Chapter 23: Brently And Other Side Effects.

Looking around him they were sitting back on a boulder in front of Brently's family cabin. "I remembered you after. You helped us with the bear. I told you to come to me if you ever needed anything. You never called. Why didn't you come to me with Tilman man? I would have helped you." Xavier asked Brently arms resting on his bent knees while sitting on his bottom. "There's so much to all of that it's hard to figure where the beginning really is. I would have come to you had I more time. I was close but needed more evidence before I came to you. I have more evidence hidden here." Brently said pointing to the family cabin.


 "It's safe in the underground bunker. It's connected to the basement. Even if the house was to burn down there is still a bunker under this boulder. There is a safe down here only Ari knows the code. Tilman has down a lot of horrible things that has made him lots of money. He has grown in man power. Hell he's almost similar to a mob king in his own eyes. He is slowly losing power now that he is under the spot light. It's given lots of other people time and methods to bow out. It's an out they have been waiting for silently. You did that." Brently said smiling to him.


 "There is only one man in this universe that Tilman can't get around and that's you. You have more resources and the law on your side. I was coming to you. Not even Arabella knew that though. I sent you a box months ago. It's in your basement. You have to look very carefully but there is a USB flash drive with a lot of things inside that will be very helpful to your lawyer. Vincent will need everything here to help put Tilman away once you guys get to it there will be no stopping Tilman from going to jail then but without at least one of the pieces there will be no stopping him and the horrible crumbling of the building and the bridge you saw will happen. The pieces of evidence is the same their both the only copies left." Brently said looking more pointedly.


 "He knows I have it. He knows my only weakness and some places where it would be. I was afraid he was tailing Ari for awhile now but I have no proof or real sound knowledge it was just a guess. I saw that van coming, I knew she was going to hit me when it was too late. She did it on purpose. Her husband was the one who helped get me the USB's in the first place. Tilman really did a number to that family. I knew she was only doing what she got paid to do and that was also the only out her family had from Eric." "I'm curious. Why is Arabella your weakness?" Xavier asked him.


 Laughing at him shaking his head. "It was nothing ever like that man. Not with her. Arabella Alderman. Man that woman." Brently started than started playing with a random feather before he continued. "Ari is more than a best friend and sister me. She was like my soulmate. Like all my time with her was like being with a part of my soul I never knew was missing. There are two types of soul mates man. There is you for her the man who can give her the love between like you know a man and woman. Then there is a person who is beyond your best friend. If you're lucky enough you can meet both in your lifetime. Those who were incredible lucky get to meet both. I am happy just having the one." Brently said patting him on the shoulder.


 "I am trusting you to take care of her now. I know she will take good care of you. Everything I showed you would have happened. Had you not stepped in. There's still a bit further to go." "I got to ask something that's been really bothering me. Is there really a balance. Like Arabella was seriously injured in all those dreams. Is she…" Xavier choked for a moment. "Is she meant to actually die because of Tilman? Is she safe? Is there anything more I can do to." Brently cut him off.


 "Relax man. She is safe as long as she has you. Like I said man you are not the target but it's not about her either. The only thing you need to remember is that I am here for YOU. Xavier" "You keep saying that but what does that actually mean Brently?" "Remember these boulders? Brently asked slapping the big rock playfully. "The myth behind them?" "A little. They are supposed to be some magical guardian angel thing for those connected to nature?" Laughing with his head thrown back and shaking it.


 "Well kind of. There is a paranormal spiritual connection that connects with certain people. It helps if your connected to nature but you honestly just got to be good nature-ly hearted. You just have to be a good person, like pure hearted. A helpful soul and then if the rock deems you worthy you can have guardian angel like powers in a simpler terms there's so much to it. It comes with a price. If you basically are sacrificed for a greater cause you can get kind of one wish if it can be good for others. So I get to be over one person of the rocks choosing and that was you. I just have to collect one thing and bring it back." Brently said with a half-smile. "Well what can I help you collect what the hell can I give you that can cross some damn magical spirit realm?" "That's the thing Xavier I." Xavier was cut off with a huge pain to the head. He heard his name getting called over and over again.


