30th Millennium meets 2nd Millennium

On the open fields of Amarkun Hills stood a team of 5 Astartes, 3 of these men are from the Verbum Unum of the Cohors. Men who specialize in the use of words and the act of diplomacy, in truth these men rarely use their talents before but now it would seem that they are the most important part of the Cohors. The last 2 are men from the different Columns of the Cohors, those being the Tech-Marine and Apothecary Columns.


The Verbum Dux of the team said as the Verbum Cohors walked in front of the team with a pair of Centurio behind him.

Verbum Cohors: "Brothers. You have been chosen to be the team that shall meet with the JSDF, a second millennium army from Holy Terra itself. I trust that you shall be successful in your dealings with them but if, as our ancestors say, 'push comes to shove' the Centurio behind me shall defend you in your retreat."

Verbum Dux: "We shall not fail you, Dominus."

Verbum Cohors: "I know you won't, Octavi. Though you should know that you shall be accompanied by an Ipsum-Videns."

Octavi: "May I ask why, Dominus?"

Verbum Cohors: "The Techtites have been very... 'ecstatic,' so to say, at the revelation of second millennium technology."

Octavi: "I see. Where is the Ipsum, Dominus?"

?: "I am already here, Astartes."

Octavi then turned around and saw a 6'5 figure. This is Magister Ipsum-Videns Antonius Oreum, a revered Ipsum-Videns of the Techtites who is famous for cracking a Necron Tomb but his most famous work is the reverse-engineering of the Necron gauss flayers, though only being prototypes, these Imperial Flayers are capable of de-atomizing Ceramite at rates faster than normal flayers but are less powerful.

To say that Octavi was surprised is an understatement, he partook in the Techtite-Wyvern Educationem Progressio. A program where members of the Verbum Frater would be sent to one of the four Techtite Great Houses, it is there where they would be taught by the Techtites on the various technologies and sciences of the Universe, if a Verbum showed signs of talent in the sciences then he would be turned to a Tech-Marine.

Octavi partook in this program and learned of the many legendary figures of the Techtites, especially the founders of the four Great Houses.

Octavi: "Si-Sir Oreum? Wha-What are you do-doing here?"

Verbum Cohors: "I think you have an admirer, Antonius."

Antonius: "Please. I am a mere Ipsum of the Techtites. Revere me if I were one of the founders of the Great Houses. Which I am not so please, talk to me like any other Ipsum."

Octavi: "A-As you wish, Sir."

Verbum Cohors: "Now, Octavi, do Antonius a favor and present your team to him."

Octavi: "Yes, Dominus!"

The team then formed up to face Antonius.

Octavi: "Frater Dux Octavi Augi, at your service. Sir."

Then came the next member, this marine had a plasma pistol on his left holster while having a chainsword clipped to his right. He specialized in the aggressive form of diplomacy known as 'Gunboat Diplomacy' hence why he has so such weaponry on him.

?: "Verbum Tenaerys Orion. Sir."

Antonius: "Far more armed then your other brothers aren't you?"

Tenaerys: "Well, Sir. That is the diplomacy I have been taught."

Antonius nodded then looked to the next marine.

?: "Emeretum Julium. Sir."

On his right is a holstered bolt-pistol while on his left is a datapad that Rogue Traders in the Imperium use for business. His type of diplomacy is what usually works on humans so maybe this is the way they would start an alliance with the JSDF.

Antonius: "Going to bribe those soldiers?"

Emeretum: "If need be. Sir."

Following Emeretum is a Tech-Marine who had a standard Techtite robe of House Enstinum. On his right holster is a grav-pistol while on his left hanged a Data-Skull.

Antonius: "A Student of my loving House? Haha, it is a pleasure to meet you, Astartes."

?: "And it is an honor to meet you, 'Master of the Ways'. I am Rumus Irdent."

Then next came the Apothecary. On his right hand was the Medicus-Apparatu, a modified version of the narthecium which can harvest the gene-seed present in the Progenoid Glands present in the neck and chest but it also is the only mobile equipment that can repair the special organ of the Vermis Astartes, which can hold in trillions of nanobots to repair the organ of the Dragon's Realm (A/N: More info in the future).

Antonius: "An Apostle of House Ipoccrates."

?: "That I am. Sir. I am Filius Alvern. Pleased to meet you."

Antonius: "Pleased to meet you as well."

Verbum Cohors: "I think it is appropriate for the Centurionibus to introduce themselves as well."

