Chapter 15: Let's Begin

"How was your date?" Liam asked as they were wiping down equipment together. "You mean the date I had like about four days ago?" Ari laughed to him. "Wow it's only Tuesday?" Liam whined a little hanging his head on the one of the arm machines. "Yup. Almost middle of the week. Suck it up buttercup. At least the day is over." She told him in a sing song type of voice. "Seriously though how was your mystery date?" "It was great. I had a great time. We are actually going to do it again this week." She told him in a happy confident voice as she stood up putting the cleaning things away.


"Really? I got to say didn't see that coming but I am very happy to hear it. Sounds like maybe you like this guy." Liam teased. "Really? You are happy I like a guy. You don't like when any of us like a guy you haven't met first. And you're telling me you're happy about me going on another date with mystery man? Are you sick?" Ari put the back of her hand to Liam head. Liam laughed and pushed her off. "Look Ari. I trust you. I trust Chloe. I know you though Arabella. I know how much you probably over thought every little detail about this person and I know you never going into anything blind. You are doing so good. You are trying so hard to out yourself out there and find your own again." Liam took a deep breath.


"I know sometimes I can come off in dad mode for you guys but it's only because I love you guys as my little sisters. But even I know when to step back and let you be kiddo." Liam told her making her laugh at the term of endearment he had chosen. "Just remember I am always right here to catch you whenever you need anything. Promise me you will come to me when you ever have a problem. "I promise daddio." Ari saluted. "What are you going to do now?" He asked her. "I am so wiped I think I am just going to get dinner and go home. How about you?" "I got to go home and prep for my early appt tomorrow. Then I am going to get on the PC and game with my little cousins. Don't wait up." He teased locking the doors behind them going opposite ways.


After placing her order she sat down and waited. "I see some things never really change?" She heard calling from behind her. Turning her head to see who it was she smiled. "Hey Vinny." "You know I always hated that name. Swear you and Lexi hate me." Vince shook his head in laughter. "Oh come it was clever you being a lawyer cousin Vinny is a lawyer just saying. It was cute." "It is not! What are you up to?" He chuckled to her.


"Just got off. Grabbing some food and going home." "Well why don't you join me for dinner I just put in my order. Unless you got something better to rush home for?" He asked her with a smile. "Ah what the hell why not. I was expecting a call tonight but I got time." Grabbing her bag and joining his table. "Wasn't expecting to see you here." She told him adjusting to her seat. "Well I know everyone always does tacos Tuesday. But I every now and then I get a little voice stuck in my head that says why have tacos when we can have Tortas!" He said in a loud voice he used to sound like her.


"And here you think me and Lexi are the means ones with mocking me like that. Ok." She told him putting her hand up flinging it to him making them both laugh. "Seriously though how are you doing with everything going on?" Ari asked him in a softer tone. "I mean you look tired Vince." "You know I take offense when people say that. It's just a nice way to say you look like crap or hell. That's why we men can't say that to you women without you trying to swing at us." They both laughed as they took their food and drinks.


Well I can't say anything about anything you know on going open case and all. It's hard I can say that. I am tired. It's literally around the clock work. I am struggling with some of the findings and then of course with it being so public and on the damn news so much is definitely to helping. To top it off I have other companies trying to get through to me to inform they are breaking contracts with the client and need to settle the breaches of them all this on top it's very hard. Especially when I got a client who has me on call like a pyscho ex-girlfriend." "Have much trouble with those there do ya?" Ari teased.


"Nope, well I didn't until I got this client." Vincent told her in a bitter tone. "Arabella can I tell you a secret?" "Always." "I didn't even want to take this guy as a client. My boss who opened the firm told me to take him or I could forget the promotion. Now I have to clean up after a mess I somehow knew would be coming." "If you were so against this guy, why would you even move offices anyway?" She asked taking a drink as their plates were almost finished now.