 Brently trying to keep his attention as he was suddenly in the dark again under the water getting hit by the waves from the plane crash. Trying to get his breath as he came above the water he was seeing all the glimpses of everything he has seen from when the plane crashed everything from destruction caused by Tilman Company. Leading lastly to all his moments marrying and living a life with Ari. He could feel himself moving the best he can when he finally felt his legs touch the ground to stand he felt the impact of the plane exploding again.


 His eyes flinging open to see Preston and nurses doing everything he can trying to get him to focus. "What's going on?" "Dude calm down you're at the hospital. You had a severely high fever and your blood counts was way off they have stabilized and you are now on normal body temperature and lab work is fine. We have been trying to get you to calm down since you were flopping around hard while you were unconscious it must have been a hell of a nightmare man it was like you were fighting for your life." Preston told him as everyone else left the room. "Easy man I had to give you a shot to calm your nerves." Preston said to him as he tried to stop him from getting up.


 "Stop man I got get up." Xavier told him pushing him back gently. "I have to." He stammered as he got up and went out of the room to the hall. "Sir let me help you back to your room you should really be at least sitting down." A nurse tried to stop him and help him back to his room. "No. I got to find her. She is here I know it." "Who are you looking for Mr. Holden I can have someone page her." The poor nurse tried again to guide him back to the room. "My wife." He said as he tried to stand steadily. It was like his whole body was waking up from falling asleep. His parents, friends and Arabella were staring at him as he looked behind him.


 He wasted no time in getting to her and pulling her in for a tight hug she was barely able to hold his weight at the surprised force of the hug. "There you are baby. I was nervous. I was worried about you honey." "Your wife?" His father asked him raising an eyebrow. "I guess he's back to that state of mind again." His mother said out loud pinching her nose taking in a deep breath. "Son let the girl breathe. Ari child I'm so sorry." His mother continued. "Xav, you scared us you know you got a fever spike out of nowhere in your sleep you sweating, shaking. I called the ambulance. You had a fever of 105 and it still climbed when you got here. You seized and everything." Ari choked out. "It's ok. I'm better now. I guess I just over worked myself into a cold or something it's happened before. I'm so sorry for doing that to you." He said holding her tighter before he let go looking her over.


 "Get back in that room now." She warned him. "Don't make the staffs job any harder then it already is." She told him in a warning voice that everyone heard even as low as she said it. "Whatever you say wifey." He teased as she shoved him. "Hey, be careful with the patient is this really your bedside manner?" He asked her loudly going back to his room. "Only for you honey." She mocked back. 


 "So doctor how is our son doing?" His father asked as everyone gathered in the V.I.P room." "Please call me Preston." he smiled looking at the chart and then to Xavier. "He needs to get some rest at home. It was concerning for me his labs when he came in but they have changed now. I see no other reason to keep him. He needs to keep his stress down the best he can. Remember to eat and sleep properly. Oh and also take some cold medicine it is that time of year and he responds poorly to it according to his records. Other then that he is perfectly fit. He can actually leave now if he has care at home." He said tilting his head with a smile to Arabella.


 "Yeah I'll watch over him." "Oh thank you so much my dear. I mean I would rather do it. However he is so much bigger and stronger than me and my medical knowledge aint worth half as much as yours." His mother said hugging her arm. "It's fine. I kind of have to stay with him for awhile anyway. We're actually working on a project together so I now I will be on sick watch." "Thank you so much for looking out for my boy." His father said coming up hugging her tightly.


 "You know Preston I think you are right I think some rest could be so great for me. You know what I think we could all use a little change of scenery. Arabella would be ok if we used Brently family cabin and spent the weekend up there? Just you know a little friend get away. We could use tents or RV's to fit us." Xavier asked with a certain look that made easy to read for her. "Yeah we could do that. Actually I think if we just bring some air mattresses everyone should fit inside just fine. We could go this weekend. We just got to fly there and back are you ready for that?" She warned him. "Yeah I'm good with it. Are you?" Everyone stopped and looked at her. Taking a deep breath. "Of course. Boys clear your schedule we going camping for the weekend." She clapped her hands and smiled.


