The Portal and the Empire

Frater Dux Johann Pelperatrius, an officer of the Steel Wyverns Legion and a veteran of the Mortem Frater, the Elites of the Wyverns.

Having gone through more than 500 battles and commanded over 350 of his battle-brothers in those battles. He is both revered and respected throughout the officer corps of the Wyverns.

His skill and experience as a leader and commander had given him the position of the Dux of Cohors - V, the fifth company of the Wyverns and the one that held the greatest number of Domare Fratres which also meant they wielded the highest number of Dracones.

Out of all the companies, Cohors - V, has tamed over 2,000-4,000 dracones. Appropriately named as the 'Draco Reges,' or the Dragon Kings, they have mastered the way of domesticating the walking tanks.

When the Minneaut Crusade had ended with the battle between Arturius and the Blue One as it's climax, a 'Portal' had appeared or formed from a surviving arch of the city, the Lord-Primarch has called for a fleet to arrive and explore the other side.

- Command Room of Draco Angelus V -

In the Command Room of Draco Angelus V, many workers were on their computers and workstations overlooking the statistics of the ship and keeping it stable and working. An Astartes is overlooking the planet below through the glass panels of the room, a man then called out to the Astartes.

Worker: "Lord-Astartes, we have arrived to Minneaut Prime."

Astartes: "Prepare my Fulgur-Aquila for departure. My father shall not wait."

Worker: "Immediately, Lord."

The worker then pressed some buttons on his station as the Astartes exited the room with 8 more following him out. This is Johann Pelperatrius, with his esteemed Honor Guard.

- Fields of Aurema -

Gorkamorka, now renamed to Aurema. Was now turned into a makeshift military base with a form of a drop pad close to the now rebuilt gates.

The fields nearest to the city-now-fortress were dotted with new buildings and tents that had many Astartes either there to rebuild the city into a fortress with new autocannons and tesla weaponry on the various towers of the walls. Or to accompany Johann in his exploration.

Arriving to the drop pad of the fortress was the Fulgar-Aquila of Johann with a group of Astartes moving to the front of the drop pad to greet the Dux with one of them holding the Legion's banner. As the Fulgar-Aquila's doors opened, a ramp formed going down to the floor of the drop pad with the first to march out are the Honor Guard with Terminator-Styled armor with power spears, as they marched out and stood at attention along the ramp of the Fulgar-Aquila.

Johann then went out with his Honor Guard standing at the sides of the ramp now kneeling with their power spears lighting up in unison. The group of Astartes bowed their heads to him while one of them stepped forward and greeted him.

Astartes: "Welcome to Aurema, Frater Dux."

Johann: "Enough with the pleasantries, where is father?"

Astartes: "He is currently at the portal with numerous Techtite engineers studying it."

Johann: "I see. Lead the way, brother."

The Astartes nodded and moved with his group following suite. Johann wasn't quick to follow, behind him his Honor Guard followed.

They first went through the tents and make-shift buildings of the fields of Aurema, there were at least more than a couple hundred if not thousands of them, each one had 2-3 Astartes housing them. As they walked through the tents, Johann asked a question to the Astartes.

Johann: "Will my Cohors be accompanied by other Cohortes or will it just be us?"

Astartes: "I am not that well informed, Dux, though from what I've heard, Cohors - V will only be accompanied by a Techtite exploration company."

Johann: "I see. Have there been recent attempts of exploration into the portal?"

Astartes: "The engineers have sent their makeshift scarabs to scout the area though that is where my knowledge currently stops, unfortunately I am sorry, Dux, I have no more information to give you."

Johann: "That is fine."

They were then met by two Parum Gigantes, one of the smaller versions of the Bestia Patris constructs. These 20 meter tall beasts were defending the gates of Aurema, prepared to strike down any for that dared to attack the city.

Entering the fortress city, they saw large amounts of Techtite engineers going through the city and finding many weapons, armors and devices that the Orks used such as the Can't-see-Me! Devices of the Silent-Boyz and the Klaws of Krork of the Blakk-Gardz.

Going through the roads that led to the portal, Johann could see numerous defensive bunkers and autocannons which faced the direction of the portal, these were most likely defenses if something or someone went through the portal.

