Battle of Minneaut Prime

Minneaut Prime, the once proud and bustling trade hub of the Minneaut System. It was now the capital of one of the largest Ork Empires to ever see the face of the galaxy, encompassing more than 200 worlds and having numerous billions of Orks under its banner.

Its leader was the Blue One, a gigantic ork nearly twice the size of Vulkan, Primarch of the Salamander Legion, this gigantic Ork Warlord was unique with his skin being a dark tone of blue while his pupils were the color of blood red. He is capable of tearing a Baneblade tank apart with his sheer strength. Whilst also having the greatest weapons the Orks, the 'Blakk Skin' power armor is on par with Custodian armor while the weapons of the Blue One being the 'Fist of Gork' and the 'Dakka of Mork' powerful machinery, aside from their names.

The Orks of this big, green empire were of a different breed, being faster, tougher and far more intelligent than their far dumber cousins. Fittingly named the Summus-Orks, these orks proved troublesome if not dangerous to the Wyverns, and that's already a feat worthy to note.

In the wake of this Green Crisis, the Emperor sent forth his second son, the Primarch of the Steel Wyverns Legion, Arturius Imperia. With his Legion, he called for a crusade with the assistance of the Regni Excercitus and the greatest of the elite regiments of his personal domain, Immortalis Draco, against the Orks.

Numerous billions died in the war with hundreds, if not, thousands of Astartes being butchered by the Orks. No longer able to hold his wrath, Arturius dropped down from his flagship, Tenebris Oculus, with his personal guard, the Draco Domini, on one of the 200 worlds, the Orks controlled. Cutting through tens of thousands of Orks, Arturius fought alongside his sons and his guard, marching through the various worlds and retaking them in the name of the Human race, eventually his onslaught would end at the very world this infestation had started, Minneaut Prime.

- Command Room of Tenebris Oculus

Inside the command room of the flagship, were numerous men and women working on computers which controlled many features of the ship, bellow them was the world of Minneaut Prime, accompanying the gigantic ship was the corresponding fleet which harbored hundreds of lesser ships and tens of battleships at varying lengths and strengths.

At the center of the control room was a command throne, beside the throne were 5, power-armored men, these being Frater Legatus Gabriele, and 4 members of the Draco Domini. The man who sat upon the command throne was none other than Arturius Imperia, giving out orders and commands to those on the ship, he eventually stood up and looked upon the Legatus of his Legion.

Arturius: "It is time, Gabriele."

Gabriele: "I am prepared, Father. My brothers only need your word."

Arturius: "Let us go."

Going out of the room, Arturius was followed by his guards with Gabriele beside him. Walking through the various corridors and halls of the ship, they eventually entered the Fulgur-Aquila hangar. They stood at a balcony, in front of them stood 50 thousand Vermis Astartes, standing tall and listening attentively to whatever order their Gene-Father was about to give them.

Arturius: "My sons! Today is the day where this Empire of Orks shall die upon the land which they call home! We shall do whatever we must do to rid this world of the Ork infestation. Be it the use of Melta-Weapons, Boler, or even Atomic weaponry, the Emperor has given his blessing for us to use whatever means against these cancer cells. Do you understand?!"

Marines: "YES, FATHER!"

Arturius: "Ave Dominus Imperator! Ave Draco Imperium!"

The marines then repeated the phrase Arturius had said. He then looked back to Gabriele.

Arturius: "Go to your brothers. I shall arrive at the center of battle when 'He' arrives."

Gabriele: "I'll be on my way then, Father."

Gabriele then went down through the use of the stairs connected to the balcony where they stood while Arturius and the Draco Domini left to go to another area where a specialised drop ship was waiting with the remaining 40 of the Domini.

- Gorkamorka -

Gorkamorka, planetery capital of the planet. Housing over billions of Orks with the greatest of the Mekkboyz and Nobz arriving at the city, the Blue One knew that an incoming battle was inevitable so he prepared the greatest of his forces in the defense of the city. Inside of his throne room, he met with his personal Mekkboy, Groznakk, and the captain of his Blakk-Gardz, Golrog Kornaka.

