Chapter 13

21 Dec, 1055 A.E

Allied army Outpost, Fortress Reanaca

"I would like to thank you for answering my call of war." Prince Reims said to the Adventurers who came. Many teams of varying size and skill came. But that didn't mean they were weak. No not close to it, these Adventurers weren't alone as well. The Six Scriptures from the Theocracy also accepted the call of war. The Hero who fought off a demon invasion 5 years ago, and successfully survived multiple assassination attempts.

Not only that many nations around the continent accepted the call of war.

"It would be our honor to serve our people. So what is the known strength of the enemy?" The Hero asked, The leaders of the adventurer groups, the Hero and his group, along with the Six Scriptures weren't the only ones who accepted the call of war. Most nations on the Continent of Virirun accepted the call of war.

The King of the Kingdom of Jurusili was one of the first to speak up, "What is the known strength of the enemy?" He asked.

"Currently spies in the Dracochen Confederacy counted at least ten thousand troops foreign. Here are their known units and formations." The Prince said while placing down Chess pieces on a map of the Dracochen valley.

"Spies have spotted some sort of metal contraptions that can move without a horse. They've been referred to as a Warthog by the locals. It's apparently a type of carriage that runs on a sort of energy we've been unable to identify. But we believe they are used similarly to cavalry going off at their speed, so having anti-cavalry or anti-carriage weaponry should at least disable them. There are their main units: they use some sort of gunpowder that can fire stones at high rates. They are dangerous so I advised you to use spread out formation and use small units of 4 to 8. Usually led by a mage or an experienced officer." The Prince explained.

"So where do us adventurers and Scriptures come in?" The Hero asked.

"The Adventurers and Scriptures will be used as shock troops. Due to the small size and relative experience of B class Adventurers and above. Along with the firepower the Scriptures can bring in relatively small sizes. Your job will be to go deep into enemy territory before we begin our invasion and try to destroy as much of the enemy's facilities. Like blacksmiths that produce their weapons and their stones, and if possible use them against them.

Hero, I believe you stated your world where you come from, your military used a sort of similar weapons, you've called Automatic Rifles, you did help us create the first gunpowder weapons. So I have reason to believe you can teach the Adventurers and scriptures on how to use these weapons?"

"That would be correct." The Hero said.

"Alright, you'll do that. The main force will be equipped with rifles, especially the bolt action rifles you've helped us create. So it would be imperative that we act fast to get those weapons spreaded out through the ranks as fast as possible." The Prince said, they then went through the battle plans and where they'll invade and what the plans objectives are.

"I think we're all set for business I believe. I think I need to talk to an old friend over in the Capitol. Saffratin I have reason to believe you can watch over the preparations while I'm gone?" The Prince asked.

"Yes sir, I have read your orders down to the letter. If there's any issue I'll try to handle it to the best of my ability along with the leaders of the continent." The Female elf known Saffratin said.

"Good, send me a message if there's something extremely urgent." The Prince siad, before leaving the tent.

Prince Reims left the tent and made his way to the stables where his horse was. He needed to get there fast so he didn't bother taking a carriage but a series of escorts instead. They then began to ride on the road that headed towards the capitol.

A few days later

Imperial Capital, Imperial Mage Academy

"So Sora, what are you planning on doing this weekend? Going to check out the Wanderer again?" Asked Raei.

"No, remember we're still going through all the information we got from the time we went to the Dracochen Valley and saw Eagle check up on it." Sora said, Raei was clearly downed by this.

"I know, but I have a question: where is The Wanderer though? No one has spotted it for the past 6 months at all. Not even Adventurers who actively try to hunt it down." Raei said, it was true that the Wanderer hasn't been spotted in a long time though. Probably had to do with the fact that it was probably getting sent off to do other things. Since then there has been a UFE presence in the Dracochen valley.

"Oh yeah you remember Eagle I believe his people should be setting up a base by now or has been for the past three months or so." Raei said.

"Yeah, I haven't been back there in a while. So I don't really know what's the status of that." Sora lied, then a voice came behind them.

"Is there a person named Sora Bewcius here?" Asked a knight coming up behind them.

"Yes, that would be me." Sora said she wasn't sure what was going on.

"Prince Reims needs to speak with you for a bit. I would show you where he is if you would follow me." The knight said.

"Ok." Sora said, before following the Knight with Raei following. The Knight made his way towards a private room on the other side of the Campus. Where Prince Reims was waiting.

Sora entered the room alone, "Oh hey, Prince Reims so what's with the sudden call?" She asked, while sitting down.

"I would like to ask you, do you love the Wanderers creators?" Reims asked.

"No, I've only seen their creators once and that was like 6 months ago." Sora lied. she was honestly in love with him. But she didn't want them to know, the ramifications of the situation could honestly be the thing that kills her.

"Don't lie. I saw you kissing him." Reims said.

"Huh? What do you mean? I think you misidentified someone else for me." She said, trying to downplay it.

"Alright, enough of this. Let's just say you know them. Can you convince one of their Officers to gain a following and cause a mutiny within their ranks?" Reims asked, the war would go easier if they had Allies that had their tech and tactics.

