"SERIOUSLY XAV! I. AM. FINE." Ari said for the tenth time It's been a week now and the event was tomorrow. She wanted to go home and have enough time to get settled. "Alright fine I believe you. I just wanted to be sure." "You told me to only stay with you for two days that was six days ago. As nice as this has been. I need to go home. I need to get into my own clothes. I need a different bra Xav. Let alone different underwear I don't have to keep rewashing the same pair. It's time Xavier. I could have solved this problem if you would have let me go home or let Chloe bring me a bag from my house." She told him gathering what little she had brought. "You sure?" He teased her. "I thank you for all you have done and I will see you tomorrow. Call your mama." She said walking out to her car before he could follow her out she stopped him with a warning with her finger. "See you tomorrow." He waved, smiled and nodded.
The drive to her house was quick and easy. Taking an uber. Finally showering in her own shower changing into her own clothes. She fell on her couch and started to let the week set in. Not only did she have to talk to her own parents every day since the mountain thing but also the video chats from Xaviers. It was actually kind of nice seeing how many people showed love and care. She noticed the flowers and other things delivered to her door waiting for her when she got here. Some from friends and some from Vincent. Co-workers sending their thoughts. Her heart swelled as she sent everyone thank you texts and put her phone down before her shower.
Looking around she finally heard it. It was strange now. It didn't set the same now as she was listening to it. The loud sound of silence all around her. The sound of actually being alone. Normally she never felt alone when she was alone but now as she was drowning in the silence she noticed just how loud it actually was. Her heart started to flutter. Looking at Brently's picture smiling at the camera as he hung on to her closely. "How did it get like this so quickly Brent? Do you think maybe I'm going crazy? You are the only one between the two of us that probably ever thought I get this far. Maybe not with this type of partner but still." She said putting down the frame.
Hearing her phone go off she looked down. Smiling to herself. 'What are you doing?' 'Did you get settled in ok?' 'Do you need any help?' 'Did you eat?' 'It's so quiet here now. It sucks. I miss you.' Smiling to herself. Looking after the text after text. 'I got to say Mr. Holden never took you for the clingy type. Lol j/k. I thought for sure you would be catching up on all that work you missed out on while caring for me. I would like to take you out and treat you to a nice date to thank you for all you have done. Really Xavier thank you.' Thinking about it she decided to send another text. 'You're right though the silence is a little deafening. I never knew silence could be so loud.'
It didn't take long for her to get a response back. 'It feels a bit sad to me. I never noticed how sad it was around here. By myself. All alone. I've always been perfectly fine on my own. I was never lonely being alone. You spoiled me with your presence now see this. I blame you. You got me used to you being around.' Shaking her head looking at the phone laying in her bed. 'So you blaming me now? What exactly did I do?' While stretching out to get comfortable. 'You made me catch feelings. Now I can't stand being alone. I think of you more then I should admit. I can be working and randomly wonder what you're doing if you eaten yet?'
Aria was staring at her phone lost in the words she was reading just re-reading them when the phone started ringing. "Hello." "Did I scare you?" Xavier asked her in a soft voice. "You stopped responding. Was I. Was that too much?" "No. No it was fine. I'm sorry. I wasn't avoiding you or anything. I was just taking what you said in. No one ever said anything like that to me before." She told him in a shaky voice. "You was living with someone for three years and never had anyone tell you something like that before. Well damn baby girl I apologize on the men species for being dumb as hell. But I mean what I said. I love having you around me and my home. I hate the emptiness you leave behind though. It's practically paralyzing." She could feel the loneliness in his tone almost as if he could hers.
"Do you think it's weird how fast this kind of went?" "We've been at this for a couple months." "Honestly I wish it could have went a little faster. To me everything has been going fine. Do you think it's going to fast?" He asked her in a playful curious tone to try to hide the nervousness he felt. "Well… I don't know. I should think that. But I guess I don't if you put it that way. I guess I am just thinking about how far I've come this past year. All the new things. Maybe it's all finally catching up to me." "Do you want to slow things down or take a step back. The last thing I want you to feel is that I am rushing you. I don't want you to feel awkward or uncomfortable in any type of way." She cut him off. "I didn't mean anything like that Xav. I was just thinking out loud and wondering your thoughts. It's really just small talk I guess." Taking a deep breath of relief.
