Chapter 14

24 Dec, 1055 A.E

"You mean the Imperial Capital of Reims was raided!" Yelled the King of Jurusili, everybody else was shocked by the information. It wasn't exactly known how they got there undetected, but according to reports there was a large boom right before the raid began.

"Damn Barbarians! We should attack them now, when we have the chance!" Yelled the Duke of Vanicia while slamming his fist on the war table. The sounds of murmuring from the leaders as they came to an agreement on whether or not to attack them.

"Prince Reims. Your thoughts on this?" Asked the ArchDuke of the Osterrian-Hungro Empire.

"As of right now only two of my legions are ready for departure towards the Dracochen confederacy. The rest though it will take some more time to make them prepared. We're expecting a siege at worst and a long battle at worst that will take a bit to take out the defenders." Reims explained, while placing down chess pieces on a map of the continent that was near Reanaca.

"So you will lead the forward units, and we will reinforce your units at a later date then?" Asked General Senshi Denwa from the Edoa Kingdom.

"That will be a fine plan. Tiring out the enemy will be our plan. The adventurers and the Hero should be making good work of their blacksmiths, armories, and barracks." Prince Reim said.

"Yes it is, but how much will it affect the battle? We won't know at all until we get there." Said General Shi Li, he was one of the greatest strategists and Generals of the Qingdao Empire. He was the person who wrote the book on the Art of War.

"True, all we can do is hope they do their jobs." Said King Jurusili.

"I'll be moving my armies out to the battlefield tomorrow morning. I'll see you all soon in glory and honor in war." Prince Reims said before leaving the War Tent. Little did they know his conversation was being listened to by a small little spider-like robot.

"Captain, what do we do with this information?" Asked a Radio Officer.

"Send it down towards the ground Units, but tell them let them come. Make them believe they can win until the last minute. Then we'll terrify them with orbital drops. Then an orbital space invasion of all countries who were present in that War Tent and who's forces are preparing to march to Dracochen Valley." Captain Garza said.

"Yes sir." The Radio Officer said, who began to relay the orders. The Lunar Fall was at High Alert, but the atmosphere in the bridge wasn't all that tense. Since well the UNFE was pretty confident that an orbital bombardment was more than enough to kill the enemy troops if need be. But they were told that if war ever comes just surround the enemy with orbital drops and take them out that way.

That was the enemy troops, but to end the war quickly and decisively they'll need to split all of the Marines, Orbital Drop Shock Troopers, and AVATAR Units towards the enemy cities and towns. They'll capture the villages later, chances are they probably haven't even heard of the mobilization yet. So taking over the small villages along with lowering taxes by a bit should keep them quiet for a bit.

The war in of itself is expected to be a curbstomp battle, even if the RDA had superior tech they were separated by years of reinforcements as the Journey to Pandora was long, they were also motivated by profits not meeting alien civilizations. They were the ones who started the thing if we weren't so desperate for energy when we were literally right next to a massive source of energy.

"Captain, you need to see this. The Fire Base is under attack. The invaders seem to be mercenaries of some sort. Probably adventurers hired by the Nations preparing to attack Dracochen." The Radio Officer reported.

"Has the Firebase requested reinforcements?" Captain Garza asked.

"No sir. The attackers were wiped out just now all except a few. We believe they are trying to destroy our manufacturing facilities, or Logistic bases. One of those two but as expected there was no damage done when they realized just how hard it was to destroy them. We don't know how they got in but we discovered them when a fire was put out by an automated system when there were no flammable materials in the facility. Soon afterwards motion trackers detected them and a fire team was sent in to investigate. As expected sir, they were wiped out."

"You said all except a few. Am I correct?" Captain Garza asked.

"Yes, the last one seemed to speak Japanese and surrendered along with his group. They are being detained as we speak sir." The Radio Officer reported.

"Inform me when anything new comes up." Captain Garza asked, "Also before I leave, make sure a small diplomatic team is sent to intercept their army and try to make peace before war truly breaks out." Captain Garza said.