"Sorry, no can do. Their officers aren't stupid enough to do that." Sora said Reims was surprised at her statement. If she said she only saw them once then how did she know at least that much.

"Tell me what do you mean by they aren't stupid enough to do that?" Reims asked.

"Well, it's very complicated but I do know they're troops and officers get put through a sort of test about whether or not they'll be willing to betray their kin. That would be unlikely unless they really wanted to get out of there. But most of them seem to be volunteers and they have high morale meaning they don't really have a reason to betray their comrades." Sora explained.

"What? There could be at least a few that are willing to at least give us information." Then the realization hit Reims, "Don't tell me. You know because you're already aligned to them!" Reims said.

'Shit! How did he find out so fast? Goddamn it should've just refused to answer or play dumb you fucking idiot Sora!' Sora yelled inwardly.

Then Prince Reims put Sora in an arm lock. Sora attempted to put up a shield but couldn't do it fast enough and as such she was pinned to the ground.

"Under Imperial Authority. You will be put under house arrest for treason against his Imperial majesty and will not be allowed to leave the premises. Under any circumstances. Guards arrest this woman!" Prince Reims said, then his knights came in and picked Sora up and arrested her.

Sora didn't resist; it would only make things worse if she did. The students at the Academy were watching as one of the most prominent and powerful mages in the entire academy was being arrested. And escorted towards her dorm.

Sora was then taken to her Dorm, with a guard posted everyday until the UFE was kicked off world. Although chances of that happening was unlikely at best and impossible at worst. The UFE for all they care could bombard the continent from space.

Either way, I may be in trouble for the time being so getting offworld may be my best chance of survival. So I needed to do the only thing possible was to call Rune. Except I could only do that at night or I'll be caught.

So I waited all day, then the sun setted, I wasn't too sure where Rune was exactly. He was either at the station or in the Dracochen valley. If he was in the Dracochen valley it wouldn't take much longer for him to get here if he had to go through the atmosphere from the ground.

Activating the holodisk SCAI came up. "Sora, it's been a bit since we last talked. Let me guess you need to escape, don't worry Rune is already getting busy with that." SCAI assured.

Sora sighed then responded "Thank you SCAI you've been a huge help with me. Especially my studies and magic. Now I am forever indebted to you." Sora said.

"No need to thank me, I was designed this way. For the past seventy years that was my purpose. Help people, whether it was you or my father Apaum I will always be there to help until the day I die, or be decommissioned." SCAI said, a silence soon followed only for a few minutes until the sound of a sonic boom was heard followed by a loud crash like something just hit the ground. This woke up the residents of the Imperial capital.

"Looks like your future husband is here." SCAI said with a slight smile, Sora didn't really think much about it. "We need to move, and soon. I wouldn't be surprised if they realized that sound was coming for you." SCAI said Sora then picked SCAI up, broke through the window with some magic and jumped out onto the tiled roof of the Academy.

"The prisoner escaped!" Yelled a guard. Sora quickly began a mad dash following SCAI's directions.

"Jump down the alleyway now!" SCAI said Sora did what the A.I ordered and jumped down into the alley and began running towards the center park. Usually a terrible idea if you're trying to escape but the person who's saving her is literally from another world. The sound of loud stomping could be heard as whatever Rune was piloting was large.

Then the thing came into view. It had a face that looked like it was a golem. "That's him Sora." SCAI reported. Sora stopped and began waving her hands which the Golem noticed. It then kneeled down and opened its hands.

"Sora, you good?" Rune asked.

"Yeah I'm fine! Where are they going to pick us up?" Sora asked.

"At the Gate. A force has already occupied a part of it already and exfil is ready." Rune reported, Sora jumped into the Golems' hands which it closed on her as they began to move. Sora saw the world above her through the cracks of the fingers. Everything looked insignificantly small.

"You people operate fast!" Sora exclaimed, although her time looking at things came to an end when arrows started being fired. But those did little to nothing as they kept on bouncing off the Golems armor. After running through the main street they eventually arrived at what she assumed was the exfil. Which was answered by a plane coming in and landing vertically.

"Exfil vehicle on standby." A voice over the radio said. They soon arrived as she was put down on the ground and she was escorted towards the vehicle and into a seat.

"What about Rune?" Sora asked one of the soldiers.

"He'll be fine. It's not like they can do anything against him when he's in the Exosuit." The Soldier explained, then Rune came in as the sound of the Exosuit being rolled into the cargo bay doors. He then took a seat as the cargo bay doors of the plane closed and she felt herself be pressed against the seat as the plane accelerated towards the necessary speeds to leave the atmosphere. Eventually she wasn't being pressed against my seat as we were now cruising.

She looked out the window and saw the Imperial Capital become a small dot as they went higher and higher. Eventually the world became a blue and green ball, a part of it being visible now as we quickly accelerated away from the world. By that point we were floating.

"I suggest you stay in your seat, because microgravity is a bitch to deal with." Rune said, floating with me.

"Long term I'm guessing?" Sora said, while getting into her seat.