Minutes late, they then faced the portal. The portal now had cables connecting to it with numerous supercomputers attached to it which gave charts of its energy and the other side's energy, from the looks of it, the other side is most likely a relatively peaceful area with little to no pollution, maybe an Aeldari Maiden World, if it was true then the Aeldari would come here en masse to populate the world they had once held.

They then went to a tent that was 5 times larger than any other tent they had seen, the Domini surrounded the tent as a defensive procedure. The Astartes then spoke to Johann.

Astartes: "We are here, Dux. Father is inside this tent."

Johann: "You may go return to whatever task you were given before escorting me here."

Astartes: "I bid you farewell, Dux."

At that, Johann nodded as a gesture to his brother. Johann then looked to the Domini who guarded the entrance of the tent.

Domini: "His Highness has been waiting for your arrival."

Johann: "And I am sorry about that."

Domini: "Only the Dux is allowed to enter the tent."

Johann: "Why is that?"

Domini: "The tent is large but not large enough for all of you to enter, it is also the reason why we are out here."

Johann: "Oh! Alright so it wouldn't be a problem if my Honor Guard protect the tent with you?"

Domini: "More protection to his Highness. Granted."

The Honor Guard all nodded at the command and placed themselves between the Domini while Johann entered the tent.

Inside the tent were numerous supercomputers and members of the Techtite house of Ergo Virgil. Looking around, Johann found his father speaking with 3 of the members.

Johann: "Father."

Arturius: "Ah! Johann. Finally, you are here."

Johann: "I shall always answer your call to duty."

Arturius: "It will take some time for your whole Cohors to arrive so let us talk about your recent endeavours and conquests."

Johann: "Oooh, so many to choose from, father, which one do you wish to know?"

He said as Arturius created a psychic table and chairs for them to sit and relax while talking.

* 30 Minutes Later *

A/N: To think about the voices of Arturius and Johann, we think of Johann's voice as Kitten's in TTS while Arturius has a voice like Ultron.

Arturius: "HAHAHAHA!!! You really did that, my boy?"

Johann: "Well what do you do when you have literally no weapons while fighting a Xeno who's only weak spot is the crotch area??? So I had to thrust my hand into the crotch and got a LOT of blood on my hand."

Arturius and Johann then laughed at the thought of Johann inserting his hand into the private area of an alien. Suddenly, a Techtite rushed to the tent to inform Arturius of recent news.

Arturius: "Yes? What is it?"

Techtite: "My Lord. There are multiple thousand heat signatures on the other side of the portal and they are moving at an alarming rate!"

Arturius: "Have Cohors - V and the Techtite exploration company arrived yet?"

Techtite: "The Astartes are here though they are still at the gates with the exploration company about to disembark their ships."

Arturius: "Prepare the Autocannons though put them on Cautious Fire, we don't want to kill Aeldari without doing diplomacy."

Techtite: "Immediately, my Lord!"

Arturius: "Prepare yourself and your guard. We don't know what will come out of the portal, they might be Eldar, Orks or even humans."

Johann: "We are ready as ever will be, father."

They then went out of the tent and went in front of the portal, Arturius and Johann stood beside each other with their personal guards behind them. The sound of the autocannons preparing their barrels to fire filled the air though only milliseconds later, the sound of the portal pulsating took over.

Then suddenly, 5-6 feet tall men wearing ancient Terran armors and spears with a man wearing armor that of a general riding a horse beside them. They formed a sort of unit coming out of the portal whilst the general screamed orders in an ancient language used by the people of Chogoris and the White Scars Legion.

Arturius called for a Techtite Linguam-Discere to translate the language.

Linguam-Discere: "Their language is a butchered style of the Imperium's High Gothic or the Draco Imperium's Serpentine Tongue."

Arturius: "What is he saying?"

Linguam-Discere: "Surrender this world for the Saderan Empire and we shall see to it that you will be made into good slaves."

Arturius: "Tell him that we are here for peace and wish to speak on friendly terms."

Linguam-Discere: "Volum et pace petare, ut vobiscem loqui."

A/N: This is just a butchered way of saying "We want peace and ask to talk."

The general just laughed at the Techtite and said a few words that if Arturius knew would make him instantly kill the man.

Arturius: "What did he say?"

Linguam-Discere: "You barbarians think you may talk to us in such a way in the beautiful language of our Empire? You will die."