"Yes sir." The Radio Officer said, before Captain Garza left the bridge. He had a meeting to attend with Admiral Cole over the phone. Since the situation didn't go exactly as planned, it isn't exactly known how they came to find out where they put their Firebase. Granted it was in civilization and such but the civilization in question was mostly isolationist so it was confusing on how they came to be even aware of their existence.

They weren't taking anything at all, to the point where the people of Dracochen continued their lives like the firebase wasn't even there. Either way he had to explain this to Admiral Cole who had to report to the Council of Nations, along with the President.

"Captain Garza, I recently received a report that the natives of Remis Prime are preparing an invasion force in the country you recently established relations with? Please explain to me how this happened?" The Admiral asked.

"I am not sure how this happened in the first place. All I know is that the enemy will be crushed once their invasion does begin." Captain Garza said with confidence.

"So, you're saying that most diplomatic options have failed, I believe?" The Admiral said.

"Not exactly sir, we're planning on intercepting their army with a small diplomatic team to try and negotiate a treaty. If this fails though we will be left with no option but total war." Garza said.

"Send me a report as soon as the results come in. Whether or not the mission is successful will reflect greatly on your career. As one of the most highly respected Naval officers of the Navy you are expected to do a lot." The admiral said before the screen went dark leaving the Captain looking at a gray metal wall.

"Shit." He silently cursed to himself before leaving the room.

Firebase Alpha, Dracochen Confederacy

20th October, 2169

The sounds of propellers chopping the air as the First Remis Airborne fleet is preparing to take off. Consisting of a singular Gunship, and 15 Falcons. The FIrst Airborne Attack division was making preparations to intercept the enemy and listen to their demands and try to make peace with the army that's marching towards Dracochen today.

"This is Papa Dragon, we're ready for takeoff. Control? Over?" The pilot of the Gunship asked.

"Papa Dragon, you are clear for takeoff. Over." Said the Air Traffic Controller, soon afterwards the Gunship began to take off.

"First Airborne attack division be advised that the enemy does have aerial units. Use Anti-Aerial Pandoran air formations. Over." The Air Traffic Controller said. All the helicopters in the First Airborne Attack Division began to take off after being cleared to do so. They then began to rise to an altitude that went over the mountains of the Dracochen Valley.

"This is Papa Dragon, if the enemy proves to be hostile and isn't willing for negotiations. We have full permission to open fire if they attack us first." said the Commander.

"Affirmative." A chorus came from the radio, soon after the only sounds were the propellers and the fleet began to make its way towards the last known location of the Reimian army. Soon a large, orderly square was viable. Seen marching down the road that led to the Dracochen Confederacy.

"Alright, open up the loud speakers." The captain ordered.

"Alright sir." Said the pilot before pressing a button, who then gave a thumbs up saying you're good to speak.

"This is the Air Captain of the United Aerial Forces of Earth. Please turn your army around or we will use force. Unless your leader comes out. We could negotiate a peace deal that would make sure no one dies on both sides." The Captain offered.

To Prince Reims there was at first the sound of buzzing then the sight of a large swarm of 15 massive bugs all escorting a large Dragon coming over the horizon. The army trembled at the things, but the affirmative and authoritative voice of Prince Reims swept their fears away.

A voice boomed from the Dragon demanding that he turn his army around, or he came out to speak for peace.

"I am Prince Reims of the Reimian Empire! What do you wish to offer us in return for peace?" The Prince yelled at the top of his lungs in hopes that they could hear him. In response the Dragon soon began to excrete something. He couldn't tell at first but when it came closer it was someone in White Clothing. A Human to be exact. He was escorted by some men in green.

"What do we offer for peace? Peace of course who do you think would be demanding unfair peace deals?" The Person said.

"Well I have an offer. Leave the Dracochen Kingdom, hand us the Wanderer and we'll make peace." The Prince said, this didn't exactly sit well with the person.

