Chapter 3

Mage Academy dormitory's, Elven Imperial Capital

Late Summer, 1055 A.E

A few days after I found the Wanderer word about it soon got to the capital and the Imperial Family asked me to bring it to the capital for studying.

They were willing to send some soldiers to help capture the Wanderer, I naturally denied it, saying that it hasn't done anything that could endanger people so we should just wait and observe it.

The imperial family agreed, not only that they helped fund me an education to train me into a mage as I have a magical affinity as it turns out so I would be thankful.

They also said that if it ends up attacking people they will capture and kill it for public safety. I naturally agreed to it. I wasn't someone who didn't like violence and would prefer talking it out until we can get it to stand down, and violence should always be the last resort.

Soon I will be starting my career as a student at the Imperial academy in a few days as the school year begins, far away from home in a foreign city training to be a mage.

I also made some friends. My roommate is a really nice person, as it turns out she's a noble from the north.

P.S The food here is really good and I hope you can come here one day!

Sighing I put the pen down and closed the letter I was writing to my family and put it in the dedicated mail system the Elven Empire uses that will reach my family a few days from now.

As I put the letter in the mail, someone knocked on the door. On the other side was a man in armor, most likely a knight in the Royal palace.

"Prince Reim wishes to speak to you." Said the knight.

"About what?" I asked.

"I don't know, all I know is that he wants to speak to you." The knight said vaguely, then someone else spoke.

"Get out the way I'm here, let me just tell her myself." Someone said pulling the knight away from the door "I always tell you whenever I'm here, let me knock on the door." Said the person.

The person in question wore fancy clothes and a dress suit in indigo representing the Royal family crest colors, on his shoulders were gold shoulder arms.

"Can I come in?" He asked.

"Oh yeah sorry. Come in." I said, getting out of the way for him to come in. "So you are Prince Reims, right?" I asked.

"Yes I am and I'm here to ask you about the wanderer. What do you know about it?" He said getting straight to the chase.

"Nothing much, other than the fact it randomly goes in one direction and finds a path to its target but other than that nothing much." I said.

"I see, school is about to start soon. Are you planning on studying the wanderer?" He asked.

"Studying the Wanderer? You know I never really thought about it. You know what! I'll start a research society club! Thank you for the idea, Prince Reim!" I said excitedly, then I exited my dorm and ran to my roommate who was on the main campus.

1 month later

"Magic is related to science and mathematics as it turns out, although it's very hard to imagine someone doing math, like algebra mid battle to create, but you could theoretically do it. This could lead to much more powerful spells on average other than sheer brute force in the usage of mana. Which as you know isn't exactly practical." Said our Math teacher, as he wrote an equation on the board. M(3)-A^2

"The equation you're looking at on the board now represents the magical formula for turning the air around you into fire magic. It's relatively simple in the grand scheme of things. The variable "M" represents the mana input multiplied by 3. Which is the expected power that comes out from the inputted mana.

For example if you put in 50 grams of mana into a fire spell and fire it you will get an equivalent force equal to 150 grams of gunpowder.

That's just the first part of the formula, the second part is the surrounding air pressure, air temperature, and humidity which is represented by (A). Air pressure, humidity, Temperature will all affect a spell's effectiveness multiplied by itself. The original 50 grams of mana we put in will be greatly affected negatively so always put a bit more than you want to get the spell up to its desired power.

So your original calculated power of 150 gram of gunpowder will then go down to between 100 grams to 125 grams depending on air conditions." Said our professor, then the bell rang marking the end of class, and the school day.

"Don't forget we have a test tomorrow." Said my teacher

Getting up from my seat and packing my bags, I began to leave the class to my club known as the Wanderer Research Society.

When I arrived at the club the other members were already present.

"Hey Sora, do we have anything planned for today?" one of the members known as Echida asked.

"No, other than preparing for the expedition to observe the Wanderer but other than that nothing else." I responded, Echidna groaned.

"And when are we going to observe the thing?" He asked.

"This weekend actually." I said, this caused Echida mood peeked up.

I then went to the front of the club room and began to announce " This weekend we will observe the Wanderer and study its behavior patterns throughout the day and note down what it does." I announced. This garnered a cheer from the members.

