A start to a new Age

"I was hoping you wouldn't find yourself behind such confinements, sir. Though we should've expected it, your sheer excitement at seeing the base already gave alarms in my head."

Octavi said to Antonius, who was currently sitting on a bench behind bars. The reason as to why he was behind bars was because of his acts of theft against the Japanese, the items found on his person were several devices known as landlines, a few primitive weapons and a small 'laptop,' as Itami called it. Itami stood beside Octavi, looking on as Octavi and Antonius chatted.

"Forgive me for doing such things but what is the punishment for such acts? A walk of atonement? A few whips to the back? I am prepared for any punishment for my actions that were done in the name of science!"

Antonius said confidently, having no regret at being caught and jailed, the Techtite knew the risks and were ready to undertake them.

At the utterance of the regular punishments in the Imperium, Itami's spine tensed a little with his mind imagining the pain those punishments would do to a person.

"Might I remind you that with the Treaty of Two Humanities, Imperial Law is not taken if the crime was committed against Earth or the UN."

Octavi stated with Antonius replying with an 'I see,' his gaze then went to Itami, who had a confused expression to his face as to why Antonius was staring at him.

"Well Captain, as a representative of your people. What punishment shall be given for my deeds?"

"W-Well, a few hours of staying here will be enough."

"So, after stealing multiple weapons and devices of worth, all of which may pose a great level of importance. All of my wrongdoings against your people give me a time-out area to wait in for a set amount of time?"

"Well if you put it like that, jail-time doesn't sound so bad."

Suddenly, the door to the jail slammed open with Akira pacing to Itami, who looked at Akira and just stood there while Akira took Itami out of the room with Octavi and Antonius looking at the situation with confusion. As Itami and Akira went out of the room, the door shut, for a few seconds Octavi and Antonius stared at the door until Antonius broke the silence.

"These humans are quite confusing, don't you agree?"

"They are vastly different from us. Maybe this is how normal Imperial citizens go about their daily lives."

"Maybe. Though citizens of the Techtites are vastly different from this, we do not just barge into a room and take someone."

"Remember Antonius, different Terra, different humans."

At that, Antonius sighed.

- Officer's Office -

After dragging Itami from the cells, Akira had taken him to his office for a quick chat, or to be more precise an interrogation.

"What did you tell them?"

"Well, they asked what punishment he'd get for stealing. Was that a bad idea?"

"And what did you say?"

"Isn't a few hours in the cells the punishment?"

"Yes... But don't you understand that we could've gotten something out of this! We could've made him show us their weapons!"

"But wouldn't that be lying?"

At that reply, Akira sank into his seat with a sigh.

"Uh... Yanagida?"

"Just go do your task in getting the names of those refugees."


- Fort Amarkun -

Inside the fortification of Fort Amarkun, the many members of the second cohort trained and occupied their different roles given to them by their commanding officers. In a room filled with the highest-ranked of these officers, circling a table with the contents of which on it being several documents of varying topics.

At the head of the table, Dux Johann, stood, beside him were Princeps Centurio Drusus and Princeps Bibliothecarius Tyranus Plutoius. The room stayed silent for a few moments as all attending officers silently waited for their captain's word.

"Has there been any information on whether or not we shall be acquiring reinforcements or civilian colonists?"

"From the couriers we've sent and received, the Concilium Legione have decided to send several hundred civilians to start a settlement, they recommended that such settlement shall be made at the foot of Amarkun."

An officer stated.

"I see, will we be only receiving civilian assets or shall we also be acquiring military assets?"

"As of yet, Dux, only civilian assets are arriving as of the moment though with the information of the portal making headways into the Imperium at large, the Concilium expects for some of the other Legions to send their own expeditions."

"I see. Report on the new Imperial citizens we've garnered."

"The Techtites have started to teach them the Serpentine Tongue as well as the Wyrm Language, from what I've received from reports, the Falmartians have an easier time learning the Wyrm Language with only a few grasping the way of the Serpentine. As per your orders, several Veniam have been dispatched to construct homes for the Falmartians with those homes being nearly complete."

"Have the Falmartians shown their opinions on us? Do we have a grasp on the people's hearts?"