"No can do son. The Wanderer is nowhere near here, don't ask 'cause I don't know where it is, and even if I did we wouldn't hand it over to you at all. Even if we did hand The Wanderer over to you wouldn't be able to control it, let alone understand how it's built." The Person explained.

"Then teach us how to build it. Then you'll get your peace." The Prince said.

"All we're offering is peace, for peace. Not all peace treaties have to have some sort of concession. It can just be a white peace treaty where we'll agree that we're not at war anymore, nothing more nothing less." The Person said.

"Fine, if you're unwilling to accept my demands, which mind you are pretty generous of you, ask me. I could've asked for land in return for peace. Well, have it your way. Not only will the people of Dracochen suffer because of your lack of foresight, not only that we'll make sure your people are slaves as well." The Prince threatened.

"That's where you're wrong. You wouldn't be able to even touch us." He said he then retreated back under the Dragon he came from and was brought into it.

"Archers, take down those oversized Insects!" The Prince ordered, soon after a massive volley of arrows came towards the Gunship which all helplessly bounced off the heavy armor of the ship. Although they had a bit more luck with the helicopters although that didn't help as much though, all they did was close the doors and hid inside.

"Such a disappointment." The Captain said to himself as the sounds of arrows falling off the side of the Gunship doing nothing more than annoy the crew.

"Captain, they've opened fire. What should we do? And it's underwhelming, should we retreat and lull them into a false sense of strength?" The Pilot asked.

"Nah, encircle them and open fire." The Captain ordered, soon after the Falcons encircled the army and a massive hail of bullets came at the helpless army as it was mercilessly struck down by an invisible force. Prince Reims was immediately killed in the industrial slaughterhouse.

"Sir, nothing remains of the enemy army. Orders to head home?" The Pilot asked.

"I have an idea, we should head deeper. We do have army units in our hangar right now. So we should easily destroy any defenses the nearby town has, correct?" The Captain asked.

"I believe so, captain. That's a fine plan, I'll ask the command for permission to execute it." The Pilot said before speaking into his mic.

"Yes indeed it is a fine plan." The Captain said to himself looking out at the carnage that was below the Fleet. Soon afterwards a report came from the Pilot.

"Sir, Captain Garza gave us permission to head deeper. Only to Reanaca though, it's a fortress town according to reports from Dracochen." The Pilot reported, a slight grin came up on the Captain's face.

"Good, how about we have a little fun? Shall we?" The captain asked, soon after an order was sent to the entire Air Fleet to head towards Reanaca. Orders to destroy enemy forces and destroy civilian morale.

The Air Fleet soon afterwards arrived at the fortress town of Reanaca. Although something was off. Something that was not seen before in the Satellite imagery from when the science ship Valkreig arrived at Remis Prime.

"Is that a goddamn factory?" The Pilot said, while aiming one of the cameras toward the large building that had smog coming out of it.

"Enhance the image." The captain ordered, the pilot did so and increased the resolution to get a better view, and there it was a large factory-like building with smog coming out of it. "It seems like we greatly underestimated the armed forces of this world." The Captain said, the entire crew remained silent for a few minutes trying to think of answers and theories as to why they so seriously underestimated the tech level of this world.

"Enough theories people. Since it's using coal we can burn the thing down and cause panic within the city." The Captain ordered the town unaware of the large airfleet presence since it was over 5000 meters above sea level. Way above the range at which their engines could be heard. Soon a volley of missiles were launched and hit the primitive factory which caused it to explode in a large fireworks show.

The explosions caused the people to wake up to their newly built factory being destroyed. Luckily not many people were inside the building itself, as many people were returning home from work. It was around 9 P.M local time on the planet so it was the end of the work day for many.

Granted there were no rules of war on this planet, so the UFE is free to do whatever they felt like. Although there was the press getting ready to light anything under their ass if they did something horrible. So restrictions were in place to make sure no one loots or ransacks the city.

"Captain, the enemy factory is destroyed. Further orders, captain?" THe Pilot asked.

"Let's head home."