"OK then." He said in a tone that made her feel relaxed. "Did you eat?" "I did. I went for door dash. I was lazy. How about you?" "Jace brought me food. He needed me to sign some things. He is always trying some new places and brings me the most random things. It wasn't too bad tonight at least. It was Mexican food spicy as hell but pretty good. I might regret it late in the late when heart burn probably kicks in though." He said chuckling making her smile as well. "Yeah forgot you're old and all." "Oh damn she still got jokes. You aint too far behind me you know." "I know. I know." Hey, that reminds me your birthday is right around the corner. Anything special you would like to do? Any big plans?"
"Wow. Forgot all about that you know what I am going to have to think about that and get back to you. There is nothing I really want other than to have a stress free day. With some good food. That's it that's all I need. Maybe some good food, good friends always equals a good times." "That sounds like good plan. Let me know when you get things ironed out. I will let you get to sleep. I plan to make good use of that dance floor with you." "Well I will do my best to not embarrass you." "There's nothing you could do that could embarrass me. Clearly you never met Ryder and Jace at a party." Making her laugh so hard she snorted, which made them both laugh harder.
"Ari, you know there will be paparazzi at this party. They will take pictures, ask questions and write stories. I know you said you would be my date. But I want you to be fully aware of just what that means. I mean a lot of tongues are going to wag are you ok with that? There might be some stories in the media I swear I will deal with anything like that. I won't let no one speak bad about you. Are prepared to handle things like that?" "Well I know we are not official yet. But I knew things like this would happen when I agreed to start dating you. I have been preparing myself mentally for this for a while. I'm ok with it. I say that now you know until it happens then I guess we will really see."
"Look Xavier I already knew all this heading in with you. If I wasn't ok with all the possibilities good or bad I wouldn't be doing any of this with you. I know what I'm getting in to going there with you. But I mean if this is something we both want then this is something we know might happen. Only question we both got to ask ourselves is, is this person worth all of this to me?" "You're worth everything in my eyes Ari." "You didn't even hesitate." She giggled to him. "Don't need to." He was quick with all his responses tonight. "Well I think you are worth it to Xavier. This is something I would like to venture on. I would like to see where this goes. Just please don't me make regret it." "I swear I won't. Well I just wanted to make sure you were ok with everything about tomorrow."
"I'm good I promise. Goodnight Xavier." "Goodnight Ari." Putting her phone on the charger on the stand next to her bed. Smiling to herself as she drifted off to sleep. It was barely light outside when she woke up in a sweat catching her breath. Pushing her hair back out of her face. She was looking around the room. Finally relaxing she couldn't help but be confused. 'Why did I dream about being in the cave with Vinny? What was all that about?' Getting up not being able to sleep anymore she decided to clean up a bit. Chloe came and got dressed with her. When the knocking came on the door.
"WOW!" Phoenix eye not leaving Chloe. "You both look stunning. I love the curls in your hair when its half up half down." Xavier said with his hand cupping under her jaw. "Well you guys clean up well. Looking all spiffy." Aria teased them making them all laugh at them. "Spiffy. Well I never." Nix told her tossing his imaginary hair. "Cars are down stairs you ready?" "Yes. Just gotta grab my phone. Placing her Key, ID and bank card in the phone case and hiding the phone in her boobs of the dress making Xavier laugh softly shaking his head. "Something wrong bro?" Nix asked him as they made their way to the car. "Never thought I'd be this jealous of a phone man." He whispered to him. "Same man. Same." Nix whispered back after watching Chloe do the same.
"I got to say you are so calm." She told him after they were about to pull up to the center. Nix and Chloe were in the car ahead of them. "Well you know I have been to like hundreds of these things baby. I think I'm good. I'm not worried about reporters." "I never thought you would be worried of them. It's just this is the first time where not only will you be aware of my parents being at this function but also meeting them under the pretense of trying to court me. Oh look here we are." She said leaving him speechless with his mouth hanging out. "Crap! HOW THE HELL DID I FORGET THAT? WHAT IF THEY DON"T LIKE ME. What if they disapprove. What if they think this relationship with me and my status is too much trouble?"
