Chapter 16: Stuck In The Cave Of Wonders

"How about this one?" Chloe asked holding a deep luscious red sweetheart dress that hugged her just right and had a slit up to her. "Yes dear. Ohhh I like the way this hangs. Try it on." Ellie Told her with a smile. "You look just glowing Ellie." Ari told her with a smile looking around a rack in the mall behind her. "Well I have got to tell you I am having a blast. I never get to do this. I always wished we had a daughter after Xavier but it just wasn't in the cards I guess. In the end though he was more than enough. I found a lot of comfort knowing he would date and maybe than I would get my missing bond off whoever he brought home. I am pleased to say I am not disappointed." She winked to Arabella helping look on the other side.


"I enjoy going with my friends however lately they have been trying to bring some of their daughters and shove them on me to shove on Xavier. Shut that door real quick. HEY! I know maybe you can bring your mom next time. I think I know her a little though from some events. Oh that woman always makes me laugh she has such a great outlook on life. She is easy to be around. I was around her for a few hours randomly felt like I knew her my whole life. She attends some of the Galas I told you about. Only when the cause is good enough though. Or if she just wants to piss someone off with her appearance I tell you that Gabrielle is after my own heart." Ellie told her laughing happily.


"I didn't know you knew my mama so well." Ari told her surprised. "Oh you know it's a big city but not big enough. I never met your father. But your mother I adore. I know my Dante would just love them." She said holding a back halter top with very little puff down to her past her knees with a little slit. To help spin the dress as she turns. "Oh this is it honey go try it on. It's elegant, sexy and a timeless classic nothing will top this with your natural beauty." Ellie told her shoving her to the dressing rooms. "NOW SEE! Chloe you are a knock out. Phoenix won't know what to do with himself." Ellie told her making her turn red. "You really got such an eye. It's perfect." Chloe said feeling giddy and pretty.


"Are you two sure you don't want me to get something made for you. Although these dresses are perfect we could have gone somewhere not the mall." Ellie told them with a laugh Grabbing a dark silver almost dark grey dress for herself. "Well I don't have that kind of budget. Mrs. Ellie." Chloe told her as she changed back. "I try to save everything I get I know my job has a decent salary but I am not going to be young forever and life happens fast and when it does it happens all at once. You know what they say when it rains it pours." Arabella told her as she came out with a little spin and a smile. Love feeling a teenager choosing a dress for prom. "See I told you that's your dress." Ellie told her proudly.


"Well I would never argue with the expert. I'm going to change back." Ari told her happily. "You should watch out in a dress like that. My son won't know what to do with his hands." Ellie told her in a sing song teasing voice. "You and my mother are birds of a feather Ellie that is for sure." Ari said shaking her head as she came back out ready to go. "Is your mother coming next Saturday?" Chloe asked Ari. "You know what. I think she is. I think she is dragging my dad too." Ari said as she paid for their things. "That's perfect I would love to see them." Ellie said happily as they all parted ways for their last minute errands. Looking down she saw a text from Xavier.


'I know you are busy this afternoon but I was wondering if we are really done with the therapy sessions?' 'I am actually done and free of errands now. I have done some reflection on your case and it truly baffles me how quickly you healed. I looked at your scans and you are perfect however if you feel you would like one last session you are entitled to one. You must choose either today or Wednesday that is your written sign off on the contract.' She responded back to him. 'I'll take it right now. Thank you for everything Dr. Alderman. I truly appreciate it.' Smiling down she got in her car and made her way to his house. 


She noticed his trash can was full. "What's going on?" She asked with a smirk trying to hold back a laugh from the flowers, cards, gifts, candy, fruit baskets and other random crap she knew woman have been sending him. "Don't you even start it's not funny. You should see the dumpster at work. How can you just think this is funny. Normally women would be upset if they saw how thirsty ass females be acting trying to get their man. Yet here you come to laugh at my pain." Xavier said holding his chest feigning hurt. "Well lucky for them you're not my man. We are still dating Xav. Still plenty of time to change your mind and trade on up." She teased running her finger cross his chest walking in the house.


