Peace and Quiet

Soichiro: "What about the rest of them?"

Soichiro spoke about the villagers of another village apart from the ones going to be sent to Amarkun.

Antonius: "I had nearly forgotten about them. Though I extend them the same offer of food, water and shelter at Amarkun. Please do tell them that, if they so desire so then they must only wait here with the rest of the villagers."

Soichiro: "I understand, I shall tell them of the offer immediately."

Though before Soichiro walked off to the HMV where the refugees were, Octavi had a few words for him.

Octavi: "I must tell you, though, that the short old man with the blue-haired woman are important 'assets,' so to speak, to my Legion. So I request for you to let them come with us for now then let them decide upon the entry to Alnus."

Soichiro: "May I ask why, Captain?"

Octavi: "Do you know of magic?"

Soichiro: "Yes. What does that have to do with them?"

Octavi: "Well to put it simply, they are practitioners of them... Mages, to be frank."

Soichiro: "I see. Then I shall do as you say."

Octavi: "Thank you."

With that, Soichiro then walked off to the HMV. Octavi returned to Itami and Antonius, who were staying at the same area where they looked at the resting and mourning peoples. When Itami noticed that Octavi had returned, he told him.

Itami: "Um... Captain."

Octavi: "Yes?"

Itami: "It may annoy you but would be it be fine if you would introduce yourselves to my team and we introduce ourselves to you so that confusion won't happen."

Octavi: "It does not annoy me. I shall gather up my men at your vehicle in a minute, there we shall properly introduce ourselves."

Itami: "Meet you there."

With that, Itami ran off. Octavi notified PAM, through the installed communications device of the Vermis Arma, to gather the team at the HMV.

Antonius: "Why do we need to do such things? It is a rarity for us to meet guardsm- I mean soldiers like them again. Forgive me, they just look like the guardsmen of the Imperium quite a tad bit too much, don't you agree?"

Octavi: "I do agree, their weaponry not so much but their uniforms and tactics are quite similar to a few regiments."

Antonius: "Well. Let's get to the vehicle."

Octavi: "Let us."

With that last conversation, Octavi and Antonius walked off to the direction of the HMV. Thirty seconds later and the JSDF and the Verbum Quadrigis stood in attention as they prepared to introduce themselves.

Octavi: "The Lieutenant and I took it to ourselves to have proper introductions after our informal meeting. To make it easy for all of you to understand us, we shall speak in our version of English. So I shall start first, I am Captain-Diplomat Octavi Augi of the second Quarter of the Word Column of the Second Cohort of the Steel Wyverns Legion of the Imperium of Man."

Tenaerys: "I am Soldier-Diplomat Tenaerys Orion of the first Quarter of the Word Column of the second Cohort of the Steel Wyverns Legion of the Imperium of Man."

Emeretum: "I am Merchant-Diplomat Emeretum Julium of the first Quarter of the Word Column of the Second Cohort of the Steel Wyverns Legion of the Imperium of Man."

Rumus: "Tech-Marine Rumus Irdent of the Students of Science Column of the Second Cohort of the Steel Wyverns Legion of the Imperium of Man."

Filius: "Apothecary Filius Alvern of the Sorcerer-Doctors Column of the Second Cohort of the Steel Wyverns Legion of the Imperium of Man."

At the mention of the word 'sorcerer' the Third Recon Team had a few confused looks with Itami about to ask a question but Octavi noticed their confusion and gave a quick answer.

Octavi: "Any questions about our ranks and people shall be answered after the introduction."

The Team all nodded, Antonius continued the introduction as if nothing happened.

Antonius: "Engineer-Technician Antonius Oreum of the Techtite House of Enstinum."

Luciu Vorenu: "Brother-Centurion Luciu Vorenu of the Second Cohort's Father's Centurions of the Steel Wyverns Legion of the Imperium of Man."

Titanum Pulomeius: "Brother-Centurion Titanum Pulomeius of the Second Cohort's Father's Centurions of the Steel Wyverns Legion of the Imperium of Man."

With introductions from the Imperium's side completed, next were the JSDF.

Itami: "First Lieutenant Yoji Itami of the Third Recon Team of the Japanese Self Defense Force."

Soichiro: "Sergeant Major Kuwahara Soichiro of the Third Recon Team of the Japanese Self Defense Force."

Next came a new face to the Imperials, a tall man with a strange hairstyle that the Imperials found very confusing.

Akira: "Master Sergeant Tomita Akira of the Third Recon Team of the JSDF."

