Chapter 22: Let's Talk

Waking up the next morning stretching out to see her still laying on his chest smiling down to her. "Stop looking at me." He started to laugh at her. "Can't help you so pretty." "Stop it." She said back making him laugh harder as they both started to move around. Making them some coffee she handed him his cup. "How about some breakfast? You want to eat in or out?" He asked happily. "Neither I'm taking off. I got some people to see and then I'm spending half the week at the hospital again." "Why are you there so much lately. I thought you tried to limit your time there." "Well I do. But the main lead attendant has gone on maternity leave. So She begged Preston to have me cover for her patients and half her time. I only agreed as long as I was never on call." She sighed and kissed him happily and went out the door. "Call me. I mean it." He hollered as she waved him off shutting the door.


 Walking in the doors to his building everyone was watching him all the way up the elevator he was singing and bobbing his head along the entire time. Feeling unstoppable and on cloud nine until he came into his office. "What's with you acting like Mary damn Poppins this morning?" Nix asked him in a grumble. "Well it's true boys a spoonful of sugar does help things go down." He said smiling to them. "What's with the faces?" He added. "Well gee let's think real hard about less than twelve hours ago when we had a nice conference call to find out a bunch of random shit between your ghost spirit guide and the evil damn demon were dragging through court." Ryder told him sarcastically.


 "Right. Sorry. It just it's been a long time since I saw her and got to wake up to her. I just wanted to have that happiness just for a bit." "We get it man it's fine." Nix waved him off. "What have you guys found out?" Xavier asked them leaning on his desk. "Well Dylan is still searching through a lot of things fact cross checking and things like that so I'll know more by late today maybe tomorrow." Nix told him. "I got a bunch of things that look like they could raise some red flags. But without further investigation it will lead nowhere and can't do that without more of a probable cause. I aint trying to drag too much attention to this than needs be. Especially if what the possible theories are right and he is involved with more powerful people or he is the more powerful people. He may already be watching out for little red flags." Ace told them as they agreed.


 "He is definitely going to be more on alert then before and it's only going to get worse the further we go. The real question is what is it he is doing? What is it he is after? What exactly did Brently have on him that makes him this nervous to begin with? Like why has he gotten this far down the road with all his shenanigans clean and with no punishment. I mean hell when does some of the legal stands come in. This is ridiculous. Everything this man does comes out clean in the court of law. He is not buying the judge nor jury it is all legal." Nix told them tossing down a file on the coffee table holding his head in his hands.


 "We need to get a hold of Brently's boxes. There has to be something in there to finally peg this shit stain." Nix added trying to sound hopeful. "When should we do it though I mean according to the dream he sends men into the house and shoots us up. How do we go about it? It's not exactly something we can change now is. Especially if they got tabs on her. Or the house. Whenever you go is when they will make the move." Ryder told them flatly. "Exactly that's why we're not going to go in exactly like planned same time and day. Whenever she calls." Xavier told them simply. "You're serious." Ace asked him. "Yup Nix make a phone call to the police and work something out. We'll be ready." Nix smiled to him. "On it boss." He nodded getting up and walking out. "Now let's get to these meetings and see where some of this progress is at hmm…" They got up and laughed their way out the door.


 Answering the phone on the fourth ring as she just got in her car after a long day. "Yea?" She spoke up. "Hey, where you at?" Chloe asked happily. "I'm about to go home. What's up." "Just wondering what you doing. I wanted to ask you something. Do you think it's too soon to move in with a man you've only been seeing for a few months?" Chloe asked nervous on the other end. "Did Phoenix ask you to move in?" Arabella asked in shock.


"Well he told me to think about it because he wants us to live together. He doesn't want to rush me at the same time. So it's pretty much up to me. I am so on the fence because the Leah part of my brain is screaming no it's too soon. Girl it's been a few months are crazy? Then I got the regular part of my brain saying hey you know him and your happy. I mean I know I can see this man being the one for me. I am happy and when I made a list thinking everything through the pros and cons I was just screaming at myself damn girl what are you waiting for? What do you think?" Chloe asked in a begging tone.