"I needed something different. I had to get out of that city. It was just… too much. I needed something different. I woke up one day and realize this isn't what I wanted. It was the same crap rich people kept pulling to screw over regular people or even their own spouses. My parents and others trying to set me up with people who could benefit them in some way. Their excuse was they just want to see me happy. I was drowning in that city Ari. Then when you left I felt. I don't know. I just felt." Looking up at her.


"Alone. I was truly alone. Everyone else already moved down here like a year before we split. Then you and Brently left. All my other friends were just they were exactly the same from college. I am not at that stage of my life where I want to drink and just screw random people to try to fill a void nightly. I've never been that guy. I am also not going to be a walking ATM for some of these other little harlots. I just was drowning and needed a way out. I thought at the time anything was better than being there." Vincent told her looking sad.


"I understand what you mean. I know you're not that guy. Hell you never were. You were like the only bored uncomfortable guy at parties. It was like you were a dad watching over a teen party so nobody breaks anything or drunk vomits in the vases. I am sorry you're going through that though. I know it's not easy feeling like your trapped in position within yourself that you need to escape from or change for." Ari told him.


"You seem to be doing better now. Tell me what's the secret trick to happiness." Vince crossed his arms and leaned over the table a little. Looking at her in a way he missed. "Hell if I really know. I know after losing Brently and almost dying in fiery plane crash my outlook on life really changed. It's not a course I would recommend. However it works and it was very cliché in a way. Near death experience mixed with a current grieving death experience showed me that I wanted more in my life." Taking a deep breath as they had their plates cleared off the table.


"I already knew I was unhappy but at least now with the current events that happened I knew the why I was unhappy and how I was unhappy clearer to the point where I knew what I wanted to do about it. What some of the things I could change to make things in my life better and that's what I did. I figured out what kind of things I wanted out of my life. Now Every day I try to be a better person to put myself out there and try to grab at it try to obtain it for myself. I didn't go out to find my way on my own. I had lots of help. The thing was though. I had to see it for myself all of it the bigger picture and convince myself that I was worthy and deserved it." Ari reached out to grab pat his hand.


"Maybe that's your problem to move forward right now Vince. Maybe you can't let yourself reach for more because he you don't think you are worthy of it yet. Maybe you keep thinking hey I'm young enough I got time to worry about this later. It's not true though Vince. One day you're going to blink and see a guy with grey hair and some wrinkles on his face and then you realize just how fast life passed on by. Then everything you wanted to do and pushed off. All the opportunities you were going to take are gone, over and untaken. It sounds like you still have some thinking to do. Your problem is you know what you want from what it sounds like or you wouldn't have moved and got this far away. The problem you have is you are holding yourself back from achieving through some probably personal things." Ari took her hand of him and stood up.


"I know you're a busy man Vince and you will be for a while. But don't forget to be a little selfish once in a while on the things you know you want and need in your life. The only one who has to live with your regrets and choices in the end is you." "What if my selfish choices affects others? In ways they may no longer need." "Well how would you really know until that chance was taken. The point is you will never know until you know. Life is more than just breathing and getting through things and daily crap. It's about actually living. We all forget to live every day. Not all of us really get a chance because we life gets in the way and when we can finally get to it it's too late. Don't let your life get away from Vince. That's not living. After everything you've gone through you deserve to live. This is your sign to do it. This is me and the world giving you permission to live your damn life Vince. Do it." Ari told him walking away.


He's eyes glued to her as she went out the door. Thinking over everything they had talked about. She was right. She normally was. However she had no idea it was all he did was think about things. Things he wish he could go back and change or say when it counted. No point in wasting time on things he can never undo. After getting home he couldn't help but smirk to himself. Well if she and the world was giving her permission who was he not to listen. It was a long night of making his new strategy and new moves and of course lots and lots of research. He pulled up Holdens industry and started doing digging in every way he could.


So many companies were breaking the Tillmans company to join him he needed to know why especially since Tilman was getting sued for what was going on with this company. He couldn't help but do a little side research on Xavier. He notice some little celebrity tabloids were mentioning he finally started dating this weekend. Vince was smiling. 'Good to know I won't have competition anymore. I mean how seriously can this guy be when it comes to women.


