False Apostolus

Antonius had wished to look over the weaponry and armor of the JSDF but he firmly waited patiently to go to Alnus but many a time did he have the urges of just using the Nulla-Conspectu and taking the weapons for himself, thankfully Luciu was there to remind him of the consequences of such actions.

Tenaerys and Emeretum were watching the natives as they waited for Octavi to return, Filius on the other hand is using his medicinal talents to assist Mari of the wounded and sick.

A few minutes later, Octavi returned while Itami went to his own team.

Tenaerys: "So what happened, Dux?"

Octavi: "The Lieutenant and I have agreed that if we assist them in relocating the natives to a farther area then once the task is finished, they shall escort us to Alnus."

Tenaerys: "I see... Orders?"

Octavi: "Wait until Rumus arrives with the Lux. Until then we shall assist the JSDF and natives in any problems they cannot handle themselves."

Tenaerys: "Alright."

It would only be a few moments later when the thunderous sounds of the Ureum-Abelonum Engine filled the air of the village as the fields near the village would have large tracks.

A/N: The Ureum-Abelonum Engine is an ancient Techtite engine which was created by Ureum Numeus and Abelonum Pilentes.

The Lux drove to the front of the caravan with Octavi, Tenaerys and Emeretum awaiting its arrival. The JSDF were alarmed at the speed and size of the vehicle in front of them but seeing that the Marines did not bring out their weapons, they themselves did not.

The Lux halted in its advance and stopped at the front of the caravan, directly in front of the three marines. The doors of the vehicle opened and from it came a similarly tall and large figure who wore a dark bluish robe with a symbol at the back, underneath it is similarly colored armor though the armor had a large area at the behind, an Adipiscing Nibh which allows the mobile production of ammunition and medicines used by the Wyverns.

Octavi: "Rumus, a flashy introduction."

Rumus: "Forgive me, Dux. I did not mean to 'show off,' as our ancestors say."

Octavi: "You are forgiven though next time please do go at a slower pace."

Octavi then went closer to Rumus and whispered to him.

Octavi: "The natives and JSDF would not be able to handle the sonic boom of the Lux."

Rumus: "Understood, Lux. It won't happen again."

Octavi nodded then looked behind him to see Itami there.

Itami: "Who is this, Captain?"

Octavi: "I think it'd be better if he would introduce himself. Rumus."

Rumus then placed his right fist on his left breastplate and announced.

Rumus: "Tech-Marine Rumus Irdent of the Alumni Scientia Agmen of the Second Cohort of the Steel Wyverns Legion."

Itami: "Nice to meet you."

Rumus nodded then looked back to Octavi.

Rumus: "What are our next orders, Dux?"

Octavi: "Assist the JSDF in their mission then they shall take us to Alnus. As well, place the Lux on autopilot because all of us will be guarding the caravan."

Rumus: "Understood, Dux."

Rumus said as he hit his left breastplate. He then went into the Lux and placed PAM to autopilot.

* 20 Minutes Later *

After seeing to the wounded and sick and allowing rest, the caravan resumed to move with the Lux going behind the JSDF vehicles. Octavi and the others walked at the sides of the caravan protecting its sides like a shield.

Filius walked behind Octavi and told him about his findings of that energy.

Filius: "Dux."

Octavi: "Filius?"

Filius: "Half an hour ago when I was tending to that little girl, a blue haired woman had sat next to the girl. I sensed something in her, like the Warp though it was calm but I could not dig deeper and find out its power."

Octavi: "And where is this girl, Filius?"

Filius: "I located her to the back of the caravan."

Octavi: "Once this mission is over with, I shall request for us to return though with a Librarian."

Filius: "Understood, Du- "

Filius was cut off because of the sound of one of the carriages getting stuck to mud, the JSDF were about to go and push it out of the mud but Rumus walked over and used his grav-pistol to move the mud out of the road for ease of time and resources. A few minutes later, a carriage had broken its axel though Antonius assisted in creating a new and far more resilient axel.

- Toyota High Mobility Vehicle -

Inside the JSDF's vehicle were Itami, Mari and Kurata Takeo with a few children and elderly villagers.

