~Chapter 13~

The thin cold air hovered over me. His smile, the way his hand brushed against my cheek in pure rage made me shiver in fear. I didn't know what to do or what to think, it was like my will to reason with myself just never existed. I took in a deep trembling breath as I looked deep within his almond eyes, why did I have to be so stupid.

My body still on the floor from the strong force of his hand. Cheek throbbing in pain as I held it tightly against my face. My mind was replaced with cloudy and gray memories from the evil times, that no one shall mention.

I did and said nothing. I just waited. Praying everything would be okay. I was so close to running away, but when I tried moving my legs, they wouldn't work. They were numb and cold. It felt as though there was a bolder squishing my legs. Holding me hostage, keeping me from the freedom I so desperately craved.

I wanted to be saved, but I knew there would be no point in hoping for the impossible. The halls have been abandoned long before he ever even laid a hand on me. No witness no hero. As simple as that. I wish I was smart enough to have come up with a plan, but what was I expecting. It's me I have absolutely no luck what's so ever.

"Stop lying there and get up" He spoke in a low tone. His dull brown eyes looking deep into my soul. I was speechless, It was like his eyes were laced with a deadly kind of vinum.

I didn't respond, and I knew I couldn't have gotten up on my own, so I just sat there, looking up at him. He's like a tyrant in a historic manga and I was a prisoner.

"Useless" he mumbled beneath his breath, pulling me from my wrists, off the ground. His warm hand holding tightly onto my arm, for sure going to leaving a bruise. He cursed silently as he checked his watch. He stopped for a minute before speaking. "Consider yourself lucky" he said grunting his teeth in vexation as he let go, walking away. His golden blonde locks swaying with each step until he was too far to be seen. I was stunned; he was right I am lucky well at least only for now.

If it wasn't for the time, I have no Idea what he would have done. Without a second to lose I bolted to the exit door. Pushing myself to its limits, I pressed all my weight onto the large 'Emergency Exit' door and made my way to freedom. I needed to get home. What I was going to say to her when I got there was a whole different story though. I just hope she believes me, whatever I tell her.

When I got home, I quietly unlocked the door, hoping to not spot anyone. I needed to think, to come up with a plain. One that could help both me and Chloe. To be honest I don't blame her for what she said. Don't get me wrong I was really mad and what she said was rude but if you think about it, we did only meet a couple weeks ago, and she doesn't know much about me. So, no matter the coast I must fix this, and that involves telling her everything. Including what happened during the unmentioned times. This will be my little test in a way, if she stays even knowing the true me then I'll consider her a real friend.

"Lilly?" Madison questioned, eyes sparkling in curiosity. She spotted me from her office across my room, Crap. "Y-yes" I stuttered stopping in my tracks. "Why are you home so early?" She asked me, but I didn't know what to say, So I just stood there looking down at my feet waiting for a reason to pass by my thoughts. Moments have passed before I found the words to say. "Sorry, I just had a really bad day, if it's okay with you I would rather not say." I answered, not moving my gaze from my feet, scared of what she going to say. She didn't say a word for what felt like years, until I could hear her take in a deep breath. "It's fine, you don't have to tell me. Just let me know the next time you want to get out early and I'll pick you up." She answered with a small smile.

"You're not mad?" I asked confused, I full on expected her to yell or get mad and send me back. "I mean, I'm not happy about it but I don't want anything to happen to you. So, if you feel to stressed at school just let me know and I'll pick you up." When hearing that I about cried. I was beyond thankful. "Thank you" I said in a low tone, my voice uneven from the tears that threatened to spill. "Awe Lilly, are you about to cry?" She asked in awe. I guess I don't show much emotion for her to be acting like this. I wasn't crying, well at least not yet but I'll give her the win, so I decided not to say anything. "You're too cute" She squealed, embracing me in a hug. I wanted to smile and be happy but, do I even really even disserve this though? "I should go upstairs" I spoke as my lips curved up in a plastic smile. She slowly let go, not wanting to. "Oh Okay, I'll go start on dinner." She said with a sad smile plastered on her lips. I felt bad but it's for the best. I shouldn't get close to anyone. After I soon left the room, opening my door with a joyful expression. I was glad to be back.