"You seriously ok with all that? It's a damn nightmare you don't even feel a little bad for me and my hardship?" He asked her following her to the gym area. "What hardship. Oh no a rich handsome bachelor has to pick from a mountain of gorgeous woman from other rich families. Or do you want pity like this. Oh no a rich famous handsome bachelor is drowning in thirsty gold digging thot bunnies." She teased him again. "I don't know what reaction you want from me Xav. Do you want me to be jealous is that it?" She asked crossing her arms.


 "NO! No I do not." "Good because the day you try to make me jealous is the day this ends. There is never any need for those stupid games. I guess I don't have more feelings towards this because well you told me to trust you and you never given me any reason not to so I trust you. I trust in you that this thing between may go somewhere and I know you well enough by now to know you won't waver when we put a label on it." She shrugged getting some weights set up for him to press with his leg.


"When?" He has a huge smile on his face. "Well I thought that's where this might all be going. Was I mislead? If I am wrong please correct me now so I don't waste any more of our time or feelings here Xav." She told him using hand gestures to make her point. "No-no-no. I am on the same page. I feel that exact way. In time everything will come to where it should be. I have faith in that. I guess you can say it's just a feeling I feel to my bones." He said coming up to try to hug her as she pushed him off. "Now, now Mr. Holden we are on the clock. So let's get started." She told him with a smile guiding him down to the machine. After a good long hour he had called in pizza and they ate happily together. Taking his leg and looking it over. Feeling it around one last time. Going through his shoulder and some small little test.


"Alright Mr. Holden it is official you are cleared and checked off my services. Please check in with Preston should you come across any problems. I am requesting he do at least three brain scans and neuro checkups within a year time frame a few months in between just to be safe. I've never seen someone heal this quickly who didn't have something else going on. I just want to sure everything is good. Now the only thing left of that night is me and some scars." She told him with a side smile. "When I think about that night all my heart holds on to is just how great a day I had with you." "It was fun times." She told him smiling. "I think I will do my best to do that as well." She smiled to him. "I have to go I have a client to see tomorrow." "Tomorrow. It's going to rain. Are you sure you shouldn't push it back." Xavier asked her.


"No I think we should be done before all that." Kissing his cheek before she left. Something not settling right with him on that he just let it go. She is grown and knows what she is doing have some faith man. She been doing this shit for years. You aint no damn doctor. Aint the degree you got man. Breath and let it go.'  He told himself shaking his head making the best of it. Looking through his pantry he realized he needed to go shopping before she came for dinner. He was good with recipes but there was only so far some fruit, baking soda, very few veggies was going to get him. Sending out his texts he quickly went to sleep and let his day end on the happy note.



Meanwhile, across town. She had checked her messages. A while ago she received a text saying Eric cancelled his appointment but yesterday he sent a text from an email saying he just wanted to meet earlier as to beat the rain and the mud. Then she got a text saying she should meet him on another part of the trail and mountain so they would come in the middle of what they normally do since they could just have a shorter session today. Ari was getting greatly annoyed and as soon as she got to where she was supposed to meet him all she wanted to do was cancel him out for the day and quit but she was already here and it took great effort to do so. This is for the patient. You have an oath and job to do you can do this without losing your shit. Come on Ari dig deep. Down. Deep down. Waaayyy Down for the will not to beat his ass.!


As she was now finding calmness in her thoughts she got a text saying he got pulled away for business trip and is now on his way to the airport. She looked down at her phone in disbelief. Looking up and around and then back down clicking her phone screen lock on, while putting it away safely. Nodding her head with a little shaking and her hands on her hips than quickly lifted them up in rage close to her sides and screamed in frustration. "OH MY GOD! That felt so good." She said happily out loud. Feeling pounds lighter. Laughing a bit. Than turning around to see a frightened and shocked Vincent in his jogging gear with one ear piece out of his ear.