 He's probably like all the rest. Workaholics like this never stay with anybody. Their hearts are to their company. Men like him needed the Gold digger types to keep the image up of the company. The community helper the person men like him would use a stress releases and give them little heirs to pass on to. They were never more than that. Most men could be satisfied with just the one wife and never stray. That was not likely. Though. Not when they were as invested into their work as he was.


Xavier and his friends didn't seem like that type well at least him and Phoenix didn't but you can never be too sure. So many cases and so many business men in the last city ruined the image of a decent business family man for Vince. However he knew his past was clouding his judgement. He can't keep thinking like this anymore it's making him bitter. After a little more contemplating he realized he was just being biased in his thinking. He knew the real reason he was so hard on Xavier right now was because deep down he knew he was a good guy. He also saw him as competition. He was a man most woman wanted to have. Luckily though if the rumors of him dating is true he wouldn't have to worry about him anymore. After a long night of research and getting ready for court he decided to finally get some rest and happily dream of the new game plan.



 Wednesday morning came around. Xavier had called for Dylan to come in his office. Dylan came walking in with a new book, coffee and a smile. He was so relaxed. "What got you so happy this morning?" Xavier asked crossing his arms leaning in front of his desk. "Oh you know just my meet up with a great gal." Dylan teased. "How is my Ari?" "She's in the hospital today resetting some bones. She has to use today to fill in for another doctor but she will still be on time for you I was there when she told the people on the phone what time she had to leave by and then when she called into her office to tell them to move a few other appointments." Dylan said as he adjusted in the chair.


 "I also heard Tillmans voice he was irritated he had to use someone else today. He wanted to make sure she would be there on Sunday to run with him through the little trial they go. Which she said she would same time. Same place. Other than that. She is good. She will be meeting me up Sunday as well unless she texts me sooner she done with the book I chose for her today." Dylan said smiling to himself. It has been a couple weeks since he bumped into her at the café and dropped a copy of her favorite book. It took two minutes of talking to making a new friend with their own private book club. They each choose a book for the other they think they will like then both talk about both of them for about an hour over coffee.


 They talk about other things as well. Both happy with the friendship Dylan was amazed at how fast he was able to open up to Ari. He even sends her some pics and stuff of girls to help him choose his dates. Their friendship was going great. He was even meeting up with their friends every now and then. Took a bit of convincing to prove he was not the mystery man she was seeing. Now they are doing well. Even Leah loved him. Xavier couldn't believe how easy it was for Dylan to get into the friend group.


"I still can't get over how fast a few weeks took for you to infiltrate that group. Hell you took it by storm." Xavier said shaking his head. "Well it's easier when you are as awesome as I am. Can relate to them on many levels and know certain things about them before you even try. Plus I really like them they are good people. I still have not met Vince yet. We don't meet up at the same times. Obviously he is busy." Dylan said opening his hands in an understanding way.


"Have you seen all the new noise about you by the way?" Dylan asked drinking his coffee. Xavier and Dylan are getting closer every time they meet now they can even consider themselves friends. "New shit already? Fuck what now?" Xavier asked rubbing his hands on his face. "It's just a small little piece of if the most famous eligible bachelor in town is dating? Apparently word is you went out with some mystery lady this weekend and you brought another mystery date to a double date with your own parents the next day. Now there is no way of knowing if this is the same woman or not. However women everywhere are getting excited to know the most eligible man is now shopping around the market so to speak." Dylan said using his air quotes.


"Find out how that place is getting their information and shut the source down and black list them. I am going to get ahold of Ryder and make him send out an email to everyone worldwide working for us that leaking any information whether it be business or personal on anyone who works for our company is a violation of contract and will be held to the highest consequence of the law for breaking no matter how little the information they gave or their intentions were." "Yes sir, boss man." Dylan told him standing up. "Anything else?" Dylan asked him as Xavier shook his head. Dylan lifted his cup up t toast him heading back to the security room.