"They have shown their continued gratitude by showing us respect as well as listening to every instruction we and the Techtites give."

Another moment of silence took hold of the room. In truth, the civilians that Octavi sent to Amarkun were forever grateful for being given a second home after their own were burned down by the dragon, though they have yet to accustom themselves with the presence of the Astartes as it is still common occurrence for them to freeze in shock by the mere figure of a marine.

"What of this 'Treaties of Two Humanities'?"

From one of the corners of the table, Verbum Dux Orato Ierun, replied.

"It is the successful treaty between the Imperium and the humans of Earth. With the signing of it, we must request for a Frater Archon to arrive in Falmart with the added clauses of the Honor Guard for the JSDF and a detachment of Techtite Ipsum-Videns and Matrix-Velit to be sent to the JSDF."

"Inform Tecitus Armann of these developments and see if he may send the detachment immediately. As well, have a courier be sent through the portal to inform the Concilium of our request for an Archon. On the matter of the Honor Guard, it shall be seen to by Princeps Centurio Drusus and Princeps Bibliothecarius Tyranus Plutoius. If there is nothing else to be discussed then this meeting is complete."

With that the various heads of the cohort left the room with many of them turning to do their duties in seeing the treaty's demands be completed.

- Transport Ship: A-I, P.B.G [Publium Battle Group]: IV -

P.B.G IV, one of the hundreds of auxiliary and garrison fleets of the Imperius Provincia, called for duty by the Centralis Navali Auctoritate to assist in the transport of civilians to the recently discovered Portal of Minneaut Prime. Out of the thirty transport ships each battle group is assigned, three were being used with two of them being supplies for both the Astartes and the civilians.

Transport Ship: A-I, the many soon to be settlers of the world beyond the portal, were nervous and anxious though the idea of meeting their liege's sons burned all their thoughts and emotions of doubt.

Many of the civilians came from the sprawling Hive Cities of Dema II, Orion's Post, Maniza Asye, and other large planets. One of these civilians was Artur Orenteai, a thirdborn son of one of the Provincia's richest merchants, many of the other civilians had stolen glances at Artur, as to reasons why may vary but it is wildly known that as a third son, he had no glories to acquire under the shadow of his elder brothers, and so he chose to acquire that glory through glorifying his home, his people.

For over five hours, the group of ships have been going in and out of the Beacons' 'lanes,' the term coined to differentiate the Necron's way of transportation and that of the Provincia's means, they were two lanes away from the Minneaut System.

Over those five hours, Artur had made some friends, some engineers and others farmers while others plumbers and electricians. Artur's father had left the growth of his third son to his mother but the one lesson he learned from his father is that for all the gold and men that can be acquired in their line of work, it all pales in comparison to connections.

- Aurema, Minneaut Prime -

An hour later, the transport fleet was successful and the civilians moved out of their ships and were escorted to a field. Here, they were informed of their mission and goals in the planet. To colonize and settle the continent of Falmart and whatever landmass yet to be discovered by the Techtites.

From there they were escorted into the city by the Sons of the Dragon. Inside, the civilians could see the reconstruction of the former Ork Capital, the city was mostly still either rubble or under it but many of the necessary administrations and offices were built.

Moving through the moved dirt and stone, the civilians moved with their luggage as finally, the figure of the gigantic arch Portal came into view.

In the minds of many of the civilians, they were agape and shocked to find such a thing. The far more well informed individuals thought it as some sort of Webway Gate or something along those lines.

Yet only one of them knew a partial truth. Artur knew that the portal was not a gateway into the Eldar's Webway but he did not know where it lead to.

The civilians were informed to pass through the gate but many of them were afraid and stood there in silence until Artur walked forward and marched into the portal, his figure disappearing as the gasps of his fellow civilians were heard throughout the rubble-city.

- Amarkun Gate -

Going through the portal, Artur now was on a hill as behind him was an exact replica of the portal.

Around the portal were Techtites similar to the ones in Aurema yet with them were several Centurions of the Wyverns.

Looking down the hill, Artur could see a large fortress and in front of it a small city. To Artur, it looked like a normal Imperial colonial world.

