Xavier woke up from a nice dreamless sleep. It did nothing but pist him off. He had so many questions he guessed he wasn't getting answered yet. Ryder, Jace, Dylan and Nix came into his home. Looking kind of serious. Holding some articles and a tablet. "What's with the sour faces?" Looking down to see a bunch of pictures with more articles of the media asking questions on how the Arabella Aldermen trapped or got her claws into a man like Xavier Holden. Some articles were supportive. Some were wondering what tricks she used to seduce him. Making him angry.
"Well now for the Brightside most of them are supportive. I'm sure if you just do a couple of interviews this will all get cleared up." Dylan told him with his hands up in surrender. "I already got an interview with a famous talk show host. I brought the articles that only spoke negatively about you guys to make sure you put them back in their place." Nix told him in tone that made him believe he was more than offended for everyone instead of Xavier. That was Phoenix though he was the one brother close to him who would always ride the emotions for or with you. Xavier looked around and gave a small smile he was proud of the love he had with his friends.
"I need to speak with Ari first. Make sure she is alright with all this." He held the phone in his hand staring at the send button his stuck over it. "Too scared to call. Still a little worked up over last night?" Ryder asked looking at his face for answers. "I just. I think I might have been a little weird and I don't want her to be like. You know suspicious just yet. There's so much I'm just not ready to tell her just yet. I know the longer this all goes out without telling her about everything the worse it'll be. But honestly I already told her the first day I woke up from the hospital." Putting his hands on his kitchen counter leaning down a bit with his phone in front of him.
"What if she thinks I'm a freak again or something. What if she bails because this is all too much." Nix cut him off. "First off bro she never thought you were a freak. She just had a freak out there is a difference. You just woke up and spilled some of her life story she never shared with you. A stranger she met not even three days before. She was entitled to be concerned. That didn't mean she didn't believe you. She only needed some space to digest that information. I mean hell who wouldn't. You aren't giving you guys enough credit. She may be perfectly fine with all this. I mean it's not like it's your fault this happening. I mean hell she is still around right?" The other guys murmuring in agreement.
"I was the one who got us on that plane that crashed and that's how it started." "Ya but you didn't crash the plane bro. Be easier on yourself no one could have saw that coming." Jace cut him off. "I'm starting to piece some things together now. I really do believe Brently always looking out. Most of the visions I saw impacted his friend group so much each time I got one. Mainly floating around Arabella. It feels like he is manipulating me a bit with my emotions because he knows how much seeing her in pain or like I did in those dream does to me. The hurt I feel straight through my soul. I was starting to think he was a guardian angel. Now I know he is. He's just hers. I don't know to be thankful, annoyed or mad. It's kind of like being lied to with no lies." Xavier tried to make sense of what he was saying.
"Hey, you know what in the end who really cares. He has been right about everything and helped so many people. According to his friends this is what he was doing before he even past on. The important thing is the end results, right? Everyone for the most part is safe and sound. No one got blown up. No unnecessary deaths. We are still handling some things one step at time. But isn't that the bigger picture man?" Dylan asked him looking around the room. "Yeah. Still though man. How do I tell the woman I love I see her dead best friend in my sleep. That he was the one giving me visions of all this. What if one day it stops. What if one day I can't help anymore. What if I get dragged out to try to explain everything. I'm just going to be like oh you know it's a Casper friendly ghost thing going on." Xavier asked them waving his hands up in self-mockery.
"First off the Casper thing is offensive to a man who is actually helping out. Second you have evidence of everything you are a step ahead of all that noise every time and that is what we are for to help back you up man. We will handle it all together. The only two things right now is to make sure Tilman projects stay suspended for another year or two. Then make sure we clear this up with Media." Jace said holding up the tabloids. "Yeah man and fast. Not only do we not want to piss off her parents in any type of way with people speaking bad of their kid. Vincent is still sniffing around her hot heavy from the friend group. He has been in contact off and on the whole time she was resting with you. Making sure everything is ok. Who knows what they were really talking about in that cave man." Dyaln told him.
