Chapter 15

1st Jan, 1056 A.E

Few miles outside Dracochen Confederacy

The sounds of explosions rocked the combined forces of Jurusili, Osterrian Empire, and the Edoa Kingdom. Entire lines were destroyed in mere seconds, those who survived were too shocked to continue fighting. Some were looking for their now severed arm from the explosions.

Hundreds of Wyverns were killed in mere seconds as well.

"My arm." The soldier silently said while walking around, holding his severed arm bloodied from the blood either splattered from his comrades, or from his own arm he didn't know. Eventually he came across a severed arm that he felt like was his. He picked it up and just stared at it in shock.

They were wiped out in mere minutes by a force that was entrenched. The officers that survived couldn't give the order to charge to even get within arrow range to hit them. The catapult's fate was the same if not worse. They couldn't even prepare and they were immediately taken out by explosions.

He was silently walking through the destruction, his mangled and bloodied comrades under him, hundreds if not thousands of bodies blown to bits. Every step splattered more blood over his already bloodied garments and armor. He didn't know what to do, except walk down the road in the direction he came from. Going straight to Reanaca then home hopefully.

Back to a loving wife, 2 sons, and 2 daughters in the quiet countryside. His fifth child is probably here by now. If he got a chance to get out of there he might have at least a chance to see the baby even for a bit. Then the sound of whooping came, looking up at those insects with their dark magic. Ones that wiped the Reimian army out with ease. At that point he accepted his fate, except it didn't kill him. It landed and a group of men came out. He then passed out from blood loss.


"How many POWs?" Asked Captain Garza, as of right now the first battle of Dracochen has ended. There were an estimated 10K+ casualties on the enemy side, and zero for the UFE and the Dracochen.

"5." The aide reported.

"This is the battle of Ganymede all over again." Garza said to himself, the battle of Ganymede was a one sided battle where a bunch of rebels began to try and attack military installations present on Ganymede. But all they were met with was artillery and an endless hail of bullets along with tanks.

"Or the Massacre of the Home Tree of the Omaticaya by the RDA." The aide added.

"True, but they were able to fight back not only that they had someone who had knowledge of their enemy since he worked with them and their weaknesses. Nothing in this world is remotely able to interfere with our sensors. Not only that their air units were equal to ours if not stronger and had an advantage due to the heavier atmosphere. They don't have anybody who is connected to them in the slightest." Captain Garza explained, the aide only nodded in response.

"Make sure they get taken care of properly and after the war send them home." The Captain ordered.

"Yes sir." The aide said before leaving the room to relay his orders. When the door closed Garza laid his head on his desk.

"What has the universe come to?" He said to himself.


A few days had passed since the first battle of Dracochen Plains, a second army came by this time it was led by the Qingdao Empires army it was massive. Numbering in the hundreds of thousands. Despite the overwhelming numerical advantage the Qingdao's had it wouldn't help them not even close.

The first wave was 20 thousand troops along with calvary. The Qingdao general staff present wanted to perform their attack over the course of five days.

The UFE didn't didn't have enough bullets on hand in the depots and their own troops to effectively cut all of them down. Instead they opted for a large frontal assault led by the 24 Assault Spider Droids. These were designed for more heavy hitting than quick infiltration and exfiltration, and or scout missions like the bipedal Scout Class Exosuit Rune used to grab Sora from the Imperial Capital.

They weren't controlled with a cockpit but remotely either on the ground or from space. It was too dangerous; many tests pointed to the inside either becoming too cramped or the pilot being literally incinerated due the combined cannons. It's a miracle the droid doesn't incinerate themselves after firing such a powerful beam of energy.

The Spider Assault Class as expected had heavier armaments, like a large 100 Millimeter Energy Canon that can fire in a constant beam of energy incinerating any and all enemies for as long as the beam had enough luminosity to incinerate its target. The farther the beam went the more it spreaded out or a large ball of energy that could be used to take down larger targets with a quick blasts.

When it fired a major high energy beam attack it wouldn't be able to fire it for several minutes since if it fired another high beam of energy afterwards the energy cannons would melt themselves. Not only that a lot of energy would be used up in that attack and its reserve had to be recharged before firing again so it would only be used in the worst case scenario. But most of the time it would release balls of energy that weren't as dangerous but still packed a punch. It had many laser sights to help it see in a low visibility environment like the battlefield currently was.