"SIR!" The man called to him one more time getting him out of his screaming thoughts and back to reality. "Oh. Yeah. Thanks." Quickly he got out and wrapped his arm around Aria with a smile down to her like she was the only thing he could see in this world. "I didn't get into your head did I?" She asked smiling to all the cameras. "No. honey you didn't. Here this way. You don't have to comment to these people. He said pushing through people who were trying to get on the carpet of the entrance. Ignoring all the ones yelling asking about Aria and the Tilman case.
The females in the place were looking at her with daggers in their eyes. The men were looking at Xavier with jealousy and for once he knew it wasn't about this position it was the more of the woman who was on his name. "Oh there they are. How are you sweetheart?" Ellie said smiling ear to ear hands out for a hug going straight to Aria Dante following suit being around a small group of friends they were speaking to. "I'm here to mom." "Yes dear I see you. I'm happy to see you two here. Are you hungry dear. We can go tackle the buffet bar together. All these other things here always afraid to pudge out in their dresses or afraid the carbs will bite. But the real women like us know better now don't we?" Ellie said as the small group of women laughed and agreed with her. "I know that's right." "Oh I'm sorry dear. These are some old friends of mine."
"Let me introduce you to Camilla Johnson, Helen Garter and Cillian Parker. Girls this is Xaviers girlfriend Arabella Alderman." "Oh well actu-" Aria got cut off. "Really. Alderman you mean this is Gabby's lovely daughter. Oh honey your pictures don't do your justice." Helen said coming up to hug her. "You are a beauty for sure. My poor daughter will be so heartbroken Xavier finally got off the market. You must be truly something to catch the eye of such a man." Camilla said shaking her hand in a certain fake friendly tone. "Are you sure? You know dear if you change your mind. I got a son running around only about two years older than you." Cillian teased in a serious way. They already knew all about her. Most the women did once they heard a new comer was coming of a veteran mother like Gabrielle Alderman.
"Back off you vulture. Son excuse us we are going to grab us a drink and snack and I will return her right back to you." Ellie told him before he could say anything she was already gone as a man with a drink tray came and offered him one as his dad and him took a glass. "Don't mind the evil glares my dear. You are in the lion's den now. Don't let these little cubs get under your skin. They all will try as well. They are most likely mad because Xavier never once glanced their way and he comes in with a beautiful, accomplished woman on is arm. You have a few things they never got and that intimidates them." Aria scoffed as she whispered back to Ellie whose arm was wrapped with hers. "What could I have that could ever be intimidating?"
"You have the eye and attention of Xavier Holden and his parents full approval." She said proudly. "Here we are ladies." Aria was left in small shock before she grabbed a small slice of cake and then a soda. After a little bit of small talk with a bunch of other people who came up and tried to approach her. Xavier came up letting his jealously get ahold of him as the men were talking around him about trying to approach Aria. "There you are." He told her happily wrapping his hand around her waist. "Oh sorry. I was just meeting all your mothers friends." She said with a look begging for help. "Well who do we have here Ari?" A man's voice came from behind in a questionable tone. Turning around they were both surprised at the older man and women looking stunning.
"Daddy. Hi mom. Xavier this is my parents Gabrielle and Callen Aldermen." "Please hun call me Gabby and him Cal. Ellie it's so good to see you to." Gabby said hugging Xavier making him feel welcomed as she hugged Dante and Ellie to. "Dante." Callen said as he shook Xaviers hand first. Turning to shake Xaviers hand. "Xavier is that right? Under what pretense are you shaking my hand?" Callen asked him shaking his hand making him feel nervous. "Um. Well I am dating your daughter. Hoping to be official soon sir." "Oh you the one from the crash aint you son. Glad you moving around fine now." He told him and meant it.