Mari: "Those marines are something aren't they, lieutenant?"

Itami: "They're more than impressive. Strong. Smart. Fast. Hell, they're inhumanly handsome."

He said as he used his fingers to highlight the marines features. The last remark had Mari giggling.

Takeo: "Did you see their weapons? The thing the captain used to kill that horse is a pistol! Just a pistol, makes you guess how powerful is their heavy weaponry."

Itami: "That's why I spoke with their captain."

Takeo: "What'd he say?"

Itami: "Well, from what he said Verbum stood for word and he elaborated that they're a diplomatic team- "

Takeo: "DIPLOMAT TEAM?! So they're not even official soldiers of this Imperium of Man that they serve?"

Itami: "Nope. But those big guys with large armor are a part of the Centurions, who are elite heavy troops."

Takeo: "How about that Antonius guy? He said he's from a different nation."

Itami: "Well from what I heard, his people serve the marines' father... Arturius, is his first name."

Takeo: "So they're all related?"

Itami: "He didn't elaborate on that part, he said that it was 'complicated' so I didn't go any further."

Takeo: "Family problems, huh?"

Itami: "Maybe, I don't know."

Takeo: "Wait, what is that? I see something up the road."

Itami then took binoculars and looked.

Itami: "Crows?"

He then got alerted, he saw a gigantic battle-axe and relooked to see that a woman sat on the road in front of them, he then took the binoculars off and said.

Itami: "Goth Lolita Girl."


Takeo then took his own binoculars and took a glance. In front of them is a woman who wore a black dress with red linings while having a similarly colored bow on her head which made it look like she had bunny ears.

She then got up and started to walk to the HMV but she stopped in her tracks when she laid eyes on two people coming to the vehicle.

Itami just stared at the woman as she stood at the road, mesmerized as if he was looking at medusa. His trance would be ended when someone knocked on his window, he looked to see Octavi with Luciu behind him.

Octavi: "Why have we stopped, Lieutenant?"

Itami: "Well, *points* she's in the way."

Octavi: "Do you know her?"

Itami: "Some of the villagers say she's a priestess or an oracle of sorts. Name is Rory Mercury, demigoddess and Apostle of Emroy, God of War and Darkness."

From what Itami said, Octavi laughed while Luciu kept his stern and calm attitude. While the two conversed, the natives had gotten out of the HMV and went to Rory.

Octavi: "Gods do not exist, Lieutenant. There is only logic and science that dictates the Universe. If there is a God than it would be the Emperor, and if there are demigods than they are his sons, the Primarchs."

Children: "Oracle/Oracle/Oracle!"

Rory: "And where did you children come from?"

Boy: "Kota Village, Oracle."

Elderly Woman: "We were attacked so we ran for safety."

Elderly Man: "The Flame Dragon appeared, so we chose to evacuate than face the wrath of its flames."

The children were in front of Rory while the elderly knelt and prayed to her, as if a Messiah of sorts.

Mari: "It almost looks like they're praying to her doesn't it?"

Octavi: "Many a time do people pray to oracles to find peace and mercy to whatever god that oracle answered to."

Itami: "You think maybe that fancy outfit of hers has like a special meaning or something?"

Octavi: "It does not seem so."

Rory walked over to Octavi and Itami and interrupted their conversation. Octavi examined her, from the looks of it she had a similar energy around her like his father's, though miniscule in scale and power, it still had the undying energy it had.

Rory: "So who are these strangers you came with?"

Boy: "The men in green helped us leave while the Iron Giants healed us with their powers."

Rory: "What fine weaponry you have there. Are you disciples of Duncan?"

She tried to start a conversation with Octavi but he kept silent, keeping secrets most likely useful against them should be kept secret forever.

Rory: "Not much of a talker?"

Boy: "They only speak with the men in green Ms."

She then faced Itami and asked.

Rory: "Well, good sir. Why won't he speak to me?"

Itami: "Uh... Captain?"

Octavi: "I am examining you, Oracle."

In truth, Octavi had been sensing the magnitude and power of Rory's aura and to say that it was disappointing, would be an understatement. Her aura, though, did emit an undying and eternal taste that his father and the Emperor had meaning that she is a perpetual of sorts.