Yet upon further inspection, Artur could see that the people living in the city next to the fortress wore clothes and attire unlike any other he had seen in both Imperium Major and Minor. He had seen and been on many feudal worlds and befriended many who came from such worlds.

Standing there for about a second or two, Artur paid no more attention to the alien peoples below the hill but placed his attention at the setting sun. To Artur, it was always nature that made him alive, it was why he was so drawn to feudal worlds.

Unfortunately his time would be put to a halt as the shadow of an Astartes formed behind Artur.

"Follow me, civilian."

It was known throughout the Imperius Provincia that the Astartes of the Emperor of the Imperium had an innate dread and terror on them that made standard humans fear and even recoil at their mere presence though fortunately those of the Dragon had a lesser degree of this 'Transhuman Dread.'

Those like Artur were still weak in the presence of the Wyverns, to the point of uttering no words if none were asked of yet their movements were not hindered compared to that when around the cousins of the Wyverns.

Following a short nod, Artur trailed behind the Astartes as they went down the stone stairs down the hill and into the forming city. The native peoples of the city looked at Artur in reverence? Or fear?

He could feel their gazes yet could not find whether they were positive or negative emotions. To these people, his attire was queer and out-of-place, some may perceive him as a noble yet some may interpret him as a criminal.

The presence of an Astarte escort can be a double-edged sword, many may interpret it as good or bad depending of the context yet none would be given unless they asked.

Artur and the Astarte continued their trek along the stone roads of the city until they were stopped by a group of children. Two pairs of boys and girls. They were playing on the street in front of the duo and stopped when the footsteps of the Astarte neared them.

Normally in situations like this the children would move back onto the sidewalk and wait for the Astarte to pass yet these children were curious of the man with the Astarte. One of the boys stood up and walked in front of Artur and asked.

"Who are you?"

For a moment, Artur stood there in silence as he waited if whether or not the Astarte beside him would intervene or even say a word yet three seconds passed and the Astarte was silent. Anxious, Artur kneeled down to meet the boy in front of him at eye level.

"I am Artur Orenteai, a traveling merchant, at your service."

Tipping his hat to the boy, Artur shook his hand. At this, the other children surrounded him, now more relaxed and calmed at Artur's display of friendliness. And then that's when the barrage of questions came down upon Artur.

"Are you from the Imperium?"

"How are you so tall?"

"Are all people from the Imperium like you?"

"Are you like the Angels?"

Before the children went on a bombardment, Artur raised his hands.

"One question at a time, my little friends. I am no Techtite to answer your questions all at the same time."

At that, all four of the children raised their hands as if Artur was a teacher and the children were his students. This put a smile upon the man as one of his greater loves of life were children as he was a particular 'butler' for his younger siblings when he still lived with them.

Picking the same boy who first went up to him, the boy asked excitedly.

"Are you from the Imperium? Like the angels are?"

"Yes, I am. Though I do not come from the same world that the Astartes come from."

"So you're from another gate?!"

One of the girls asked with all of the children anticipating his answer.

"How do I put this in terms you will be capable of comprehending?"

He muttered to himself. Feudal peoples had no such education on space travel or even the concept of aliens. Then he risked it.

"You see, do you know what a planet is?"

The children nodded their heads in denial.

"I see. Do you know of the large dots in the sky at night? Like the moon?"

"So you're from the moon of the Imperium?"

"Hehe. You are on the right train of thought yet still so far. Do you know what you call this."

Artur said pointing to the ground.


"Hehe, you gave the right answer to the wrong question. What I am asking is what do you call the world? What is the name of your home?"


"That is the city you live in. Where is Aurema?"


"Yes, yet where is Falmart?"

"The earth?"

Nodding his head, he now knew how to explain it all.

"Now imagine the earth but there are thousands of different earths in the sky. You may not be able to see them but there are those who live on those earths and that is how the Imperium works.

We do not come as a simple 'empire,' we do not control a continent like Falmart but we control entire earths, as is the destiny of Mankind to conquer and expand to encompass all of the galaxy or as the Imperium says."