Blue One: "Whatz da status of our weaponry?"

Groznakk: "Well your blue grace. Our armory iz at tip top shape, your powa arma iz still being repaired but your ax and dakka are prepared to go against the space marines."

Blue One: "Get me powa arma ready cuz I know those lizard boiz are up der *points up* and are prepared to unleash their own waagh. It'z gonna be lotz of funz. Golrog!"

Golrog: "Yez, Boss?!"

Blue One: "Get the boiz ready, it'z time for us to prepare for a waaagh."

Golrog: "HAHAHAHAHA! The boiz are alwayz ready, Boss. The Blakk-Mastas have their 'Fangs of Mork' at the ready. The Silent-Boyz have their Don't-see-Me! doo-hikies powered up. The Squig-Lordz haven't fed their Squigz so they are gonna have a buffet later. Lasty, the Blakk-Gardz have our powa armas and Blakk shootas at the ready."

The Blue One stayed silent though a little snicker could be heard from him until only a few moments after, his snicker turned intoa maniacal laughter, following in his path were both Groznakk and Golrog, the whole room devolved into a circus of laughter as if 2nd Millennium entertainment called 'Sitcoms'.

* 1 Hour Later *

The thundering sounds of drop pods crashing through the sky and landing on the fields of Gorkamorka as the city's aerial defences were being manned. Several drop ships were shot down though many more dropships came and landed next to their brothers as they created a defensive perimeter around themselves while waiting for the remaining battle-groups.

On the ground, Gabriele shouted commands to his brothers as they received several tons of bullet fire from the city.

Gabriele: "Bibliothecas! Prepare your spells, we shall hold off the fire of these cancer cells. Brothers! To me!"

The librarians then grouped at a defended position while several battle-groups worth of marines formed a wall of metal between the city and the librarians. From the skies, were gigantic metal constructs that smashed upon landing with the ground. These humongous vehicles are the fabled Malleus Lacus, though with their appearance, it was only a matter of time until the 'Monsters' of the Wyverns were to arrive.

As the tanks landed, Gabriele gave new orders.

Gabriele: "Split off!"

As he said that, the numerous Astartes that formed the human-wall, were now breaking off into groups of 4 as the tanks drove in front of Ork bullets. With the tanks rolling in, the 20 or so Astartes groups were now focusing fire upon various Orks with several groups entirely focusing upon one point with tank shells placing holes throughout the Ork capital.

Behind all of them though were the Librarians, chanting their spells together to create a gigantic yet powerful spell that will encompass all of the city.

Librarians: "Lux Imperator. Da nobis virtutem inflammabit inimici nostri, usque in vita tua... Videre lucem!"

The Librarians collected energy had now formed itself as a floating mass of fire in the air above them with it now flying to the city and engulfing the Orks on the walls, scorching them until their green skin was all but char and bones.

- Meanwhile -

As the battle raged upon Gorkamorka, the various units of the Regni Excercitus were now attacking the planet with the greatest equipment the Techtites had given them such as the Hirundoarcu, which is a large shoulder-mounted weapon that can fire miniature black holes that can destroy nearly anything in its path for the 5 seconds it is alive. As well as the Plasma-Tormento, a mobile plasma cannon that is capable of tearing through any form of matter aside from Necrodermis, the Plasma-Tormento is the earliest and only rifle-sized gauss weapon the Techtites have invented.

Numerous units such as Division 227, also known as the Men of Steel, coming from Unit Sovyel, they are infamous for their run-n-gun tactics as well as unbreakable will with their motto of 'Not a single step backwards!' They surpass the reputations they are given.

A/N: If you know what I mean by 227, then I congratulate you for knowing history.

Then Division 'Flammeum Lacrimis' who are the greatest division hailing from the Death World of Ignea Pulverem which is filled with either swamps, forests or active volcanoes. Their love of the use of meltaguns or even the specialised, Stellatelum, which is a weapon the size of an autocannon that fires flames that can compete with Sol's own heat. Some say they are the standard human forms of the Salamanders, which they take pride in.