Octavi: "You are immortal, yes?"

Rory: "You are right. Sir?"

Octavi: "Octavi... Octavi Augi."

Rory: "May I call you Octavian?"

Octavi: "I do not see why not."

Rory: "Well it's a pleasure to meet you, Octavian."

Octavi: "The pleasure is mine as well, Rory Mercury."

Rory: "Though may I ask where do you come from? You're clearly stronger than these men while also having an aura of death to you, as if your people are stuck in endless war."

Octavi: "Maybe it is better for us to speak in a secluded area."

Rory: "And where may that be, Octavian?"

Octavi: "The vehicle behind the one next to us is a suitable area. No windows for outside interference and walls thick enough to cancel even the loudest of sounds."

Rory: "Then shall we get into this vee-ye-cel."

Octavi and Rory then walked to the Lux while Itami looked on to Octavi as Takeo had a little tinge of jealousy on his face, though he grumbled it away, Mari had laughed at the sight of Takeo grumbling.

- Lux-Celeritate -

Ever since the caravan resumed moving, PAM controlled the Lux while Octavi and Rory were sitting on the vehicle's chairs while conversing with each other.

Rory: "So Octavian. What are you, truly?"

Octavi: "Human. What else?"

Rory: "You don't speak like one. Your aura especially is not human."

Octavi: "You feel my aura?"

Rory: "I don't just feel it, I see it."

Octavi: "Then you are not the only one. Many of my brothers have similar skills in seeing the power and attitude of an aura, and few have the ability of pulling it into themselves like a black hole."

Rory: "Black Hole?"

Octavi: "Think of it like a dead star but its only purpose in the universe is to take everything into itself and eat it, like a hole in a barrel so to speak."

Rory: "Then you should know that your auras are not human, they're filled with death and suffering on levels only Emroy can imagine."

Octavi: "That is because we were bred for war. From the youthful stages of life to our adolescence, we were taught and trained how to fight like a soldier and how to follow orders like a good man."

Rory: "Must've been lonely."

Octavi: "That is what my brothers are for. There may not be many like us but we have each other. The familial bonds of the Legion is sometimes even stronger than our own bonds to the Imperium."

Rory: "May I ask of this Legion you lovingly talk about so much?"

Octavi: "The Steel Wyverns Legion. One of the 20 Legio Astartes who are the greatest warriors of the Master of Mankind and the Emperor of the Imperium, commanded by his very own sons, the Primarchs."

Rory: "And who is your Primarch?"

Octavi: "My father, Arturius Imperia."

Rory: "So you are descendent of royalty?"

Octavi: "No. We have this component of life that we call geneseed which technically means that we become sons of the Primarch we volunteered to join to. To put it simply, we were born of different parents but through the scientific achievements of the Emperor, we become sons of his own blood."

Rory: "I see. How large is your Legion?"

Octavi: "As of now, the numbers are above 50 thousand counting only the Marines though counting as well the Regni Excercitus, our forces number in the billions."

Rory: "And how large is your Cohort?"

Octavi: "Last reported, our numbers are in the five thousands."

Rory: "Tell me, Octavian. Why do you have such trust in me that you'd give information that the Empire would love to use against you."

Octavi: "I feel no malice or intrigue in you. As well, you do not seem to be aligned with the Empire so what benefit would you acquire from doing such a thing."

Rory: "You are right that I am not aligned with the Empire, you could even say that I loathe them. I commend your intuitive personality Octavian."

Octavi: "All Wyverns have a tinge of intuitiveness in them, it is not a special trait I have."

Rory: "How about your 'Father'? Who is he?"

Octavi: "Arturius Imperia. Primarch of the Steel Wyverns and the Dra- "

He was cut off from PAM who had uncontrollably beeped out of nowhere.

P.A.M: "Dominus."

Octavi: "What anomaly do we have, PAM?"

Octavi said as he got up from his seat.

P.A.M: "Sir I have received an incoming aerial target 3 kilometers east of us. Approaching at an alarming rate."

Octavi: "Estimated arrival?"

P.A.M: "2 Minutes and counting, Dominus."