?: "Then so be it, Dominus. I am Centurio-Frater Luciu Vorenu."

?: "And I am Centurio-Frater Titanum Pulomeius."

Verbum Cohors: "Now with introductions finished. Follow me to the garage for your Lux-Celeritate."

- Garage -

Upon entering the garage, numerous Ipsum-Videns worked on the various vehicles that both the Techtites and Cohors use. Though the garage also had other Ipsum-Videns who worked on Power Armor and several weapons such as a Chainsword Mk. X.

Moving through the various sections of the garage, they finally got to a section that is solely dedicated to the housing and research of transport carriers. The Verbum Cohors walked up to a working Ipsum-Videns, the Ipsum was shocked at first but then remembered who they were.

Ipsum-Videns: "Welcome, Sir. Your Lux-Celeritate is prepared and fully operational."

Verbum Cohors: "Thank you. *Faces the team* Now with all said and done, get on the Lux and arrive to Alnus Hills, the location has already been transported into the vehicle's P.A.M [Personal Assistant Matrix]."

Octavi: "Understood, Dominus. We shall not fail you."

They then entered the vehicle though Antonius said a few words to the Verbum Cohors before leaving.

Antonius: "Tell Johann that we've left immediately. You know how paranoid he is when orders aren't relayed to him."

Verbum Cohors: "Will do. Oh, and Antonius."

Antonius: "Hm?"

Verbum Cohors: "Don't go and steal the technology from the JSDF. Ask for it first then take it."

Antonius: "Well that takes the fun out of it but I shall try my best."

Then as Antonius' figure vanished into the Lux, the doors of the garage opened as the engines of the Lux sounded in the air and immediately stormed out of the garage and into the fields of Falmart.

- Lux-Celeritate -

Octavi: "When shall we arrive at this Alnus?"

Rumus: "PAM."

P.A.M: "Yes. Sir?"

Rumus: "What is our ETA?"

P.A.M: "At best, Sir. 6 to 8 hours."

Rumus: "6 hours at best, Dux."

Octavi nodded then looked at his teammates.

Tenaerys is polishing his plasma gun and looking over his chainsword. Emeretum is going through his datapad and seeing the various shipments of resources or even whole chests of Throne Gelts. Filius stated silent as he sat on the seats of the Lux. Then Luciu and Titanum were standing as their Centurion armor stopped them from vending down to sit.

Octavi then looked down to the floor and thought of what the interactions his team would have with the JSDF, would they become allies? Or just another enemy of the Imperium?

* 4 Hours Later *

In the silence of the Lux, the sudden emergency blares of PAM alerted everyone, the first to respond to these blares is Rumus.

Rumus: "What is it, PAM?"

P.A.M: "Forgive me for the disturbance, Sir. But my scanners have picked up several heat signatures from a nearby village and it seems that there are vehicles that do not seem to be with this world's technological level."

From what they heard, Antonius then whispered.

Antonius: "Second Millennium... "

Octavi is the only one who heard it as he quickly took a glance on Antonius then immediately ordered Rumus.

Octavi: "Drive us near to the location."

Rumus: "How far from the village, Dux?"

Octavi: "Just enough for the natives to not hear us."

Rumis: "Understood, Dux. ETA in 10 minutes."

Octavi at this point was standing up next to Rumus and looked outside the front windows of the Lux and saw the flat lands they were driving on but over on the horizon were forests in front of them. He gulped at the anxiety and nervousness he felt, this is rare, very rare in Astartes. He didn't know why he was anxious or even nervous but he also felt excited.

* 10 Minutes Later *

Rumus took his hands of the steering wheel and looked to Octavi who was standing behind him.

Rumus: "We are here, Sir."

Octavi: "Open the doors, we're going to investigate this village."

Rumus: "Yes, Sir."

Octavi then turned around with the doors of the Lux opening as the rays of light entered the vehicle. The first to go out are the Centurionibus with Octavi following them.

Octavi: "Rumus!"

Rumus: "Sir?"

Octavi: "Stay here and protect the Lux."

Rumus: "Orders if natives arrive to my location, Sir."

Octavi: "Use your words first. If all else fails, shoot your bolter in the air as a warning shot to scare them away. If that fails as well, use lethal force."

Rumus: "Understood, Sir. Good luck on your meeting with the natives."

