~Chapter 14~

The clock ticked with every second that passed by as I sat there frozen. I had this deep crave to continue reading, but I shouldn't.

I don't think that would be good for my mental health. But what's the first thing I should do? I need to stop him no matter the cost.

My heart burns at the thought of seeing him again. How could I stop a person I fear most? How could I get stronger? Maybe I could ask Spencer from my Math class...I heard he was strong...but with what I'm wanting he wouldn't be much help. What to do, what to do...Maybe my dad's old work friend, he might be able to help.

I could just see and ask so questions. I think as long as I just ask questions and not tell him what's going on than he would help. If my dad trust's him then I can to. But it honestly wouldn't hurt to learn some self-defiance I am going to need it. After all I'm going after a well-known killer. It's either kill or be killed, and I'm not afraid to kill him if needed nor am I scared of dying. So really If he were to kill me the second, I see him I wouldn't mind, I'd embrace it with open arms. It's sad that people who actually want to live, die but people who want to die live. It's really unfair.

The only problem in this situation Is that I never spoken to him so it would be kind of weird to randomly spark up a conversation. But this is more important than such thoughts. I must befriend Spencer. I got up closing my book, placing it under the fabric of my pillow. My face burning with a look of someone ready for anything. But the truth is I'm not so sure I will, but I would like to hope. At this very moment I wanted nothing more than to catch him with my own hands and see him struggle with my own eyes. Is this how my father felt? When he left everything behind even his own family just to find him. If so... I understand, and I'm willing to do the same but what could I say like father like daughter.

I wonder If my little Mathew would do the same if I died instead of him... Would he try to revenge me? Or wallow in despair like I once did? But who cares for such useless thoughts, when I have the future to walk through. Every action I do or thoughts I think Is crucial for my future.

After I quickly but tiredly got dressed into my bunny Pajamas I rested my body onto my purple-colored sheets. Letting the warmth sallow me whole. Looking up at the ceiling, I had so many thoughts running through my mind It was driving me insane.

I bit my lip in vexation with just the thought. Could I really do this? But If I didn't what would happen next? He would just be on the lose making everyone's life a living hell. I was torn, I knew what I had to do but what if it's wrong?

My gut told me to kill him the moment I laid my eyes on him, but my mind told me to leave it to the professionals.

I was never a decision-making person; I always left it to everyone else. It was essayer that way I had nothing to fear and no opinions to bother me. But with how important this is I need if not have to, make the right choice.

As the haunting hours passed by, I spent my night tossing and turning. While I was wide awake. His journal was like a thrilling book to me, one that makes me hunger for more. I couldn't tell If I can't sleep because of the book or because I'm lost in the future. When my school alarm went off, I had dark dull eyes from exhaustion. I didn't sleep at all, but I had a mission complete, so I got up and started getting ready for the day.

If I remember correctly, I think his dad is a police officer. He might be of some help when it comes to getting information. Only If I get close enough that is. So, for the mean time I'm going to try and befriend Spencer.


"Look, it's her" "Why Is she riding the bus?" "I bet she was hoping to spot some cute guys" "Or just make people uncomfortable"

People are so stupid sometimes. All the care to believe is in the fake rumors other than see for themselves. How naive of them, but who care anyway it's not like they're going very far in life.

I turned their way as I shot them a glare before sitting down in an empty seat closer to the front. I sat comfortably in the corner of the seat, as I plopped in my headphones. Tuning them on full blast. It was honestly my favorite part of the day, blocking out all the noise only listening to your favorite songs that relate most to you. I never knew what this world had to offer until just about two months ago.

The sound of the squeaking breaks echoed as the bus came to a stop. We were finally here. I took in a deep breath as I walked off the bus with my head held up high. I was no longer that mute pushover any longer.

My eye's glowing with determination, as I walked into the school. People from all around looking at me with a burning curiosity.

I had to meet Spencer, and the only place I knew I had a chance at finding him at was the gym. So, I walked into the girls changing room and got dressed into the appropriate gym outfit, throwing my hair into a high ponytail. I needed to get out of there quickly before anyone else came in seeing what I had to hide.

Normal people would flip out if they saw all my scares across my body and arms. Trust me it's annoying but It's something I have to hide; I can't have people making a seen. So, for the meantime I'll continue to hide them in long sleeves and jackets. Even in the dead of summer.

I quickly shoved everything in my locker when the sound of clicking heals came my way. Before they spotted me I runaway at lightning speed. My ponytail swaying side to side, with enough force to smack a fly. When I got to the gym, my breath uneven I gripped onto my knees in utter desperation. Trying my hardest to catch my breath.

Eyes glued to me when I finally looked up. I pretended to not notice the lustful gaze of the males, or the jealous looks from the girls.

But a weight felt lifted when I saw the guy I was looking for. He was in the far back with headphones on, blocking out the world.

His dark brown undercut framing his sharp jawline. As his lean arms swaying as he ran. He was cute but you could tell he wasn't a popular fellow. Other than his hair and jawline I couldn't see much from where I was at but overall, you can tell he was very beautiful.

So, I took in a deep lungful of air. As I approached him, hopping onto the treadmill right next to him. He took a quick glance before taking no mind to me. I first started at a slow speed before slowly going up. until I reached my limit. I looked over, giving him a glance. My eyes widen in amazement.

He was going fast, but it didn't look like it was affecting him too much. "You need something?" He asked looking my way with his Bright blue eyes and deep charming voice. It was astounding how he can run at full speed and still sound normal and not completely out of breath. "Oh sorry, I was just Intrigued at how long you can run for without much effort." I replied in a low lifeless tone before looking the other way. "I'm Lilly by the way, it's nice to meet you" I stated, as I continued looking the other way.

"Spencer" he said as he hoped off, grabbing his water bottle as he took a small drink before he spoke. "You're too skinny to be here to lose weight, why are you here? If you don't mind me asking?" He asked, his blue eyes scanning me up and down. You can tell by the way his eyes lingered he said this out of pure concern. "Excuse Me, who said anything about that? I'm trying to get stronger" I huffed, cheeks puffed out like a fish as I looked at him with a joking glare.

"{Chuckle} Your kidding, right? Then why are you on the treadmill? Go lift weights or something" He spoke, letting out a deep chuckle as he pointed to the rack of weights on the other side of the room.

"What do you not want me here or something?" I said with a small smirk. "That's not what I'm saying, just curious that's all" He smiled. "Hey, would you like to eat lunch with me? It's fine if not, just thought it would be cool if we got to know each other. Also, if you would like I could be your couch" Spencer laughed, his bunny smile showing off his cute dimples.

"I would like that"

~You'll never find the beauty in life standing behind a wall of broken memories~

Thank you for reading <3