"Thank you sir." "Don't sir me boy call me Cal or Callen." "Alright thank you Cal." After about twenty minutes of her parents asking questions getting to know him a bit better. They all finally decided to make their way to the dance floor where Aria noticed and got to dance with Ryder, Jace and Nix as well. Many came up and tried to dance with Xavier and Aria but he refused for both of them making her laugh. He kept her close all night long and it didn't go unnoticed with the reporters who made it inside the event. Rumor was all over the place of her. Coming from a good small family. Being a doctor. The rumor mill was going in a more positive way then most would have thought. Xavier over heard a lot of things Aria either didn't hear any of it or was good at faking it.
"Xavier there you are. Where have you been hiding? Where is my dance? You usually do one with me every year." The woman pouted. "Oh Kayla hi. Aria this Kayla Johnson she is Camilla's daughter you met earlier with my mom. Kayla this is my woman Aria Alderman. I'll take a hard pass on the dance though. I always danced with her because our mothers made me. I normally go to these events stag since I was single for so long. Now luckily I don't have to worry about all that." He said kissing Arias cheek. Making Kayla go red. "You would really break a small tradition just because it makes your date insecure?" Kayla asked in an offended tone.
"Aria is perfectly secure. It's me who is the one with the issue. I don't think it's appropriate to dance with anyone who is not close to you or not your date. However there are plenty of single men out here looking for a partner and looking hard your way. I hope you find a more willing partner and enjoy the rest of your evening. I think it's time for us to go." "Do you really think your mother would approve of… this?" Kayla asked grabbing his arm to stop him as she all but hissed out to him looking evilly at Aria. "My mother was the one who went dress shopping with her for me to bring her tonight. Now please mind your manners and dignity and back up." Xavier said tossing her hand back and walking off with Aria who all but giggled out the door.
"You sure are a popular man. Woman at your beck and call from all over." "Don't you go putting that evil on me." He said helping her into the car. "Well that was more fun than I thought." She said as he walked her towards her door. "Yeah I think your parents liked me." He said proudly. "I think you got a little way to go. At least they invited you to dinner after we become a couple." The words hit his ears with a smile. "After? Is that a yes already?" He asked her pushing her up against her wall after she unlocked the door and lead them both into her home.
His eyes looking at her like he would take her whole against the wall. "I meant if." "No baby I think you mean when." He told her cupping the back of her head and one arm wrapped behind her back as he now pressed his smashed his lips against hers. It was too easy for her to get lost in the moment returning the passionate kiss meeting up with his speed. Finally breaking for air. "I think I need to go before I can't pull myself away. Thank you for tonight." "Yeah. Thank you it was fun." "You changed your pictures around he noticed and as he was walking out the door a frame of a man smiling to the camera with his arm around her as they smiled huge for the camera.
Xavier could feel his heart stop and then he could feel it pounding its way into his throat and then into his ears. He felt his world start to spin a little. "Baby." "Yeah?" She asked coming up behind him to lock the door as soon as he leaves. "Who is this with you in this picture. He uh. He looks familiar." "Oh him. That's Brently. My friend I went to spread in the town we met. He's my best male friend. Or just best friend period. I miss him. Do you know him?" "In a way I guess." "I think of him as my guardian angel now. He is a nurse therapist as well. Seems like he still stepping in to save those he can sometimes." "You have no idea." Xavier whispered under his breath as he made his way out the door and got home.
Walking in the door he found Laim, Ryder, Nix, Jace and Preston waiting for him inside his home. Going over some things they were working on last time. As well as what happened on the mountain. They all looked around to each other as Xavier looked like he was a walking zombie lost in his own house. "What is with you man you ok?" Preston asked him. "It's Brently. This whole time it's been Brently." He said softly but loud enough for them to hear. "What's been Brently? Jace asked in confusion.
"The dude who is always in my dreams the only one who sticks out and helps gives me information. It's been Brently this whole time. I finally saw a picture of him on Arias table next to the door it's the same guy. This whole time he's still watching over her. Not only that. He led me straight to her. He is still protecting her and hundreds of others. It's been him this whole time." Xaiver snapped explaining the best he could. "Our Brently? Has been the one reaching out to you in your dreams?" Liam asked tears filling his eyes. "Why you?" Liam added on. "I don't know. But you bet your ass I'm going to find out."