"You good there Ari?" He asked a little nervous to know the answer. "I'm good. SO MUCH BETTER NOW!" She screamed again to the mountain while laughing afterwards. "Should I just keep going like you're not having a mental break down or through right now? Wait? Why are you even here?" He was confused. "Why am I here. You know that is an amazing question because I honestly DON'T FUCKING KNOW! Apparently my client likes to make me crazy. I can't stand HIM!" She roared out running her hands down her face. "YOU KNOW WHAT THE WORSE PART IS?! HUH DO YOU?!" "No. But I think I'm about to learn today." Vincent said in a calming voice. "DAMN STRAIGHT YOU ARE! The worst part is he was done with therapy two weeks ago he just wanted two last sessions 'just to be sure.'" She told him using air quotes.


"Wait. Do you mean Eric? Eric told me days ago he wasn't coming. He made me text you from his phone saying he cancelled for you today because the rain and business and all. Why did he call you back knowing he wouldn't be here?" Vincent asked getting frustrated for her. "Why are you here?" "I like this trail. I've been coming around this time most Sundays. Probably why we don't cross pass looks like we just miss each other. Also you know rain will be here soon. Weather man said by late afternoon yesterday he said afternoon this morning I'm chancing it." Vincent laughed scratched the back of his head hand on his hip. "We should probably get going it looks like it's really going to come down soon." She said as they both looked up and saw the dark clouds.


"Trust me you do not want to be on this mountain when it rains. It's like mudslide manor." She told him as they both started to jog a little faster now. Going down the hill. Knowing they were still about a good fifteen minutes back to the car trail. "Vince look out." She said pushing him away from a sliding rock the size of her arm. Sliding as she did as the rain was pouring so hard they could hardly hear each other now. The ground gave way a bit and she fell holding onto some roots before looking down to see a steep drop. "Ari hold on." "Stay back the ground is too loose. There is a platform just feet away." "It's too far down." Vincent said to her grabbing her hand and pulling her up half way while the rocks above were now coming more down.


After almost losing grip twice he managed to get her up as they starting jogging again as soon as they turn down a corner to almost reaching safety a rock came and push them both of the trail down the hill. Both tumbling down Vince Slamming into a tree while Ari slammed her leg into a boulder. "Ari you good?" "Yeah we're still on the hill. We got to get out of the line of fire. It'll get worse sitting here." She told him. "Alright look there is a little cave thing over come on we'll duck out in there for a bit." He said trying to help her up. "I'm really ok." Standing and taking about ten steps before tripping in a hole and falling down. "You are just Murphys law today my friend. Come on." He said laughing a bit. Once they got in there. They felt the rumble and the shaking then saw as what looked like their only way out get covered through the mudslide.


Look at each other with whatever strings of almost light coming through from God knows where. "OK. Don't panic or get alarmed let me just turn the flashlight on here and we can make sure that we're not alone in here." She told him making his mouth dropped. "Well I was fine before that realization." He scoffed to her sarcastically. After looking around a bit they realized they were alone with no way out that they could manage between them. "Alright I got the rangers number I'll call them." Vincent said as he prepared to climb to the top. "Wait take this." She said handing him her phone as he looked confused. "If you can get signal leave my phone in the spot with the power bank so they can use my location it should by us a few hours." "Damn your smart." He mumbled as he got to the top. He managed to make the call and got them to track her number but then he slipped and his phone dropped the call.


Getting back down safely he noticed Ari had cuts, bruises and she was bleeding. She tore parts of her shirt to use as bandages as she still had a hoodie to keep her warm. He watched her struggling a bit trying to get her bruised hand to move in a way it wasn't. "Give me that. Hold still. I got you." "Wait. I don't know how much I tore off the sleeves and belly. You may see things." "What things could have possibly change on you in the last year Ari. It's not even that bad. I think you forgot there isn't anything on you I haven't already seen. Fuck I used to lick syrup off you." He laughed to her cleaning and wrapping her up.