 "I went to Xaviers house to spend the night yesterday and he told me to just get all my stuff and move in. What is with this men." Ari said shaking her head. "Wait seriously? What are they women? Do they do these kind of things together?" Chloe asked making them both laugh. "Chloe are you happy with Phoenix?" "Yes." "Does he make you feel safe? Does he put you first? Does he help you when you need help? Does he do chores?" "Yes. I never even have to ask him for help if he sees something he just gets up and does it. Even things about my car. He always checking things on it. He always puts e before everything." "Chloe what are you waiting for? Do you love him?" "Yeah I love him. He's amazing. I really can't see me without him." She said as they both got quiet.


 "Do you need me to come start helping you pack?" "Yeah I'll call you in a few days when I iron out some details. What about you are you going to move in with a guy you're casually dating." She told her in a playful voice. "Well I got to settle up some things real quick but we aren't really casual and we both know it. Chole Vincent told me he wanted me back." "SHUT YOUR ASS! Na-uh. What did you say?" "Well we've talked about it on two different days and I kind of ended up yelling at him in a way and a bit of telling him off. I just felt like it came out of left field for me. Then when I think about it really didn't. I guess the only reason I was really surprised by it was because I moved on. I didn't notice it until I was telling Xavier what happened between Vinny and I's talk." Ari said with a light sigh as she pulled into her place.


 "You told Xavier." "Well yeah I wasn't not going to tell him. It was when I was telling him I noticed a lot of things. I will always need Vincent in my life and I will always have love for him. But no different than the love I have for Liam or Preston. I will do what it takes to make things comfortable enough for Vincent and I to remain friends, which will take some time to get on a level field with that. The other thing I noticed was how deep I've gone for Xavier. I don't only just need that man in my life but I want him in it. Once I get things clear with Vincent I will make it clear with Xavier and then I will be a happily snatched up women. I am just happy all the lies and differences will no longer be an issue in my relationship. It's nice to know I am with a man who made everything clear with me and is upfront. My heart actually feels like it's smiling when I think about how honest and open Xavier is with me. I never thought we'd find this Chloe but I am so happy we did." Arabella said as she continued happily talking about random things with Chloe excited for all the things to come.




 Xavier and the guys were at the coffee shop waiting for the call. Xaiver had everything set up. It had been really quiet lately even on Tilman's end which is weird. His business has been very mellow for a place going through lawsuits and audits. Once they heard the ringing the all looked at each other feeling ready. 'Hello.' "Hey, Xav. Look I know its last minute but I was wondering if you were able to come and help me and Vinny sort through the boxes we talked about before?' 'Ya babe that sounds good. Look I'm actually with the guys right now would it be ok if they came too. I mean more fresh eyes couldn't be a bad thing right?' 'That would be great if they wouldn't mind. They would know about the financial stuff about it anyway. Or the other stuff. Great I'll text you the address.' 'Actually I already know where it is. We'll see you soon.' He said before he hung up not waiting for her response. 


 It didn't take long for them to get to the house and set up. Everything had sheets over everything else. He knew Arabella didn't have the heart to get rid of it just yet. Brently had an apartment. However this house was left to him from his family like the cabin. He rarely ever came here and mostly just used it for storage. "Xavier somethings not adding up." Dylan told him looking around everywhere. "What isn't?" They all started looking around. "Ari said Brently used this place for storage." "So isn't that normal?" Ace asked Dylan. "Yeah but it's only furniture in here like move in ready. Where the hell is all the boxes you saw. What were supposed to go through?" Nix spoke up as he caught on. Shock looked on their faces until they heard the front door get kicked in and gun shots go off.


 It was three local gang members with regular hand guns looking a bit lost when they didn't see anyone in there. It was now quiet as they crept their way in the house. Dyaln and Nix hit two of them from behind knocking them out as a cop had another gun pointed at the back of the third one's head. "Freeze. Put the gun down. You have no back up anymore. It's just you three now. So if I were you I would think real hard about my options." Xavier came up to the man as he put the gun down and his hands in the air. "Why are you here? Why did you do this?" "I aint no snitch man." "You either tell me or you can go to jail and I tell everyone you snitched anyway. Who you think they will believe. How you going to explain how you got busted this fast man. Just because you weren't smart enough to realize this was a setup." The man glared at Xavier he knew who he was and just what he could do him and his family. "Can you help my mom?" The man asked. Xavier nodded to him.