Octavi: "Open the doors."

P.A.M: "Immediately, Dominus."

Rory: "What is it?"

Octavi: "Haha. A dragon. It's been long since I've laid my eyes on one."

He said as he stepped out of the Lux, leaving Rory with PAM. Since the time Rory had met the group, they had now traversed to a rocky and sand-filled area of Falmart.

Octavi: "Rumus."

Rumus: "Sir? I thought you were intero- speaking with that girl."

Octavi got a little closer to Rumus and whispered.

Octavi: "PAM had sensed the dragon."

Rumus: "How long till arrival, Sir?"

Octavi: "2 minutes and counting. Gather our brothers at the Lux, I'm getting the melta-cannon."

Rumus: "Immediately, Sir."

Rumus and Octavi then walked away as one went to inform the others while Octavi went back to the Lux.

Rory: "You're back."

Octavi: "Yes."

Rory: "Why so? I thought you were dealing with the dragon?"

Octavi: "We don't know how powerful the dragon is so- "

Octavi faced the direction to PAM.

Octavi: "Open the armory."

P.A.M: "Yes, Sir."

Then the walls of the Lux opened with multiple weapons and ammunition cases hanging on them. There were multiple powerful weapons, the Draconis Infernum, a powerful flamer which uses solis-calor that can exceed the levels of the sun's surface.

The Ruptis Crepitus, a grenade launcher weapon that uses Aeterna Ira ammunition that explodes upon impact yielding five tons of TNT whilst also leaving a puddle of solis-calor that can linger for periods of several hours to several days.

And the infamous Imperial Flayer, also called the Imperialis Flaieris, only in the most desperate of situations do the Wyverns use the Flaieris because of its recent creation, it is in small numbers, experimental and yet to be field tested, though the Flaieris has already been seen to withstand hits from a Power Sword while surviving a dozen or so slices from a Guardian Spear; with new Forge Worlds being built to oversee the construction of the Flaieris, it would only be a matter of time until the entirety of the Legion would wield these into battle.

Rory: "So many weapons, so many choices, yet I feel all of them being powerful. Which one will you pick?"

From the walls, Octavi took the melta-cannon, a miniaturized version of the actual melta-cannon, the melta-cannon is a large rifle-like weapon that fires an equally sized melta beam that disintegrates through Dreadnought armor.

Rory: "And what is that?"

Octavi: "Melta-Cannon. A powerful weapon which can go through any armor. The simplest description I can give you without going into depth with other technologies."

He said as his thunderous steps filled the air, once again, he left Rory to her own in the Lux, of which she had PAM to answer more of her questions, though a few conflicting moments arose.

Waiting outside of the Lux were the group.

Octavi: "A Draco is upon us. If I'd known such thing would've happened then I would've requested for a Domare Magister to come with us but... we can't always have what we want now, can we?"

Antonius: "This is very exciting!"

Antonius said as he brought out his Tecitus-Marcsus, a powerful laser weapon the size of a bolt-pistol that can go through ordinary Terminator armor, while holding a modified Data-Skull on his other hand. Filius, Tenaerys and Emeretus unholstered their bolt-pistols while Rumus had his grav-pistol.

Tenaerys: "Battle Plan, Sir?"

Octavi: "Once the Draco has revealed itself, bolter rounds shall suffice in bringing down the durability of their skin with the Centurions' heavy bolters shooting at the wings. Rumus, you shall use your grav-pistol to hold the head of the Draco in place while I kill it with the melta-cannon."

Each of them nodded.

Octavi: "Until then, keep protecting the cara- "


A screeching roar had pierced the air as in the skies were, not just one but two dragons, though the latter had eaten the former with it burning the closest carriages to it.


Tenaerys/Filius/Emeretum/Rumus/Luciu/Titanum: "THROUGH HIS TEACHINGS! WE SHALL PREVAIL!"

Antonius: "For the glory of Logicus-Rex, blah blah blah... I WANT TO DISSECT THAT REPTILE!"

Running through the rocky terrain of the desert, the various Astartes went in front of fleeing natives as they fired upon the large dragon. It's fires met the strong and dense metal of the Vermis Arma with Tenaerys saying his opinion on the heat.