Octavi nodded then he ordered everyone to follow him to the village. To say most of the emotions that was emitted is excitement would be an understatement to the mixture of emotions the marines were feeling while Antonius felt pure joy and excitement at seeing unadulterated and pure humans, a rare site to see in the 30th Millennium.

- Native Village -

Upon first glance of the village, most of the people who were centered there were caravans who were forced to stop because of a broken down carriage. The horse of the carriage was down on the ground, injured and most likely hurt by whatever had happened previously, though the horse wasn't the only injured one. A little girl was injured, from the looks of it she might've had a concussion or a few broken bones, medieval medicine did not have technology that could easily mend such injuries but thankfully the JSDF were here with a medic.

Octavi and his group were hidden with the use of Nulla-Conspectu tech which allows both camouflaging and cloaking. Though Luciu and Titanum were forced to hide in the bushes because Centurion armor hadn't implemented such tech as of yet because of the immense size of the armor.

The medic looked over the girl as a female native with blue hair looked at the medic in awe, only a few moments later, a JSDF soldier with an assault rifle got behind the native, muttering a few words to her.

?: "Please, it's not safe here."

The girl kept staring at the medic then said.

?: "You're a healer?"

Suddenly, the horse had gotten up and went rabid, it was about to attack the people until...

SCHOO! . . . BANG!

Octavi had fired his bolt-pistol, through several hundred years of war and bloodshed, his mind was coded to shoot anything that had a violent aura.

A/N: Since nearly all of the Wyverns have the Pariah gene, they can feel or, uncommonly, see the emotions or moods of a person or animal.

His teammates looked at him in shock as the Centurions were prepared to rush out of the bushes and fire on all hostiles. The smoke of his bolt-pistol was still lingering on his muzzle as his figure was fatigued from his earlier actions.

The horse's head had splattered from the explosion as the brain matter and blood fell to the floor and even on the people it was about to attack. Everyone was shocked and alarmed from the shot, the civilians' eyes were glued on the now dead horse while the JSDF soldiers were looking around everywhere for hostiles.

Seeing this as the best chance to meet the JSDF, Octavi turned of his cloaking though not without protest and complaints from his team. Immediately, the JSDF aimed their rifles on Octavi, their eyes were filled with fear and horror as the possible enemy in front of them is an 8'7 person who wore armor thicker than any they've seen, on his left hand is a pistol, though a large one, nothing is present in the right hand but on the thigh of the person is a knife, long enough to be mistaken for a sword.

Soldier: "Who are you!"

Octavi: "I am diplomat from the Imperium of Man."

The soldier blinked his eyes a few times.

Soldier: "What is the Imperium of Man?! Is it on Falmart?!"

Octavi: "No. We come from a portal, or as the natives call it. A Gate."

Soldier: "Yo-You come from a different gate?"

Octavi: "Yes. My superiors have tasked me and my fellow diplomats to meet with the highest official of your organization at Alnus Hill."

Soldier: "And where are these other diplomats?"

Octavi: "Missionem Conspectu tuo."

Then suddenly, the forms of Tenaerys, Emeretum, Filius and Antonius formed beside Octavi, only a few moments later would Luciu and Titanum come out of the bushes, their sudden arrival alerted everyone as their towering figures shocked them.

?: "May we ask your names?"

The medic had walked next to the soldier and asked Octavi to announce their names.

Octavi: "I do not see a problem with that."

He then straightened his figure and stood in attention as he placed his right fist on his left breastplate.

Octavi: "Verbum Dux Octavi Augi of the 2nd Quartam of the Verbum Agmen of the Second Cohort of the Steel Wyverns Legion of the Imperium of Man."

Tenaerys was about to do his own introduction but the medic had asked a question first.

Medic: "How do we know you're actually human?"

Octavi looked at the medic and sighed. Many in the Legion had taken it as tradition to never reveal one's face in open fields, only in personal quarters of locked doors would they ever reveal their faces. That tradition would be forced to be broken today for the sake of an alliance. He took of his helmet and the people around were shocked and amazed at his face.

Being a Verbum, Octavi fought rarely on the front and usually stayed behind with the rest of the Verbum. Like many other sons of Arturius, they had the hair of their father, a curly light blonde with tinges of brown on the ends. His eyes were sky blue as his facial features resembled that of a majestic man.

Octavi: "Is that enough evidence that I am human, girl?"

Medic: "Ye-Yes."

He then looked at Tenaerys and nodded to him.