 "We just came to grab boxes or files or any information and were told to take out anyone who got in the way. No one was a target other than info." "Why did you come in shooting than?" "We were supposed to make it look like a break in or robbery so if anyone was watching that what it look like. We weren't even sure if anyone was here. It looked empty for the last couple of days." He shrugged. As he was getting in the cop car. "Don't forget your promise." The man said with an evil glare. The other men got taken away too. "He still wouldn't give up who sent him huh?" Ryder asked. "Nope just dude on the phone the money wired to the account is the same Vice President from Tilman's company who is out on bail. He actually is turning himself in to the prison today. Ironic no?" Nix asked everyone looking on a tablet.


 Xaviers phone started ringing. "Ari?" He asked realizing she never showed. "Xavier where the hell are you it's been like hours here I thought you said you guys were coming." She said a little annoyed. "We've been here at Brently's house this whole time where are you?" He was now confused. "Why would you be there. I thought you said you knew where it was?" "Weren't you coming to the house?" "No. All his stuff is in my storage garage on the outskirt of the city it's like twenty minutes from my place. Here I'll text you guys the address now. I'll see you soon." She said hanging up. "Well I guess we now know why only furniture was in the house." Ryder said rubbing his neck. "Alright it's like thirty-ish minutes away just follow us." He told the others.


 After hanging up she turned around to see Vincent come out of the unit. "You got more people to come?" "Yeah I did Xavier and the guys know a lot more about the materials you are looking for and what will be helpful. You guys can't be peaking into the medical records only I can since I worked for the same place. Also look at all this how long do you really think this will take us and with the court system rushing with everything do you have the time to waste?" "Fair point. Are you two still dating?" Vincet asked her looking at her with no emotion. "We are. Maybe that's something we should settle before they get here. Vinny I appreciate your feelings towards and for me. I just can't give them back the same way." She told flatly putting her hands in her back pockets of her jeans.


 "I don't want this. In that way." Using a finger to point between them before putting her hand back in the pocket. "I still want different things from you. I can't be with you again. I don't love you like that anymore but I do love you. I want you in my life I am willing to take steps to keep being friends with you. I want nothing but the best for you and I would like to be around when you get it. I want to be with Xavier. I think that is the path for me. "I know you feel close to him because of the crash and everything but." "It's not just that Vinny. I'm better because of him. I am happier because of him. When I start thinking about my life down the road it's his face I see. It has nothing to do with you, or his status. It's just who me and him are when me and him are just us. I love him Vinny and I can't say sorry for that because I'm not. I am sorry if it hurts you though but that's just the way it is. That's my choice." She told him with a smile.


 "I want you happy. If that is what makes you happy than I will take some time and get over it. Are you two actually together?" "Not yet. Soon though. I wanted us to be on good terms and for this to be cleared before I talked to him. You know how mama and daddy say. Don't you go opening doors until the others are shut." They both laughed nodding. Looking at her for a moment he pulled her close and hugged her tightly kissing the top of her forehead. "We're ok." He told her stepping back then they heard the cars coming around the corner. "Took long enough." Vincent said with a smile. "Hey, I pulled some boxes for each of you already just squat down and start digging if anything suspicious pops up just place it to the side and we'll go through it all at the end." He added.


 "That works man thanks." The guys all went to get started. "We have to talk." Xavier told her pulling her to the side. "Brently's house was shot up while we there by some local gang members and they were in there to take these boxes." He said flat out with no emotion. "ARE YOU SHITTING ME RIGHT NOW?! ARE YOU GUYS OK?! WHAT THE HELL?!" She started rushing face holding horror. "What the fuck?" Vincent added stepping in closer. "Who would want these boxes? Like why?" She asked looking around at the boxes in out in the floor and in the unit. "I told you before Ari that Eric is dangerous man. I can bet anything he is the one behind it. Let me guess the V.P turning himself in is the one caught wiring money to these punks right?" Vincent asked pinching the bridge of his nose and one hand on his hip. When Xavier said nothing he let out a long exhale and turned to kick an old empty coffee can into the forest part putting both hands on his head.


 "We have got to find something or I swear I am going to crack and I can't have a man like that break me just because I am stuck being his lawyer." He said to everyone there. "Don't worry man one way or another we will get him. He maybe a dangerous man. But then again so am I. Or maybe you forgot?" Xavier told him with a pointed look. "Yeah well pick up your game bro. You slacking compared to him lately." Vincent said walking back looking through files on the ground. "Seriously is everyone ok?" "Everything is fine he is not targeting anyone but if anyone happens to get in his way he is doing everything to remove them. The only thing I can see in his way right now is you. You are the only one Brently spoke everything to and not only that you have all his evidence. I got some questions for you though here sit down." He said as he saw he starting to shake a bit.