Tenaerys: "An infant Draco of Home has a far stronger flame than this imitating bastard!"

The JSDF used their maneuverability to run circles around the dragon but their ammunition couldn't dent the scales though the same couldn't be said for bolter rounds. The rounds proved to be powerful enough to go through the scales and even small bits of the dragon's body were blown to thousands of pieces, heavy bolter fire proved even more lethal as the dragon's wings were slowly being torn down to smithereens.

The HMV then drove closer to where Octavi stood from with Itami screaming from his window.

Itami: "CAPTAIN!"

Octavi: "Itami?"

He said as the HMV went to a full stop. Octavi looked at Itami and then to the blonde woman who was fully naked behind him while she pointed to her eye.

Itami: "Information on the dragon."

Octavi: "I'd want to inquire who the Eldar is but time is of the essence."

Itami: "Wait wha- Oh her! I'll explain later but she told me that the dragon's eyes are the weak spot. Though seeing that your weapons are already killing the dragon, I don't think you even need the information."

Octavi: "Any information regarding the enemy is appreciated still, Lieutenant. Though with our current predicament, I cannot inform my brothers so I ask you to disorientate the dragon while we go for the wings."

Itami: "Will do, Captain."

Itami said as the HMV rode off. As asked, the JSDF rode around the dragon as they aimed their rifles and machine guns to the eyes and head of the dragon, with this the dragon became more and more disorientated.


The dragon screeched as the gunfire from the JSDF annoyed the dragon. From this, it started to conjure fire into its mouth though the heavy bolter fire to its wings forced it to retreat.


With that, barrages of bolter and heavy bolter fire shot at the left wing of the dragon. The intensity of the fire had severed the wing from the dragon, its attempt to flee had now failed with it falling to the ground. With Astartes' speed and agility, Rumus and Octavi ran to the dragon while the JSDF rode to its head to continue firing at its eyes.

With continued fire, the dragon became fatigued and even paralyzed from the excruciating pain of its dismemberment.

Octavi: "NOW RUMUS!"

Rumus nodded as he set the grav-pistol to Forced-Gravity and aimed at the dragon. With the pull of the trigger, an area encased the area of the head as it spasmed with the air of the area, to say it looked like a tractor beam wouldn't be lying.

Octavi started the melta-cannon and shot. The beam went straight through the dragon's head and through its body, reaching to the mountains of the surrounding area even. For a whole five seconds, the melta-beam created a hole through the dragon and even reached a mountain, it would only be after those five seconds would Octavi deactivate the beam.

The JSDF drove close to the two Astartes, many of who would go out of their vehicles and see the destroyed carcass of the dragon that had once plagued the people they sworn to protect. A moment later and the Lux would drive near them with the doors opening and a small goth woman walking out of it.

Itami: "God... "

Octavi: "The power of the melta weapons. Fabulous weaponry."

Takeo: "Tha-That was awesome."

Rory: "So this is the power of your people, Octavian? Even I, an Apostle, would not be able to do such carnage."

Octavi: "Contrary to its massive size. The dragon's fire is not even comparable to the infant children of the dragons that we tame."

The JSDF just kept silent at that statement, to think that a nine foot tall soldier clad in armor that is presumably impenetrable to even anti-tank weaponry and had weaponry which nearly had the explosive potential of an RPG rocket. Seeing first hand the power of the Wyverns made the JSDF not just amazed but fixated on them, at first they were only curious but that turned into a slight fear and anxiety of them.

Rory: "I wish I could meet one of your dragons."

Octavi: "Once we determine the strategic and resource importance of this world... Maybe a permanent presence will be made, Rory."

Rory: "Then I hope our friendship stays until the time comes."

* 1 Hour Later *

After the natives had organized in a safe area, the group returned to them with the JSDF prepared to bury the various people that died at the attack. Upon the return of the soldiers though, the natives bowed their heads.

Old Man: "I speak with all of my fellow men that we thank you for protecting our families and friends from that horrid creature."

He then bowed his head lower.

Old Man: "We are in your debt."

The villagers followed suit as they bowed their heads and said the same words.

