. I am staying here for the charity event your mother is helping put on. Thought it would be great to catch up see how you are." She told him standing a few feet from him in front of his door.
"How did you even get my address. Like how did you get past the gate?" "Well of course everyone knows me. I mean Jessenia Bomien is a familiar name no matter where you are. I told them we are business associates as you so elegantly put it." Those words put a distaste in her mouth. "So you thought it was appropriate to come to my door at almost 8:30 at night. Uninvited to my front door with no warning?" He asked her in a voice that made her sound crazy. "Well the Xavier Holden I know is always working late. I just wanted to see a friendly face after just getting into town. Thought maybe I could take you to dinner." She smiled seductively at him.
"No. I just had a dinner date with my parents." "Oh how are they? You know how I dote on them." "Their fine. I'm sure they will be happy to see you in two weeks for the event." He cut her off. Knowing very well his parents don't like her personally in business she is fine and smart. Personality wise she is slutty. Man hungry like the rest. "Well maybe we can have dinner another night then. It would be so nice to just catch up on how you been." She told him with a little pout.
"Jessenia we are not friends. What exactly would we be catching up on?" He was confused and baffled at her. "Well for starters I hear you are finally opened to the dating scene. Little birds everywhere are talking about it." "Let me get this straight. 'Little Birds' are already talking about me on a date I had yesterday? Well good news travels fast in small world doesn't it." He asked rubbing his hand down his face. "It truly is crazy isn't it. I was happy to hear about it though. I have to admit I was sad it wasn't me though. You know how amazing I think you are Xavier. I was hoping to come and let you take me on a date. I think we can squeeze a couple in between now and the event. You could also pick me from the hotel for that unless you know of a better place I could stay?" Jessenia came up to him running her hand down his arm.
"First off you need to learn to keep your hands to yourself I do not appreciate you touching me. I don't like it. I also don't like you being on my doorstep right now. I don't want you here Jessenia. I know you got a small crush on me or at least you think you do. I don't like you in that way though Ms. Bomien and I never will. I don't know what you think you are going to accomplish being here talking like I want to take you out. I want it clear I never asked you on a date. I am happily dating an amazing woman right now. I also will be taking this amazing women to my mother's event. I don't ever want to have this conversation with you again so let's make it clear right now. I have zero romantic or even friendly feelings for you or your type of women. The type of manipulative I just want a man with money, I look down on everyone who isn't my class type of woman." Taking a step closer to her.
"Your type makes me physically sick. We were just business associates once. That's it. Nothing else. I don't like or want your sexual advances you tried to use tonight. You are not welcomed to stay in my home. I know very well what you meant. I don't appreciate it. I don't want you in anytime of way Ms. Bomien you do absolutely nothing for me in any type of way. Now please you have three minutes to get off my property before I call the cops on you for trespassing." He told her flat anger taking on his tone. She was now a little scared she never seen this side to him. Shocked he would ever speak to her like that. No one ever spoke to her in such a way. No one ever told her no period.
"Ok I get that I may have come maybe a little strong. Maybe taken you off guard just showing up. You can't honestly have me believe you are not attracted to me. You don't have to say you dating a girl to make me jealous. I can have any man I want at the snap of my fingers so let's not play this hard to get game. Ok? We both know how big a prize I am. Why fight this. You know how good we'd be together. Just think of the business world we would take it by storm." She smiled widely to him. As he cut her off hold a hand up to make her stop.
"Obviously you are not smart as you think you are or you are just deaf. You think you are a big prize? A prize is something that is only won by one person. If we are talking about the little birds, well then little birds tell me that apparently lots of others have already taken you as a used up prize so that will be a hard pass for me. You of all people should know you can't play hard to get game with someone everyone has already gotten. Again it's a hard pass for me. I don't want you. Nothing about you appeals to me at all. I am not attracted to anything about you. Never was. Never will be. You are not my type. I am happy in love already. This was completely uncalled for and in appropriate. I will be calling to cut ties with your company as long as you are a part of it. I cannot let this crazy behavior go. Now you have exactly three minutes to get off my property before I call the cops."
"Xavier wait. Just wait a minute." She called to him trying to grab him. Xavier pushed her off not listening to another word from the crazy women starting to cry. Slamming the door in her face. As she banged on it screaming for him to wait and open the door. He made the call to the cops. Put in a report on her. She left before they even came out. She had told him the hotel she was at. They would be taking a warning to her. The next bad behavior or sexual harassment move she will make will give her a restraining order. He called the company and threatened if they don't fire her will cut ties with them. He texted Dylan to black list her as well. He would have no crazy lady stand in his way of keeping Arabella.
Looking down to his phone he saw a text form his love. 'Are you homeless now?' Picking up the phone he called her. "What do you mean am I homeless now?" He asked her as she answered. "You promised to call when you got home. It's been like hours Xav." She chuckled to him. "No. You silly nut. I just I had a problem when I got home and had to deal with it." "Nothing to bad I hope." He thought about it for a minute. He could tell her the truth and he knew that could either go well or bad. He could down play it like it was just business but if word got back to her that crazy women were showing up at his house and he didn't tell her that might break the new trust. Taking a deep breath he knew which road to take.
"Well I worked with a company like a year or two back. One of their partners was very annoying. I mean in the business sense she was very good at her job like great. Her personality was a whole other thing. She was just like every other gold digger we covered tonight. Out of nowhere she showed up at my door tonight. Which is nuts because I don't know how she knew where I lived. She was crazy. She was talking about how she came into town for my mother's event. She was letting me take her too. As well as a few dates she was letting me take her too. I think the woman was crazy."
"I don't like this person. Then she suddenly uninvited shows up to my door. I get all these stalker warnings going off in my head. People told her I was dating. So she just assumed I would be open to date her. I am more open to thought of having a catheter the size of a damn garden house then entertain her on a date. Arabella I swear to you I would whether put on meat assless chaps and sandpaper a lions ass before I even let this person get close to me. I had to call the cops to let her have a warning if she comes at me sideways again she will get a restraining order. I had her black listed and threatened her company. I can't let strange people thinking it's ok to show up to my house threatening me and trying to sexually harass me into weird shit. I'm sorry for not getting back to you sooner. I just had to deal with her." He took a deep breath.
"This has never happened before it caught me off guard and scared me a little bit she was crazy Ari. Are you ok?" He was nervous. "It's ok Xavier. I know how many crazy ass women are going to try to get at you know. I mean you are just getting on the dating scene it is surprising for people. It's ok. I just want you to know that I appreciate you being honest with me. I mean that couldn't have been comfortable to tell me. I just want you to know that I believe you. I trust you. You never given me a reason not to. We're ok. I'm glad she's gone and I'm sorry you went through that. That had to be a bad position not knowing how they even showed up. You're right major stalker vibes. Hell she probably got cameras on you right now. Watching you take showers and everything." He knew she was teasing but he wanted to play along.
"You think so? You think that's funny. Maybe you should come get it in with me then and give her a show." He teased. "I know you blushing for me Ari. If you think she really got cameras in the shower. Come on over and let's discover just how low that blush can go." "Why do you have to ruin my fun?" She whined to him blushing even harder. "I wasn't ruining it. I was just telling you how we can make it better." He teased. "Hey one of these days I may just call your bluff mister." "First off baby it aint no bluff. Second off when you decide to call it pack your bags I'll make sure you never leave." He used his sexy growl voice that made her squeeze her legs shut. Blushing harder. "Don't threatening me twice with a good time." She purred back. "I don't make threats baby. That's a promise."