Many great divisions and whole units were used to assault Minneaut Prime but of all the fame and infamy they have none can even go toe to toe with the Filii Lileath. Every single one of the Filias are powerful psykers that can stand against a Greater Daemon of the Four though their fighting style, their adaptability and resilience is what truly makes them powerful. Their way of fighting is calm like the oceans yet as strong as an asteroid when being hit, not even Gabriele has had a chance to defeat a single member, their have only been 3 occurences when members of the Filias were defeated. Though the greatest and the one who leads the Filias is Farseer Elarye, her deeds are many and her proficiency in war is second only to the Primarchs and the Emperor.

Many Orks have trembled and shivered to death under the blade of Elarye, garnering her a title from the Orks. 'Pointy-Eared Ghost' with her agility and fear-incurring aura, it wasn't a surprise to anyone she was dubbed a ghost.

- Gorkamorka -

The walls were now breached as the Orks stormed outside with gigantic machines called 'Tyrants,' a greater version of an Ork Gargant, these large and powerful machines have destroyed numberless amounts of Imperial Titans that the 'Beasts' of the Wyverns were called forth to battle this mountain-sized machines.

As the steps of the Tyrants squished the very Orks in front of it, the Astartes moved out of the way with extreme agility while fighting off numerous Orks with their dakka. The Librarians had already moved to a far secured location, far from the total rampage of the battle yet close enough for their spells to work.

Gabriele was now with several groups of his brothers as he got information upon possible reinforcements.

Operator: "Lord Astartes."

Gabriele: "Operator? Not the right moment, my brothers and I are pinned down and are being assaulted by these green slags of flesh. Tyrants have been sent out of the capital."

Operator: "Copy that, my Lord. 3 'Beasts' have been given orders to come to your aid with 2 more about to be dropped."

As the Operator finished her sentence, Gabriele was using his personal Gladium, a version of the standard Legion variant made from Techitum named 'The Formless' as it can turn into any shape and form. Using the Formless to block the blows and strikes of 6 Orks, he and his brothers would have to hold off until the 'Beasts' arrived.

Though to their unfortunate situation, the Tyrants were moving closer to them with their cannons already aimed at their location. Fearing the worst, Gabriele rallied his brothers and pushed through layers upon layers of Orks with the sole purpose of finding a path out. As if creating a maelstrom of steel and strength, Gabriele and his brothers were successful in cutting a path out of the sea of Orks but as they ran out of the Orks reach, the cannon of a Tyrant had already fired a shot at Gabriele and his brothers.

Knowing he was gonna die, he knelt upon the ground as he plunged the Formless into the earth as his brothers followed suit. Though as the large missile was about to hit them, the voices of numerous men were heard throughout the field.

Librarians: "Tempus Tincidunt!"

A/N: Think of like when the Graybeards call the Dragonborn after he kills his first dragon.

As Gabriele heard the voices, he knew that the Librarians had just saved him and his brothers. Looking around, the entire fields that surrounded the front of Gorkamorka were encased in a bubble of time. He and his brothers were the only ones unaffected from the time stop.

Gabriele: "The Bibliothecas have given us time to retreat to a greater position. Come on brothers!"

He ordered with his brothers following him as he led them out of the bubble, going to a hill close to them where the Tyrants couldn't hit them without going near. When the Astartes went out of the Tyrant's range, the Librarians stopped the Time Bubble.

Librarians: "Tempus Reditum!"

As time progressed, the missile that was supposed to kill Gabriele and his brothers, had now exploded upon impact with the ground. Thinking that the Astartes were now dead and turned to ash, the Orks celebrated but their celebration was cut short with bolter and plasma fire from the hill Gabriele and his group were now situated in.

The Tyrants moved in their highest speed but one of the Tyrant's heads was blown up with the other Tyrants looking at the now burning and exploding body of the Tyrant. Looking to the area where the possible attackers would've been, the Tyrants saw their greatest foes, the 'Beasts'.