Taenerys: "I am Arcu-Navi Verbum Tenaerys Orion of the 1st Quartam of the Verbum Agmen of the Second Cohort of the Steel Wyverns Legion of the Imperium of Man."

Emeretum Julium: "I am Opes Verbum Emeretum Julium of the 1st Quartam of the Verbum Agmen of the Second Cohort of the Steel Wyverns Legion."

Filius: "I am Apothecary Filius Alvern of the Medicus-Magus Agmen of the Second Cohort of the Steel Wyverns Legion."

Then when Antonius stepped forward to speak, many of the civilians murmured between themselves, amazed or horrified from Antonius figure, being that his whole body is metal with his inner body mostly cybernetic.

Antonius: "I am-"

The many gasps and cries of the people were to be expected because of Antonius' robotic and inhuman voice.

Antonius: "As I was saying, I am Ipsum-Virdens Antonius Oreum of the Great House of Enstinum of the Techtites."

Medic: "Are you human?"

Antonius: "WAS human, my dear. It was over a thousand years ago when I was still made of flesh."

Medic: "A tho-thousand years?"

Antonius: "Most of the members on this team are over 500 years of age, the eldest being me. Officially I am 1,024 years old."

Medic: "May I ask how you achieve such long lives?"

Antonius: "Well, my dear. I have foregone my old self and have become something greater. In my people we see flesh as weak but a saying always reminded us of our mortal roots. 'The flesh may be weak but it is the building blocks of our species. That which all of our people come from.' You could say we see flesh as holy even. Though for the Astartes-"

Medic: "Astartes?"

Antonius: "Forgive me, I used the High Gothic term. In Low Gothic or 'English,' as you call it, they are Space Marines. 'The greatest armies of the Emperor of Mankind, the Bringers of Doom and the blah blah blah.' That description always irked me. *Cough* 'Biological miracles and marvels of science. Stronger, faster, smarter. You think of it and the Marines are greater than any standard man.' My own little description."

Medic: "Thank you for the explanation, Sir."

Antonius: "Please, call me Antonius."

The medic just nodded at what he said. Finally, the Centurio were next to introduce themselves and to say that some of the people around were scared shitless would be a disgusting understatement. As they stepped forward, each of their steps would make quaking sounds on the ground as the entire weight of their armor is greater than nearly all of the present carriages.

Luciu: "I am Centurio-Frater Luciu Vorenu of the Patris Centurionibus of the 2nd Cohort of the Steel Wyverns of the Imperium of Man."

Titanum: "And I am Centurio-Frater Titanum Pulomeius of the same Cohort."


The air filled with the sounds of gasps as Luciu had smacked Titanum at the back of his head.

Luciu: "Vos stultus porcus! Non loqui, ita casualiter!"

Titanum: "Ego sum paenitet, Luciu. Currit in familia."

He said as he rubbed the back of his head. Luciu looked back to the people and bowed his head and said.

Luciu: "Forgive my brother. He did not properly introduced himself so I am forced to punish him."

Medic: "I-I see... "

Antonius: "Would it not be appropriate for yourselves to give us an introduction?"

Medic: "I'm deeply sorry for forgetting my manners. Sergeant First Class Kurokawa Mari of the Third Reconnaissance Team of the JSDF."

Octavi: "Are you the highest official of the JSDF?"

Mari: "Um... "

A man then turned up behind Mari and spoke.

?: "Nope, that position goes to me. First Lieutenant Itami Yoji of the Third Reconnaissance Team."

From first look, the Lieutenant stayed calm but trying to hide your true emotions from a Wyvern would be close to impossible. Octavi saw that Itami is both stressed and anxious, most likely because of the towering heights of him and his fellow brothers, especially Luciu and Titanum.

Itami tried to extend his hand in a show of friendship but his gut told him that these men or... Could he really call them men? His gut told him that they had auras of death and bloodshed nothing back on Earth could ever imagine, so his body went stiff and just stood there until Octavi spoke.

Octavi: "May I speak with you privately, Lieutenant?"

Itami: "Uh... Ye-Yes."

Octavi and Itami then went to a secluded area where no one would disturb them. Like any other son of the Dragon, without any order, Tenaerys and Emeretum went to assist the natives with Filius going to assist Mari in tending to the wounded and hurt.

Seeing that Filius was going to the little girl, Mari was worried and observed what he was going to do.

Filius: "You are a medic, yes?"

Mari: "Ye-Yes."