"Yep." He responded, and eventually a large thing came into view. I'm guessing it was what they called a station. We eventually docked into it as the plane landed with the cargo bay doors opening. Gravity was back, and we were no longer floating. I stepped off the cargo bay doors and was being checked up by what was probably a medical team.

Then Anderson came "Are you fucking insane? Bringing her onto the Station? Let me guess she was a high priority target and getting her off world if she was compromised, or is it because you are in love with her." Anderson said, who was just ignored by Rune. Sora ended up following him after being quickly cleared by the medical team who confirmed there was no problem with her.

"You can't just ignore me like that!" Anderson said, Runed turned to her.

"Look, Anderson, she is a high priority target since she's one of the few people outside of the Dracochen Valley that's willing to work with us. Everybody else we're either capturing or killing, or it's the other way around they're trying to capture and kill us. Not only that, she's been cleared for citizenship just recently. You know the government doesn't exactly like abandoning the idea of having aliens in our society." Rune said, before turning around to the door.

"You moth-" Anderson yelled, but the door closed on her before we heard the rest of it.

"I'm sorry for dragging you and your people into this." Sora said.

"Don't worry about it. War is coming you know, we've spotted a massive buildup of troops in Reanaca I believe you called it." Rune said.

"I was asked by the Prince to try and get you to betray the rest of the UFE. I knew it would be impossible to even get you to betray them." Sora said.

"Good call, at least they don't have much of an advantage anymore. Well that advantage never really existed for your information. When push comes to shove and we end up getting shoved. We'll drop a thousand suns on them if we need to. Our current weaponry is already over-kill at this point so no need to go that far when whoever's gonna win is already on the wall." Rune explained.

"And that'll be the UFE and the Dracochen right?" Sora said.

"You are correct about that." He said, we eventually stopped at a door which opened to a relatively large room. A bed was in the center, a larger version of a holodisk probably a computer is what he called it was to its right. A small kitchen in the room was to the left of the bed. Along with a washroom to the kitchens left. There was a window that gave a view towards the outside space.

"It's very spacious." Sora said.

"Well just wait till you see the Marines beds, it's the complete opposite." Rune said.

"So it's bunks for days for them then?" Sora said.

"Yep, so you'll need this watch. It will allow you to interact with most things on the station such as the doors without having to manually press the buttons. They don't automatically open for safety reasons and more or less prevent raiders from easily getting in." Rune said.

"I see." Sora said while picking up the watch and putting it on her left hand.

"For now we can relax. I just requested a set of civilian clothes for you. It may not look the greatest but it is comfortable and allows you to move around easily. Although you may need to try a few sizes before you find the right one. So it may take a bit." Rune said.

"Oh, do you mind if I use your kitchen?" Sora asked.

"Sure, there isn't much of anything there though." Rune said.

"Oh, guess I'll have to get ingredients when I need to." Sora said.

"Well the only place you can get those ingredients is via the kitchen. But even then not many people go there." He said "Either way I'm clocking out. You can sleep on the bed if you feel like it." Rune said, before falling on the bed. The lights in the main room turned off, Sora went to the Kitchen to see if anything she could cook with what was present. The first cabinet she opened was relatively empty.

A box with the title named "Sweet N Salty: yes those bars that went out of production in the mid 21st century after the company filed for bankruptcy." There were also a few ingredients, most notably bread. She then went towards another larger box that was called a fridge. It gave off a cold wind of air when she opened it. It was mostly empty with a box of grapes that were probably bad by now.

"You seriously need to clean up your kitchen." Sora said to herself, she first of all checked the date on the strawberries, and compared them with the UNE date. They were expired, a slight ring on the door indicated someone was here. Probably the person with her clothes. Opening the door she was met by a woman who wasn't in the UFE uniform.

"Oh, Sora, I believe your name is?" Said the woman.

"That would be correct, ma'am. My clothes, I believe." Sora said.

"Yep, between Adult Medium and Adult large, according to your medical scans that were given to you when you got off the plane." The woman said.

"Oh, thank you. I'll be sure to try them on." Sora said, she was handed the box and the woman handed me the box before leaving. The door closed and Sora began to check the clothes. She then tried it on, and they fitted really well, it was comfortable. Not only that she felt slightly cooler.

"I guess I'll take a bath and then get to sleep." She said to herself, she then went towards the restroom and SCAI showed her how to operate the shower head. It was a relatively simple device, despite all of the advanced technology such as automatic doors and artificial gravity. This was apparently one of the oldest mechanisms that's used in the ship. The only thing that was newer was the heat control which she was surprised by.

The warm water honestly felt good to Sora, she felt like she could stay in there forever but knew she couldn't so she got washed with the appropriate soap and shampoo and found herself on the bed on the other side where Rune was. Closing her eyes she fell asleep to the quiet sounds of the Station.

The Rhythmic doors silently opening and closing from sentries patrolling the ship for unlikely invaders. Ships docking and leaving the station's harbor. Trading supplies with the fleet that was nearby. The sounds of a new part of the station being built. Probably a farm, or more barracks, or something else she couldn't imagine.

Then she eventually fell asleep. A new day rose for both the World below and the crew of the Station.