These 3 gigantic 'Beasts' are apart of the Bestia Patris titans, the Ferro Filius to be exact. This variant of the Bestia Patris are over 100 meters tall, the same height as the Tyrants, these constructs are capable of all types of weaponry with their arms being made of Techitum, capable of being reconstructed into different shapes and forms.

One of the Titans rushed to attack the Tyrants as its hands morphed into swords as the other 2 Titans rained bullet fire upon the Tyrants. The battle was fierce with the Titan that rushed in was now keeping 2 Tyrants busy with the remaining 5 being distracted by the other 2 Titans.

Gabriele and his company focused on the remaining Orks. The Librarians had exhausted their warp energies so they were now with Gabriele as they used their bolters to fire on the Orks. The Orks were fast and moving but the bolter shells of the Astartes were faster.

Going back to the Titans, the one Titan was slowly winning against the two Tyrants and cutting through metal and steel, the supposed 'ribs' of the Tyrant were being exposed as the human-sized Gretchins that powered the Tyrant with coal and wood were now running out of the Tyrant. On the other hand, the two Titans were being dealt numerous hundreds of tons of ammunition as their void shields were being eaten down though from the skies, were two meteor-like constructs, these were the reinforcements.

Landing directly on one of the Tyrants, the Titan that landed on the Tyrant, used the opportunity to rip its head and send a plasma ball into it, upon impact, the plasma ball exploded with all the Gretchins and Orks now but oozes of blood. Like a Solitaire of Cegorach, the Titan moved around the Tyrants and slashed a few 'wounds' into them.

The other Titan landed beside the other two Titans and organized with them to fire upon the Tyrants. The Autocannons and the Gauss weapons that were unleashed on the Tyrants were enough to destroy them all.

Regrouping, the Titans arrived to the hill that Gabriele was at and killed the remaining Orks that surrounded them. With the battle initially over, Gabriele stood on the hill as the Titans kneeled.

Gabriele: "Thank you for your services, Beasts."

He said as he looked to the Titan in front of him.

Titan: "It is what we were made for, Sir."

The Titan said in its loud, robotic voice.

Gabriele: "Assist the other fronts of the world, your duties here are no longer needed."

Titan: "Affirmative."

The Titan said then stood and left with its group. With that finished, the Operator spoke with Gabriele once more.

Operator: "My Lord."

Gabriele: "Yes? What is it?"

Operator: "I have orders from Lord-Primarch Arturius to inform you to create a defensive perimeter around the Ork capital and await for his arrival."

Gabriele: "Understood, when shall Father arrive?"

Operator: "His drop ship had just left, it might be in a few minutes or in an hour."

Gabriele: "I see, thank you."

With his new orders, Gabriele turned to his group.

Gabriele: "Brothers! I have orders from Father himself that we are too defend the perimeter around the Ork Capital and await for his arrival."

Acquiring nods of approval, they moved to their destination. Upon arrival, the city was now a husk of what it once was, before the arrival of the Astartes, the city was built well enough to be classified as civilized. Its defenses were powerful to withstand many weapons and dangers though the complete might of hundreds of Malleus Lacus and 50 thousand Astartes destroyed it.

As they neared the former gates of the city, they heard the faint footsteps of numerous figures, giant figures. From the shadows of the city, Gabriele already knew who it was, the Blue One.

Gabriele: "OUT! NOW!"

It was too late unfortunately as the Blue One shot his dakka which exploded the roof of the gates with the debris blocking the escape route of the Wyverns. Looking behind him, already some of his brothers died and more were dying with a single hole in their helmet, these precise and deadly shots came from the Silent-Boyz of the Blue One, master snipers and saboteurs.

Looking to his right and left were gigantic squigs that ate the entire bodies of his brothers as if they were just snacks. With each passing second, dozens of his brothers were being killed.

Blue One: "HAHAHAHAHA!!! You grey gits really tot dat I'd let you take me city? You'z stupider than a Gretchin!"