"Where is he on the whole Tilman lawsuit?" Xavier asked looking around the room. "Well they go back to court next week just once and hopefully it will be processed as done. The only thing is his projects will all have to go through a special auditing process from the material orders, the money flow, the permits, the patents and just so many other little issues of state things. So were hoping it takes a while. If we can just get through the two years here. We should be able to avoid the main worry." Phoenix told him. "It would be so much easier to be able to go up and tell him everything but there are so many times where it's worse to do that. The man is getting desperate and he won't care and most dreams he knew every time so there really isn't a point. He's so crafty others will always go down for his actions. He's one of them people so stupid they smart." Jace answered back.
"Keep me posted on what the lawyers get on this." Taking a deep breath he went back to his phone and finally pulled the courage to make the call. After the fifth ring he found the lovely voice he was looking for. "Well if it isn't the Mr. Xavier Holden the famous eligible bachelor calling the seducing temptress with the baiting claws. What can I do for you my good sir. Aren't you afraid that you'll just get tangled more into me and hooked by slutty soul sucking tentacles ?" She asked him in a happy Mary Poppins voice but he knew how insulted she felt. After all he is the one pursing her not the other way around.
"So you read them already?" He asked in a scared voice scratching the back of his head while the other guys could hear clearly were quietly slow hissing in the room knowing this man may be in some big trouble. "I am so sorry about this Ari." "I'm going to stop you right there Xavier. I already knew this was going to happen and let's face it so did you. We both are adults and we both know what is real and what is not. Only we know what's really going on between us. OK? I'm not mad at you. My dad isn't pleased with you at the moment. But he understands that towns like this tongues will always wag no matter what. You should know me well enough by now that in order for someone's words to really bother me that person first has to matter." She told him trying her best to take some of the worry off him. Knowing deep down he felt insulted as well.
"I will clear this all up I promise you." "Xav it's fine rumors of all kinds are going to fly no matter what. I mean were only casually dating right now I know it will grow more before it dies down. It's really ok. Thank you though. For the apology, even though you did nothing wrong I don't want you to feel bad about anything." "I'm going to be busy for a few days and may not be able to text or call until late. I just wanted you to know. BUT you call me if anything pops up or happens alright? If anyone tries to bother you or harasses you." "Xavier, I appreciate the thought but I can handle anything coming my way I promise. If however it gets too much I will reach out." "Swear?" "Pinky promise." Taking a good deep breath of relief until he heard her. "I need to go though. I'm going to get ready I'm meeting the group tonight."
"Will you text me when you get settled at home tonight?" "Yeah. Hey Xav?" "Yeah?" "Are you ok? You just sound a little different." "Different. Yeah I can't explain it it's just different." "Nope everything is good. Tired. Little busy but same ol song and dance for the most part." "Promise?" "Yup. Have a good night out. Don't drink to much and remember to let me know when you settled at home tonight I got to go gorgeous bye." He rushed out little quicker to make every one stare at him. "I'm going to hell." He said as he looked down at his phone that was now on the kitchen counter. "Why because you just all out lied?" Nix asked rolling his eyes. Taking a deep breath they all went to go handle more serious things at work.
"Sooo? Anything new you want to share?" Lexi asked holding up a tabloid to her chest as Chloe looked awkwardly to Ari. Leah staring hard with her arms crossed. The guys were going to catch up later it was meant to be a good girls day. "OK. Look we are casually dating right now. He technically is no longer my client. If anything non-surgical comes out he will go to Liam. Yes I thought this though. We are not official yet but I am thinking about it. I just. I like him and I am sorry for keeping it from you guys I just didn't want to say anything until there was something official to say." Ari said in the most defeated voice that made the other three girls feel bad.
Looking up to Leah wondering what lecture she was about to get now Ari was thrown off completely by the look on all their faces. "It's ok. We understand. No one is mad at you Ari we just want to know if you're ok?" Leah told her reaching her hand on top of Arabella's. Smiling to her nodding. "Ignore all these people talking shit what the hell do those jealous twats know." Lexi added making them all laugh. "The plus side of this the results of this news is actually a lot more positive than negative." Chloe said smiling widely wiggling her eyebrows. "I am sorry though." "It's fine Ari. I am the queen of causal dating. Let me know if you have any questions rook?" Lexi said tossing her hair over her shoulder.