Itami: "Don't thank us. Thank the real heroes."

Itami then pointed to Octavi and the team as they got out of the Lux.

Old Man: "We thank you, Men of Iron."

Octavi had a glare at the mention of the Men of Iron. It had only been ten millennia since the Men of Iron had rebelled against humanity and the short, though, bloody Civil War of the ancient Techtites still stained the minds of the people.

Octavi: "Please. Call us Angels."

Out of the blue, Octavi requested for the people to start calling them angels, to think of such things wouldn't be out of the ordinary with the various feats that they do such as the recent take down of a Fire Dragon.

Old Man: "Then we thank you. Angels of Steel."

Angels of Steel. Had a good sound to it, a calmer first impression than the Angels of Death title that the Astartes had recently been called. Antonius then went forward and went in front of the old man and the villagers.

Antonius: "Raise your heads."

With that, the villagers did as they were told.

Antonius: "We can assist you in building yourselves a new home. Somewhere far from here. I do not expect any of you to know an abundance of geography but I suspect at least one of you knows where Amarkun Hills is."

Then a young man looked up.

Antonius: "Do you know where Amarkun is?"

Man: "Yes, Sir. I had passed that area once when I took a courier job to the south."

Antonius: "Then you shall know that that is the location of your new home. With a few strings that I can pull, a bustling city will be at Amarkun in no time. So just take a rou- "

?: "Tha-Thank you... "

A woman had crawled her way to Antonius and gripped his robes as she continued to bow her head while tears flowed down her face. Antonius knelt down and placed a hand on her shoulder.

Antonius: "It is the least I may do. A new home is a trivial thing compared to the love and care that family can bring you. So I say these last words I have to all of you... I am sorry for your losses but know that opportunity has arisen to bring you from the ashes and into the light of the stars! All that I ask of you is to swear fealty to the Imperium of Man, you need not work for us, all we ask is for you to stand with us then we shall assist you in your time of need."

Old Man: "Thank you. Thank you, kind Sir."

Villagers: "We are eternally grateful."

Antonius: "Then to Amarkun Hills you go."

* 30 Minutes Later *

Before the villagers went separate ways with the group, the JSDF buried the dead and now stood in front of their graves with Octavi and his team at the sidelines, watching the 'praying' of the natives.

Itami spoke with Octavi, Antonius and with one of his subordinates, Kuwahara Soichiro.

Soichiro: "Most of the survivors have nearby relatives to rely on shelter. With that information, are you still allowing them into your territory?"

Antonius: "Yes. These people need a new home, and I won't deny them that even if they already have it."

Itami: "What is your stance on this, Captain?"

Octavi: "As the Codeus Familia says. 'All are welcome to our Imperium. Under our roof, they are apart of our growing family.' They are always welcome to our territory, we need only to report to our superiors of which Antonius has already done."

The old man in charge of the caravan then walked to the four.

Old Man: "The journey is long to Amarkun, Sir. I may sound selfish but I cannot bring the children and elderly with me, we cannot reach Amarkun with them. Our food and water will run out halfway to the journey."

Antonius: "Do not worry so much. I have already asked for several Fulgur-Aquila to arrive to this location in 2 minutes. Once you here a few fapping sounds in the air, they are nearing you. Please put the people in a calm state."

Old Man: "You have transportation for us, Sir?"

Antonius: "Yes."

Old Man: "Tha-Thank you, Sir!"

The man said as he took Antonius hand and shook it.

Old Man: "No amount of words can describe the amount of kindness and gratitude you are showing us."

Antonius: "You are most welcome. Though I inform you to follow what the men tell you to do."

Old Man: "Of course. Of course."

The man then walked away to in form the villagers of the incoming transportation.

Itami: "You got helicopters for them?"

Antonius: "The Fulga-Aquila is not an ancient 'Copter, Lieutenant. It is capable of space travel with it capable of carrying ten Astartes or a hundred standard men."

Itami: "You're really determined to move them to Amarkun aren't you?"

Octavi: "The deed has already been done. It is more troublesome now if we stopped it."

Itami: "Well, the only thing I can say to that is thank you. Now I think it's time for us to go to Alnus, isn't it?"