The continuous laughter of the Blue One had snapped Gabriele, he took out the Formless and took up one of his brother's Gladius and used them both to become a moving woodchipper as he slashed and wounded many of the Blakk-Masta Orks the Blue One had.

His rage was so powerful that his psychic power had reignited the power of the Librarians and this turned the tide of the fight with the Silent-Boyz being pulled out of their hiding spots and pulled apart, limb from limb, as if a ragdoll, their organs now plastered the walls and floors of the city.

The Squig-Lordz were blinded as reorganized and reinvigorated battle-brothers were focusing their bolter fire on the Squigs' eyes. With them blinded, it was easy to put a bolter round into their brain matter.

Blue One: "You'z destroyin' da fun! Ya dang pink skinz aren't FUN!!!"

The Blue One was now in a rampage as his units were being killed. Facing off, an uncontrollable killing-machine Gabriele was facing the rampaging blue giant, the Blue One. Their duel started with both discarding all ranged weapons and using their might as a ground to show who was superior with the Blue One winning in that area though the pure anger of Gabriele had given him otherworldly amounts of strength, nearly going toe to toe with the Blue One.

Though ultimately, the Blue One used his strength to punch Gabriele's weapons away and take him to his neck, raising him off the ground. Gabriele struggled while his brothers poured bolter shells into the Blue One but he shrugged it all off.

Blue One: "This all you gits have! HAHA!"

He then smashed Gabriele to the concrete floor of the city as the impact broke the floor while making cracks appear on Gabriele's armor.

Blue One: "Ya 'Oomies are nothing but weak and STUPID-"

Then suddenly, the debris that blocked off the outside from the city was lifted into the air. Turning their heads they were now looking to their Gene-Father and his personal guard, the Domini.

Arturius: "Drop my son, you Abomination of nature!"

Blue One: "FINALLY! Someone who'z funz!"

The Blue One rushed to Arturius before he commanded the Domini.

Arturius: "Look after my sons. I shall hold off the insect."

Domini: "Yes my Lord."

The ensuing fight was now of power and might. The Blue One was using the Ax of Gork while on his other hand was a power klaw that one of his, now dead, Blakk-Gardz had wielded into battle. The Domini looked after the Astartes while the remaining Blakk-Gardz, Blakk-Masta Orks and Silent-Boyz were being dealt with.

Arturius used his psychic might to push the Blue One far into the city where he landed to a gigantic arch. Floating to the Blue One, Arturius looked at the surrounding city as he saw many Gretchins that took the dead corpses of Orks, most likely for food since the remaining food they had were just nonexistent at that point.

A/N: To get an idea of what this arch looks like then look up the Arc de Triomphe.

Arturius: "It is time to end this."

When he said that, 6 Orbs formed around him that circled around the Blue One. The Blue One was paralyzed from the impact of Arturius psychic might and just stayed still. Arturius' aura then expanded and all remaining glass that was intact before was now destroyed from him. The orbs started to glow, one red, one blue, another green, purple, white then black, the elements of the universe. Fire, Water, Earth, the Warp, Air/Oxygen and lastly Anti-Matter.

As the Orbs glowed brighter and brighter, a faint yet present glow started to appear around the arch. Though Arturius was too concerned about the Blue One.

Blue One: "What'z doz loightz... "

He mumbled, Arturius made a shush sound until the light now blinded all sight as it engulfed the entire being of the Blue One, while unintentionally powering the light of the arch.

Arturius: "It is do- What is this?!"

Looking in front of him; Arturius saw the arch had a sort of portal, like a webway portal of the Eldar. Behind Arturius, came a single Domini, he was also shocked at the sight of the mysterious portal.

Domini: "My Lord?"

Arturius: "Send me Dux Johann Pelperatrius."

Domini: "Immediately, my Lord."

Inside his mind, Arturius thought of what to do.

Arturius: 'This portal... I want to know what is on the other side. Though Father shall need me to continue the Great Crusade so, one of my Sons and a Cohort with a Techtite exploration company shall be enough for now.'

This is the start of something... Wonderful.