It was early morning that the Qingdao Empires forces arrived at the Dracochen plains that surrounded the valley, there was heavy fog meaning you couldn't see farther than three to five meters. They had to cross through a few of the smaller valleys or canyons that led through the mountains towards the wider valley to get towards the beginning of the Dracochen Confederacy.

The Qingdao Empire was able to get an idea of the enemy tactics from surviving mages that weren't immediately slaughtered and accordingly settled on a spread frontal assault. Trying to rush the enemy position as fast as possible before they could either be spotted or be shot at.

A sign was posted saying they weren't all that far from the valley's entrances. Less than a kilometer away from the mountain's base. This gave the Qingdao troops the information they should start running unless they want to be turned to minced meat.

They were all told if you see a sign that said they were a kilometer away from the mountain base start running as fast as you could and spread out.

They were told to not inform the superior officers as mages would do that. The main foot soldier would only focus on getting as close to the enemy as possible, and as such they began running; they went from a brisk pace of 1 kilometer an hour to nearly 3 kilometers an hour, not that faster. They began to spread out and were all told to use your judgment no orders would probably not be coming anytime soon after breaking formation.

They ran, all made sure to not run over each other, then the first enemy signs came. A rumble, it was consistent like marching, many stopped officers soon came confused. The foot soldiers stopped too they weren't expecting an enemy assault.

"Why are you stopping?" He asked.

"Do you hear that?" Asked a soldier.

"What is it?" He said, then he heard a rumble and it soon clicked "The enemy is here, why are you just standing there! Run at the enemy!" The officer ordered at the top of his lungs. All of the soldiers soon began running as fast as they could, soon red lines appeared out of the fog followed by a massive beam of energy incinerating hundreds of troops.

It was so bright it was even visible by the Wyvern riders who would take out any aerial enemies that could down their lines.

"What was that!" Said a wyvern rider over the mana comm.

Another spoke up "I don't know, it looked like a beam of magical energy." Responding to another rider, the first beam of energy was followed up by multiple balls of energy. It appeared white. The beams were so strong that it heated the air around them and lifted the fog up revealing the most terrifying sight.

Hundreds if not thousands of troops were cut down in mere seconds by said beam of energy. Soon the culprits were visible. A four legged giant golem they looked like spiders with some sort of canons on their shoulders along with two more on what looked like arms. Their bodies were gray like metal with white highlights at first. But soon those white highlights turned green to match the ground below.

There were dozens of them. They were all lined up next to each other around 5-10 meters apart. They all marched in unison, the surviving soldiers were around 50 meters behind as the beam of energy lost its energy over said 50 meters. They had minor burns, barely a meter behind them were soldiers who had no burns, but a meter ahead of them were soldiers who had major burns. Equivalent to 3rd degree burns, and barely a meter ahead of the 3rd degree burn survivors were soldiers whose skin melted off down to the bones they were dead.

The ones in front of the dead soldiers who still had bodies were nothing more than a boiling pool of blood that either evaporated or was cooling down quickly. The air around them was hot but barely bearable.

The ground that was blasted by the beams of light turned molten, a bit overkill by many of the UFE soldiers. Many just assumed the higher ups wanted to test run their new fancy equipment. Although that first attack immediately broke the soldiers morale and many began to back up and some began to flee.

The Spider Droids slowly moved forward towards the fleeing army that was broken in mere seconds. Many of the officers tried to regain control but to no avail, the few brave ones that stood at the side of the officers stood their ground.

In response to fleeing and or congregations of the Qingdao soldiers, the Spider Droids sped up and charged right into the much smaller lines of the soldiers. The soldiers tried to use their spears and stab the mechanical contraptions but to no avail. All they did was either scratch the paint or break their spears tips, the latter was more common.

The Archers, and Mages that were in the back, along with the siege weapons were the most confused. They were in the back at least a kilometer back either due to their slowness or importance.

One moment they were marching then the next a bright flash was visible. The fog was rising at that point giving those in the back line a clear view of what was happening.

A slaughter.

Panic soon began to rise within the ranks of the Qindao forces rearguard, and as such many began to doubt they could win the battle. But they continued doing their jobs, the catapults were loaded with boulders and soon afterwards sent their boulders flying.

The boulder flew in the air and actually hit one of the droids but no visible damage was seen. In response the droid began to charge up several balls of energy.

The balls of energy were fired and quickly flew towards the catapults. Within seconds the siege equipment was destroyed. The archers who weren't killed in the counter attack soon got all the information they needed and began to flee from the battle.

The Spider Droids didn't chase after them as their operators' objectives were complete.

The slaughter was over for now.