As the Techtite finished translating, the soldiers started to rush at Arturius and Johann but they were blocked and killed by their guards.

Arturius: "If they don't want peace then war is what we shall give them."

With that, the power spears of the Honor Guard lit up while the Domini used their psychic powers to ignite their Magia Hasta. In mere minutes, the Saderan Empire's soldiers were butchered to bloody paste as all that remained were either ashes or bits of limbs, their screams filled the air of the area as cries of help and mercy were uttered with each swing of the Domini and Guards. The Saderan general was forced off his steed as it got on its hind legs and left him to go to one of the destroyed buildings of Aurema.

The blood and carnage he had witnessed made his mind go numb as he couldn't stand at the fear of being stabbed by the Astartes or even the Domini. So he went into a fetal position whilst placing his hands on his ears in the hopes of lessening the noise of his soldiers being massacred, he gripped his ears whilst tears flowed from his eyes, keeping them shut. It took a whole 5 minutes for the Saderan army to be completely annihilated. The only sound that was heard in the area is the pulsating rhythm of the portal.

When all was done, the general was then surrounded by the Honor Guard with their power spears pointing at him.

Honor Guard: "What shall we do with this one, Father?"

Arturius: "Bring a Cerebrum Occupanti and extract his mind to learn of this pitiful excuse of an 'Empire'."

Then the general got to his knees and made it look as if he was praying to Arturius for mercy.

Arturius: "What is he saying?"

Linguam-Discere: "Praying and pleading for mercy, your Highness. He says that he shall tell us everything about the Saderan Empire while also giving us the layout of their army and their capabilities."

Arturius looked at the Linguam-Discere for a second then to the general, his gaze made the general flinch and bow his head so low that he touched the cement with his forehead.

Arturius: "So be it, I entrust you to get every bit of information out of him. Make a detailed report and send it to me after you've evaluated him."

Linguam-Discere: "And what shall we do once he has given up all information, my Lord?"

Arturius: "Teach him how to speak in Serpentine Tongue then give him some civilian wear and send him to one of the agri-worlds to work as a farmer but if he wants, send him to a Hive World."

Linguam-Discere: "I shall do as you ask of me, my Lord."

The Linguam-Discere then went to the general and got him to stand up and told him of the situation.

Linguam-Discere: "In fortun. Mea leodinsis dedit obis misercorda in commutatone pro notia."

The general had so much joy and relief in his eyes, as if a child, he thanked Arturius and bowed.

General: "Gratis ag vos! O! Maxim misercor Dominu!"

The Linguam-Discere then took the general for questioning as Arturius stood with Johann at his side.

Johann: "What will we do now, Father?"

Arturius: "In light of this Saderan Empire, your Cohors and the Techtite company shall wait here, near the Portal, and await for the report from the Lingua-Discere."

Johann: "Understood, Father."

* 3 Hours Later *

The Wyverns had now rebuilt over a quarter of Aurema and were currently rebuilding at the areas near the Portal as the newly remade quarters were being housed by members of Cohors - V and the Techtite company.

The report was given to Arturius just a few minutes ago. The man who the Lingua-Discere took for questioning is Legate Marcus Orasus, general of the 21st Legion of the Saderan Empire. He immediately read the report and sent it out to his sons and the Techtite company.

The Techtites were simultaneously given notifications of a report given to them through their Carpi-Computato while the Wyverns acquired their reports through the built in communication system of their helmets.



Today, you have been chosen to explore the land of this Portal that has suddenly appeared upon the city of Aurema. This information comes from the captured general of your enemies, the Saderan Empire, Legate Marcus Orasus of the 21st Legion of the Saderan Empire.

This Empire rules in a nameless world and conquered the entirety of a continent, Falmart, with numerous vassal states under it.

Its size is nothing to boast about as the Empire is comparable to the size of the Mongolic Empire of ancient Terra, their technology is far more pitiful as nothing but a bow and arrow are the greatest ranged weapons, aside from ballistae, this Empire has to offer.

The population of the entire empire can be totaled to 50-100 million citizens with a further 20-30 million people being capable of military service. Many races live in the Empire and see the Empire as their Suzerain/Overlord though the majority of these species are humans with animal traits such as the 'Warrior Bunnies' race which solely groups people who have bunny ears and tail with their special trait of bearing as much as 7-10 children per pregnancy with males being rare.