"I'm good thanks. Leah you don't have to worry I'm fine." She told her as she was hoping the weird look on her face would disappear. "I believe you. Just know we are here if you need us." "What's with you today?" Ari asked her as they all started to really look at her. "I. Um I understand your side of all this that's all. Just you know being a good friend seeing the bigger picture." "Bullshit!" All three girls said at once. "I talked to Calvin the other night and I felt nothing. He was doing the usual hey let's meet up to catch up. You know like we have been for years. Which I always would fall into because it was Calvin. I felt absolutely nothing and rejected him. I am finally over him." Leah said with a happy smile. The girls mouths dropped open.
"It is so fucking liberating! I can't believe it took my heart and soul this long to get here. I just woke up out of nowhere on the phone with him and realized this isn't what I want. I deserve better then than a man who always has his foot outside the door. Who is ok with us being a yo-yo to each other. Pulling each other up only when were down. I think I have been over him for a long time now. Actually it wasn't until talking about my and Calvin situation with a friend did I truly understand just how dumb and blind I have been for years. I'm sorry Ari. You were right when you said sometimes it just takes a certain person words to make you finally come out of the shell you been under. To finally knock down the wall you built up for so long thinking you were protecting yourself from letting crap in when in reality you were trapping yourself from coming out." Leah said in a rushed breath the three friends stared with water eyes looking at the always put together Leah who was wiping all the tears rolling off her cheeks and still chuckling.
"You were so right Ari and I am sorry I gave you crap then for it. Don't look at me like that I am fine and I mean it." Pointing her finger to them making them all smirk with watery eyes. "Awe Leah. Look at you talking like…human." Lexi cooed to her making them all bust out laughing. "So who's the guy?" Chloe poked as they were gathering there things now waking around the street. "Just a friend. You know I'll admit it wasn't easy to really listen to what he was saying. Hard to hear I guess you can say. Didn't make it any less true though. So from now on I'm letting go of all the things that I let weighing me down and I am going to reach out and do better to. Ari did it right I want to too." Pushing into her making her bust out laughing again.
It's weird though you know like how did we really get here. One day I'm ten hiding candies and money in my room. One minute I'm preparing for my college exams. One minute I'm living with guy thinking here is my life partner to have him blow that up. Leaving us all here in careers we could only dream of. Somedays just does it ever feel like you know not real?" Ari asked the girls as they were looking at around to each other and then straight ahead. "Sometimes. I know for a fact my life right now is nowhere near what my parents had in mind for me." Lexi told them wiggling her eyebrows. "I think mine are just hoping Nix is really who he says he is. Other than that I don't know what I did to find someone like him. I probably saved the world in the past life." Chloe said making them all life.
"This isn't where I thought I'd be. But I know deep down this is going to take me to where I need to be. This is the road I need to be going down. Just the thought of going down it alone is scary. I know I have you guys and all that but it would be nice to share with someone just well you know." Ari said in a frustrating tone using her hand to push her hair back. "Yeah we get it." Lexi told her nodding her head. "Well I will see you lovely ladies later I got a date." She said lifting her eyebrows with a purr. "Bye." "Be safe Lex." "I got to go to Nix is picking me around the corner." "Bye." The two waved to her. "You want a ride home?" Ari asked Leah. "No, I'm going to pick up something before I head home. Be safe though and don't mind the media they'll say any kid crap just for views. You know what's real and you don't need to tell it to anybody." "Thanks Leah. Seriously. Thank you." Ari walked away catching a cab.