Next came the medic of the group who familiarized herself with the Imperial's own medic.

Mari: "Sergeant First Class Kurokawa Mari of the Third Recon Team of the JSDF."

Next came the second and last female of the group. Her short stature had made Tenaerys wonder how a woman like her got into the military though after remembering the amount of liberalism in the 2nd Millennium, he pushed those thoughts away.

Shino: "Sergeant First Class Kuribayashi Shino of the Third Recon Team of the JSDF."

The soldier who introduced himself next is one of the driver's of the group, of medium stature though no notable muscle.

Takeo: "Sergeant Kurata Takeo of the Third Recon Team of the JSDF."

Then came the infantrymen of the group or the Privates as their rank states.

Daisuke: "Private Tozu Daisuke of the Third Recon Team of the JSDF."

Wataru: "Private Katsumoto Wataru of the Third Recon Team of the JSDF."

Hayato: "Private Sasagawa Hayato of the Third Recon Team of the JSDF."

Hitoshi: "Private Furuta Hitoshi of the Third Recon Team of the JSDF."

Higashi: "Private Higashi of the Third Recon Team of the JSDF."

At the last soldier, the Imperials were very confused to the lack of a first name though thought not off it.

With the introduction finished, Octavi moved to be in front of the JSDF and stood there and announced.

Octavi: "Any questions you wish to ask, ask them now. We will not have the pleasure of 'small talk' later in the day, so I inform you that if you have any questions, ask them now or have your curiosity never sated."

With the announcement, the first person to ask a question was Sergeant Shino, who raised her hand immediately after Octavi made his announcement.

Octavi: "Yes? What question do you have?"

Shino: "One of your members said that he is a part of a branch of sorcerers, is that true? Do you guys use magic?"

Octavi: "To answer your first question, Apothecary Filius is our version of your medic, he isn't a sorcerer but his branch unites the two roles because Sorcerers have spells which can medicate the greatest of wounds. To answer your second question, yes, we use magic but it is entirely different from the magic you know."

Shino: "How so?"

Being careful with his words, Octavi answered.

Octavi: "Our magic is dangerous and without any oversite, the possibilities of a failure of a spell or worse a daemon being summoned."

Shino: "Eh... Isn't that just normal magic though?"

Octavi: "It may have the same consequences but in your mind think of a sorcerer who's spell made him a conduit to forming a portal to hell, that portal will allow numerous amounts of daemons to conjure into the material universe until all that's left is nothing but destruction. A whole world that once bustled with numerous cities the size of continents with thousands of ships filled to the brim with trade goods that'll come and go, after that portal, that world is but ash and ruin after several weeks, several months if that world made a formidable defense. Does that sound like normal magic to you? Cause if it does than, in all honesty, that's the tip of the iceberg."

Octavi's words had put shivers on the spines of the Japanese, they all knew stories of swords and magic of a Demon King wanting to conquer the world but to be thwarted by a team of heroes. To hear stories of entire worlds forced to ruin by the hordes of hell from a man that had weapons and armor thousands if not millions of years ahead of theirs. For a moment, the JSDF were paralyzed, couldn't move, still processing the information Octavi had given them until he spoke again.

Octavi: "Is that all your questions or do you have more?"

Takeo raised his hand in a flash, his fear had gone away so quickly that it had slightly impressed Octavi, or a form of impressed.

Octavi: "You. What's your question?"

Takeo: "What year is it for you guys?"

Octavi: "What year? Well... Hm... I can't give you a precise answer but it is the thirty first millennium in Terran Years."

Takeo: "Terran Years?"

Octavi: "To shoot two birds with one stone, I'll ask you a question first, what do you call our home?"

Takeo: "Our home? You mean Earth?"

Octavi: "I see. Terra is the new name of Humanity's home, sometimes referred to as 'Holy Terra' or the 'Cradle of Humanity,' Terran years is the term used to determine time, since every habitable planet has a different length of year, to centralize time, the Imperium of Man follows Terran Years, name was obviously taken from Terra, does that answer your question?"

Takeo nodded, Octavian then looked back to the Team and waited for another hand to be raised, that hand would be Itami's.

Octavi: "What is your question, Captain?"

Itami: "Can you explain to us who you are in depth, such as your Legion, your Imperium, your leaders."