 "This would be good for you son." His dad said as he hugged him. "Well how about you guys go ahead and head on home and I will get him started on discharge papers?" Preston said as he waved the chart up and smiled. "Let me go ahead and see you guys down. The guys followed behind as Mrs. Holden had wrapped Aris' arm within hers. "You know Ari you don't have to get on a plane if it's too soon for you." She started. "No it's ok. I think honestly it would be good for me. Can't let fear hold you back. I let it fear push me forward. Besides it's been long enough and I am over it by no for the most part." "That a girl. Maybe though you should call your parents and tell them. They may have some different feelings but it may also put your mind at ease." Mr. Holden said.


 "Oh I'm sure exactly what kind of feelings they will have and they won't agree with each other. Mama will be for it while daddy will think I'm nuts." They laughed at her. "Well no one ever made an omelet without breaking a few eggs. It's important when you fall off that horse to get back on. It doesn't matter when just as long as you know you are steady enough to take the ride." Mrs. Holden told her in a sweet motherly warning. Nodding she hugged them both as they waved the boys off. The guys circled around her. As Ace held up his phone. "I got Ryder, Nix, Liam, Preston, Xavier, you, Vincent, Dylan and myself tickets to fly out Friday morning. First class we got the 6A.M flight we should be in by at least 4:30 in the morning. So that's only three days away you make sure dip nut up there stays on bed rest until then and we can handle all the other necessities." Ace said to her as they all laughed.


 "Thanks. We will need to rent about two or three cars that can hold luggage and food. There's this store here just put in an order for the food and we can just pick it up at the store." She said giving Ryder the address who nodded at her. Nix was making a group chat telling the others the details. "I'm going to go back up there you guys just let me know if you need help with anything." They hugged her and waved her off. Looking at round each other they waited for her to leave. The three of them looking at each other.


 "The hell do you think he dreamt about to want to go back to the town again." Ryder asked crossing his arms. "I don't know man but maybe he got a lead from the damn source who was already trying to take Tilman down himself." Nix said rubbing one hand under his chin. "Do you really think we'll find something there. I mean it's got to have more of a lead then here right? I mean hell it's got to be one of the safest spots. Do you think Tilman already thinking about it?" He asked them.


"I don't know but we better be prepared for anything going up there. Ry make sure you and Ace grab the food for the store and get some extra medical supplies just in case. Dylan and I will make a special stop on our for certain other gear for safety and will meet back up and drive up together." Nix told them as he took out his phone texting Chloe he will need to work this weekend out of town. The other guys left knowing what they needed to get done in what short time they had. 


 Coming back to the bottom of the elevators the doors opened just in time for her to see him smiling at her coming off them. "You can really leave just like that?" She asked confused. Holding up a packet that his discharge papers. "Yup sure can I just listed you as person responsible. So know you have to take responsibility for me." He said in a mocking tone. Shaking her head to him. "Fine I guess if I have to. Come on then let's get you home." She sighed playfully back. He came rushing up hugging her from the back as they walked out of the hospital.


 As she was packing their things in his room. After stopping by her place to grab her own things. "Did Preston say anything else to you before you left?" She asked as Xavier was working on his laptop from his bed. "Yeah he wants me to come back for a head scan after we come back like a week or two or just anytime after we get back. We'll work it out into the schedule." He said as he played it off at least she knew he meant it. "You are not supposed to be working. Didn't you make a promise to take it easy before we left." She stated to him a special tone that made him nervous. "Yes but this is just all the easy stuff plus I'm just answering emails and making sure everyone who had meetings Friday are arranged accordingly to people I know can handle it. I swear I'm just getting us ready for our trip from the business end so we can just focus on the task at hand when we get there." He told her after finishing up an email.