Xavier had ordered some things special to his house yesterday and hoping everything will be there by Friday. After a long day he was finally getting there food together on plates deciding to hit up a burger joint on the way home. Walking in the door without knocking was a thing with her now. Xavier was so happy she was finally comfortable with just walking in his home. At first she would knock and just come in since he had trouble moving around. Now his shoulder and leg were doing great. For some reason Preston and Ari keep checking him over for healing way to fast.


There was just something Ari would not let up about it. However the topic dies down pretty quick. As she walked in she looked like she went through hurricane. "Hey gorge-…whoa. You good there?" He laughed a bit. Arabella's hair was falling out of some places and sticking out of most. Her clothes looked stretched a bit with some marks of being torn. "What?" She sighed out.


"Uh I was just wondering if maybe you got robbed today? Or maybe was making a guest appearance on a tag-team match on WWE." "Yeah-yeah. Ha-ha. I get it I look like a train wreck. Thanks for the compliments." She gave him a sarcastic smiled snatching a plate with the burger she knew was hers and walked into the living room to push play on Game of Thrones he had set up. Following her in the room He sat down next to her. "Seriously though Ari you good?" He asked pausing the movie taking a bite of his food looking at her.


Sighing turning to look at him after swallowing her bite. "It was just a long day I had to do two surgeries; four quick procedures pop a few bones back in place and finally had to reset about three peoples legs. It was just a long day. I was actually looking forward to this." She said taking a bite of her food. "Looking forward to food? I can understand that food is life." He laughed remembering all the times she calls food her a bae. Laughing softly to him. "Not just the food. Just you know. Sitting for another thing." They both laughed. "But also just sitting here with you. Eating, watching something before we get started. Just hanging out." She shrugged.


Smiling to himself. "I find myself smiling on random days looking forward to Wednesdays and Saturdays just to be in this place with you and doing this. It makes me happy to know I'm not alone in this." Looking at him smiling. "Um how-how was your day?" "Well it wasn't half as eventful as yours but it was pretty good. Except for a couple of things that are becoming annoying. Have you been online at all in the last couple of days?" He asked nervously awaiting.


"Yeah here and there. I know I like to read but I don't live under a rock Xav. Is this your way of asking if I have come across the wonderful articles of 'the famous man in town being the most eligible bachelor is finally in the dating pool'?" She used her sarcastic voice with her air quotes taking finish off her burger. "Yeah guess it was. I want you to know I shut that crap down. I don't even know how they found that damn quick." Ari cut him off. "Xavier don't. Don't do that. Don't sit here feeling bad trying to make me feel better about being a part of town gossip." She held her hand up to stop him.


Looking at each other he was nervous. "Xavier I am ok. It's not like we both didn't know you being out in public on a date wasn't going to hit big. I mean you never go out with anybody Xavier it's a big deal. You know town wise. I knew what I was getting into or walking into by accepting to go out with you Xavier. I decided to not let it bother me. Besides we both know how full of crap those stories are. The bigger the scandal the bigger the lie. Besides if anyone ever paid attention to those pictures they would be able to tell which ones were real and which ones were fake. Which guys actually liked the chick or not. It's all just fake song and dance. It doesn't bother me. As long as we can still just be us at the end of the day. Knowing what's real, I'm ok." She told him full of confidence.


That was not what he was expecting at all. "Thank you for being open and understanding. I will do everything I can to keep it as much off everything as I can. Just let me know if anything becomes a problem." "I will I promise. Now let's get to work." Xavier whined a little bit before they got up and went to his home gym. After a good hour of working him over. Xavier at least has learned to keep up and no longer is covered in sweat during his sessions. "You know it just boggles my brain how quickly you have healed. Honestly. Xavier I think you may only need maybe few more sessions left. Then you should be able to keep your own work out methods on your own." Ari told him with a smile.