"But until then we must prepare all the necessary equipment to observe it!" I said, holding my notebook up. The mood in the Wanderer Research Society peaked up. We will have to wait a couple of days before the weekend hits but that's fine the more we prepare the more data we will gather on it.

Earth, UNE Planetary Capital

January 1st, 2169

"With the recent discovery of life outside of Earth and life that was not seeded by us ourselves, many in the UNE began to worry that we may not actually be alone in the Universe and as such a poll in the past month about the people's willingness to meet alien civilizations after we sent down the 70 year old rover known as hope.

The current polls state only 5% of the UNE is willing to meet alien civilizations.

For those who are wondering who Hope is, we put together a Documentary created by EBC." The news reporter said.

Then the news anchor that was playing switched to a video of the rover. "Hope, originally designed to Explore the surface of Pluto in the Late 21st and ealy 22nd century and was converted into a military rover during the Junovian moon rebellion in 2135.

Throughout the years of its exploration Hope had made many astonishing discoveries in the outer dwarf planets and bodies in the kuiper belt. One of its most biggest discoveries outside of discovering life outside the solar system on remis, was signs of a long lost planets for nearly 200 hundred years known as planet X a planet suspected to save Earth from getting swallowed by jupiter 4 half billion years ago but got promptly ejected from the inner solar system then out into the outer Kuiper belt.

In 2168 it was reassigned from its mission on one of Planet X's moons towards the inner Kuiper belt where a wormhole some 150 years ago was discovered by the New Horizons probe. When the Crew of the Valkrieg went through the wormhole it discovered a planet on the other side that was habitable and with a civilization equivalent to late medieval early renaissance era.

The crew of the Valkrieg sent down hope around 9 P.M local time on the projected landing site as the planet's rotation was similar to Earth's and was equally divided the planet into 24 distinct time zones."

An animation began to play showing the Hopes rover capsule plowing through the atmosphere of Remis Prime "When Hope enters the atmosphere her capsule will soon exceed 1000 degrees celsius and will reach a speed of mach 25. During its 7 minute journey into the atmosphere of Remis Prime, much longer than the average meteor, it would most likely gain the attention of some onlookers who would undoubtedly check out the scene.

After plowing through the atmosphere for six minutes the capsule will eject itself from the main carrier known as the skycrane first created to land the perseverance rover on mars in February of 2021. Its design soon would be replicated and cheepened and then later on mass produced as space travel became cheaper to just launch the probes and rovers from unmanned air to space planes using skyhooks. It was powered by a combination of nuclear and solar power to keep the rovers powered for another 10 years when the nuclear reactor it used died out when it ran out of fuel.

At around 3500 meters above the surface of Remis Prime Hope's SkyCrane would deploy its parachutes slowing it down to only 300 KPH which was still too fast for it to safely land. When Hope was at 1000 meters above the surface of Remis Prime its SkyCrane would deploy its rocket boosters and disengaged its parachutes allowing it to slow down to 50 KPH and eventually a controlled landing. Eventually touching down in a forest around 3 kilometers away to the south is what we believed is a farmhouse in a rural area. Only five kilometers from the landing zone to the west was a city giving off a medieval look shown in this picture with walls reminiscent of the era." The narrator said, giving some time for the pictures of the city to let the viewers some time to sink in the information presented to them, then he continued.

"Then Hope's SkyCrane detached itself from Hope herself and then promptly flew off some 30 Kilometers north of the Landing Zone far away from any road or civilization.

13 hours later when Hope opened her eyes after being given the go ahead by the operations team and her driver Rune Latimosos. The first thing she saw wasn't just greenery but a beautiful young looking human. She was nicknamed the "New World girl". To scientists this confused them as to why there were what seemed to be humans on this world but chalked it up to evolution.

Another picture taken a few seconds later caught her running away into and through the bushes and trees of the surrounding landscape going south to what we believe was her home. Hope deployed its drone that was located on its underside. It soon lifted off and began discreetly following the New World girl and did confirm that she did live in the house south of the landing zone.

A few days later New World Girl returned with some friends who silently observed. Hope picked up some of their language which has been stored and is currently being decrypted.

That is all for now about Hope's current Journey on Remis Prime stay tuned for more information." The narrator said at the end of the documentary, then it faded out to credits marking the end of the news broadcast for the day.