"I know but like it's different now." She told him as she got her hoodie on. "What's different you start bleeding in other colors." He laughed even harder before she could start and he put his hands up. "Alright. I know. I'm sorry. Just it's not a big deal. Calm down I'm sorry. I'll quit teasing. It's just you know it's fine. You just need some help I'm not taking advantage of you." He told her playfully. "Thank you. Really thank you for helping me." She told him sitting beside him. "You helped me first. Hell if you didn't take that first rock for me who knows where we would be. Maybe this is the safest place for the moment." He told her letting her rest her head on his should as their battered body finally calming down.


"Vincent." She asked. "Arabella." He mimicked. "What do you want to be when you grow up?" He started laughing. "Well gee it's just so far away. It's hard to tell." He teased her. "No seriously." She chuckled out. "Is this what you wanted. I mean is this your plan. Like what do you want to be? What do you want down this road." Nodding his head to her. "I actually put so much thought into that. And then rethought it out and rethought it out. Especially after you left. It took me months. I started to see the picture I wanted getting altered in ways I didn't like so I made changes." He said putting an arm around her to try to keep her warm and comfortable.


"I wanted better things from my job so I changed it. I didn't like where I was living anymore so I moved. I missed my friends and wanted to start hanging around less toxic people and I have." He said smiling to her as she smiled back. "I guess I just wanted to be a better person making better choices. Having a more open mind. So the next time when the most perfect woman walks in my life for the second time I won't fuck it up based on a stupid belief I thought I had." Taking a deep breath when he continued.


 "I want to be more opened to life choices if they happen. Because in the end what am I leaving here." He told her. "So you're telling me you actually see yourself getting married and having kids down the road now?" She asked him stunned. "It took me losing a lot from my life to realize everything you said was right. I may not have been ready than because I was just scared. I'm not scared anymore and I never want to make the same mistakes I took with you with anyone else again. I don't think I could survive something like that twice. Hell I'm barely making it now and it's been a year." He told her.


"Vinny." She told him in a soft voice before he cut her off. "What about you Ari? What do you want to be when you grow up?" He smiled softly to her. "Wow with my size I'm not sure that day will come." She told him making them both laugh. "I know that's right." He mocked. "You know at first I wanted to become a doctor. Then I realized I like physical therapy better. Then I wanted to find love maybe get married and have kids. You see where that went to. Then I just wanted to start over with family and friends. I guess now I just want to be a good person and be happy. I've been lonely. I've been hurt. Hell I almost died now twice in a year. I think I just want to be happy." She told him looking at nothing but what was in front of her.


"Do you think there can ever be a time where you would trust me to make you happy again Ari?" He asked as he rested his head on top of hers to the side also looking at nothing but what's in front of them. "I don't know if we have it in us to go through all of that again." "It felt like a part of my soul got cut out in front of me walking in to see your things and you gone. I couldn't breathe. Hell sometimes I wake up and I don't think I still can." He told her eyes misting up he was thankful for the darkness so she couldn't see it.


 "I felt that way for a while too. It gets better though. In time." She told him. "You know if I wasn't so damn stupid we'd probably be married right now. Do you think we would have stayed in that city?" "I never wanted to stay there. I know we had some great memories but it's not a place to have a family." "I guess you're right. I like to call it the land where dreams go to die. Most families break apart there." He told her as they both chuckled.


