Chapter 12

5th Nov, 1055 A.E

A tavern in Dracochen Valley

The sounds of beer clinking filled Sora's ears as everybody cheered at the successful construction and Activation of Alpha Base, also known as Dracochen Base. An expeditionary force from the UFE is where they'll be located.

Many of the people here were either UFE soldiers happy at the fact their new home was constructed so fast, or it was from the Dracochen being happy at their new found relationship with the UNE being such a success. In my hands was beer like everyone else. I ended up helping as well, just not the way I thought but I helped since I was exhausted from Runes sister constant questions, and experiments with magic. So I was also here cause well I needed a break.

"So are you excited for the new alliance or you're here just because you can?" Asked a Dracochen.

"No, I'm a bit tired. I ended up doing tests all day with one of the UNE scientists." I responded, taking a sip of my beer. It wasn't as large as everybody else's but it still was relaxing. Dracochen isn't just known for their magic but also beer and wine.

"Magic depletion can be a bitch. Trust me I've experienced it before." He said, taking a sip of his own beer.

"I can tell. I feel like I can sleep for years, but I'm gonna stay up for a bit." Sora said, before downing the rest of my beer. Which was a terrible decision as Sora then felt the effects of the beer. She soon had a headache but she powered through it. She needed to find Rune as he wanted to talk about something important.

When I left the building. I decided to head to the river to check if he was there since well that was where we agreed to meet up. I arrived at a small place with Rune sitting on it. He wasn't in his usual clothing but was what I assumed was his version of casual clothing.

"Hey Sora, how are you doing?" Rune asked Sora.

"I'm fine, except I downed a cup of beer in a single go and I now have a slight headache." Sora said, sitting down next to him in the process.

"Well I would like to say, you've been cleared for citizenship for the UNE." Rune said, while holding a card. With her name in English, date of birth, and a picture of her.

"Really!" I said, while hugging him.

"I said "Cleared" not approved. We haven't exactly done this as the other species we've met don't have any interests in going to our worlds. But you are going through the process of gaining citizenship." He said.

"Oh? Well, as long as I could go to even one of your worlds I would be happy!" Sora said.

"So, I think we should begin planning on where we'll go first in the Solar System. Or we could do the Grand Tour." Rune said.

'The Grand Tour?" Sora asked.

"Well the Grand Tour is where we take a trip to every single Major Planet, a body with high interest by the tourism industry in the Solar System. Well you don't know where to go neither do I so why not get it in a complete package?" He said.

"Sounds cool. Sure please tell me when I get my citizenship and you get leave and I'll prepare accordingly. I don't really know what to wear so you'll have to help guide me on that one." Sora said.

"I have some friends who can help you with what to wear." Rune said.

"Thank you!" Sora said.

"Well I say we should get this going then?" He said, while getting onto the canoe and holding out his hand. Sora took it and she sat down on the other side of the boat from Rune. After getting settled in he began to row down the river.

He went slow so Sora's slight headache didn't become worse. They were on what was essentially a date. No, it was a date actually.

The winds were calm including the river. Sora and Rune both enjoyed the feel as they gently went down stream.

"It's calm, sort of reminds me of the time I first moved to the offworld habitats." Rune said while feeling the wind passing through his hair.

"So, do you have any plans?" Sora asked.

"Taking you offworld, and living a life with you." Rune said, Sora felt her face slightly redden at the statement. Rune is hot and all, and he is charming but is he really the right choice? Although there is Prince Reims, I don't exactly like him though.

Sora only responded with a smile. Eventually they stopped at a small lake. No one was present Sora was a bit tired so she decided to lay down a bit. Except where to lay down? They were on a wooden boat, and she decided that laying down on Rune was the answer. He didn't move at all and they just sat there to the point where Sora fell asleep. Rune didn't wake her up; he decided that anchoring down near some shade was a good choice and fell asleep as well.

When those two woke up it was still day and was clearly nearing noon. As it turns out Sora ended up using him as a pillow just as he was asleep just as she was. Sora woke up first before Rune.

"Goddamnit." She silently cursed to herself, she debated on whether or not to kiss him.

"Fuck it." She silently said to herself, and gave him a silent kiss on the cheek and wheeled away just as fast as she was going in. Rune was still asleep but woke up soon after, with a slight grin.

Not that far away, only 30 meters, was Prince Reim who was silently watching Rune and Sora as they began to makeout. 'Sora was supposed to be mine!' Reims inwardly thought with a scowl on his face. He spent a long time talking to her and getting close and all of his work was destroyed in a matter of seconds because of this. Barbarian!

He saw the "Firebases" land and wondered in horror what they were. Until he realized that if he took control and convinced some of their nobles to join his side he would gain access to this powerful magic.

The person Sora was with was the answer to that. His clothing was much higher quality than the others. Which meant he was either Nobility or was wealthy. The plan was built off of asking him to join him. But that was dashed now since well he was with Sora now.

Reims spent the past 3 months building a plan to take over his fathers throne and later the world. It all first started with The Wanderer; it came from the heavens. Which meant it was from the gods and whoever claimed it first would have the world in the palms of their hands. But then the gods revealed themselves and attacked the Theocracy stating that they have no plans for such a primitive world except observation.