 "And what exactly is the task at hand?" She asked zipping up his bag as she had finished and now crossing her arms staring at him. "Well I don't want you to be mad but I managed to get a peak at blue print of Brently's family cabin and noticed something strange there is a permit on there for a special like what you would call an emergency bunker. So I thought if I was Brently and I had precious evidence or dirt on someone I might put it there." He said simply as if it were obvious.


"Well that makes sense. Wait. Why were you looking blue prints to Brently's family cabin?" She asked confused. "Um well since you said he was trying to get to Eric I was just trying to tap into all my resources and thinking of trying to put myself in his place you know. See if maybe it would help give us any clues. You know the saying put yourself in their shoes." He said sitting up better closing his laptop and putting on the night stand next to him.


 "I mean I got a good idea of what kind of guy Brently was having been saved by him before. I also got his best friend sleeping right next to me so I can guess a little further of where things could be and if I can't you can, right? I was just taking some shots in the dark now all we got to do is hope we get lucky." He said grabbing her hand helping her on the bed to cuddle her from the back. "Ok. Yeah you're right that. It is the smart thing to do." She laughed to him hugging his arm around her a little tighter. "You know maybe in another life you would make a great detective." "Yeah well as long as I get you in it. I can be anything." He said kissing her neck taking a deep breath of her in as they both fell asleep.



 "Did Leah, Lexi or Chloe say anything to you guys about this weekend?" Liam asked as they were all waiting for their gate to be opened. "I told them all I was working at a hospital in the next few towns over." Ari told them. "I told them I was attending a conference." Preston said. "I told them I was going back out of state to visit my cousin for the weekend." Liam said. "I told Leah I had to work with these guys out of town." Dylan said with a shrug. "Same." Nix said. "Ok I got to ask him he its driving me crazy. ACE! Why the hell you burning a hole through the damn floor man like that. You so damn glued to checking your phone every two minutes." Nixed yelled out to him.


 "Yeah man something wrong?" Liam asked. "No everything is fine. XAVIER!" Ace said grabbing onto Xavier's arm as he was coming back from the bathroom. "What the hell is wrong with you. You look sick. You got rings for days under your eyes. Dude its only been three days what the hell happened to you?" Xavier asked looking him over. "I want to ask you something but you can't tell NOBODY!" He said in loud voice then tried to whisper as people walking by were staring to stare at him. "Uh yeah man ok." Xavier asked him taking his hand slowly off his arm. 


 "Ok well you know how you saw Phoenix with Chloe? Right ok. Well have you ever seen me with anyone you know." Ace said looking around then slowly got close and whispered. "You know specific." Then he sat back a little further to give him the space back. "No most dreams I had were because Arabella was in them you know she is kind of the key to almost all of this. So no I mean well not yet. I don't know if I will or if I won't. It's not up to me. Why?" Looking at him. "YOU MET SOMEONE!" Xavier said loudly. "SSSSHHHHH. Keep it down with that man." Ace said trying to hush down one of his best friends. "Oh yeah you met someone and got it bad. Who is it come on now man I won't tell I promise." Xavier egged him on laughing.


 "Naw man I don't think I should." Ace said rubbing the back of his neck looking down. "Seriously man it can't be that bad. Specially if she got you worked up like this I mean she must be a hell of a girl to get you of all people acting up. Just tell me man. Hell I can help you get her." "I don't really think you can." "Come on it can't be that seriously bad just tell me." "IT'S LEXI!" He loudly whispered cutting Xavier off. "Alexia. You mean their Lexi?" Xavier answered in a whisper quickly back. "We met at bar randomly the night you left the hospital we stated talking and drinking next thing I know were at my place I mean I remember everything. We hooked up and she fell asleep I programmed my number in her phone at the bar and got hers. When I woke up the next day I was buck ass naked and alone with nothing but the scent of her perfume all over the bed and pillow. I texted her. I called her. And just. Nothing man for THREE DAYS. I really think we had a good connection." Ace said running his hands through his hair and his face.