The education system of the Empire is small, comparable to that of a single Hive City with only a few schools and educational buildings comparable to ancient Terran Highschool or even Preschool standards of education. The literacy rate of the Empire is lower than 25% with only the high-middle to upper class citizens being capable of reading and writing though it is unknown if this information is trustable.

The Empire's political system of the Empire is that of the ancient Romae Imperium of ancient Terra. There are numerous provinces that are ruled by Governors who are handpicked by the Saderan Emperor to administer and oversee the provinces on his behalf. The men chosen for the job of Governor come from the politicians of the Empire's Senate, distinguished commanders and generals of the Imperial Army, or other high-ranking officials.

The Imperial Army is a form of the ancient Romae Imperium's own armies. Having legions that compose of two to five thousand soldiers though it is not rare to find different legions composed of different races, be it elves, trolls or orcs (Note* These orcs are different from our orks, being that they reproduce like any other mammal) while dragons are also used though only as mounts and not en masse (Note* These dragon are far smaller, far weaker and far fewer than those found on Serpens Prime)

The Army incorporates many primitive technologies but of them all, the most interesting is their use of magic that is not connected to the Warp though the power and might of their magics cannot compare to the Warp's destructive powers.

The economy of the Empire is the most dominant of the known world with their greatest annual income coming from tributes from their vassal states and tributary nations. The Empire's technology limits their power of exploiting the resources found in their territory with the Suwani, their currency, being equivalent to ancient coinage.

Another essential income of the Empire is of the use of slavery. A gigantic, continental market is present which solely sells and markets slaves to the highest bidder. The slaves are used in manual labor and for the sexual desires of those who bought them, most if not all slaves live in horrible and inhumane life conditions.

Slavery is such a gigantic part of the Saderan culture that it is one of the reasons why they have used these 'Gates' to conquer different worlds/universes to acquire more slaves and resources to fuel their war beast.

Breaking these pillars of abominable acts of violence and exploitation would destroy this speck of dust and to advance to other parts of this world. Once the Saderan Empire is destroyed and a planetary governorship is created to oversee Falmart, Cohors - V shall continue to expand throughout this world and conquer the rest of it with later expansion plans of dotting their star system.

The Techtite Exploration Company shall note down everything about the planet and the various peoples and animals that inhabit it with more Exploration Companies to be sent out to expand our knowledge upon their world or galaxy.

Ave Dominus Imperator! Ave Draco Imperium!


From this, the Astartes were now informed and prepared with the Techtites preparing their machinations and weapons. It was only a matter of time until they were sent through the portal, and that time was now.

Johann and his Cohors formed in front of the Portal with the Techtite company beside them as their leader, Tecitus Armann Uvali, stood in front of his company. Then only a few moments later, in front of them stood Arturius with his Domini.

Arturius: "I know all of you have been informed of the situation in the other side but know that our technological advantage does not mean we are invincible, I do not wish for reports stating that a single member of my Legion died because of his hubris to come to me. Do not let your pride overpower you, my sons.

And for the Techtite company, do not stray from the Astartes, your mission is to note down everything about the Other-Side but your most important goal is to research and learn the way of their magics, doing so would be detrimental in adding to our power and might and severing our use of the Warp.


Astartes/Techtites: "Yes!"

Arturius: "Than go forth! Conquer another world in the name of the Imperium!"

Arturius said with him now walking to the side as Cohors - V, first marched in with the Techtites following them. The hundreds of footsteps made thunderous sounds that filled the air with the vehicles of the Techtites floating in the air as they waited to enter.

One of the Domini looked at Arturius and felt his aura was anxious? Or, or nervous even. Out of concern for his liege, he asked.

Domini: "Are you alright, my Lord?"

Arturius: "Yes, I am quite fine though I am concerned with the well being of them, my sons. Armann Uvali is a veteran of many, many wars and has commanded his company ever since his mortal (fleshy) life."

Domini: "Well my Lord. Please remember that your sons are not just regular men, they are Vermis Astartes, they are men that are on par with the Palace Guards of our home planet."

Arturius: "Yet they could just as easily die as they can kill. Though I have hope and trust in them that they shall complete their mission in a few months. Hopefully... "