Chapter 4

20 kilometers North west from Fortress town Reanaca

10th, Sextillis 1055 A.E

When we arrived at the area where we believed was where the wanderer was currently at, it was instead a massive area where some large object crashed. It reminded me of the thing that carried the wanderer down from the Heavens.

Large beams of metal and some sort of tubes with burns on them were present throughout the entire crash sight.

"What are these?" Asked one of the club members.

"I don't know but I think this is what carried the Wanderer down from the heavens." I responded, after gathering all the pieces we could I came across a small circular object, with a small button on the side.

Clicking the button a woman that looked bluish appeared, she began to speak in a language I didn't understand.

"This is a message from United forces of Earth Pilot of Military and Scientific rover Rune Lastimosos." Said the blue woman.

"This is for anyone who finds this hinting at our existence, I am Rune Lastimosos, the pilot of a Rover known as ''Hope" a robotic explorer designed to survive any and all environments. I decided to attach this holodisk to send messages to and from these devices. If you keep it in the sun it will stay alive." The person said, I didn't understand a single word then another picture showing the same disk and the sun with a skull with a cross probably stating that, if kept in the sunlight it will not die.

"What did you find?" My aide and a good friend Rulius asked me, turning to them I responded.

"Oh nothing, just a small piece of metal." I said, putting the disk in my pocket in the process.

"I see, we already got all we could carry, we would need some more carriages if we were going to get the bigger pieces like the burnt pipes." She said, somewhat disappointed she couldn't get the bigger pieces.

"Alright, I'll arrange for some extra carriages. I have some very wealthy contacts." I said, turning around to the rest of the group.

A few hours later we arrived back at the Reaneca inn with our pieces. We'll have to go back to the area tomorrow as we had to arrange for some more bigger carriages.

Later that night I turned on the disk the same way as I did at the sight, when I turned it on there was something new on it.

"Hello, this is the holodisk of the Senior Rover Operator Rune new message available from Senior Rover Operator Rune. Would you like to play the video recording?" Asked the woman, but something surprised me. It spoke in my native language, it most likely picked up on my language while it was in my pocket.

"Do you understand me?" I asked.

"Yes I do, I picked up on your language as I'm never truly off. But I will speak your language brokenly as I will have to be taught some words but I was able to get the gist of your language. Are you able to teach me?" She asked.

"Wait, who are you?" I asked her.

"I am Self Contained Artificial Intelligence, or Scai for short. I was born in the 2100 around the same time Hope was born or as I believe you call her "The Wanderer"? Am I correct?" She said brokenly.

"Yes you are correct. But may I ask you something, what does twenty one hundred mean?" I asked her.

She too was confused most likely because she didn't know a word for it in my language.

"Do you have the word for when the…" she then began to show a series of movements: a ball around the sun and the leaves going light green, then dark green, then orange, then no leaves and snow then back to light green. Most likely representing the seasons and the turn back from winter to spring.

"A year when the seasons do a full cycle?" I responded.

"Yes year. But I don't know your languages… nevermind I'll just show you the way they look." She said, and then a number appeared. It was a 0, then 1, then 2, then 3 and so on and so forth, I said the words that represent up to 9.

Then she said "Me and the Wanderer were born nearly seven zero years ago." She said, I was taken aback from that age. The only beings that can live that long were elves and a few people who were healthy enough to live up to that age most never come close to even fifty.

"You were born seventy years ago!" I was shocked but I kept my voice down to not wake anybody up.

"Yes I was, but I am not even the oldest A.I out there, the first true artificial intelligence was born nearly one two zero years ago." She continued, my eyes lit up at that number no one is ever that old outside the most greatest mages who've unlocked near immortality but even then they die barely one or two centuries into their so-called immortality. Not even elves really live that long as they usually die by the age 100.

"How are you able to live that long?" I asked.

"We are not living beings hence the name artificial, which would mean created." She explained.

"You said there was a new message when I turned it on." I asked.

"Would you like me to play the message?" she asked.

I nodded, then the woman that was on it was replaced by a man, the same one who was a part of the first message.

"To the person who found this, there's some things you should know." He said, I didn't understand him but Scai trainslated for me, and I spent the better part of an entire night learning about the Wanderers creators, their achievements and how they got here.

It wasn't always a smooth road for them there were some crashes, some really bad crashes, around one hundred years ago a massive world war broke out between the major powers of the world, known as World War III and approximately 35 million people died during the war. But eighty years earlier another massive war broke out between the major powers. This war took around 56 million lives killing 2% of the world's population at the time.

20 years earlier another major war broke out killing and injuring around 40 million people; those three wars take up more than a tenth of all deaths caused by war, according to him.

But that wasn't it, there was a long period where the world was a state of Cold War, it was after their Second World War the one that took 56 million lives, it was time where two major empires vied for co trip over the world and debated whose ideology was better and superior than the other.

There was the Soviet Union whose ideology was Communism, a system where workers controlled the factories, and paychecks.

Then there was Capitalism, a system where private ownership was one of the main principles, you had a boss but things were flexible. But you had to work to own things and aren't given things

Capitalism from what I can tell is a system that's based on wealth gain, meanwhile communism is a system that focuses on stability and unity of the workers.

Both have their pros and cons, it's just that communism failed at the end of the 20th century nearly two hundred years ago with the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Now in more modern times, another war is currently in progress, the outer colonies from what he tells me has rebelled, they were known as the Junovians, and the rebellion was called the Jovian Moon rebellions as communists sympathies brewed up in the outer colonies despite them being the descendants of some of the most best and brightest and peoples in the early 22nd century, that would mean they would've been tolerant to new ideas and see the advantages and disadvantages of systems at least.

But it seems dissatisfaction seems to always be a constant even in their much larger world there's always at least one person who doesn't like the current Status Quo. But from what I've heard that war is coming to an end as from what he knows the rebels have one last stronghold in space.

Something known as an O'Neill Cylinder, a massive Cup like habitat built in space where the average one was 100 kilometer long, 50 Kilometer wide along the circumference is able to hold at least half a million people with room for nature as well.

It was very interesting to learn about a person from a very different world from mine, one that didn't rely so much on magic on their minds and capabilities. But isn't magic similar to science? You're just using your mind still but with your natural abilities. You still study the effects and all of them.

Either way I can't wait to meet him and his people one day, but that will require a lot of work if I want to understand him so for now I will study.