Realizing he only had a couple more times he would have guarantee time with her. "Well I hope that won't keep you from still coming to have dinner with me every now and then. Maybe you can still my work out partner." "I don't really know if I want to make Jace, Ryder and Nix jealous. I know how important the bro-mance is." She teased him again. "I can still take you out Friday right?" He asked pulling her to him as they were now outside next to her car. Wrapping his around her waist resting on his own wrists. Wrapping her arms around his neck.


"Yes sir. I believe I can squeeze you into my busy schedule." "What else do you think you can squeeze me into." He asked with a smile making her blush hard. "I swear that wasn't to come off as perverted as that actually did. Really I just want to tease you a little to get more dates out of you I swear." Xavier was laughing hard now as she joined him. "Are you still going dress shopping with my mom Saturday?"


"That is the plan." "Do you want to skip next Saturday session with the event and everything?" "Well it depends next Wednesday if your checkup I give you goes the way I think it will then I don't think we are going to have any more therapy sessions." "As good news as that really is. I have to admit I'm disappointed." "Well you shouldn't be. I mean just think of all the things we can do now on our special days without having to work?" Xavier smile made her blush. "That came out a very different way then I meant to." As they both laughed. Looking down into her eyes sweetly.


Pushing his lips to hers sweetly and passionately as she met him in both need and speed. After finally pulling apart resting his head on hers with a low growl. "I don't want you to leave. I'm scared what I'll do if you stay." "Yeah I am too. I'll see you Friday and text you when I get home." "Can I take you to dinner Sunday it's going to rain a lot maybe we can just you know stay in and binge watch T.V. on some comfort food?" "That sounds great I'll call you after my session with a client." "OK just be careful, with the rain." He told her as she just smiled as he shut her door.



 Friday morning came along as she was talking to Dylan in the café about what he loved about the book she picked as he slid her the book she needs to read next. "Ari?" "Hey Vince." She told him as Vince was trying to hide his shock at the man in front of him. He was a witness on his case. Looking up Dylan smiled widened. "Hello Mr. Hernandez." Dylan left his hand out to shake he had nothing against Vince. "Hello Mr. Wells, it's nice to see under better circumstance." "Yes. It is." "Arabella how are you?" Vince asked.


 "I am great. I didn't know you know Dylan?" "Yeah it's kind of a work cue thing." "Oh sorry." "How did you guys meet?" "Here actually we have a little book club thing here." Vince looked down at the table and saw four books on it. "I have to get going but you text me when you done. We will continue this in a couple days." Dylan told her with a hug. "Good to man." Dylan told him as he left. "Small world. I guess though I should of expected to see him around you though I mean after all you are friends with his bosses too." Vincent said with a smile.


 "Wait Dylan works for Xavier?" "Well yeah. I mean don't you know what he does for a living?" "Well I knew he was in the same line as Phoenix I just didn't know which company he went to. It kind of makes sense though. I mean hell Xavier owns a lot of companies in town. Hell just everywhere." Ari said waving off as they both nodded. "Weird how it never came up though, eh it's a topic for next book club day." She waved off again. "Hey, how about we have dinner tonight?" Vince asked her as he got his drink. "Can't, thanks for the invite though." "Really what you got going on?" He asked smiling to her. "Got a date. I am running late. I will catch you later though." She smiled getting ready to leave.


 "Vince there you are." Eric said coming sitting down with him. "OK are you ready to talk about somethings before we have to go to court soon?" Vince asked he did not like Eric and it took everything in him to push it aside. "Just a second, I got to hit the head. Also cancel the appointment with my therapist it's supposed to rain this Sunday and I'm not sure she is aware yet." Eric said as he was moving on his phone.


"Arabella?" "Yeah that's her." "Hey, it's cool man I'll let her know." Vince said as he waved it off. "Yeah I forgot you two were close. Thanks man. I'll be right back. Leaving his phone on the table. Grabbing it and looking at the last text Ari and him had. Picking it up and reading he just put it back down and went back to his questions taking mental notes. When Eric came back with a smirk. Looking up to Vince. "Let's begin."