When I went inside, I softly shut the door, my room was dark and warm like a summer night. the only thing giving me light was the little lamp I had on my desk. I loved it. Madison gave me permission to decorate it the way I wanted, and that's exactly what I did. The walls were filled with little paintings and fake flowers. My mom loved flowers and since I had nothing of my passed mother, I thought to make my room based on her.

I quickly got comfortable, putting on my Pajamas and soon after, plopping on the bed with a long sigh escaping my lips. I was ecstatic to be home. My long raven hair in a messy bun and my forest green eyes slightly covered with my reading glasses. I just looked comfortable. But happiness never lasts long.

My heart became heavy as I remembered something. My dad's notebook. The night I left the hospital the kind policeman gave me a packet, but inside the packet was a small packet size notebook filled with my dad's handwriting. He told me it was in his pocket the night he died and thought It would be best that I have it. I was very thankful and happy, but I am also extremely nervous. My dad has always been a very secret keeping person. Kinda like a locked fileting cabinet. I know, horrible comparison but I didn't know anything else that reminded me of him. So, I opened it and soon began reading...


To Lilly, my sweet beloved daughter. If you're reading this, I'm assuming I'm no longer there. I just hope you know how much I love you and that none of this is your fault. I'm the one who is in the wrong, I have chosen my job as my first priority. Not because I don't love you but because I hope for you to live in a world where you feel safe with no worries. So, I made this little booklet for you so I could explain everything without me having to be there in person.

I love you lots and so dose Mother. I hope you understand everything I tell you and for you not to hate me for what I've done or the choices I've made.

From Dad.


Tears fled my eyes; I was swimming in a mixture of emotions on the verge of drowning. The only thing I could think of was this one sentence that floated around. "He made this book for me. He, knew." I took a deep breath, I had to calm down. Madison can't know about this notebook, she would make me get rid of it, saying it would be too dangerous to hold on to. But I didn't care, because know I have all the answers, I've been looking for right here in my hand. You can tell by the date it's pretty old, It was made when I was four and now, I'm sixteen. It was just a couple of years before he died. How long did the police had it? He did just now give it to me so I'm guessing a long time. A little drop of blood fell from my slender fingertips, slipping onto the booklet with a little {Plop} (Dang it, I need to stop biting my nails.) I thought, quickly cleaning up the mess. Before turning to the next Paige.


I look deep into his chanting eyes. As it burned through the back of my scall. He was a monster, one with no fear of dyeing. In my many years of hunting down people like him. I have never met a one like him. I needed to find him. If not, he would have hurt so many other people. So, I'm sorry Lilly for the pain I put you though, I hope nothing bad has happened. Please look over your younger brother, he's supposed to be due soon and Mother is stressing out. She's scared with everything that's going on. I told her not to fret, but it's like she can't hear me. When you grow up I already you'll be a beautiful intelligent woman. I'm so very proud of you. So please stay safe and never try to encounter this...monster.


I knew who he was talking about, but sadly I was far too late to keep the promise he so desperately wanted me to keep. I felt bad, but I was only nine. I'm not a superhero. Even though I really wanted to be. "Lilly, it's time to eat" Madison yelled from downstairs. I got up, sliding the book under my pillow.

When I got to the dining room, I sat right across from Madison, waiting patiently for the food. "I made your favorite, Orange chicken with fried rice!" She smiled, setting everything down on the table in front of me. "Ooo~ Looks tasty, thank you!" I muttered, practically drooling over the food.

"I'm glad you like it, I know it's kind of an early dinner, but I thought It would be nice to have it with just me and you." She softly chuckled. "I'm fine with that" I replied mouth still slightly full of food. "Well, I'm glad, how's Chloe doing? I haven't seen her in a bit." She asked, almost looking concerned. I stopped eating as I thought of something to say. "She's okay, just busy with everything going on we haven't been able to talk as often." I lied right straight through my lips with no remorse. "Oh, that's understandable, I'm glad everything with you guys is okay. I wouldn't want anything to happen, she is your first friend here. "We are not friends, now that takes time, I just met her a couple weeks ago." I said, as I took another bit of my food. "Oh, I see, sorry I miss read things" She laughed it off, cheeks flushed in embarrassment. "Your good, I'm going to get going. I have a lot of Homework to do" I said as I got up getting ready to put away my plate. "O-Oh okay, are you really done eating? You haven't eaten much, you should-""I'm fine"I stopped her from finishing. "Anyway, goodbye."