Chapter 2: The other side of the Wormhole, Shooting Star

2168, December 13th, UNNS Valkreig Kuiper Belt 60 A.U from Earth

I looked at the wormhole for the past 133 years. We've only been able to look at it with only a few pictures and the only thing we knew about it for the past century was that it led somewhere but we didn't know where.

Humanity, been a bit busy with its own problems from the creation of the skyhook to the construction of a Dyson swarm and the energy crisis before it which led to the creation of the damn thing and then a rebellion in Junovian moons and Habitats in the outer solar system in the 2150s.

That also includes the colonization of every corner of the solar system with artificial habitats. We've finally been able to focus on the wormhole in the Kuiper belt after there have been less problems recently and plans recently.

The wormhole itself gave off a blue energy; it was a swirl mass of energy. According to the scan it was surprisingly stable. Luckily enough we detected at least one habitable planet in the system on the other side of the wormhole.

"Prepare to launch a probe through the wormhole." Ordered the Captain.

"Launching probe." Reported an operator, then a rumbling occurred then a probe detached quickly accelerating into the wormhole.

"Is the feed coming in?" Asked the Captain.

"Yes it is putting it on the screen now." The operator said, then a live video came on the large screen showing it moving through a tunnel of some sorts and skipping space then it exited on a grayish moon that looked like earth's moons.

Another world came into view, a green and blue ball similar to earth but with completely foreign looking continents.

We have images of the surfaces of planets in entire systems like proximity centauri b which sadly was uninhabitable as it was tidally locked which would most likely mean one side is scorched and the other side is frozen.

"What are the contents of the planet's atmosphere?" The captain asked.

"Very similar to earths with slightly higher oxygen contents except that's it although we do detect some artificial formations like deforestation which suggests there's something intelligent down there." The operator reported.

"All right, send a probe into orbit and a rover on the surface. I'm not going down there until I can confirm that it's safe down there for us." The captain said.

"Rune be prepared to drive on a world that isn't Pluto or any bodies in the outer solar system." The Captain told me.

"Yes sir." I responded.

"You know you'll need to discuss that with the scientists, and engineers right?" The operator said.

"I'm aware. Kalwalski your in charge of the ship, stay in orbit until I give the order to launch. I'm gonna have a talk with the scientists." The captain ordered.

"Yes sir!" Said Kalwalski.

A small cottage in the Elven Kingdom

1055, A.E

Most days went by as usual for Sora, waking up to help mom with the chores, and making breakfast for my brothers and my dad.

Help fix my brother's clothes after they get torn from hard work all day. The usual, but to Sora this life was getting boring. She understood her importance to the family by helping pay taxes which would be paid in like wheat or rice but she wanted to go to the big city become an adventurer and explore old ancient dungeons.

She wanted something interesting to happen to her. Then something did happen, later that night a wave of shooting stars covered the night sky and her family prayed. Until one of the shooting stars began to turn and then hit the ground at high speeds in the middle of the forest.

Sora got up and began to run to where the shooting star landed. She heard of legends of people gaining superpowers if they found where a shooting star hit.

When she arrived she found something but it didn't look right. The smoke was blocking her vision but what she could make out was something for sure.

But until the smoke cleared and saw a floating carriage which then promptly disconnected from another carriage and flew off in another direction far away from anyone.

Stepping closer to the strange contraption or carriage whatever it was she spoke. It was moving slowly like it was trying to do something or set itself up. She wasn't sure.

"Is anyone there?" She asked. There was no response, scared that monsters may end up finding her even if they were in a pacified region. She ran back home and told her parents about it.

The next morning she and her family checked out the carriage and it looked different. It was wider that was for sure and there was now a head from just the original carriage, but then it looked at the seemingly unnatural way it turned to look at them a sound she had no name for was made.

But then it brought something out and slammed it into the ground and continued to bang it until it was in the ground. After it was down it then brought a small object in front of it which then took off into the air like a Wyvern except there were no wings.

After it was done it soon turned to me and began using its arm to dig some sort of words she didn't know how to read nor write so I couldn't make sense of it.

So I responded "I don't understand." I said, the thing looked at me with curiosity it turned its head and repeated:

"I don't understand." It said brokenly, suggesting it had a hard time understanding or just didn't understand me.

"What does it mean?" It said, but I don't understand. We just stared at each other. Then I ran away scared it was planning on doing something.

After running for a bit in the direction of my house I looked back and saw it wasn't following. That afternoon I would tell the adventurers guild about a thing and I showed them where it was except it wasn't where I found it.

"It moved!" I was astonished at the fact that such a huge thing could move without horses. But as it turned out it left a trail for us to follow. As it turned out it was over a mile away from where it landed, and we found it trying to get off a tree root it was stuck on.

After struggling for a few minutes it was able to get itself unstuck and continued its journey. All we did was silently watch it from a distance. The leader of the group of adventurers that I hired jotted down the thing and then we went back to town, to warn the town's guards of the carriage.

Since I found it I was able to name it, so I named it "The Wanderer."

"The wanderer. Such a mysterious and vague considering it's action has almost no reasoning behind them but it makes sense alright if it ends up coming by your cottage try to get here as fast as warn us about we don't know it's intentions after all." The woman at the front desk.

"Alright I will let you know if anything happens." I responded, and then left the adventurers guild.

Little did I know that my discovery of this carriage would completely change the course of history.