Octavi: "That would take hours to fully go through but to simplify. My team and I were formed from the numerous Columns of the second Cohort of the Steel Wyverns Legion, our sole mission is to start diplomatic ties with your people. Then the answer for the Legion; the Steel Wyverns Legion is one of the twenty Adeptus Astartes, or Space Marine, Legions of the Imperium of Man, we were created by the Emperor through the gene-seed of our Primarchs, our Fathers. The answer for the Imperium of Man; the Imperium of Man was founded by the Emperor on the thirtieth millennium after unifying Terra in the Unification Wars, today the Imperium of Man is advancing through the stars and reinstating Human dominance over the Milky Way. And I think the Emperor is already an obvious answer as to who our leader is."

Itami: "Who is your Primarch though? Who is your father?"

Octavi: "Lord-Primarch Arturius Imperia. Formerly the Draco Imperator of the Draco Imperium, he is the Primarch of the Steel Wyverns Legion and our father, among his many titles he is also the Logica-Rex of the Techtites and the Protector of the Dawi, master craftsmen and smiths as well as proud members of the Imperius Provincia."

Itami: "Who's the highest ranking official of your Cohort?"

Octavi: "That would be Frater Dux Johann Pelperatrius, Captain of the Second Cohort, he is a veteran of several hundred battles against numerous dangers and enemies such as the marauding Drukhari Eldar, evil and twisted versions of our proud friends and allies. Adding to his many achievements is being a former member of our Legion's greatest, the Mortem Frater. Only a few men in the our Legion can say they could go against our Frater Dux."

Itami: "Thank you for answering my question."

Octavi: "Any more questions? Remember that this will be the only time in our collective journey will your questions be answered."

The Team looked at each other until they all looked at Itami and nodded to him. With their nods, Itami faced Octavi and said.

Itami: "No, all of our questions have bee- "

From the background, everyone could hear the sound of something along the lines of a flap but mixed into the former sound is that of an engine, none of them ever heard an engine like it, it's roars were soft to the ear yet still terrifying to the heart.

Both Imperial and JSDF looked over to the area where the villagers had waited and up in the sky they saw five large aircrafts slowly hover lower onto the ground, midair, the aircrafts opened and ten Vermis Astartes jumped down from their aircrafts and landed on the ground. All of them had paludaments or capes laying on their right shoulder down to the knee, these Astartes are apart of the Venator Fratres. Another column of the Cohort, they specialize in reconnaissance and guerilla warfare, well known for their vicious last stands that sometimes last entire years.

Octavi walked over to a Venator who was slimmer yet taller compared to his fellow Venators, he had a special insignia on his paludament which signified his rank as Frater-Dux or Captain of the Team.

Octavi: "What team are you, Frater?"

?: "I am Frater-Dux Mormen Martisius, I command Venator Quadrigis Tres of the Venator Agmen."

From the build of the Dux' body, Octavi knew that Mormen came from the Aeldari species. It is well known throughout the Imperius Provincia that male Aeldari who volunteer to join the Legion, do not acquire the signature build of normal Astartes, the Aeldari who undergo the Vermis Astartes procedure are known to have a smaller success than humans though the reward, if successful, is well received. Aeldari Astartes are known for their extreme agility and fluidity in battle, some even compare their agile fighting style to that of the Laughing God's greatest followers, the Harlequins.

Octavi: "Dux Mormen. Keep the civilians safe. Remember the Codeus Familia. 'Treat others as you would treat your own. Protect the weak and those who cannot defend themselves, that is the greatest act a Son of Arturius can do.' They trust us to give them a new and better life, let us not break their trust."

Mormen: "Of course. 'Listen to your elders as you would to me.' I will listen to your words, Veterani-Frater. My team will uphold your promise to these people, they shall be fed and sheltered like any other."

A/N: 'Listen to your elders as you would to me.' That line comes from the Codex Fratrum, written by Arturius Imperia (Like all other Codices), as the line says, an Astartes should listen to their elder 'brother' as if they were talking to Arturius himself.

From what Mormen said, Octavi nodded and looked behind him to see the Old Man Antonius had spoken to a few minutes before.

Old Man: "Sir Angel, is this the transportation you spoke about?"

Octavi: "Yes. The man behind me shall assist you in entering the Aquilas. Cooperate with him and his team and you shall be at Amarkun in a few minutes. As well, all your wounded, sick or tired may be looked after their Apothecary, tell your fellow villagers that any inconvenience and ailments they have will be looked after."

Old Man: "Tha-Thank you, Sir Angel. I will immediately inform them of your generous act!"