"How are you doing though with everything?" He asked her again. "I am. I am actually starting to get in a good place in my life right now. It's taking a long time and a lot of effort. But I am finding myself slowly everyday getting there. How are you doing?" She asked him back. "Well the case was driving me nuts. My client has seriously fucked up in a lot of places so now I have to have him go through and check a shit ton of crap and may have to suspend a bunch of his projects. He's a total tool outside the case. I feel like I'm drowning cleaning up his mess. Not much I can do and honestly there isn't a whole lot I want to do but it's my job. I am DAMN GOOD AT MY JOB!" He told her proudly. "DAMN STRAIGHT!" She boasted because it was the truth. As they both laugh. "I feel like I am doing better though in ways. This. Moving here was the best decision I ever made and the fact I get to share it with good friends and people make it worth so much more. I really think I found my home here." Looking at her hard without her noticing.


"Are you having luck on the dating scene?" He asked her. "Are you?" She teased. "Look that receptionist is nuts. I don't know what the hell is wrong with her. I just wish them flowers would stop." He said shaking his head. "She's not even from your company and you met her once yet she knows everything about you." Ari was laughing so hard. "She's a stalker. You remember that movie Wedding Crashers when they were in the bathroom or something and the red head girl said you can't leave because I'd find you. That's who she reminds me of." Arabella was laughing so much as Vincent was softly laughing when he finished. "You just so damn mean. Laughing at my pain. Why is it scary when a girl gets a stalker but when a crazy chick acts like this to a man everyone makes fun of him. I am scared for my life." He played around with her.


"I am dating a great guy right now though." She said as she could see Xaviers handsome face. "It's driving Leah nuts not knowing who it is. If you play your cards right you could avoid it for a while." He joked to her. "I am not bringing him to the family until there is a label for me to properly address him as. I think that's safe. That way I could say I had a boyfriend for a while until Leah gets ahold of him. She's the one who needs a man. What a man that would take to. He'd be a fearsome or wholesome thing to behold to take down Leah." Ari said with a shiver. "She means well. She loves us all and from what I hear I think that friend of yours from your little book club is leaving quiet the impression on her." He told her in a happy voice. "No way. Dylan? That would be awesome." She said thinking about it.


"You know Liam and Preston keep trying their luck to get me to go on the blind dates. It's just a little hard sometimes it gets weird. I mean some of them are perfectly nice and we'll be having a great time and then no matter what happens I'm looking at them across from and they are perfectly pleasant, nice, smart and some are very beautiful but I'm looking at them and I can't help it because all I see is…" "ARABELLA!" They heard men screaming and rocks moving as they now were being lifted from blocking the way. "WE'RE HERE!" She yelled Vincent helped her up and quickly went to retrieve her phone getting into his pocket and safely back down.


"After a few minutes. Xavier, Phoenix, Ryder, Dylan, Jace and the rescue team came in to help them out. Preston was standing by with an ambulance to take them in just in case and quickly sat them down to assess both of them. "Well thanks to the ultrasound here. None of you have anything damaged or broken anything. You just battered real good. However Arabella I'm wrapping this leg from the knee down to the ankle you off work for a week and will take it easy you don't want to strain the sprain." He told her. "I know this Preston but thank you." Putting some band aides and wraps on them after cleaning the cuts they smiled to each other.


"How did you guys know I was in trouble?" Arabella asked the five men who stood in front of her. "My cousin is head of search and rescue he's also the head ranger Vincent called. I was near Boss man here and the guys so we just volunteered on the team. We know how this damn mountain gets this time of year or in the rain. "I'm sorry you guys." She told them looking down sadly. "It's alright. Shit happens next time you call me. I understand the situation. But I was worried and tripping balls there for a while when I haven't heard form you all day and then to get told you stuck in some damn hole in the wall and can't get out. That don't sit to well with me." He told her one hand on cupping her cheek and jaw seeing all the bruises covering her face and neck and God only knew where else.