 "I mean I aint trying to seem obsessed or desperate. I just really want to take her out. I just want to spend some time with her. I mean hell it was so easy just talking to her. It was so natural she wasn't fake like the other girls. She's straight forward calling it like she sees it. It was just perfect." Ace told him in a defeated tone. "You know she only dates around right she's even got like a sugar daddy or two." "Yeah I know she's seeing other people and that is what is driving me up the wall. I don't want it to be just a one time thing though and I don't want to be on some damn rotation schedule. I just you know. After thinking it over and all. I want what you guys have." Looking at Xavier who started to look at him deeper.


 "I started thinking after seeing you guys all happy hell even Dylan. I just started thinking I want that. I want someone who calls me and see if I've eaten. I want someone who eats a meal with me asking me about my day. Making plans to do those damn cliché dates together. I want someone I can do surprises for to bring flowers to. I just woke up one day and listened to the silence in my house and it was just like deafening in a way. I couldn't stand it so I've been trying to go out to like book stores, malls, parks just all over. I went to drown my sorrows and Lexi just came out of the blue. She recognized me first. I liked the connection we had." Ace said as the gate got called the others were making there way to the tunnel. "Ace are you sure you had something with her or are you getting so desperate that you could possibly be seeing friendly feelings as romantic feelings? I mean hell Lexi is the girl version of you in a way. Think about it more before you reach back out." Xavier told him as they made their way on to the plane.


 After the stewardess had made their safety talks the plane was in their air. After hitting some turbulence Arabella reached out grabbing Xaviers hand seeing flashbacks in slow motion of every little thing that happened in her head of the last plane crash. "Ari. Come on baby just breath in slow breath out longer slower. Come on baby. Come back to me. Look at me honey. ARI!" He said to her. The vision of him standing getting rained on in the waves she could have sworn she saw Brently behind him pushing him as the plane exploded. Ari she heard him saying standing from the water. ARI!" She blinked quickly coming around to look at him. "Sorry. I'm sorry. I just. I-I." "Hey no it's ok baby. Calm down you don't have to explain it to me. Don't apologize I get it." Xaiver told her cuddling her into him from his side.


 "We're landing in a minute it's ok." He said to her softly. Nodding her head in his chest. As they were standing up waiting their turn to exit out of their seats. Xavier made sure they had everything looking over all their things. Making sure she had her purse on her shoulder. "You ready?" He was smiling to her. "Yeah." Grabbing his arm he looked down to her. "What's up baby? You good?" Raising an eyebrow to her. "When the plane exploded. When you was in the water. Did you feel maybe like push before it happened?" She asked him gulping deeply not to sure how she was feeling in the moment. "Uh. I can't really say it all happened so fast." Thinking back and looking down then to her. "Yeah I can say that I think I did. In fact I think I did feel push in my back before the plane exploded." He said to her putting his hand back on both their bags to roll out.


 "Why you asking that out of nowhere?" "Where do you feel like you got pushed I mean because I was watching you from not to far away the tide and waves were only at your legs." She was now just rambling. "Calm down Arabella. Honestly I think." He thought about it for a moment. He came and put is hand behind her back and showed her where he felt it. "I felt it right here and then the plane exploded like ten seconds later. I was thinking either my guardian angel was working over time or maybe the pressure from the plane released something out before it just self-destructed like that and I got hit with something. Why you asking?" He was now curious. "You know just random flash backs from the turbulence earlier it just was almost like I was seeing somethings for the first time. Threw me off for a minute." She smiled to him.


"It's fine honey. I get it. You ready to go to Brently's? Maybe it will do you good to be with him in his family home you know?" Xavier added as they walked off. "Yeah I'm starting to think maybe he never left." She whispered loud enough to hear it making Xavier have to shrug it off because if she only knew what kind of power that might take on her emotionally. What kind of mental and emotional damage could it really do. If he told her the truth of what was really going on with him would she still stay by him or would she run from him like he was crazy.


 She can never know. I couldn't and can't take it. But would the look of betrayal on her face be worse. The hurt in her heart from feeling like I lied to her would that honestly be any better. What's more is what the hell did she see in her visions. Is Brently reaching out to her too? Did she see something or someone that she couldn't before? Maybe I am not the only one who is having a side effect from the plane crash?