The Old Man said as he bowed several times to Octavi and Mormen. Octavi continued to look at the Old Man as he quickly walked to his fellow villagers, from behind him, Octavi heard Mormen's voice.

Mormen: "I do have to commend you, Sir. This decision is both morally correct and strategically, beneficial for us."

Octavi: "Please, don't flatter me. All the credit goes to Sir Antonius, he's the one who gave the proposition to the natives. I'm just the one who sends them away."

Mormen: "I see! Then please, Sir. Give my commendation to Sir Antonius."

Octavi: "Though before you go, Mormen. What do you mean by 'strategically beneficial'?"

Mormen: "Well, Sir. With these villagers, we shall create the first Imperial settlement in this new world, with this settlement, trade shall be made with neutral factions around us and with trade comes 'Word of Mouth,' as your people say, information about us shall circulate throughout Falmart and so immigrating peoples shall come to us once they hear about a large and bustling city at Amarkun. Eventually, all of Falmart shall know of us and with our war with the 'Empire,' we can use some of these natives as spies and informants if need be, though our weaponry is already enough to destroy this puny civilization, it's all up to Frater-Dux Johann."

Octavi: "I see. I've never been one for strategy and warfare. Keep the people safe, Mormen."

Mormen: "Always, Sir."

Both Fratres nodded at each other and went their separate ways. Octavi walked back to his group and the JSDF, taking a quick glance back, he saw that Mormen and his Quadrigis were having the villagers board the Aquilas. Octavi then returned to his former spot and faced the JSDF.

Octavi: "Now with all of us now acquainted and your questions asked, it is time for you to uphold the end of your deal."

Itami: "Yes. We'll just get ready, Captain."

Octavi nodded at what Itami said. Itami then shouted some orders in Japanese and the Recon Team went to do as they were told, Soichiro though went forward to Octavi.

Octavi: "Sergeant Major."

Soichiro: "Captain. The villagers have chosen to stick with us and wish to go to Alnus. As well, the old man you told me had requested to speak with one of you but I told him of your own request and he complied."

Octavi: "I see, thank you, Sergeant Major."

Soichiro: "You're welcome, Captain."

Both men nodded then went their separate ways. Octavi looked back at his team and went to them.

Imperials: "Dux."

Octavi: "We shall be escorted by the JSDF to Alnus as the Lieutenant and I had intended. We shall be waiting in the Lux for an unknown time, the Lieutenant told me that they need time to get ready. In that time, repair and clean your weapons or wait."

They all nodded their heads and went off to the Lux. Upon their arrival to the Lux, they saw Rory sitting on the front seat of the Lux while speaking with PAM. The Astartes were confused at scene while Antonius had had many moments in his life where young Techtites no older than five, had hour-long conversations with the several 'Systems' and 'Assistants' that he used as a teacher.

PAM: "And that is the reason as to how the Crusade ended."

Rory: "I see now! Thank you, pam."

PAM: "Please, I was made to answer any questions."

Rory giggled at that. In the hour the two had been chatting, PAM informed Rory of the Imperius Provincia, the Legion, and Arturius. The most amazed Rory had been were the information she was told about Arturius and his near 'godly' royal guard, the Draco Domini.

Rory had been oblivious to the sound of the Lux' doors opening, her superhuman hearing had become inert because of her total attention to PAM. The sound of Octavi walking into the Lux had broken Rory's attention and looked back.

Rory: "So the great 'Sons' of Arturius had returned!"

Octavi: "Hello, Rory."

Rory: "Where shall we go next, Octavian? Will we go to Amarkun?"

Rory said in a tone akin to that of an excited child.

Octavi: "No. We shall be escorted by the JSDF to our destination of Alnus."

Rory: "Hm. I see."

She said with the calmest tone but all of the Astartes felt a tinge of sadness and disappointment in Rory's aura.

Octavi: "If you wish to return with us, then after Alnus, you may come with us to Amarkun."

Rory's face had stayed the same but her aura lightened a little. She then returned to sitting back on her seat and facing PAM. The Astartes all went to their respective seats with Rumus going to the driver's seat.

All of them went to do their own duties, Tenaerys and Emeretum rested on their seats, Luciu and Titanum looked over their weapons and repaired any damages, Antonius took out his Data-Skull and wrote some notes on it such as the weak and humiliating excuse of a dragon they had fought, Rumus looked over the systems of the Lux with PAM, Octavi sat on his seat contemplating the journey ahead with Rory waiting for Rumus to finish talking with PAM so she could have some company.