Artur's way of explaining the vastness that was the Imperium had made the children silent as they all kept their gaze at him, not knowing what to do, Artur look down to the ground and chuckled. It reminded him of the time he taught his siblings of the history of the Wyverns.

Though the silence was then ended by the touch of the Astarte on Artur's shoulder, it made him flinch as the touch was heavy and sudden. Now knowing he needed to be at a different place, he tipped his hat once more and said.

"Unfortunately I must cut our conversation. I must be somewhere else."

Standing up, the Astarte then began the walk to Artur's accommodations with him trailing behind the eight foot tall super soldier.

- Magna Tizca, Prospero -

Deep in the grand city of Magna Tizca, the city of Magnus the Red, Primarch of the fifteenth Legion of the Thousand Sons. For over several weeks the Crimson King and his greatest sons convened and talked on the topic of the mysterious Portal that Magnus' brother, Arturius, found on the recently conquered world of Minneaut Prime.

Once more did the Primarch and his sons convened yet this time it felt like the fates were woven into meticulous ways for this to be the last meeting.

The first to speak was Ahriman, Chief Librarian and Captain of the First Fellowship of the Legion, greatest sorcerer of the Lord-Sorcerer of the Imperium.

"We must send an envoy to the portal, father. Imagine the things we shall learn of this supposed 'New Terra' maybe even a new galaxy?"

"Calm yourself, Brother Ahriman. Must we focus our resources on this supposed Portal to a new world or galaxy as you willfully think?"

Ankhun Nabi, captain of the third fellowship said. Ahriman's blood boiled at Ankhun, he was a sorcerer and a scientist both, his curiosity demanded him to go to the Portal.

"Yet we mustn't deny such things from our brother, Brother Ankhun. Yes it may just be a world but from what I hear, it is a world that may be connected to an alternate yet younger version of Terra. A treaty of non-aggression has already been signed even, our brother's curiosities should be given some thought."

Photekh, captain of the seventh fellowship said. Magnus stayed silent, only intervening when asked or when needed.

"I must say Brother Photekh, if we do as Brother Ahriman asks this council then a number of resources both material and personnel will be needed for this expedition that may take years or even decades to complete. Such resources may be used in other ways that are far more useful to us now than it is compared to this Portal."

Imonketh Harun, captain of the fifth fellowship said. Finally, after nearly several minutes of back and forth bickering between the brothers, Ahriman snapped and stood and slammed his fist down on the table.

"We have convened for over thirty times! Thirty! Yet you morons have yet to come to the conclusion that this Portal shall be one of, if not, the most important thing in the Imperium barring that of Terra!"

"And must I say again, Brother Ahriman?! Your supposed great ideas and plans have led us on paths that forced us to return to the start! You think your ideas are the only ones good enough to come to the ears of our father! Yet it is your ideas which led us to our current predicament with the Techtites!"

The entire room froze as the psychic energies of the two factions squared off with Ahriman taking advantage over all. The sheer amount of psychic energy nearly slipped out of Magnus' control which would've allowed it to do catastrophic damage to the city. Seeing the situation possibly worsen, the Primarch stepped in.


His voice resounded as it boar the weight of a gravitational force. Now, the room saw its entirety surrounded and filled by the essence of Magnus' psychic power, red it was that one might've thought the room was lit with red lights.

Only a few moments later did Magnus withdraw his essence and retook it into his own. As the silence of the room reigned for over ten seconds, Magnus found it fit to speak.

"You are all my sons. Some loyal to me to a fault, maybe dependent upon my decisions. Others love me yet hold their curiosities above even me. Yet however loyal you are to me, I care not, you are all my sons, of my blood and any who have my blood in their veins shall always have my love."

Some of the captains bowed their heads to their father while others bowed their heads to the surface of the table out of shame for their actions.

"I have made my decision. A contingent of sorcerers shall be sent to my brother's planet and be sent to the Portal as our envoy.

The captain of this envoy shall be Amon'Arekh, a sorcerer I trust shall work well with my brother's sons."

Magnus stood and in succession the captains stood.

"The Council of the Fifteenth has been called and it has answered a question that has plagued my mind.

Return to your duties, my sons, I feel as if fate itself depends on it."