"I don't think you understand the impact you have on me. I can't handle the thought of you getting hurt. I definitely can't handle the thought of not being able to have done anything to prevent it. The important thing is you are safe. You both are. I am sorry you went through all this and you are hurt." He said placing a kiss to her fore head rest his head softly on hers. "I think it would be best if you let Preston drive you man. You look like you been through it." Xavier told Vincent. "Aint that the truth." Vincent said scratching the back of his head. "Arabella can I do anything for you. You want Preston to drive us both back. Maybe Dylan could drive your car?" Vincent asked


"I'm going to take her back we had plans today anyway. I'll take good care of her I promise." Xavier told her as all the guys kissed her forehead and hugged her bye and they all thanked the rescue team. They all managed to get in there cars. After refusing to go to the hospital against Xaviers wishes. Preston drove to Vincent house as he would stay to help him get settled. Xavier took Arabella to his house while Nix followed in her car. "How about you stay with me. Let me help take care of you for the week just so you get the rest and help you need." Xavier asked her. "I am fine." "You are not you need to be watched for bumping your head. Concussions are no joke. Just stay two days please. As a doctor how could you ignore the signs of concussion. Vincent said he saw you bang your head a few times hard as he pulled you up. You know safety first." Xavier argued with her.


"It's not like we haven't had sleep over before. Why is it ok for you to take care of me but when I try." He started. "OK! OK. OK you win. I will stay with you for two days I just need some clothes though." She told him. "You need nothing. You can wear some of my things. You won't be going anywhere anyway until I take you home." "Fine." She mumbled. "Thank you Xavier." She said softly for him to hear and smile while she was looking out the window. "Are you really ok? That had to be scary hanging off a hill like that." He said sadly. "It took some years off my life. But hey we're all on borrowed time any right. Besides Vincent got me out. So at least I wasn't alone he had my back." She shrugged.


"Yeah that's true. Who knew he ran that way too. I'm glad you didn't have to go through that alone. Promise from now on. On rainy days you avoid that fucking mountain you dodge that damn hill. No matter what." "That's something we can both agree on." Helping her walk up the steps to the door as he was unlocking it she couldn't hold back the thought. "It's kind of odd how Dylan just happened to be next to you with his cousin when he got that call." She told him feeling something off. "Small world I guess. You know we all run in similar circles. Let's go get you settled babe." He told her helping her through the house.


What really happened hours ago. Xavier was shopping around the store grabbing everything he needed for later tonight with Arabella. Hoping to make some more bigger steps with her. Getting closer with her. He kept getting something in his gut turning and twisting. When he got to the parking lot he got a call from Dylan asking him where he was. After telling him about the phone call his cousin received down at the ranger station he called Dylan who phone treed the rest of the guys. Xavier never felt so much fear in his belly. "You didn't see this at all man?" Nix asked him as they walked up the hill to start working on getting him out.


"Look man in the dream I had Eric had a masquerade mask on he went walking to a T shape hallway he threw his mask one way and went the other with smirk. I followed the way he went I saw a lot of things happening and none of them were this. I did however see that he has to suspend most of his projects as he is getting in trouble for them in court. So I'm doing my best to stay on top of that right now. You know because of the bigger picture I didn't see this coming at all. But I guess the dream was showing me how two face he could be as he got me looking one way while holding an Ace the other." Xavier told him getting mad. Just wait til I go to sleep and see that damn guy. He going to answer some damn questions now. "ARABELLA!" "WE'RE HERE!"



 In the car ride Vincent was staring at the window lost in thoughts. "Are you really ok?" Preston asked him. "I'm seriously ok. I just feel bad Ari got hurt so much because of me." He sighed heavily. "Yeah I do too but you know that's our Ari. She'll never change." Preston said shaking his head. "I hope not." Vincent said making them both small smile. "Thank you for taking me home bro."


"Hey anytime you'd do the same for me man. You sure you alright you look like you' re so deep in thought. You want to talk about it might help?" Preston encouraged him knowing they could have a so much worse outcome on that hill. "Naw man I'm good. It's all alright I just thinking to myself that's all." "Thinking so hard about what?" Still looking out the window Vincent told Preston. "I feel like I got a lot of answers on that mountain. I just realized I really need to up my game plan that's all."