Filius: "So you've diagnosed the girl to have a concussion and a few broken bones, most prominently in her ribs. With your technology, treatment would be needed with better equipment, though I say the Incitamentum that we normally use for bruises and headaches would be 'overkill,' as my ancestors say."

Filius, like a hawk, looked Mari in the eyes.

Filius: "Bring me a glass of water and, if there is, sweets, be it candy or milk."

Mari: "Why the candy?"

Filius: "The Incitamentum is a powerful medicine, I shall use the sweetness of the drink or food to nullify the bitterness of the medicine for the girl. We don't want her to start vomiting do we?"

Mari: "Right, I'll get to it."

As Mari walked over to one of the caravans, the blue-haired woman, who had stayed sitting next to the little girl, only stared at Filius. He noticed her stare and immediately asked.

Filius: "Is there anything you need, child?"

?: "You- You are a healer as well?"

Filius: "Yes, I am. What is your name?"

Filius had sensed a feeling that reminded him of Warp energy but this feeling was calm and playful yet still dangerous and mysterious, noting this, once the Dux returns he shall report his findings of this energy.

?: "Lelei La Lelena."

Filius: "Filius Alvern. What are you, Ms. Lelei?"

Lelei: "I am a... "

Mari had returned and tapped Filius' shoulder.

Mari: "I have the water you asked for, and I got chocolate from one of my teammates."

Filius set the water down next to the girl and had the chocolate in his hands, looking at it he was very confused why anyone would want to name a sweet chocolatey product from a part of your digestive system, very concerning.

Filius then went through his medical satchel and got a pill of an Incitamentum and broke it in half. Getting one chocolate from the Cream Collon, he made a small hole where he placed the half-pill and placed it into the mouth of the child.

Filius: "Eat it, child. It will be sweet and good for you."

Slowly, the motions of chewing started with the girl now swallowing the sweet.

Filius: "Drink, you need to rehydrate for your energy."

He took the water and used his hand to life the girl's head up for her to easily drink the water. Once finished, he slowly set the girl's head back to the floor and stood up and faced Mari.

Filius: "Being a standard human, especially a young child. The effects of the Incitamentum will appear in a few minutes, at best 20 or so. Look after her in the meantime."

Mari only nodded as she looked at Filius for a few seconds until looking back to the little girl and taking her to an a comfortable area. Lelei had returned to her carriage, sitting back down next to her mentor.

Tenaerys and Emeretum had pushed the broken down carriage out of the way for the caravan to resume though they halted in their advance so that the weak and wounded could rest and be treated. Though with both Mari and Filius treating the sick and wounded, many would be treated and healed of their ailments and wounds.

- Secluded Space -

In a secluded area, Itami and Octavi spoke about the possible attachment of Ocatvi's team with the third reconnaissance team.

Octavi: "We only ask for you to escort us back to your base so we may start diplomatic talks with your people."

Itami: "I'm sorry but that can't happen. We've been ordered to assist the people in relocating far from here."

Octavi: "May I know of the reason?"

Itami: "A dragon had been sighted near the area. I know it sounds farfetched but it's the truth."

Octavi: "I have not seen a dragon in the area but I've seen many dragons, and have ridden a few myself."

Itami: "Ho-How?"

Octavi: "Another story for another time, sadly."

Itami: "I see, we still can't assist you until we've assisted the people."

Octavi: "Then I do not see why we cannot assist you in your endeavors."

Itami: "Tha-Thank you. I promise to give back your generous act three-fold."

He said as he bowed to Octavi.

Octavi: "Then let us go."

Octavi left Itami. The Lieutenant couldn't even comprehend that the person he just spoke to has seen many dragons and even flown a few. A few minutes later he walked out to return to his own team.

- Lux -

Rumus had just been sitting on the driver's seat while polishing his grav-pistol, PAM suddenly alarmed.

P.A.M: "Dux Octavi Augi requests for communications, Sir."

Rumus: "Accept."

PAM then blinked once then a static wave appeared on PAM's screen with the name | Octavi Augi | above it.

Octavi: "Rumus."

Rumus: "Sir."

Octavi: "I'm sending you coordinates to our current location. Once you find a line of carriages, go to the front of it and wait there."

Rumus: "Affirmative, Dux. Be there in 3."

PAM blinked again and the static wave disappeared.

Rumus: "Maybe this mission will be far more exciting than I expected."

He said as he started the engine of the Lux