 "Did Brently ever. You know before he died did he ever seem skittish? Was he ever like looking over his shoulder. Or was he like over prepared if something happened randomly?" "You're trying to ask me if he ever thought someone was after him?" She looked at him for Xavier to nod his head. "No. He never acted that way in front of me Brently was never one to be scared though if things were going to happen they were going to happen no matter what he would say. He always wished he had the power to change certain things but nothing random ever happened. He was a man restricted by limits and nothing ever crossed them. "Did anyone ever do research on the soccer mom who hit him." "Well she was drunk and hysterically crying. She kept saying she was sorry. It was an accident she didn't mean it normal drunk person stuff. "Did she work?" "No she didn't her husband was a project manger…" Looking up her face fell. "He was a project manager for Tilman company. He was arguing with him a lot it made the news. He was raising questions about some of the buildings and then the next thing that happened his wife killed Brently. It was a huge scandal for the whole family the manager actually ended up being let go with a full pension I always thought that was weird." Ari said thinking back to herself.


 "Are we safe in thinking maybe soccer mom got paid off to help her family and Brently death was no accident." "How can I find proof of that?" Ari asked raising her hands in the air. "No one will ever speak they are too scared of Tilman and what he can probably do." She said in a defeated voice. "Maybe not right now Tilman's company is tanking fast. I will handle this. All you got to do is go through these boxes. Be safe and stay with me until this is over." "WHAT?!" "Look right now is a dangerous time for you. You know more than you think you do rather you realize it or not. Who knows what he thinks you know right now. Be honest with yourself you know I'm right look just what happened to Brently's house. Whose responsible for it right now. That's right you are. Who has all his possessions they are currently looking for. That's right you do. Right now my place is the safest and you know in fact." He said standing up.


 "Pack all this up it's coming to my house. We're sitting ducks out here and I bet anything Eric going to know where all this is soon pack it up look through it at my place. We can eat there. Pull an all-nighter." Xavier said. "That's actually smart plan." Vincent said as they did just that all of it magically fit within the six cars. With Xavier taking an uber. Pulling up they got it all in and worked from the living room. When each box was done they labeled and put it in the basement locked cabinets which were hidden safely within the walls and the rest of it was just labeled and placed on the floor to either return back to the unit or get trashed. "All right. Safe to say at least now we have a fighting shot." Vincent happy after find some good leads and evidence to help at least get him some small time until he can get a little more. "Thanks guys this means a lot keep going through it I'll be back in two days." Vincent said shaking all their hands.


 "It feels good to know soon enough this will be over." They all agreed with Nix words as they left and Xavier locked up he had two security guards on shift from here on out and cameras were triggered to movement. "I still need to get my stuff from my place you know?" "Yeah that's a tomorrow problem. Neither one of our eyes can do anything anymore to stay open he said dropping face first on his bed. "I agree with that. I'm spent." "Me too."


"I am sorry for what you went through today. I had no idea." "Stop. Don't do that baby. No one could know anything like that luckily the cops were already there in the neighborhood and got them quickly. Everyone is safe and sound. We're ok." He said pulling her to him. "That's good I don't want to have to go around telling everyone my boyfriend couldn't make it because he got shot at to the next group dinner." He looked down at her quickly.


 "You're what now?" "Xaiver Holden will you be my boyfriend?" Staring at her in shock. "Really? You ok with it?" Nodding her head. "I just wanted time to talk to Vinny about my expectations with me and him. I told him were together. I'd like that to be true." "It's true. You are now all mine." He said pressing his lips to hers with her matching his pace. After a few minutes she pushed him off. "I still want to be a little slower for the moment on other things." "Sure babe. Whatever you want." Kissing the top of her forehead. "Enough of all this hit that light and let's go to sleep." Walking over turning it off he held the blankets open for her she turned on her side and he cuddled her for the rest of the night. The feeling of being safe and protected put her in a deep sleep she wasn't the only one.


 Walking around his house he noticed how oddly quiet it was almost surreal. Looking back to his living room he saw him sitting there in a chair in the same thing he was wearing when he met him camping out with the bear. Walking over to him. "Hello Xavier. It's been a minute." He said with a smile tilting his head to the side. Xavier just kept looking at him standing in front of him then turning back to the couch to sit across from Brently on the big chair. "Now I think it's time we had a little talk. Let's start at the beginning shall we?"