They even said their most greedy politicians would not waste money on such a world. Why? If they are so powerful why haven't they attacked? Although that didn't discourage him from getting their magic and weaponry.

So he wanted to plant the seeds of rebellion by starting with an officer who seemed to have some power in the military and has a following.

"Hey, don't you think it's a bit perverted to watch two love birds while they go at it?" Said someone behind him. Reims then activated an invisibility spell and got out of there but a punch came his way. Which connected that was expected though he hadn't moved yet so his assailant had to be fast before he got out of the way.

He hit the ground but Reims began to move out of the way, and then ran from his attacker. Not willing to invoke his royal position. Chances are they wouldn't listen to him but it was better to completely disappear from the scene before more came. Reims twisted and turned through the forest he was in and reached the boat he used to get in.

When he got to the canoe he jumped in and began rowing out of there. He knew he would lose, despite him being in the mage academy he saw just how powerful their weapons were and if used against him would be disastrous. So running was his best option.

After rowing for a bit he came to the cave that the river ran through. One of the few ways you can get into the valley. The other way was through the main entrance. Across the mountain top, or through the cave that Reims was rowing through.

After a few minutes of constant rowing he arrived on the other side with light shining through. He rowed to the bank and pushed his canoe onto land and pushed it towards a place with lots of foliage and hid. He then went towards where his horse was waiting with an aide.

"Sir ready to go?" Asked the aide.

"Yes, we need to get out of here as soon as possible. I need to warn others about this." Reims said to himself before taking off on his horse.

A few days later Prince Reims arrived at Reanaca and he went immediately towards the place where a few former Theocracy Adventurers were usually located. This caught the attention of many people, especially the women, who gawked at the Elf with a shining desire to marry.

"Sorry ladies, I have some errands to do. So would be kind enough to let me through." Reims asked the pack women following him. They all did what he asked all the while gossiping about what errand he's on.

Reim entered the building and was met by a little girl who wore the Guilds uniform, "Oh, Prince Reims, what brings you to Reanaca today?'' asked the girl.

"I'm looking for a group of former Theocracy Adventurers who usually hang out here." Reims said.

"Oh, you mean the Dark Knights. You're lucky they're leaving tomorrow morning please follow me. I'll show you where they are." The girl said she then turned around with Reims following suit.

They eventually came by a table where three people were present, a mage, an archer, and a man in Knight armor.

"If it isn't Prince Reims. What brings you here today?" Asked the Knight, the Prince sat down and ordered a cup of water.

"I need to get into contact with High Priest Elehron, I have something urgent to say, and immediately." The Prince said, the Adventurers just looked at each other before speaking.

"Alright, I guess. If it's that bad to the point where even the Royalty has to call for help." Said the mage while bringing out a white ball. The mage placed it on the table and activated it. Contacting High Priest Elehron. Soon after it was answered by the High Priest.

"It looks like we'll need to go somewhere more private." Said the Archer.

"Agreed." Said the Prince, the four of them later moved to a private room where discussions

were usually held and continued the conversation.

"High Priest Elehron speaking, I would like to ask brother it's been a while since we last talked with each other and I would like to ask you why did you call so suddenly?" The Priest asked, clearly annoyed by the sudden call.

"Prince Reims wishes to speak to you. I don't know what but he wants to speak to you." The mage said, while handing the ball to the Prince.

"Prince Reims, what seems to be the sudden call? Having problems with dragons again?" The Priest said mockingly.

"Look I'm not in the mood to be joking right or bringing up old wounds. Right now we have a threat that could potentially end our civilizations, our religions, and our people if we don't act now." The Prince said.

"And what that might be?" The Priest said slyly.

"I don't have time for your games, you know what I'm talking about." The Prince said calmly.

"The Wanderers creators. Yes, what about them?" The Priest said, it was clear he hadn\t gotten the news that The Wanderers creators setted up a base of Operations in the Dracochen Confederacy.

"I guess you haven't heard of it yet. The Wanderers creators just recently setted up a fortress in the Dracochen Confederacy. Chances are they are planning a full scale invasion of the neighboring nations and kingdoms. I need your help, I'll raise an army, you'll raise the mages. I'll even get the Vassals and the Kingdom as well for good measure." The Prince proposed.

"You're proposing a preemptive invasion to take out a future threat to us all?" The Priest asked, the adventurers weren't expecting this and they gasped at

"Precisely, it has already proven themselves a threat when The Wanderer took a group of seasoned adventurers. Which is nothing to scoff at, but it did with such impunity and ease that it looked more like stomping on a roach." The Prince said.

"Yes, a group of seasoned adventurers taken out in only a matter of minutes with almost no resistance is something for sure. I'll accept your proposal, under the guise we split the loot evenly." The Priest said.

"Alright, I'll meet you in the Imperial capital then." The Prince responded. Afterwards the face of the Priest disappeared and the dropped jaws of the Adventurers came to the view of the Prince.

"You look like you've seen a ghost, you can join in the battle if you want. I'll hire you once we make an official announcement. Job postings will come soon after so don't worry." The Prince said with a smile, while giving the ball back to the mage before leaving the Private Room.

Soon the Continent will be embroiled into a war that would only sow the seeds of destruction for this world.