Leah turned and walked herself in the book store looking at something new and different to grab her attention. We really got to stop meeting like this. People going to start thinking some pretty creative things." She heard the man behind her say making her smirk. "Well you know technically I was here first and if there is a place for creative thinking this would be the ideal place for it don't you think?" She smiled to him as she turned to face him. "Hey this is Ari's place let's get that straight. She said I could come whenever I wanted. I'm lucky you all let me in here too I love this place." He told her looking down to her pick. "That's one worth reading." He told her pointing to the second book in her arms.
"Maybe I can join your secret book club after I read it." She teased. "It's not really your type of tea about what we read Leah you 'd get bored. You like certain types and that's it." "This true. How are you tonight Dylan?" "I would be a lot better if a certain blonde would return my calls." He told her tilting his head to the side putting his hands in his jacket. "I. I was doing a lot of self-reflecting and I just wasn't ready to talk to you yet. I'm sorry I wasn't ignoring you." She told him as he could see the truth in her eyes making him feel guilty. "Do you regret it? I'm not trying to make you uncomfortable Leah I just want things between us clear." He said rubbing the back of his neck with a sigh.
"I can understand needing to take a few steps back. That Calvin guy honestly is such a tool Leah. I understand you two go back with a lot of history. But not all history is good thing but it can make us into better people." "Yeah I know." "You left so quick the other morning. It made me feel a little upset. I was worried about you." "I'm sorry. You really don't need to worry about anything. I did talk to Calvin and set things straight. You were right. About." She said with a long sigh looking away before her eyes landed back on him. "About everything. Your words were what I needed to hear to finally get me to jump start my life. Make it something worth living for again. I was a little worried too I guess." Pushing her hair out of her face again.
"I didn't know how to face you. I didn't want you to think I was using you as some type of rebound. I didn't want to risk seeing any type of regret in your face I wasn't emotionally ready for that." "Leah I told you what it was before we even started. I meant it. I know you got a lot on your plate right now. But there is no rush on this. We can take our time. We can take it as slow as you need to. We can handle this any way we want. That's the beauty of it all any right? I just need you not to cut me out or ignore me like the damn plague. It sends a lot of mixed signals." Dylan told her in a tone that she needed to hear to get his point across.
Nodding to him. "I understand. I will do better in time I promise. Just keep in mind I am going to be changing or trying to and I am not used to all of this so slow is what you're going to get. I am crazy and most the time my mouth will run off saying a lot things it probably shouldn't so please don't take it to heart." Grabbing her chin to make her stop rambling to him. "Well maybe we just put your mouth to other uses." Kissing her lips lightly making her go completely red. "Let's check out and I'll see you home." Nodding to him too embarrassed to grab his hand and follow him.
Xavier loosened up his tie and yanked it off. Work was mentally draining but most the issues in one contract have been finalized and done. Sitting down on the couch. He turned tossed his head back to relax comfortably on it slightly tilting his head to the side. He could almost feel her next to him. He could see her smiling watching TV next to him for her to fade away. His vision got a little blurry and a sharp pain in his head making him put both his hands to his temples. Groaning loudly in pain he opened his eyes to notice everything was quiet for a moment with no more pain in his head. Looking around he noticed he was now in the woods.
The same woods Ari showed him pictures of. Looking around he was starting to feel nervous and desperate. He started moving around the forest for what felt like hours yet the sun never changed. He was starting to worry what nightmare this vision could possibly bring. When he heard a twig snap. Turning quickly the whole view in front of him had changed from trees behind him to an opening long drive way down and a huge house cabin. There was a huge boulder tall as a tree next to it. With a ladder on the tree to crawl up either one. "Heard you were looking for me?" The man he's been trying to find for nights now.
"Took you long enough don't you think?" He said finally looking up to him as he got done picking his nails. "Why didn't you just tell me?" Xavier asked feeling a little bit of anger starting to pump through him. "Why didn't you tell me who you were. Why are you showing me these things and not her? You're her best friend why are you targeting me so hard. She still feels lost without you why aren't you going to her?" Looking up at him surprised. "I told you before Xav. I am here for you." Smirking to him making him jump up catching his breath in a huge pile of sweat. In his room. Looking down to see it was already the next night. How did get here. How is it so dark already? How did I lose a day? What just happened?